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Polyribosomes isolated from herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1)-infected cells have been used to program a eucaryotic cell-free translation system. At least 10 HSV-specific polypeptides, with apparent molecular weights of 25,000 to 160,000, are synthesized by wild-type HSV-infected polyribosomes. Polyribosomes prepared from thymidine kinase-negative mutants of HSV direct the synthesis of three putative nonsense termination polypeptides. HSV-specific polypeptides synthesized in vitro are precipitated with antiserum to HSV-infected cell proteins.  相似文献   
We have used the HLA-C-specific DNA probe pC250 to investigate restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the HLA-C locus. Genomic Southern blot hybridization included DNA prepared from a panel of homozygous typing cells representing serological specificities Cw1 to Cw8 and also from samples representing Cw blanks. Although many restriction nucleases failed to reveal any polymorphism, RFLPs were evident with Taq I, Pvu II, Bst XI, Nde 1, and Nci I in addition to the previously reported Eco RI. In the case of Bst XI, a unique RFLP defined a subset of serologically defined Cw blanks. Comparison of RFLP sizes with restriction fragment lengths obtained from the known HLA-Cw3 gene sequence permitted the localization of intragenic C locus RFLLs and the identification of a variable Taq I site in the second intron, a variable Nci I site near the end of the fourth exon, and a variable Pvu lI site in the fifth intron.  相似文献   
This report is an analysis of cross-hybridizing sequences found within the 28 superhelical (SH) DNAs of the multipartite genome of the polydnavirus Campoletis sonorensis virus (CsV). A Southern cross-blot hybridization analysis showed that the majority of CsV EcoRI restriction fragments cross-hybridize to multiple EcoRI fragments. These sequence homologies were analyzed by hybridizing recombinant clones of the CsV SH DNAs B, H, M, and O1 to Southern blots of undigested CsV DNA, using different hybridization stringencies. The results indicated that homologous regions among the SH DNAs include closely related sequences that are detectable under stringent conditions and related but more diverged sequences which are only detectable under reduced stringencies. A sequence that hybridized to the majority of the CsV SH DNAs was identified and subcloned from the SH DNAs O1, H, and B. Nucleotide sequence data revealed that these homologous regions contained a family of imperfectly conserved repeated elements. These repeat elements were arranged singly or in direct tandem arrays and had an average length of 540 base pairs. Within the sequenced regions that contained the repeated elements six putative open reading frames were identified. These results show that the CsV genome consists of SH DNAs with complex sequence interrelationships that may have arisen due to multiple recombinational events.  相似文献   
In plasmid NR1 the expression of genes involved in mercury resistance (Tn21) is regulated by the trans-acting product of the merR gene. An in vivo T7 RNA polymerase-promoter overexpression system was used to detect a protein of approximately 16,000 daltons encoded by the merR reading frame. Overexpressed MerR constituted about 5% of labeled proteins. An in vitro MerR-mer-op (mer-op is the mer operator and promoter region) gel electrophoresis binding assay established that the binding site for MerR was located between the putative -35 and -10 sequences of the promoter for the mer structural genes. A nonsense mutation in the carboxyl half of MerR resulted in the loss of biological function and the loss of in vitro mer-op binding properties.  相似文献   
A method was developed for radiolabeling excitatory amino acid receptors of rat brain with L-[3H]glutamate. Effective labeling of glutamate receptors in slide-mounted 10-microns sections was obtained using a low incubation volume (0.15 ml) and rapid washing: a procedure where high ligand concentrations were achieved with minimal waste. Saturation experiments using [3H]glutamate revealed a single binding site of micromolar affinity. The Bmax was trebled in the presence of Ca2+ (2.5 mM) and Cl- (20 mM) with no change in the Kd. Binding was rapid, saturable, stereospecific, and sensitive to glutamate receptor agonists. The proportions of [3H]glutamate binding sensitive to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), kainate, and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) were 34, 54, and 51%, respectively. NMDA inhibited binding at a distinct subset of L-[3H]glutamate sites, whereas AMPA and kainate competed for some common sites. Labeling of sections with L-[3H]glutamate in the presence of the selective agonists allowed autoradiographic visualization of glutamate receptor subtypes in brain tissue.  相似文献   
We have identified early embryo proteins related to the segmentation gene Krüppel by [35S]methionine pulse labelling and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Protein synthesis differences shared by homozygous embryos of two Krüppel alleles when compared to heterozygous and wild-type embryos are reported. The study was extended to syncytial blastoderm stages by pulse labelling and gel analysis of single embryos, using Krüppel-specific proteins from gastrula stages as molecular markers for identifying homozygous Krüppel embryos. Localized expression of interesting proteins was examined in embryo fragments. The earliest differences detected at nuclear migration stages showed unregulated synthesis in mutant embryos of two proteins that have stage specific synthesis in normal embryos. At the cellular blastoderm stage one protein was not synthesized and two proteins showed apparent shifts in isoelectric point in mutant embryos. Differences observed in older embryos included additional proteins with shifted isoelectric points and a number of qualitative and quantitative changes in protein synthesis. Five of the proteins with altered rates of synthesis in mutant embryos showed localized synthesis in normal embryos. The early effects observed are consistent with the hypothesis that the Krüppel product can be a negative or positive regulator of expression of other loci, while blastoderm and gastrula stage shifts in isoelectric point indicate that a secondary effect of Krüppel function may involve post-translational modification of proteins.  相似文献   
Summary Five species of antarctic fishes can be arranged in order of increasing anaerobic capacity of the white muscles for burst swimming: Rhigophila dearborni (Zoarcidae), icefish (Channichthyidae), Dissostichus mawsoni, Trematomus centronotus, and Pagothenia borchgrevinki (Nototheniidae). This order reflects increasing dependence on anaerobic work done during short bursts of speed during prey capture or predator avoidance. Buffer capacity () for white muscle was lower than that of behaviourally equivalent fish from lower latitudes and is itself temperature-dependent.  相似文献   
We analyze a disturbed form of the general Lotka-Volterra model of an ecosystem with m interacting species. The disturbances act on the intrinsic growth rates of the species and are assumed to be bounded but otherwise unknown. We employ a Lyapunov technique and the concept of "reachable set" from control theory to estimate the set of all possible population densities that are attainable as a result of the disturbances. To calculate estimates for this reachable set, a number of numerical methods that entail the solution to one or more global optimization problems are developed. Specific examples involving two, three, and four species are solved. We also derive an explicit analytical expression that represents an estimate for the reachable set in the m-dimensional case. The estimate is conservative but can be evaluated without carrying out any optimization procedure. We show that methods developed in this paper can be applied to certain other types of nonlinear ecosystem models.  相似文献   
Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS), a disorder manifesting the severe brain malformation lissencephaly ("smooth brain"), is caused, in the majority of cases, by a chromosomal microdeletion of the distal short arm of chromosome 17. Using human chromosome 17-specific DNA probes, we have begun a molecular dissection of the critical region for MDS. To localize cloned DNA sequences to the MDS critical region, a human-rodent somatic cell hybrid panel was constructed which includes hybrids containing the abnormal chromosome 17 from three MDS patients with deletions of various sizes. Three genes (myosin heavy chain 2, tumor antigen p53, and RNA polymerase II) previously mapped to 17p were excluded from the MDS deletion region and therefore are unlikely to play a role in its pathogenesis. In contrast, three highly polymorphic anonymous probes, YNZ22.1 (D17S5), YNH37.3 (D17S28), and 144-D6 (D17S34), were deleted in each of four patients with visible deletions, including one with a ring chromosome 17 that is deleted for a portion of the single telomeric prometaphase subband p13.3. In two MDS patients with normal chromosomes, a combination of somatic cell hybrid, RFLP, and densitometric studies demonstrated deletion for YNZ22.1 and YNH37.3 in the paternally derived 17's of both patients, one of whom is also deleted for 144-D6. The results indicate that MDS can be caused by submicroscopic deletion and raises the possibility that all MDS patients will prove to have deletions at a molecular level. The two probes lie within a critical region of less than 3,000 kb and constitute potential starting points in the isolation of genes implicated in the severe brain maldevelopment in MDS.  相似文献   
A novel sperm-coating antigen from the human seminal vesicles was discovered. We identified a monoclonal antibody MHS-5, recognizing an epitope with characteristics of a forensic semen marker: conservation in all vasectomized or normal semen samples tested (421); absence in all human tissues or biological fluids other than semen; and immunolocalization on the surface of ejaculated sperm. Western blots of ejaculates allowed to liquefy for 5 min demonstrated the MHS-5 epitope to be located on peptides of a wide range of molecular masses from 69 to 8 kDa. After 15 h of semen liquefaction, immunoreaction peptides of higher molecular mass were undetectable in semen, while peptides of lower molecular mass from 8 to 21 kDa retained antigenicity. Three peptides of 10, 11.9, and 13.7 kDa were the most immunoreactive species in semen liquified for 15 h. Using the MHS-5 monoclonal, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed sensitive to 1 ng of seminal protein. This assay showed that the MHS-5 antigen was undetectable in semen of common domestic animals and monkeys but was present in chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan semen. ELISA of homogenates from human organs and reproductive tissues demonstrated the antigen only in samples of seminal vesicles. Epididymal sperm obtained at vasovasostomy lacked the MHS-5 epitope, a fact that, together with immunolocalization on ejaculated sperm, demonstrated that the MHS-5 antigen functions as a "sperm-coating antigen." The MHS-5 monoclonal detected semen in sexual-assault evidence obtained six months previously and in mixtures of semen with vaginal or cervical fluid. Assay systems employing the MHS-5 monoclonal may be useful for identification of semen in sexual-assault casework. The MHS-5 epitope resides on novel seminal vesicle-specific peptides whose functions, aside from sperm coating, are uncharacterized.  相似文献   
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