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The existence of two types of circulating bovine plasma high molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) was predicted from analyses of complementary DNAs coding for this protein (Kitamura, N., Takagaki, Y., Furuto, S., Tanaka, T., Nawa, H., and Nakanishi, S. (1983) Nature 305, 545-549). The present protein-based study provided evidence in support of the proposed amino acid sequence derived from analysis of the cDNA clone, and the results confirm the existence of two types of circulating HMWK. Type I HMWK contains a heavy chain composed of 361 residues, while the heavy chain of type II HMWK contains 359 residues. The amino acid sequences of type I and type II HMWK determined in this study were identical to that inferred from the cDNA sequence with the exception of microheterogeneity observed in the cDNA at position 87 (Glu/Gln) and 168 (Lys/Arg). The heavy chain of type I HMWK contains 4 asparagine-linked carbohydrate chains at Asn-69, -150 (or -151), -179, and -186, while the heavy chain of type II HMWK contains these and an additional carbohydrate chain at Asn-264. In addition, a carbohydrate chain was found to be O-glycosidically linked to Thr-118 in both chains. Among nine disulfide linkages found in HMWK, eight intrachain disulfide pairs were established in the heavy chain. One interchain disulfide bridge occurs between the heavy chain and the light chain. This disulfide pairing, as well as repeating amino acid sequences observed in the heavy chain, provides strong evidence for the existence of three homologous domains in the heavy chain of bovine HMWK.  相似文献   
A new trisaccharide sugar chain was identified in bovine blood coagulation factors VII and IX. A pentapeptide isolated from factor VII contained Ser-52, which could not be identified with a gas-phase sequencer, suggesting an unknown substituent on the serine residue (Takeya, H. et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem., in press). The same results were obtained for a pentapeptide containing Ser-53 of factor IX. Component sugar analysis revealed that the peptide contained 1 mol of glucose and 2 mol of xylose. This sugar component was also confirmed by high-resolution fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric analysis of the pentapeptide. The trisaccharide was released from the peptides by means of beta-elimination reaction and its reducing end was coupled with 2-aminopyridine. The fluorescent pyridylamino (PA-) derivative of the trisaccharide was purified by gel-filtration and reversed-phase HPLC. The sugar composition of the PA-trisaccharide was found to be 2 mol of xylose and 1 mol of PA-glucose. These results indicate the existence of a (Xyl2)Glc-Ser structure in factors VII and IX.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that a cysteine proteinase inhibitor (CPI) found in the ascitic fluid of Sarcoma 180 tumor-bearing mice is a kind of kininogen (Itoh, N., Yokota, S., Takagishi, U., Hatta, A., and Okamaoto, H. (1987) Cancer Res. 47, 5560-5565). The first 40 NH2-terminal residues and 54 residues of the COOH-terminal sequence, including the bradykinin moiety of highly purified ascites CPI, were determined and compared with those of mammalian low molecular weight kininogens (LMWK). The significant identity between these amino acid sequences with those of other mammalian LMWKs suggests that ascites CPI corresponds precisely to mouse LMWK. This kininogen has a light chain composed of 43 amino acid residues, which contains a unique Met-Ala-Arg-bradykinin sequence. Hydroxyproline, which was recently identified in the bradykinin sequence of kininogen from the ascitic fluid of a cancer patient, was not found in the kinin moiety of this mouse kininogen. Among purified glandular kallikreins from human, hog, rat, and mouse, only mouse submaxillary gland kallikrein was able to release bradykinin from this kininogen. Kinetic studies using a newly synthesized fluorogenic substrate, N-t-butoxycarbonyl-Met-Ala-Arg-MCA, revealed that mouse kallikrein hydrolyzes this substrate approximately 80-fold faster than does hog kallikrein, suggesting that the unique Met-Ala-Arg-bradykinin sequence is responsible for the varied susceptibility of mouse kininogen to different kallikreins.  相似文献   
The effects of local population density, sex morph [protogynous (PG) or protandrous (PA)], and individual tree size on the demographic processes of seed production were investigated in a heterodichogamous maple, Acer mono Maxim. var. Marmoratum (Nichols.) Hara f. dissectum, in a temperate forest of Japan. As the distance from conspecific reproductive adults increased, the percentage of immature seed fall and empty seeds increased significantly, indicating higher pollination success along with local population density. Although the difference was not distinct, pollination success was affected by the local population density of the reciprocal sex morph rather than that of both sex morphs. The trees at higher local population density sites suffered higher seed mortality due to predation and decay, and tended to produce smaller seeds. Thus, the impacts of local population density operated both positively and negatively on reproduction. As a factor of individual traits, tree size scarcely affected any demographic processes. On the other hand, sex morph did affect pollination success. Trees of PG type had lower immature seed fall than those of PA type, suggesting that the former has higher efficiency of pollen acceptance than the latter. The results on seed demography presented here partly support previous suggestions that heterodichogamous plants exhibit reciprocal cross-pollination and gender specialization as reproductive traits.  相似文献   
The Japanese Clusiidae are revised and 23 species, including 12 species new to science, are recognized and keyed. Clusiodes angulosus n. sp., Clusiodes discostylus n. sp., Clusiodes tobi n. sp., Clusiodes usikumuri n. sp., Craspedochaeta varicolor n. sp., Heteromeringia crenulata n. sp., Heteromeringia quadrispinosa n. sp., Heteromeringia sexramifera n. sp., Heteromeringia yamata n. sp., Phylloclusia quadrivittata n. sp., Sobarocephala uncinata n. sp., and Tetrameringia borealis n. sp. were described as new. Distribution records were compiled and mapped. Transitional climatic zone between the warm and cool temperate zones is possibly suggested as one of the most richest temperate area in terms of Japanese clusiid species richness. Hendelia beckeri Czerny 1903, Paraclusia japonica Sasakawa 1957, and Clusiodes plumosus Sasakawa 1964 are broadly distributed over all the Japanese temperate forests, but these are not always most abundant species. The clusiid assemblage was heterogeneous in the species composition among various forest types. The femalebiased sample caught by Malaise traps and distinction of clusiid species composition between temperate and subtropical zones are also pointed out.  相似文献   
To analyze a variety of protein phosphatases, we developed phosphorylated TandeMBP (P-TandeMBP), in which two different mouse myelin basic protein isoforms were fused in tandem, as a protein phosphatase substrate. P-TandeMBP was prepared efficiently in four steps: (1) phosphorylation of TandeMBP by a protein kinase mixture (Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase Iδ, casein kinase 1δ, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2); (2) precipitation of both P-TandeMBP and protein kinases to remove ATP, Pi, and ADP; (3) acid extraction of P-TandeMBP with HCl to remove protein kinases; and (4) neutralization of the solution that contains P-TandeMBP with Tris. In combination with the malachite green assay, P-TandeMBP can be used to detect protein phosphatase activity without using radioactive materials. Moreover, P-TandeMBP served as an efficient substrate for PPM family phosphatases (PPM1A, PPM1B, PPM1D, PPM1F, PPM1G, PPM1H, PPM1K, and PPM1M) and PPP family phosphatase PP5. Various phosphatase activities were also detected with high sensitivity in gel filtration fractions from mouse brain using P-TandeMBP. These results indicate that P-TandeMBP might be a powerful tool for the detection of protein phosphatase activities.  相似文献   
Two monoclonal antibodies, 17(3)9 and 36(79)4, were preparedagainst nitrate reductase from Spinacia oleracea L. leaves.An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that 17(3)9, butnot 36(79)4, reacted more strongly to heat-denatured than nativeantigen. These antibodies inhibited NADH-nitrate reductase aswell as its various partial activities including reduced methylvilogen-nitrate reductase, reduced flavin mononucleotide-nitratereductase and NADH-cytochrome c reductase activities, but notNADH-ferricyanide reductase activity. Immunoblotting after electrophoreticseparation of nitrate reductase fragments obtained by Staphyrococcusaureus V8 protease digestion of native enzyme revealed thatthe two monoclonal antibodies bind to different epitopes locatedon the 28 kDa of the NADH-ferricyanide reductase domain. (Received October 2, 1987; Accepted June 9, 1988)  相似文献   
The chemical investigation of leaves of Bridelia glauca f. balansae afforded six megastigmane glucosides, named bridelionosides A-F, along with seven known megastigmane glucosides. Their structures were determined by a combination of spectroscopic analyses and by application of the modified Mosher's method.  相似文献   
We isolated cDNA clones for novel protein kinases by expression screening of a cDNA library from the basidiomycetous mushroom Coprinus cinereus. One of the isolated clones was found to encode a calmodulin (CaM)-binding protein consisting of 488 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 53,906, which we designated CoPK12. The amino acid sequence of the catalytic domain of CoPK12 showed 46% identity with those of rat Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) I and CaMKIV. However, a striking difference between these kinases is that the critical Thr residue in the activating phosphorylation site of CaMKI/IV is replaced by a Glu residue at the identical position in CoPK12. As predicted from its primary sequence, CoPK12 was found to behave like an activated form of CaMKI phosphorylated by an upstream CaMK kinase, indicating that CoPK12 is a unique CaMK with different properties from those of the well-characterized CaMKI, II, and IV. CoPK12 was abundantly expressed in actively growing mycelia and phosphorylated various proteins, including endogenous substrates, in the presence of Ca2+/CaM. Treatment of mycelia of C. cinereus with KN-93, which was found to inhibit CoPK12, resulted in a significant reduction in growth rate of mycelia. These results suggest that CoPK12 is a new type of multifunctional CaMK expressed in C. cinereus, and that it may play an important role in the mycelial growth.  相似文献   
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