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Background:  The role of probiotics in the armamentarium remains to be defined. The aims of this study were to investigate whether the long-time administration of Lactobacillus gasseri OLL2716 (LG21) strain can eradicate H. pylori in asymptomatic pre-school children and/or prevent H. pylori infection.
Methods: A total of 440 children, from 5–7 years of age, attending a kindergarten in Thailand were screened by the Helicobacter pylori stool antigen (HpSA) test. Thereafter 132 H. pylori positive and 308 H. pylori negative children were recruited to eradication and randomized prevention arms, respectively. Children in the active and placebo treatment groups received Lactobacillus gasseri OLL2716 (LG21) containing cheese and ordinary cheese, respectively, for 12 months. Eradication was defined as reversion by HpSA at 12 months. Prevention was defined as persistently HpSA negative at 12 months.
Results:  Eighty-two of 132 H. pylori positive (62%) completed the eradication arm, of which 24 (29.3%) were negative at 12 months according to the HpSA test. In the randomized prevention arm, 123 of 156 (79%) and 99 of 122 (81%) completed active and placebo arms, respectively, of which 4.1% and 8.1%, respectively, were HpSA positive at 12 months based on a per-protocol analysis ( p  = .21).
Conclusion: Further trials are needed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The Bureau of Vector-borne Diseases, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, has implemented an electronic Malaria Information System (eMIS) as part of a strategy to contain artemisinin resistance. The attempt corresponds to the WHO initiative, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to contain anti-malarial drug resistance in Southeast Asia. The main objective of this study was to demonstrate the eMIS' functionality and outputs after implementation for use in the Thailand artemisinin-resistance containment project. METHODS: The eMIS had been functioning since 2009 in seven Thai-Cambodian border provinces. The eMIS has covered 61 malaria posts/clinics, 27 Vector-borne Disease Units covering 12,508 hamlets at risk of malaria infections. The eMIS was designed as an evidence-based and near real-time system to capture data for early case detection, intensive case investigation, monitoring drug compliance and on/off-site tracking of malarial patients, as well as collecting data indicating potential drug resistance among patients. Data captured by the eMIS in 2008-2011 were extracted and presented. RESULTS: The core functionalities of the eMIS have been utilized by malaria staff at all levels, from local operational units to ministerial management. The eMIS case detection module suggested decreasing trends during 2009-2011; the number of malaria cases detected in the project areas over the years studied were 3818, 2695, and 2566, with sero-positive rates of 1.24, 0.98, and 1.16%, respectively. The eMIS case investigation module revealed different trends in weekly Plasmodium falciparum case numbers, when classified by responsible operational unit, local and migrant status, and case-detection type. It was shown that most Thai patients were infected within their own residential district, while migrants were infected either at their working village or from across the border. The data mapped in the system suggested that P. falciparum-infected cases and potential drug-resistant cases were scattered mostly along the border villages. The mobile technology application has detected different follow-up rates, with particularly low rates among seasonal and cross-border migrants. CONCLUSION: The eMIS demonstrated that it could capture essential data from individual malaria cases at local operational units, while effectively being used for situation and trend analysis at upper-management levels. The system provides evidence-based information that could contribute to the control and containment of resistant parasites. Currently, the eMIS is expanding beyond the Thai-Cambodian project areas to the provinces that lie along the Thai-Myanmar border.  相似文献   
Biofilm formation has been demonstrated as a potentially important mechanism contributing to antibiotic treatment failure on Streptococcus pyogenes. It could play a significant role in recurrent and chronic infections. Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb.) Schltr., Eleutherine americana Merr. and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk. have been previously reported from our laboratory as effective agents against S. pyogenes. Therefore, in the present study, we observed the effect of these plants on biofilm formation. The bacterial biofilms were quantified by safranin staining and absorbance at 492 nm. The results clearly demonstrated that all subinhibitory concentrations [1/32-1/2 minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)] of E. americana (7.81-125 microg mL(-1)) and R. tomentosa (0.24-7.81 microg mL(-1)) extracts significantly prevented biofilm formation while 1/2MIC (7.81 microg mL(-1)) of B. pandurata extract produced this effect. The issue of antiquorum sensing of this pathogenic bacterium has been further explored. A correlation between antiquorum-sensing and antibiofilm-producing activities was demonstrated. Strong inhibition on quorum sensing was displayed with the extract of R. tomentosa. Eleutherine americana extract showed partial inhibition, while B. pandurata did not show this activity. By contrast, an assay of microbial adhesion to hydrocarbon revealed no changes in the cell-surface hydrophobicity of the treated organisms. Active organisms with the ability to inhibit quorum sensing and biofilm formation are worth studying as they may provide complimentary medicine for biofilm-associated infections.  相似文献   
A new class of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-targeted therapeutics that is safe, broadly effective and can cope with virus mutations is needed. The HCV''s NS5B is highly conserved and different from human protein, and thus it is an attractive target for anti-HCV therapeutics development. In this study, NS5B bound-phage clones selected from a human single chain variable antibody fragment (scFv) phage display library were used to transform appropriate E. coli bacteria. Two scFv inhibiting HCV polymerase activity were selected. The scFvs were linked to a cell penetrating peptide to make cell penetrable scFvs. The transbodies reduced the HCV RNA and infectious virus particles released into the culture medium and inside hepatic cells transfected with a heterologous HCV replicon. They also rescued the innate immune response of the transfected cells. Phage mimotope search and homology modeling/molecular docking revealed the NS5B subdomains and residues bound by the scFvs. The scFv mimotopes matched residues of the NS5B, which are important for nucleolin binding during HCV replication, as well as residues that interconnect the fingers and thumb domains for forming a polymerase active groove. Both scFvs docked on several residues at the thumb armadillo-like fold that could be the polymerase interactive sites of other viral/host proteins for the formation of the replication complex and replication initiation. In conclusion, human transbodies that inhibited HCV RdRp activity and HCV replication and restored the host innate immune response were produced. They are potentially future interferon-free anti-HCV candidates, particularly in combination with other cognates that are specific to NS5B epitopes and other HCV enzymes.  相似文献   
γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is known as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in human, while in plants, GABA is an intermediate for amino acid metabolism and also is accumulated in response to a wide range of environmental stress. In the present study, GABA accumulation in Aphanothece halophytica was increased 2-fold in mid-log phase cells grown under salt stress (2.0 M NaCl). When mid-log phase cells were subjected to changes in NaCl concentrations and pH for 4 h, the highest GABA accumulation was observed in cells adapted in medium that contained 2.0 M NaCl and that was adjusted to pH 4.0, respectively. The increase of GABA accumulation was accompanied by an increased glutamate decarboxylase activity. Addition of glutamate to growth medium stimulated GABA accumulation under acid stress but had no effect under salt stress. However, the highest GABA accumulation was detected in cells exposed to both high salt and acid stresses combined with the 5 mM glutamate supplementation with an approximately 3-fold increase as compared to the control. The unicellular A. halophytica showed a similarly high content of GABA to that of a filamentous Arthrospira platensis suggesting the possibility of genetic manipulation of the genes of A. halophytica involved in GABA synthesis to increase GABA yield.  相似文献   
Due to chronic morbidity, the risk of increasing drug resistance and the existence of the hypnozoite stage in Plasmodium vivax malaria, there is a need to find out how hosts develop immunity to compromise the malaria parasites. Here we focused on an in vitro model for immunotherapy and vaccine development. Immunosuppressive mechanisms in malaria include inhibition of T cell response and suppression of dendritic cell function. Using in vitro activation of lymphocytes by malaria antigen-pulsed dendritic cells could overcome the limitation of antigen presentation during acute infections. Here we showed that the sporozoite-pulsed dendritic cell could elicit cytotoxicity against liver stage of P. vivax. Analysis using immunophenotypic markers showed maturation of the dendritic cells and stimulation of cytotoxic T cells. Functional assay of the in vitro-activated cytotoxic T cells showed enhancement of specific killing of the P. vivax exoerythrocytic stages within infected hepatocytes. This model may be useful for vaccine development against human malaria.  相似文献   


Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), caused by allopurinol therapy, are strongly associated with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA), HLA-B*5801. Identification of HLA-B*5801 genotype before prescribing allopurinol offers the possibility of avoiding allopurinol-induced SJS/TEN. As there is a paucity of evidence about economic value of such testing, this study aims to determine the cost-effectiveness of HLA-B*5801 testing compared with usual care (no genetic testing) before allopurinol administration in Thailand.

Methods and Finding

A decision analytical and Markov model was used to estimate life time costs and outcomes represented as quality adjusted life years (QALYs) gained. The model was populated with relevant information of the association between gene and allopurinol-induced SJS/TEN, test characteristics, costs, and epidemiologic data for Thailand from a societal perspective. Input data were obtained from the literature and a retrospective database analysis. The results were expressed as incremental cost per QALY gained. A base-case analysis was performed for patients at age 30. A series of sensitivity analyses including scenario, one-way, and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were constructed to explore the robustness of the findings. Based on a hypothetical cohort of 1,000 patients, the incremental total cost was 923,919 THB (USD 29,804) and incremental QALY was 5.89 with an ICER of 156,937.04 THB (USD 5,062) per QALY gained. The cost of gout management, incidence of SJS/TEN, case fatality rate of SJS/TEN, and cost of genetic testing are considered very influential parameters on the cost-effectiveness value of HLA-B*5801 testing.


The genetic testing for HLA-B*5801 before allopurinol administration is considered a highly potential cost-effective intervention in Thailand. The findings are sensitive to a number of factors. In addition to cost-effectiveness findings, consideration of other factors including ethical, legal, and social implications is needed for an informed policy decision making.  相似文献   
The energetics of nitrate uptake by intact cells of the halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica were investigated. Nitrate uptake was inhibited by various protonophores suggesting the coupling of nitrate uptake to the proton motive force. An artificially-generated pH gradient across the membrane (DeltapH) caused an increase of nitrate uptake. In contrast, the suppression of DeltapH resulted in a decrease of nitrate uptake. The increase of external pH also resulted in an enhancement of nitrate uptake. The generation of the electrical potential across the membrane (Deltapsi) resulted in no elevation of the rate of nitrate uptake. On the other hand, the valinomycin-mediated dissipation of Deltapsi caused no depression of the rate of nitrate uptake. Thus, it is unlikely that Deltapsi participated in the energization of the uptake of nitrate. However, Na(+)-gradient across the membrane was suggested to play a role in nitrate uptake since monensin which collapses Na(+)-gradient strongly inhibited nitrate uptake. Exogenously added glucose and lactate stimulated nitrate uptake in the starved cells. N, N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, an inhibitor of ATPase, could alsoinhibit nitrate uptake suggesting that ATP hydrolysis was required for nitrate uptake. All these results indicate that nitrate uptake in A. halophytica is ATP-dependent, driven by DeltapH and Na(+)-gradient.  相似文献   
Snake envenomation has been estimated to affect 1.8 million people annually with about 94,000 deaths mostly in poor tropical countries. Specific antivenoms are the only rational and effective therapy for these cases. Efforts are being made to produce effective, affordable and sufficient antivenoms for these victims. The immunization process, which has rarely been described in detail, is one step that needs to be rigorously studied and improved especially with regard to the production of polyspecific antisera. The polyspecific nature of therapeutic antivenom could obviate the need to identify the culprit snake species. The aim of this study was to produce potent polyspecific antisera against 3 medically important vipers of Thailand and its neighboring countries, namely Cryptelytrops albolabris "White lipped pit viper" (CA), Calleoselasma rhodostoma “Malayan pit viper” (CR), and Daboia siamensis “Russell’s viper” (DS). Four horses were immunized with a mixture of the 3 viper venoms using the ‘low dose, low volume multi-site’ immunization protocol. The antisera showed rapid rise in ELISA titers against the 3 venoms and reached plateau at about the 8th week post-immunization. The in vivo neutralization potency (P) of the antisera against CA, CR and DS venoms was 10.40, 2.42 and 0.76 mg/ml, respectively and was much higher than the minimal potency limits set by Queen Soavabha Memorial Institute (QSMI). The corresponding potency values for the QSMI monospecific antisera against CA, CR and DS venoms were 7.28, 3.12 and 1.50 mg/ml, respectively. The polyspecific antisera also effectively neutralized the procoagulant, hemorrhagic, necrotic and nephrotoxic activities of the viper venoms. This effective immunization protocol should be useful in the production of potent polyspecific antisera against snake venoms, and equine antisera against tetanus, diphtheria or rabies.  相似文献   
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