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The distributions of trace elements in Shield, Ace and Burton Lakes of the Vestfold Hills were investigated. Three aspects are discussed as follows: (1) the vertical distribution of 18 trace elements in the three lakes, (2) the behaviour of trace elements in the lakes, especially that of manganese in Shield Lake, and (3) the origin of trace elements in antarctic saline lakes.High concentrations of trace elements were found in these coastal saline lakes, when compared to open ocean water.We suggest that the peak of total extractable manganese, found at 20 m in Shield Lake, was related to the oxic/anoxic water interface brought about by microbiological activity. Solid phase manganese at the upper oxic layer may have precipitated and then reached the anoxic boundary to be there reduced to manganese ion. This dissolved manganese may then have diffused upwards to be reoxidized to a solid form. This cycle, repeated many times, may have produced the Mn profile.The alkali, alkaline earth elements and Cl were probably derived from relict seawater. Other elements were present in similar concentration ratios to those of South Polar aerosols. Residence time calculations indicate that fallout of aerosol particles, themselves derived from various sources, is capable of accounting for the measured concentrations of some trace elements in Shield Lake. This source of trace elements may be significant for other antarctic saline lakes.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of 12 weeks of aerobic exercise plus voluntary food restriction on the body composition, resting metabolic rate (RMR) and aerobic fitness of mildly obese middle-aged women. The subjects were randomly assigned to exercise/diet (n = 17) or control (n = 15) groups. The exercise/diet group participated in an aerobic training programme, 45–60 min · day –1 at 50%–60% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), 3–4 days · week–1, and also adopted a self-regulated energy deficit relative to predicted energy requirements (–1.05 MJ · day –1 to –1.14 MJ · day –1 ). After the regimen had been followed for 12 weeks, the body mass of the subjects had decreased by an average of 4.5 kg, due mainly to fat loss, with little change of fat free mass (m ff). The absolute RMR did not change, but the experimental group showed significant increases in the RMR per unit of body mass (10%) and the RMR per unit of m ff (4%). The increase in RMR/m ff was not correlated with any increase in VO2max/m ff. The resting heat production per unit of essential body mass increased by an average of 21%, but the resting heat production rate per unit of fat tissue mass remained unchanged. We concluded that aerobic exercise enhances the effect of moderate dietary restriction by augmenting the metabolic activity of lean tissue.  相似文献   
Evolution of HCN from both rice ( Oryza sativa ) and cocklebur ( Xanthium pennsylvanicum ) seeds increased during a pre-germination period and preceded the evolution of (C2H4). These two species were adopted as the representatives of starchy and fatty seeds, respectively. Ethylene promotes seed germination of many species. However, HCN evolution declined abruptly when the radicles emerged and before the peak in C2H4 evolution. More-over, both rice and soybean ( Glycine max ) seeds showed some activity of β-cyanoalanine synthase (CAS, EC even in the unimbibed dry state. The activities of CAS in the lower seed of cocklebur and in soybean seeds increased rapidly after emergence of the radicle. However, the CAS of rice seeds, with high activity in the dry state, exhibited a bimodal change, gradually decreasing until radicle emergence had occurred, but then increaing. It is thus likly that HCN evolution during initial imbibition may be derived from cyanogenic reserves and controlled by both pre-existing and subsequently-developing CAS. The exogenous application of C2H4 stimulated the activities of CAS in both rice and upper cocklebur seeds and reduced their cyanogen contents. Therefore, the decline of HCN evolution after germination seems to be due to the increased activities of CAS by endogenously produced C2H4.  相似文献   
The growth of MethA tumor was significantly inhibited by oral administration of the -glucan SPR-901 in BALB/c (+/+) mice but not in nude mice. Mice treated orally with SPR-901 exhibited an augmentation of antigen-specific resistance against rechallenge with the tumor cells. The tumor-neutralizing activity of regional lymph node cells from MethA-bearing mice against the tumor was augmented by oral administration of SPR-901. The tumor-neutralizing activity of lymph node cells from SPR-901-treated mice mainly appeared in Lyt2+cells. Furthermore, lymphokine-activated killer activity of these cells was enhanced by administration of SPR-901. The antitumor effect of SPR-901 was abrogated in mice depleted of either L3T4+ or Lyt2+ cells, and in cyclosporin-A-treated mice. These results suggest that Lyt2+ cells are important effector cells in MethA-bearing mice orally adminstered SPR-901 and that functional exertion of both Lyt2+ and L3T4+T cells is necessary for the antitumor effect of orally administered SPR-901 in vivo.  相似文献   
Feeding experiments with tritium- and deuterium-labeled castasterone (CS) were conducted with three cell lines of Catharanthus roseus, including crown gall cells and nontransformed cells. In all three cell lines, the conversion of CS to brassinolide (BL) was observed and unequivocally confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). This is the first conclusive evidence that CS is the biosynthetic precursor of BL.Biosynthesis of brassinosteroids in Catharanthus roseus. Part II. Part I of this series: Yokota et al. (1990a).  相似文献   
The noncoding region between tRNAPro and the large conserved sequence block is the most variable region in the mammalian mitochondrial DNA D-loop region. This variable region (ca. 270 bp) of four species of Equus, including Mongolian and Japanese native domestic horses as well as Przewalskii's (or Mongolian) wild horse, were sequenced. These data were compared with our recently published Thoroughbred horse mitochondrial DNA sequences. The evolutionary rate of this region among the four species of Equus was estimated to be 2–4 × 10–8 per site per year. Phylogenetic trees of Equus species demonstrate that Przewalskii's wild horse is within the genetic variation among the domestic horse. This suggests that the chromosome number change (probably increase) of the Przewalskii's wild horse occurred rather recently.Correspondence to: N. Ishida  相似文献   
The interaction of the taste substance monosodium L-glutamate with taste receptors has been investigated. Binding of L-[3H]glutamate was measured to preparations of bovine circumvallate (taste) papillae (type I preparation) and to control tongue epithelial preparations (type II preparation) devoid of taste receptors. Binding is operationally defined using a membrane filtration assay. Substantially greater binding occurred to the type I preparation than to the type II preparation, and the binding to the type I preparation showed evidence of saturation. The apparent Kd of L-glutamate was estimated to be in the range of 20--30 mM. The unique taste effect of L-glutamate was considered to depend importantly on its demonstrated synergism in combination with certain 5'-ribonucleotides. A several-fold enhancement of binding of L-[3H]glutamate occurred in the presence of certain 5'-ribonucleotides. 5'-GMP, 5'-IMP and 5'-UMP each increased the binding of L-[3H]glutamate, while 5'-XMP, 5'-AMP and 5'-CMP did not. None of these nucleotides affected the lower level of binding to the type II preparation. Neither the free bases, adenine and guanine, their nucleosides nor their di- or triphosphonucleotides were effective in increasing L-[3H]glutamate binding to the type I preparation. The nucleotide specificity of the glutamate binding enhancement therefore shows a marked similarity with the nucleotide specificity in evoking the synergistic taste effect in humans.  相似文献   
Partially purified β-d-galactosidase (β-d-galactoside galactohydrolase, EC from Bacillus circulans showed high activity towards both pure lactose and lactose in skim milk, and a better thermal stability than the enzyme from yeast or Escherichia coli. During the course of hydrolysis of lactose catalysed by the enzyme, considerable amounts of oligosaccharides were produced. β-d-Galactosidase from B. circulans was immobilized onto Duolite ES-762, Dowex MWA-1 and sintered alumina by adsorption with glutaraldehyde treatment. The highest activity for hydrolysis of lactose was obtained with immobilization onto Duolite ES-762. During a continuous hydrolysis of lactose, the immobilized enzyme was reversibly inactivated, probably due to oligosaccharides accumulating in the gel. The inactivation was reduced when a continuous reaction was operated at a high percent conversion of lactose in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The half-life of the immobilized enzyme was estimated to be 50 and 15 days at 50 and 55°C, respectively, when the reaction was carried out in a CSTR with a percent conversion of lactose >70%.  相似文献   
To investigate the clinical significance of ALDH2 genetic polymorphisms in cervical carcinogenesis. ALDH2 polymorphisms together with human papillomavirus (HPV) types were examined in a total of 195 cervical smear in exfoliated cervical cell samples using Real-Time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) System. The frequency for the AG+AA genotype was seven in the normal group (70.0 %), 16 in the LSIL group (57.1 %), and 27 in the HSIL group (90.0 %). A significant difference was found between the LSIL and HSIL groups (P = 0.0064). Patients with HSIL lesions frequently had high-risk HPV infections and concurrently belonged to the AG+AA group. ALDH2 genotype in cervical cell samples may be associated with more severe precancerous lesions of the cervix in a Japanese population.  相似文献   
The responses of mechanoreceptor neurons in the antennal chordotonal organ have been examined in cockroaches by intracellular recording methods. The chordotonal organ was mechanically stimulated by sinusoidal movement of the flagellum. Stimulus frequencies were varied between 0.5 and 150 Hz. Receptor neurons responded with spike discharges to mechanical stimulation, and were classed into two groups from plots of their average spike frequencies against stimulus frequency. Neurons in one group responded to stimulation over a wide frequency range (from 0.5 to 150 Hz), whereas those in a second group were tuned to higher frequency stimuli. The peak stimulus frequency at which receptor neurons showed maximum responses differed from cell to cell. Some had a peak response at a stimulus frequency given in the present study (from 0.5 to 150 Hz), whereas others were assumed to have peak responses beyond the highest stimulus frequency examined. The timing for the initiation of spikes or of a burst of spikes plotted against each stimulus cycle revealed that spike generation was phase-locked in most cells. Some cells showed phase-independent discharges to stimulation at lower frequency, but increasing stimulus frequencies spike initiation began to assemble at a given phase of the stimulus cycle. The response patterns observed are discussed in relation to the primary process of mechanoreception of the chordotonal organ.  相似文献   
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