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A gene encoding the endogenous superantigen Mlsc, which deletes Tcrb-V3+ T cells in the NOD inbred mouse strain, was found to co-segregate with Mtv-3 on chromosome 11. This identifies a fourth gene encoding a deletion ligand for Tcrb-V3+ T cells and extends recently published observations in support of the hypothesis that a number of endogenous superantigens are the products of Mtv proviruses. Address correspondence and offprint requests to : K. Tomonari.  相似文献   
The study of early food production in sub-Saharan Africa is at least as challenging as it is rewarding. Problems arise in large degree from the scarcity of relevant archeological material, particularly the remains of domesticated plants from prehistoric sites. This is attributable to several factors, including poor preservation, difficulties in recovering such material, and the limited amount of work so far invested in obtaining it. But, problems notwithstanding, fresh data and new methodological approaches have revealed aspects of early African food production that are interesting in themselves, as well as in global perspective. For example, contrary to what occurred in most other parts of the world, livestock herding in Africa often predated the earliest evidence of cultivation of domesticated plants. Moreover, the initial spread of food production throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa was accompanied by iron, rather than lithic, technology. This overview of current knowledge about early African food production is aimed at highlighting developmental patterns while also exposing limitations in our understanding of these patterns. Because of Africa's vast size, uniform coverage in reasonable depth of all parts of the continent is not possible. Thus, for example, I will not explicitly cover the complex neolithic record from Africa's Mediterranean region. Instead, I will generally concentrate on bodies of data and lines of investigation that characterize distinctive features of the African version of initial steps in raising crops and animals.  相似文献   
At least one-third of mouse trophoblast cells undergo endoreduplication during the first half of gestation. It has been suggested that the endoreduplicated chromosomes may be polytenised. Here it is shown, using in situ hybridisation to the -1 antitrypsin genes, which map at a unique site, that while there is a tendency for duplicated chromosomes to cluster, this does not involve the complete fusion of replicated chromatids found in fully polytene chromosomes, and in a substantial proportion of homologues the sites on the chromosome arms corresponding to these genes are widely separated. The centromeres do not fuse into a single chromocentre but the possibility is not ruled out that individual chromosomes may be polytenised in the centromeric region. Evidence is also presented showing that endoreduplication in trophoblast nuclei is not accompanied by the formation of new prekinetochore structures, in contrast to the situation in polyploid mouse liver and C127 cells.  相似文献   
A total of 34 isolates ofListeria monocytogenes were tested against ampicillin, cephalothin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline, and penicillin-G using the Autobac 3-h AIS and the Autobac 5-h MIC procedures. The results were compared to susceptibility category interpretations and MICs determined using the Sceptor system. With the Sceptor System, all isolates were interpreted to be moderately susceptible to ampicillin and penicillin-G, and susceptible to the four other antibiotics. With the Autobac AIS, all isolates were interpreted to be susceptible to all the antibiotics except penicillin-G. All but one of the 34 isolates were interpreted to be resistant to penicillin-G with the Autobac AIS test. The remaining isolate was interpreted to be indeterminant. The Autobac AIS test was unsatisfactory for determining the susceptibility ofL. monocytogenes isolates to penicillin-G. The Autobac MIC results correlated well with the MIC results of the Sceptor system provided that the Autobac was programmed as though it were testing enterococci. The Autobac MIC reported penicillin-G MICs in units per milliliter and required the use of a conversion factor to obtain micrograms per milliliter, and did not allow for the testing of erythromycin. The Autobac MIC susceptibility category interpretations must not be used, as they were derived from an outdated susceptibility standard. The Autobac MIC test may be used if the limitations given above are observed.  相似文献   
Isolation of single taste cells from lingual epithelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is described for obtaining large numbers of isolatedtaste cells with identified polarity from lingual epithelium.The procedure involves incubating lingual epithelium in collagenase,staining the apical surface with fluorescein-conjugated wheatgerm agglutinin (FTTC-WGA), peeling non-gustatory surface epitheliumfrom the underlying taste buds and connective tissue, and dissociatingisolated taste buds with Ca2+-free saline. Isolated taste cellsretain their characteristic morphology for at least 30 min afterdissociation, and the apical specialization can be identifiedas a single patch of fluorescence usually located at the tipof an elongate process. Isolated taste cells are amenable tostudy with the patch-clamp technique, and whole-cell patch-clamprecordings show that isolated taste cells have membrane propertiessimilar to taste cells of intact lingual epithelium. Evidenceis presented that FITC-WGA staining does not alter the voltage-dependentionic currents of the taste cell membrane.  相似文献   
The ability of the isolated gill epithelium of Mytilus edulis to incorporate [14C]glucosamine as a precursor in the biosynthesis and secretion of mucous glycoproteins was investigated. Localization of mucous cells in the gill filament was achieved using histochemical staining techniques. Mucus cells containing neutral and acidic mucins were found in the lateral region, whereas mucus cells containing primarily neutral or sulfated mucins were found in the abfrontal region. Autoradiographic results showed that in both regions, the mucous cells were rich in content of the incorporated radiolabel. The secreted glycoproteins containing the incorporated radiolabel were analyzed by column chromatography using Bio-Gel P-2 and P-6. Two populations of the glycoproteins differing in molecular size were isolated. Upon alkaline reductive borohydride cleavage of the O-glycosidic linkages of the high molecular weight protein, about 70% of the radiolabel and 85% of the carbohydrate content were removed from the protein. The alkaline borohydride cleavage resulted in the formation of at least six oligosaccharide chains of various lengths of sugar units. Gas chromatographic analysis of the carbohydrate composition shows that the glycoproteins contain N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and galactose, fucose, and mannose as the neutral monosaccharides. The above results indicate that the isolated gill epithelium of M. edulis is capable of incorporating [14C]glucosamine in the synthesis of secretable mucin-type glycoproteins.  相似文献   
Summary The most widely used technique of leaf water potential measurements is with the Scholander pressure chamber. Representative leaf water potential values require many determinations on individual leaves and this can be time consuming in large fields or experiments with multiple treatments. This paper describes a method of obtaining a mean value more rapidly, by using two leaves in the pressure chamber at the same time, but recording the end point of each leaf separately.  相似文献   
A second gene has been discovered at a previously studied Balbiani ring in Chironomus. Northern hybridizations demonstrated that cDNA clone pCt35 originated from a salivary gland specific 6.5-kilobase (kb) RNA that was abundant, nonribosomal, and apparently poly(A)+. pCt35 had a 120-base pair (bp) insert with 1.6 copies of a 75-bp sequence that contained two open reading frames. Southern hybridizations indicated that pCt35 was homologous to at least a 4-kb block of genomic DNA organized as a hierarchy of 150- and 300-bp tandem repeats. In situ hybridization localized these sequences to Balbiani ring 1. From these results we postulated that a 6.5-kb RNA gene may have evolved by stepwise duplication and amplification of a 75-bp ancestral sequence.  相似文献   
From the data presented in this report, the human LDHC gene locus is assigned to chromosome 11. Three genes determine lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in man. LDHA and LDHB are expressed in most somatic tissues, while expression of LDHC is confined to the germinal epithelium of the testes. A human LDHC cDNA clone was used as a probe to analyze genomic DNA from rodent/human somatic cell hybrids. The pattern of bands with LDHC hybridization is easily distinguished from the pattern detected by LDHA hybridization, and the LDHC probe is specific for testis mRNA. The structural gene LDHA has been previously assigned to human chromosome 11, while LDHB maps to chromosome 12. Studies of pigeon LDH have shown tight linkage between LDHB and LDHC leading to the expectation that these genes would be syntenic in man. However, the data presented in this paper show conclusively that LDHC is syntenic with LDHA on human chromosome 11. The terminology for LDH genes LDHA, LDHB, and LDHC is equivalent to Ldhl, Ldh2, and Ldh3, respectively.  相似文献   
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