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The B10.STA62 strain carries the H-2 w27 haplotype derived from a wild mouse captured in the vicinity of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Products of two class II loci composing this haplotype, A and A , are serologically, biochemically (by tryptic peptide mapping), and functionally indistinguishable from products controlled by the A b and A /b genes of the B10.A(5R) strain. In contrast, the polypeptide chain controlled by the third class II locus, E , is different from that controlled by the E /b gene. This E /w27 chain lacks an antigenic determinant present on the Eb molecule and carries determinants lacking on the Eb molecule, the E /b and E /w27 peptide maps differ in at least six peptides, and cytotoxic T cells specific for the E b chains do not react with B10.STA62 target cells. This great difference between the E /b and E /w27 chains suggests that the corresponding genes have not been derived from one another by a direct mutational conversion; instead, H-2 w27 appears to be a recombinant haplotype derived by crossing-over between the A A duplex and the E locus. This is the first recombinant discovered separating these class II loci.  相似文献   
Protein phosphorylation mediates essentially all aspects of cellular life. In humans, this is achieved by ∼500 kinases, each recognizing a specific consensus motif (CM) in the substrates. The majority of CMs are surface-exposed and are thought to be accessible to kinases for phosphorylation. Here we investigated the archetypical protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated phosphorylation of filamin, a major cytoskeletal protein that can adopt an autoinhibited conformation. Surprisingly, autoinhibited filamin is refractory to phosphorylation by PKA on a known Ser2152 site despite its CM being exposed and the corresponding isolated peptide being readily phosphorylated. Structural analysis revealed that although the CM fits into the PKA active site its surrounding regions sterically clash with the kinase. However, upon ligand binding, filamin undergoes a conformational adjustment, allowing rapid phosphorylation on Ser2152. These data uncover a novel ligand-induced conformational switch to trigger filamin phosphorylation. They further suggest a substrate shape-dependent filtering mechanism that channels specific exposed CM/kinase recognition in diverse signaling responses.  相似文献   
Topical medication remains the first line treatment of glaucoma; however, sustained ocular drug delivery via topical administration is difficult to achieve. Most drugs have poor penetration due to the multiple physiological barriers of the eye and are rapidly cleared if applied topically. Currently, daily topical administration for lowering the intra-ocular pressure (IOP), has many limitations, such as poor patient compliance and ocular allergy from repeated drug administration. Poor compliance leads to suboptimal control of IOP and disease progression with eventual blindness. The delivery of drugs in a sustained manner could provide the patient with a more attractive alternative by providing optimal therapeutic dosing, with minimal local toxicity and inconvenience. To investigate this, we incorporated latanoprost into LUVs (large unilamellar vesicles) derived from the liposome of DPPC (di-palmitoyl-phosphatidyl-choline) by the film hydration technique. Relatively high amounts of drug could be incorporated into this vesicle, and the drug resides predominantly in the bilayer. Vesicle stability monitored by size measurement and DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) analysis showed that formulations with a drug/lipid mole ratio of about 10% have good physical stability during storage and release. This formulation demonstrated sustained release of latanoprost in vitro, and then tested for efficacy in 23 rabbits. Subconjunctival injection and topical eye drop administration of the latanoprost/liposomal formulation were compared with conventional daily administration of latanoprost eye drops. The IOP lowering effect with a single subconjunctival injection was shown to be sustained for up to 50 days, and the extent of IOP lowering was comparable to daily eye drop administration. Toxicity and localized inflammation were not observed in any treatment groups. We believe that this is the first demonstration, in vivo, of sustained delivery to the anterior segment of the eye that is safe and efficacious for 50 days.  相似文献   
An effort was made in the present study to identify the main effect and epistatic quantitative trait locus (QTL) for the morphological and yield-related traits in peanut. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from TAG 24 × GPBD 4 was phenotyped in seven environments at two locations. QTL analysis with available genetic map identified 62 main-effect QTLs (M-QTLs) for ten morphological and yield-related traits with the phenotypic variance explained (PVE) of 3.84–15.06%. Six major QTLs (PVE >?10%) were detected for PLHT, PPP, YPP, and SLNG. Stable M-QTLs appearing in at least two environments were detected for PLHT, LLN, YPP, YKGH, and HSW. Five M-QTLs governed two traits each, and 16 genomic regions showed co-localization of two to four M-QTLs. Intriguingly, a major QTL reported to be linked to rust resistance showed pleiotropic effect for yield-attributing traits like YPP (15.06%, PVE) and SLNG (13.40%, PVE). Of the 24 epistatic interactions identified across the traits, five interactions involved six M-QTLs. Three interactions were additive × additive and remaining two involved QTL × environment (QE) interactions. Only one major M-QTL governing PLHT showed epistatic interaction. Overall, this study identified the major M-QTLs for the important productivity traits and also described the lack of epistatic interactions for majority of them so that they can be conveniently employed in peanut breeding.  相似文献   
FimH, the adhesive subunit of type 1 fimbriae expressed by many enterobacteria, mediates mannose-sensitive binding to target host cells. At the same time, fine receptor-structural specificities of FimH from different species can be substantially different, affecting bacterial tissue tropism and, as a result, the role of the particular fimbriae in pathogenesis. In this study, we compared functional properties of the FimH proteins from Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, which are both 279 amino acids in length but differ by some ∼15% of residues. We show that K. pneumoniae FimH is unable to mediate adhesion in a monomannose-specific manner via terminally exposed Manα(1-2) residues in N-linked oligosaccharides, which are the structural basis of the tropism of E. coli FimH for uroepithelial cells. However, K. pneumoniae FimH can bind to the terminally exposed Manα(1-3)Manβ(1-4)GlcNAcβ1 trisaccharide, though only in a shear-dependent manner, wherein the binding is marginal at low shear force but enhanced sevenfold under increased shear. A single mutation in the K. pneumoniae FimH, S62A, converts the mode of binding from shear dependent to shear independent. This mutation has occurred naturally in the course of endemic circulation of a nosocomial uropathogenic clone and is identical to a pathogenicity-adaptive mutation found in highly virulent uropathogenic strains of E. coli, in which it also eliminates the dependence of E. coli binding on shear. The shear-dependent binding properties of the K. pneumoniae and E. coli FimH proteins are mediated via an allosteric catch bond mechanism. Thus, despite differences in FimH structure and fine receptor specificity, the shear-dependent nature of FimH-mediated adhesion is highly conserved between bacterial species, supporting its remarkable physiological significance.The most common type of adhesive organelle in the Enterobacteriaceae is the type 1 fimbria, which has been most extensively studied in Escherichia coli. The corresponding structures of Klebsiella pneumoniae are similar to those of E. coli with regard to genetic composition and regulation (15). Type 1 fimbriae are composed primarily of the structural subunit FimA, with minor amounts of three ancillary subunits, FimF, FimG, and the mannose-specific adhesin FimH. The FimH adhesin is an allosteric protein that mediates the catch bond mechanism of adhesion where the binding is increased under increased shear stress (48).It has been demonstrated in E. coli that FimH has two domains, the mannose-binding lectin domain (from amino acid [aa] 1 through 156) and the fimbria-incorporating pilin domain (from aa 160 through 279), connected via a 3-aa-long linker chain (6). A mannose-binding site is located at the top of the lectin domain, at the opposite end from the interdomain linker (17).Several studies have demonstrated that type 1 fimbriae play an important role in E. coli urinary tract infection (UTI) (7, 21, 23, 35). In addition, in urinary E. coli isolates, the FimH adhesin accumulates amino acid replacements which increase tropism for the uroepithelium and various components of basement membranes (21, 30, 35, 37, 49). Most of the replacements increase the monomannose binding capability of FimH under low shear, by altering allosteric catch bond properties of the protein (48). The mutated FimH variants were shown to provide an advantage in colonization of the urinary tract in the mouse model (35) and correlate with the overall extraintestinal virulence of E. coli (16). Thus, FimH mutations are pathoadaptive in nature.Klebsiella pneumoniae is recognized as an important opportunistic pathogen frequently causing UTIs, septicemia, or pneumonia in immunocompromised individuals (29). It is responsible for up to 10% of all nosocomial bacterial infections (18, 41). K. pneumoniae is ubiquitous in nature, and it has been shown that environmental isolates are phenotypically indistinguishable from clinical isolates (22, 26, 27, 29, 33). Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that environmental isolates of K. pneumoniae are as virulent as clinical isolates (28, 45).K. pneumoniae possesses a number of known virulence factors, including a pronounced capsule, type 3 fimbriae, and type 1 fimbriae (29, 44). Type 1 fimbriae produced by K. pneumoniae are described as functionally and structurally similar to type 1 fimbriae from E. coli (25) and have been shown to play a significant role in K. pneumoniae UTI (32, 43).We have previously shown that mature FimH from 54 isolates of K. pneumoniae (isolated from urine, blood, liver, and the environment) is represented by seven protein variants due to point amino acid replacements. (42) When K. pneumoniae FimH was aligned with the FimH of E. coli, they showed ∼85% similarity at the amino acid level. Furthermore, a majority (14 out of 21 isolates) of the K. pneumoniae strains isolated from patients with UTI grouped into a single clonal group based on multilocus sequence typing, but fimH in one isolate in the group differed from the others by a single nucleotide mutation resulting in an amino acid change, serine to alanine, in position 62 (42). The same mutation has been found in FimH of a highly uropathogenic clone of E. coli and significantly increases the adhesin''s ability to adhere to monomannose under low or no shear (19, 39, 50).In this study, we describe the extent and pattern of structural variability of the FimH protein from K. pneumoniae and perform comparative analyses of the functional properties of FimH from both K. pneumonae and E. coli.  相似文献   
Only a few genetic maps based on recombinant inbred line (RIL) and backcross (BC) populations have been developed for tetraploid groundnut. The marker density, however, is not very satisfactory especially in the context of large genome size (2800 Mb/1C) and 20 linkage groups (LGs). Therefore, using marker segregation data for 10 RILs and one BC population from the international groundnut community, with the help of common markers across different populations, a reference consensus genetic map has been developed. This map is comprised of 897 marker loci including 895 simple sequence repeat (SSR) and 2 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) loci distributed on 20 LGs (a01-a10 and b01-b10) spanning a map distance of 3, 863.6 cM with an average map density of 4.4 cM. The highest numbers of markers (70) were integrated on a01 and the least number of markers (21) on b09. The marker density, however, was lowest (6.4 cM) on a08 and highest (2.5 cM) on a01. The reference consensus map has been divided into 20 cM long 203 BINs. These BINs carry 1 (a10_02, a10_08 and a10_09) to 20 (a10_04) loci with an average of 4 marker loci per BIN. Although the polymorphism information content (PIC) value was available for 526 markers in 190 BINs, 36 and 111 BINs have at least one marker with >0.70 and >0.50 PIC values, respectively. This information will be useful for selecting highly informative and uniformly distributed markers for developing new genetic maps, background selection and diversity analysis. Most importantly, this reference consensus map will serve as a reliable reference for aligning new genetic and physical maps, performing QTL analysis in a multi-populations design, evaluating the genetic background effect on QTL expression, and serving other genetic and molecular breeding activities in groundnut.  相似文献   
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