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Arriving at the native conformation of a polypeptide chain characterized by minimum most free energy is a problem of long standing interest in protein structure prediction endeavors. Owing to the computational requirements in developing free energy estimates, scoring functions--energy based or statistical--have received considerable renewed attention in recent years for distinguishing native structures of proteins from non-native like structures. Several cleverly designed decoy sets, CASP (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction) structures and homology based internet accessible three dimensional model builders are now available for validating the scoring functions. We describe here an all-atom energy based empirical scoring function and examine its performance on a wide series of publicly available decoys. Barring two protein sequences where native structure is ranked second and seventh, native is identified as the lowest energy structure in 67 protein sequences from among 61,659 decoys belonging to 12 different decoy sets. We further illustrate a potential application of the scoring function in bracketing native-like structures of two small mixed alpha/beta globular proteins starting from sequence and secondary structural information. The scoring function has been web enabled at www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/utility/proteomics/energy.jsp.  相似文献   
We describe here an energy based computer software suite for narrowing down the search space of tertiary structures of small globular proteins. The protocol comprises eight different computational modules that form an automated pipeline. It combines physics based potentials with biophysical filters to arrive at 10 plausible candidate structures starting from sequence and secondary structure information. The methodology has been validated here on 50 small globular proteins consisting of 2-3 helices and strands with known tertiary structures. For each of these proteins, a structure within 3-6 A RMSD (root mean square deviation) of the native has been obtained in the 10 lowest energy structures. The protocol has been web enabled and is accessible at http://www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/bhageerath.  相似文献   
Biotrophic phytopathogens are typically limited to their adapted host range. In recent decades, investigations have teased apart the general molecular basis of intraspecific variation for innate immunity of plants, typically involving receptor proteins that enable perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns or avirulence elicitors from the pathogen as triggers for defense induction. However, general consensus concerning evolutionary and molecular factors that alter host range across closely related phytopathogen isolates has been more elusive. Here, through genome comparisons and genetic manipulations, we investigate the underlying mechanisms that structure host range across closely related strains of Pseudomonas syringae isolated from different legume hosts. Although type III secretion-independent virulence factors are conserved across these three strains, we find that the presence of two genes encoding type III effectors (hopC1 and hopM1) and the absence of another (avrB2) potentially contribute to host range differences between pathovars glycinea and phaseolicola. These findings reinforce the idea that a complex genetic basis underlies host range evolution in plant pathogens. This complexity is present even in host-microbe interactions featuring relatively little divergence among both hosts and their adapted pathogens.  相似文献   
This study proposes Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as a more sensitive, rapid, non‐destructive and operator‐independent analytical diagnostic method for bladder cancer recurrence from bladder wash than other routinely used urine cytology and cystoscopy methods. A total of 136 patients were recruited. FTIR spectroscopic experiments were carried out as a blind study, the classification results of which were then compared with those of cytology and cystoscopy. Firstly, 71 samples (n = 37; bladder cancer and n = 34; control) were studied with transmittance FTIR spectroscopy. After achieving successful differentiation of the groups, to develop a more rapid diagnostic tool and check the reproducibility of the results, the work was continued with different samples (n = 65 as n = 44; bladder cancer and n = 21; control), using the reflection mode (ATR) of FTIR spectroscopy by a different operator. The results revealed significant alterations in moleculer content in the cancer group. Based on the spectral differences, using transmittance FTIR spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics, the diseased group was successfully differentiated from the control. When only carcinoma group was taken into consideration a sensitivity value of 100% was achieved. Similar results were also obtained by ATR‐FTIR spectroscopy. This study shows the power of infrared spectroscopy in the diagnosis of bladder cancer.


Two highly conserved cationic amphipathic alpha-helical motifs, designated lentivirus lytic peptides 1 and 2 (LLP-1 and LLP-2), have been characterized in the carboxyl terminus of the transmembrane (TM) envelope glycoprotein (Env) of lentiviruses. Although various properties have been attributed to these domains, their structural and functional significance is not clearly understood. To determine the specific contributions of the Env LLP domains to Env expression, processing, and incorporation and to viral replication and syncytium induction, site-directed LLP mutants of a primary dualtropic infectious human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolate (ME46) were examined. Substitutions were made for highly conserved arginine residues in either the LLP-1 or LLP-2 domain (MX1 or MX2, respectively) or in both domains (MX4). The HIV-1 mutants with altered LLP domains demonstrated distinct phenotypes. The LLP-1 mutants (MX1 and MX4) were replication defective and showed an average of 85% decrease in infectivity, which was associated with an evident decrease in gp41 incorporation into virions without a significant decrease in Env expression or processing in transfected 293T cells. In contrast, MX2 virus was replication competent and incorporated a full complement of Env into its virions, indicating a differential role for the LLP-1 domain in Env incorporation. Interestingly, the replication-competent MX2 virus was impaired in its ability to induce syncytia in T-cell lines. This defect in cell-cell fusion did not correlate with apparent defects in the levels of cell surface Env expression, oligomerization, or conformation. The lack of syncytium formation, however, correlated with a decrease of about 90% in MX2 Env fusogenicity compared to that of wild-type Env in quantitative luciferase-based cell-cell fusion assays. The LLP-1 mutant MX1 and MX4 Envs also exhibited an average of 80% decrease in fusogenicity. Altogether, these results demonstrate for the first time that the highly conserved LLP domains perform critical but distinct functions in Env incorporation and fusogenicity.  相似文献   
Dysregulation of cytokines and chemokines during human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection is thought to be critical in the progression of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). To evaluate the potential role of Th1-agonist chemokines in disease progression during AIDS, we assessed CXCL9/MIG and CXCL10/IP-10 expression simultaneously in the periphery and lymphoid tissues of SIV-infected animals at a single-cell level by flow cytometry. We optimized intracellular staining and analysis of CXCL9/MIG and CXCL10/IP-10 production in human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR+ macaque cells by flow cytometry using cross-reactive antibodies against human chemokines. We observed an upregulation of CXCL9/MIG and CXCL10/IP-10 production in both the periphery and lymph nodes of infected animals compared with na?ve controls. Animals with higher viral loads had higher levels of CXCL9/MIG and CXCL10/IP-10 producing cells compared with animals with low viral loads. Analysis of cells bearing the receptor (CXCR3) for CXCL9/MIG and CXCL10/IP-10 revealed increased number of CXCR3+ cells in the lymph nodes of infected animals. Importantly, an inverse correlation (P < 0.05) between CXCL9/MIG and CXCL10/IP-10 production, both in the periphery and lymph nodes, and peripheral CD4+ T-cell numbers was observed. These findings provide further evidence that dysregulation of Th1 agonist chemokines might contribute to the ultimate immunopathology during AIDS.  相似文献   
The bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) is a potent inducer of CTL activity and cytokine production in vivo. Protein A (PA) of Staphylococcal aureus has been found to have diverse biological response modifying properties and to possess antitumor, antitoxic and antiparasitic effects. In this study we examined the anti-tumor effect of these two superantigens used separately as well as in combination in mice carrying the Ehrlich ascites tumor. With combined treatment, DNA cell cycle analysis of tumor cells showed a significant (P < 0.05) percentage of tumor cell death. Levels of the soluble mediators TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-1 as well as NO were elevated. Additionally, CD4(+) and CD8(+) specific T cells in spleen, thymus and PBMC in tumor carrying mice were increased (P < 0.01). Our data altogether suggests that enhanced tumor cell death is caused by the increased CTL activity, cytokine and nitric oxide levels, in response to the combined effect of SEA + PA.  相似文献   
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