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Reconstructions of the human-African great ape phylogeny by using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been subject to considerable debate. One confounding factor may be the lack of data on intraspecific variation. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of intraspecific mtDNA diversity on the phylogenetic reconstruction of another Plio- Pleistocene radiation of higher primates, the fascicularis group of macaque (Macaca) monkey species. Fifteen endonucleases were used to identify 10 haplotypes of 40-47 restriction sites in M. mulatta, which were compared with similar data for the other members of this species group. Interpopulational, intraspecific mtDNA diversity was large (0.5%- 4.5%), and estimates of divergence time and branching order incorporating this variation were substantially different from those based on single representatives of each species. We conclude that intraspecific mtDNA diversity is substantial in at least some primate species. Consequently, without prior information on the extent of genetic diversity within a particular species, intraspecific variation must be assessed and accounted for when reconstructing primate phylogenies. Further, we question the reliability of hominoid mtDNA phylogenies, based as they are on one or a few representatives of each species, in an already depauperate superfamily of primates.   相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesized in mammals where it acts as a signal molecule for neurotransmission, vasorelaxation, and cytotoxicity. The NO synthases isolated from brain and cytokine-activated macrophages are FAD- and FMN-containing flavoproteins that display considerable sequence homology to NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase. However, the nature of their catalytic centers is unknown. We have found that both isoenzymes contain 2 mol of iron-protoporphyrin IX/mol of enzyme homodimer. The optical and EPR spectroscopic properties of the heme groups were found to be remarkably similar to those of high-spin cytochrome P-450. The heme iron in the resting NO synthase is ferric and five-coordinate with a cysteine thiolate as the proximal axial ligand. In addition, the EPR spectra of the resting NO synthases contained a free radical signal attributable to a bound flavin semiquinone that appeared to interact magnetically with the ferric heme iron. NO production was inhibited by carbon monoxide, implying a role for the heme groups in catalysis.  相似文献   
Following partial purification of macrophage nitric oxide (NO) synthase, enzyme activity requires L-arginine, NADPH, and constitutive cytosolic factors, one of which is tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) (Kwon, N.S., Nathan, C.F. and Stuehr, D.J. [1989] J. Biol. Chem. 264, 20496). Here we identify FAD and GSH as two additional cofactors needed for full enzyme activity. With all defined cytosolic cofactors in excess, NO synthesis was linear over 3 h and was approximately 50% dependent on exogenous FAD, approximately 50% on glutathione (GSH), 84% on tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), 95% on NADPH, and 98% on L-arginine. The concentrations of added FAD, GSH, and BH4 required for optimal activity were consistent with their levels in macrophage cytosol. Kinetic studies showed that GSH (or DTT) had little or no effect on the rate of NO generation over the first 20-30 min of the reaction, but prevented a subsequent dropoff in rate. This effect was distinct from thiol participation in BH4 regeneration. In contrast, exogenous FAD doubled the rate of NO synthesis throughout the assay period, consistent with a cofactor role. The role of NADPH was not to regenerate BH4, furnish NADP+, nor form reactive oxygen intermediates. These findings demonstrate NO synthesis by a partially purified enzyme in an otherwise defined system, and suggest that an NADPH-utilizing FAD flavoprotein may participate in the reaction.  相似文献   
The ITS sequences of Acropora spp. are the shortest so far identified in any metazoan and are among the shortest seen in eukaryotes; ITS1 was 70-80 bases, and ITS2 was 100-112 bases. The ITS sequences were also highly variable, but base composition and secondary structure prediction indicate that divergent sequence variants are unlikely to be pseudogenes. The pattern of variation was unusual in several other respects: (1) two distinct ITS2 types were detected in both A. hyacinthus and A. cytherea, species known to hybridize in vitro with high success rates, and a putative intermediate ITS2 form was also detected in A. cytherea; (2) A. valida was found to contain highly (29%) diverged ITS1 variants; and (3) A. longicyathus contained two distinct 5.8S rDNA types. These data are consistent with a reticulate evolutionary history for the genus Acropora.   相似文献   
Although the insertion of heme into proteins enables their function in bioenergetics, metabolism, and signaling, the mechanisms and regulation of this process are not fully understood. We developed a means to study cellular heme insertion into apo-protein targets over a 3-h period and then investigated how nitric oxide (NO) released from a chemical donor (NOC-18) might influence heme (protoporphyrin IX) insertion into seven targets that present a range of protein structures, heme ligation states, and functions (three NO synthases, two cytochrome P450's, catalase, and hemoglobin). NO blocked cellular heme insertion into all seven apo-protein targets. The inhibition occurred at relatively low (nM/min) fluxes of NO, was reversible, and did not involve changes in intracellular heme levels, activation of guanylate cyclase, or inhibition of mitochondrial ATP production. These aspects and the range of protein targets suggest that NO can act as a global inhibitor of heme insertion, possibly by inhibiting a common step in the process.  相似文献   
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is a required cofactor for the synthesis of NO by NOS. Bioavailability of BH4 is a critical factor in regulating the balance between NO and superoxide production by endothelial NOS (eNOS coupling). Crystal structures of the mouse inducible NOS oxygenase domain reveal a homologous BH4-binding site located in the dimer interface and a conserved tryptophan residue that engages in hydrogen bonding or aromatic stacking interactions with the BH4 ring. The role of this residue in eNOS coupling remains unexplored. We overexpressed human eNOS W447A and W447F mutants in novel cell lines with tetracycline-regulated expression of human GTP cyclohydrolase I, the rate-limiting enzyme in BH4 synthesis, to determine the importance of BH4 and Trp-447 in eNOS uncoupling. NO production was abolished in eNOS-W447A cells and diminished in cells expressing W447F, despite high BH4 levels. eNOS-derived superoxide production was significantly elevated in W447A and W447F versus wild-type eNOS, and this was sufficient to oxidize BH4 to 7,8-dihydrobiopterin. In uncoupled, BH4-deficient cells, the deleterious effects of W447A mutation were greatly exacerbated, resulting in further attenuation of NO and greatly increased superoxide production. eNOS dimerization was attenuated in W447A eNOS cells and further reduced in BH4-deficient cells, as demonstrated using a novel split Renilla luciferase biosensor. Reduction of cellular BH4 levels resulted in a switch from an eNOS dimer to an eNOS monomer. These data reveal a key role for Trp-447 in determining NO versus superoxide production by eNOS, by effects on BH4-dependent catalysis, and by modulating eNOS dimer formation.  相似文献   
Homodimer formation activates all nitric-oxide synthases (NOSs). It involves the interaction between two oxygenase domains (NOSoxy) that each bind heme and (6R)-tetrahydrobiopterin (H4B) and catalyze NO synthesis from L-Arg. Here we compared three NOSoxy isozymes regarding dimer strength, interface composition, and the ability of L-Arg and H4B to stabilize the dimer, promote its formation, and protect it from proteolysis. Urea dissociation studies indicated that the relative dimer strengths were NOSIIIoxy > NOSIoxy > NOSIIoxy (endothelial NOSoxy (eNOSoxy) > neuronal NOSOXY (nNOSoxy) > inducible NOSoxy (iNOSoxy)). Dimer strengths of the full-length NOSs had the same rank order as judged by their urea-induced loss of NO synthesis activity. NOSoxy dimers containing L-Arg plus H4B exhibited the greatest resistance to urea-induced dissociation followed by those containing either molecule and then by those containing neither. Analysis of crystallographic structures of eNOSoxy and iNOSoxy dimers showed more intersubunit contacts and buried surface area in the dimer interface of eNOSoxy than iNOSoxy, thus revealing a potential basis for their different stabilities. L-Arg plus H4B promoted dimerization of urea-generated iNOSoxy and nNOSoxy monomers, which otherwise was minimal in their absence, and also protected both dimers against trypsin proteolysis. In these respects, L-Arg alone was more effective than H4B alone for nNOSoxy, whereas for iNOSoxy the converse was true. The eNOSoxy dimer was insensitive to proteolysis under all conditions. Our results indicate that the three NOS isozymes, despite their general structural similarity, differ markedly in their strengths, interfaces, and in how L-Arg and H4B influence their formation and stability. These distinguishing features may provide a basis for selective control and likely help to regulate each NOS in its particular biologic milieu.  相似文献   
Nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) catalyzes the formation of NO and citrulline from l-arginine and oxygen. However, the NO so formed has been found to auto-inhibit the enzymatic activity significantly. We hypothesized that the NO reactivity is in part controlled by hydrogen bonding between the conserved tryptophan residue (position 409 in the neuronal isoform of NOS (nNOS)) and the cysteine residue that forms the proximal bond to the heme. By using resonance Raman spectroscopy and NO as a probe of the heme environment, we show that in the W409F and W409Y mutants of the oxygenase domain of the neuronal enzyme (nNOSox), the Fe-NO bond in the Fe3+NO complex is weaker than in the wild type enzyme, consistent with the loss of a hydrogen bond on the sulfur atom of the proximal cysteine residue. The weaker Fe-NO bond in the W409F and W409Y mutants might result in a faster rate of NO dissociation from the ferric heme in the Trp-409 mutants as compared with the wild type enzyme, which could contribute to the lower accumulation of the inhibitory NO-bound complexes observed during catalysis with the Trp-409 mutants (Adak, S., Crooks, C., Wang, Q., Crane, B. R., Tainer, J. A., Getzoff, E. D., and Stuehr, D. J. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 26907-26911). The optical and resonance Raman spectra of the Fe2+NO complexes of the Trp-409 mutants differ from those of the wild type enzyme and indicate that a significant population of a five-coordinate Fe2+NO complex is present. These data show that the hydrogen bond provided by the Trp-409 residue is necessary to maintain the thiolate coordination when NO binds to the ferrous heme. Taken together our results indicate that the heme environment on the proximal side of nNOS is critical for the formation of a stable iron-cysteine bond and for the control of the electronic properties of heme-NO complexes.  相似文献   


A variety of approaches to understanding protein structure and function require production of recombinant protein. Mammalian based expression systems have advantages over bacterial systems for certain classes of protein but can be slower and more laborious. Thus the availability of a simple system for production and rapid screening of constructs or conditions for mammalian expression would be of great benefit. To this end we have coupled an efficient recombinant protein production system based on transient transfection in HEK-293 EBNA1 (HEK-293E) suspension cells with a dot blot method allowing pre-screening of proteins expressed in cells in a high throughput manner.  相似文献   
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