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R S Martin  T J Marrie  L Best  R K Sumarah  R Peppard 《CMAJ》1984,131(9):1085-1087
Legionella pneumophila is rarely isolated from blood cultures. Presently most cases of Legionnaires'' disease are diagnosed retrospectively from the results of indirect fluorescent antibody tests, which possess inherent disadvantages. An 81-year-old woman with a history of diabetes mellitus presented symptoms of Legionnaires'' disease. Five hours before her death 1.5 mL of blood was withdrawn from a scalp vein and seeded to a culture medium. Following incubation for 3 days L. pneumophila serotype 1 was isolated.  相似文献   


Ultrasonography (US) might have an added value to clinical examination in diagnosing early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and assessing remission of RA. We aimed to clarify the added value of US in RA in these situations performing a systematic review.


A systematic literature search was performed for RA, US, diagnosis and remission. Methodological quality was assessed; the wide variability in the design of studies prohibited pooling of results.


Six papers on the added value of US diagnosing early RA were found, in which at least bilateral metacarpophalangeal (MCP), wrists and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints were scanned. Compared to clinical examination, US was superior with regard to detecting synovitis and predicting progression to persistent arthritis or RA. Eleven papers on assessing remission were identified, in which at least the wrist and the MCP joints of the dominant hand were scanned. Often US detected inflammation in patients clinically in remission, irrespective of the remission criteria used. Power Doppler signs of synovitis predicted X-ray progression and future flare in patients clinically in remission.


US appears to have added value to clinical examination for diagnosing of RA when scanning at least MCP, wrist and MTP joints, and, when evaluating remission of RA, scanning at least wrist and MCP joints of the dominant hand. For both purposes primarily power Doppler US might be used since its results are less equivocal than those of greyscale US.  相似文献   
Dark septate fungal root endophytes of the Phialocephala fortinii s.l.–Acephala applanata species complex (PAC) are widely distributed throughout the temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Previous studies have shown that some PAC members are pathogenic, others suppress oomycete root pathogens and some have no obvious effect on their Norway spruce (Picea abies) host. The activity of 85 PAC isolates against Phytophthora citricola s.l. was investigated by co-culture on plates. We identified a strain of Phialocephala europaea that significantly reduced the growth of P. citricola in vitro. Characterization of its extracellular metabolites resulted in the identification of four major compounds, sclerin, sclerolide, sclerotinin A, and sclerotinin B. These compounds are known for their positive as well as negative effects on plant growth. We found that sclerin and sclerotinin inhibited the growth of P. citricola in vitro at 150 μg ml?1 (~1 mM). This is the first report of their production by Phialocephala and of activity of these compounds against an oomycete. Therefore, our data suggest that some PAC might reduce disease resulting from P. citricola by the production of antibiotics and plant growth promoting metabolites.  相似文献   
The extracts of a selection of 150 foliar fungal endophytes isolated from Picea rubens (red spruce) needles were screened by LC-MS and assayed for toxicity. Three of these strains that were toxic to the forest pest Choristoneura fumiferana (eastern spruce budworm) in dietary bioassays were selected for further study. Their culture extracts were analyzed by LC-NMR spectroscopy, and the major metabolites were isolated by LC-MS-SPE or PTLC/column chromatography and characterized. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses including 2D NMR, HRMS and by comparison to literature data. Compounds 1 and 5-7 are hitherto unknown whereas compounds 2 and 3 are natural products described for the first time. Compound 4 is reported for the first time as a fungal metabolite and 8-9 were identified as known fungal metabolites in genera.  相似文献   
Penicillium roqueforti, P. crustosum and P. paneum grow on ensiled grain and recycled feed unless properly treated. The former two species occur also on cut lumber in Canada. These are known to produce a number of secondary metabolites including roquefortine. In cooler dairy production areas, including Scandinavia and North America, cattle toxicosis has been associated with silage contaminated by these fungi. We collected strains associated with cow or cattle toxicoses. The principal metabolites were determined making use of a new extraction method and analysis combining HPLC, LC/MS/MS, and LC/NMR. Penicillium roqueforti and P. crustosum required amino acid nitrogen for metabolite formation and their toxins were formed under conditions of low oxygen (20–30% saturation). Production of roquefortine C occurred on depletion of the available nitrogen and penitrem A on depletion of carbon source. Yield was reduced by excess carbon. Medium osmotic tension (aw) affected metabolite production by the two species differently. Penicillium paneum was associated with ill-thrift of dairy cows and P. roqueforti was associated with more serious symptoms. Our data suggest a physiological basis for the common occurrence of roquefortine C in silage without serious consequences and the alternative, the presence of roquefortine C and toxicoses. The strain isolated from lumber was the best producer of the toxins studied. This is the first report of the toxigenic potential of P. roqueforti and P. paneum from Canada.  相似文献   
We have studied Picea glauca (white spruce) endophyte colonization and its affect on the growth of Choristoneura fumiferana (spruce budworm). Here we examine the spread and persistence of a rugulosin-producing endophyte and rugulosin in needles from trees maintained in the nursery, as well as in trees planted in a test field site. Additionally, we report toxicity of rugulosin against three P. glauca needle herbivores: C. fumiferana, Lambdina fiscellaria (hemlock looper) and Zeiraphera canadensis (spruce budmoth). Reduction in body weight for both the C. fumiferana and L. fiscellaria were observed at 25 and 50 μm, respectively, and head capsules were reduced at 100 and 150 μm. Z. canadensis larvae did not perform as well in tests due to an Aspergillus fumigatus infection, but were shown to be lighter when tested with 100 and 150 μm compared with controls. The endophyte and its toxin were shown to spread throughout the nursery-grown seedlings. After 3.5 and 4.5 y post-inoculation (one and two years in the test site), the inoculated endophyte and its toxin had remained present with an average rugulosin concentration of 1 μg g−1.  相似文献   
The plant parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii invades the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana to induce nematode feeding structures in the central cylinder. During nematode development, the parasites feed exclusively from these structures. Thus, high sugar import and specific sugar processing of the affected plant cells is crucial for nematode development. In the present work, we found starch accumulation in nematode feeding structures and therefore studied the expression genes involved in the starch metabolic pathway. The importance of starch synthesis was further shown using the Atss1 mutant line. As it is rather surprising to find starch accumulation in cells characterised by a high nutrient loss, we speculate that starch serves as long- and short-term carbohydrate storage to compensate the staggering feeding behaviour of the parasites.Key words: Heterodera schachtii, Arabidopsis, nematode, starch metabolism, syncytiaThe obligate plant parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii is entirely dependent on a system of nutrient supply provided by the plant. Host plants—among those the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana—have to endure invasion of second stage juveniles and the establishment of nematode feeding structures in the plant''s vascular cylinder. For induction of the specific feeding structures, the juveniles pierce one single plant cell with their stylet and inject secretions, thus triggering the formation of a syncytium by local cell walls dissolutions.1 Further, the central vacuole of the syncytial cells disintegrates, nuclei enlarge and many organelles proliferate.1 About 24 hours after feeding site induction, the nematode juveniles start feeding in repetitive cycles.2 Syncytia have previously been described as strong sinks in the plant''s transport system.3 Thus, in the recent years several studies were carried out to discover solute supply to syncytial cells.47 To our present knowledge, syncytia are symplasmically isolated in the first days of nematode development. During that period, the nematodes depend on transport protein activity in the syncytia plasmamembranes. At later stages plasmodesmata appear to open to the phloem elements, facilitating symplasmic transport.Incoming solutes may either be taken up by the feeding nematode or are synthesised and catalysed by the syncytium''s metabolism. Due to the microscopically observable high density of the cytosol1 and the increased osmotic pressure,8 syncytia appear to accumulate high solute concentrations. In fact, significantly increased sucrose levels have been found in syncytia in comparison to non-infected control roots.7 In case of high sugar levels, plant cells generally synthesize starch in order to reduce emerging osmotic stress.9 The aim of the work of Hofmann et al.,10 was to elucidate if starch is utilised as carbohydrate storage in nematode-induced syncytia and to study expression of genes involved in starch metabolism with an emphasis on nematode development.Starch levels of nematode induced syncytia and roots of non-infected plants grown on sand/soil culture were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed a high accumulation of starch in syncytia that was steadily decreasing during nematode development. The accumulation of starch could further be localised within syncytial cells by electron microscopy. Based on these results, we studied the gene expression of the starch metabolic pathway by Affymetrix gene chip analysis. About half of the 56 involved genes were significantly upregulated in syncytia compared to the control and only two genes were significantly downregulated. Thus, the high induction of the gene expression is consistent with the high starch accumulation. Finally, we applied an Arabidopsis mutant line lacking starch synthase I expression that has been described previously.11 Starch synthase I was the second highest upregulated gene in syncytia. It catalyses the linkage of ADP-glucose to the non-reducing end of an a-glucan, forming the linear glucose chains of amylopectin. In a nematode infection assay we were able to prove the significant importance of the gene for nematode development.With the presented results, we can unambiguously prove the accumulation of starch and the induction of the gene expression of the starch metabolic pathway in nematode-induced syncytia. The primary question however is: why do syncytia accumulate soluble sugars and starch although their metabolism is highly induced and nematodes withdraw solutes during continuously repeating feeding cycles?One explanation may be found where least expected—in nematode feeding. It is the feeding activity that induced solute import mechanisms into syncytia resulting in a newly formed sink tissue. However, during moulting events to the third, the fourth juvenile stage and to the adult stage nematodes interrupt feeding for about 20 hours.2 During this period sugar supply mechanisms will most probably not be altered thus leading to increasing levels of sugars in the syncytium. Starch may serve as short-term carbohydrate buffering sugar excess. Further, starch may serve as long-term carbohydrate storage during nematode development. In the early stages of juvenile development nematodes withdraw considerably small quantities (about 0,8-times the syncytium volume a day).12 At later stages, nutrient demand increases so that adult fertilised females require 4-times the syncytium volume per day in order to accomplish egg production.12 Thus, excessive sugar supply in the first days may be accumulated as starch that gets degraded at later stages when more energy is required from the parasites. Consequently, starch reserve serves as both short-term and long-term carbohydrate storage in nematode-induced syncytia in order to buffer changing feeding pattern of the parasites.? Open in a separate windowFigure 1Arabidopsis wild-type Columbia-0 plants were grown in sand/soil culture. Nematode-induced syncytia and non-infected control roots were harvested at 10, 15 and 20 days after inoculation (dai) and starch content was measured as glucose (Glc) equivalents. Values are means ± SE, n = 3. Different letters indicate significant variations (p < 0.05). © ASPBOpen in a separate windowFigure 2Transmission electron microscope picture of a cross-section of a syncytium associated with female fourth stage juvenile (H. schachtii) induced in roots of Arabidopsis. Bar = 2 µm. S, syncytium; Se, sieve tube; arrow, plastid; asterisk, starch granule. © ASPB  相似文献   
A lactobacilli dominated microbiota in most pre and post-menopausal women is an indicator of vaginal health. The objective of this double blinded, placebo-controlled crossover study was to evaluate in 14 post-menopausal women with an intermediate Nugent score, the effect of 3 days of vaginal administration of probiotic L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14 (2.5×109 CFU each) on the microbiota and host response. The probiotic treatment did not result in an improved Nugent score when compared to when placebo. Analysis using 16S rRNA sequencing and metabolomics profiling revealed that the relative abundance of Lactobacillus was increased following probiotic administration as compared to placebo, which was weakly associated with an increase in lactate levels. A decrease in Atopobium was also observed. Analysis of host responses by microarray showed the probiotics had an immune-modulatory response including effects on pattern recognition receptors such as TLR2 while also affecting epithelial barrier function. This is the first study to use an interactomic approach for the study of vaginal probiotic administration in post-menopausal women. It shows that in some cases multifaceted approaches are required to detect the subtle molecular changes induced by the host to instillation of probiotic strains.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02139839  相似文献   


Improvement of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) during pregnancy has been causatively associated with increased galactosylation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) N-glycans. Since previous studies were small, did not include the postpartum flare and did not study sialylation, these issues were addressed in the present study.  相似文献   
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