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Strains of Moraxella sp., Pseudomonas sp., and Flavobacterium sp. able to grow on biphenyl were isolated from sewage. The bacteria produced 2.3 to 4.5 g of protein per mol of biphenyl carbon, and similar protein yields were obtained when the isolates were grown on succinate. Mineralization of biphenyl was exponential during the phase of exponential growth of Moraxella sp. and Pseudomonas sp. In biphenyl-supplemented media, Flavobacterium sp. had one exponential phase of growth apparently at the expense of contaminating dissolved carbon in the solution and a second exponential phase during which it mineralized the hydrocarbon. Phase-contrast microscopy did not show significant numbers of cells of these three species on the surface of the solid substrate as it underwent decomposition. Pseudomonas sp. did not form products that affected the solubility of biphenyl, although its excretions did increase the dissolution rate. It was calculated that Pseudomonas sp. consumed 29 nmol of biphenyl per ml in the 1 h after the end of the exponential phase of growth, but 32 nmol of substrate per ml went into solution in that period when the growth rate had declined. In a medium with anthracene as the sole added carbon source, Flavobacterium sp. converted 90% of the substrate to water-soluble products, and a slow mineralization was detected when the cell numbers were not increasing. Flavobacterium sp. and Beijerinckia sp. initially grew exponentially and then arithmetically in media with phenanthrene as the sole carbon source. Calculations based on the growth rates of these bacteria and the rates of dissolution of phenanthrene suggest that the dissolution rate of the hydrocarbon may limit the rate of its biodegradation.  相似文献   
Dehalogenation of dichloromethane by cell extracts of hyphomicrobium DM2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A facultatively methylotrophic bacterium was isolated from enrichment cultures containing dichloromethane as the sole carbon source. It was identified as a Hyphomicrobium species. The organism grew exponentially in batch cultures with 10 mM dichloromethane at a specific growth rate of 0.07 h-1. The release of Cl- from dichloromethane and the disapperance of substrate paralleled growth. Resting dichloromethane-grown cells, in the presence of potassium sulphite as a trapping agent, converted cichloromethane methane quantitatively to formaldehyde. The conversion of dichloromethane to formaldehyde by cell extracts was stricly dependent on glutathione. Other thiols were inactive. Glutathione was not consumed in the course of the reaction. The specific activity of the enzymic dehalogenation of dichloromethane amounted to 3.8 mkat/kg protein in extracts of dichloromethane-grown cells and to less than 0.1 mkat/kg protein in extracts from cells grown on methanol.  相似文献   
Hormone-induced oscillations of the free intracellular calcium concentration are thought to be relevant for frequency encoding of hormone signals. In liver cells, such Ca2+ oscillations occur in response to stimulation by hormones acting via phosphoinositide breakdown. This observation may be explained by cooperative, positive feedback of Ca2+ on its own release from one inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive pool, obviating oscillations of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. The kinetic rate laws of the associated model have a mathematical structure reminiscent of the Brusselator, a hypothetical chemical model involving a rather improbable trimolecular reaction step, thus giving a realistic biological interpretation to this hallmark of dissipative structures. We propose that calmodulin is involved in mediating this cooperativity and positive feedback, as suggested by the presented experiments. For one, hormone-induced calcium oscillations can be inhibited by the (nonphenothiazine) calmodulin antagonists calmidazolium or CGS 9343 B. Alternatively, in cells overstimulated by hormone, as characterized by a non-oscillatory elevated Ca2+ concentration, these antagonists could again restore sustained calcium oscillations. The experimental observations, including modulation of the oscillations by extracellular calcium, were in qualitative agreement with the predictions of our mathematical model.  相似文献   
The distribution of Na+ pump sites (Na+-K+-ATPase) in the secretory epithelium of the avian salt gland was demonstrated by freeze-dry autoradiographic analysis of [(3)H] ouabain binding sites. Kinetic studies indicated that near saturation of tissue binding sites occurred when slices of salt glands from salt-stressed ducks were exposed to 2.2 μM ouabain (containing 5 μCi/ml [(3)H]ouabain) for 90 min. Washing with label-free Ringer's solution for 90 min extracted only 10% of the inhibitor, an amount which corresponded to ouabain present in the tissue spaces labeled by [(14)C]insulin. Increasing the KCl concentration of the incubation medium reduced the rate of ouabain binding but not the maximal amount bound. In contrast to the low level of ouabain binding to salt glands of ducks maintained on a freshwater regimen, exposure to a salt water diet led to a more than threefold increase in binding within 9-11 days. This increase paralleled the similar increment in Na+-K+-ATPase activity described previously. [(3)H]ouabain binding sites were localized autoradiographically to the folded basolateral plasma membrane of the principal secretory cells. The luminal surfaces of these cells were unlabeled. Mitotically active peripheral cells were also unlabeled. The cell-specific pattern of [(3)H]ouabain binding to principal secretory cells and the membrane-specific localization of binding sites to the nonluminal surfaces of these cells were identical to the distribution of Na+-K+-ATPase as reflected by the cytochemical localization of ouabain-sensitive and K+-dependent nitrophenyl phosphatase activity. The relationship between the nonluminal localization of Na+-K+-ATPase and the possible role of the enzyme n NaCl secretion is considered in the light of physiological data on electrolyte transport in salt glands and other secretory epithelia.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to examine the psycho-emotional effects of repeated oral exposure to capsaicin, the principal active component of chili peppers. Each rat received 1 mL of 0.02% capsaicin into its oral cavity daily, and was subjected to behavioural tests following 10 daily administrations of capsaicin. Stereotypy counts and rostral grooming were significantly increased, and caudal grooming decreased, in capsaicin-treated rats during the ambulatory activity test. In elevated plus maze test, not only the time spent in open arms but also the percent arm entry into open arms was reduced in capsaicin-treated rats compared with control rats. In forced swim test, although swimming duration was decreased, struggling increased in the capsaicin group, immobility duration did not differ between the groups. Repeated oral capsaicin did not affect the basal levels of plasma corticosterone; however, the stress-induced elevation of plasma corticosterone was prolonged in capsaicin treated rats. Oral capsaicin exposure significantly increased c-Fos expression not only in the nucleus tractus of solitarius but also in the paraventricular nucleus. Results suggest that repeated oral exposure to capsaicin increases anxiety-like behaviours in rats, and dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis may play a role in its pathophysiology.  相似文献   
sam βada is a genome–environment association software, designed to search for signatures of local adaptation. However, pre‐ and postprocessing of data can be labour‐intensive, preventing wider uptake of the method. We have now developed R.SamBada, an r ‐package providing a pipeline for landscape genomic analysis based on sam βada , spanning from the retrieval of environmental conditions at sampling locations to gene annotation using the Ensembl genome browser. As a result, R.SamBada standardizes the landscape genomics pipeline and eases the search for candidate genes of local adaptation, enhancing reproducibility of landscape genomic studies. The efficiency and power of the pipeline is illustrated using two examples: sheep populations from Morocco with no evident population structure and Lidia cattle from Spain displaying population substructuring. In both cases, R.SamBada enabled rapid identification and interpretation of candidate genes, which are further discussed in the light of local adaptation. The package is available in the r CRAN package repository and on GitHub (github.com/SolangeD/R.SamBada).  相似文献   
Functioning is recognized as an important study outcome in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The Comprehensive ICF Core Set for RA is an application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) of the World Health Organisation with the purpose of representing the typical spectrum of functioning of patients with RA. To strengthen the patient perspective, persons with RA were explicitly involved in the validation of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for RA using qualitative methodology. The objective of the study was twofold: to come forward with a proposal for the most appropriate methodology to validate Comprehensive ICF Core Sets from the patient perspective; and to add evidence to the validation of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for RA from the perspective of patients. The specific aims were to explore the aspects of functioning and health important to patients with RA using two different focus group approaches (open approach and ICF-based approach) and to examine to what extent these aspects are represented by the current version of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for RA. The sampling of patients followed the maximum variation strategy. Sample size was determined by saturation. The focus groups were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. The meaning condensation procedure was used for the data analysis. After qualitative data analysis, the resulting concepts were linked to ICF categories according to established linking rules. Forty-nine patients participated in ten focus groups (five in each approach). Of the 76 ICF categories contained in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for RA, 65 were reported by the patients based on the open approach and 71 based on the ICF-based approach. Sixty-six additional categories (open approach, 41; ICF-based approach, 57) that are not covered in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for RA were raised. The existing version of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for RA could be confirmed almost entirely by the two different focus group approaches applied. Focus groups are a highly useful qualitative method to validate the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for RA from the patient perspective. The ICF-based approach seems to be the most appropriate technique.  相似文献   
Using a combined strategy of random mutagenesis of haloalkane dehalogenase and genetic engineering of a chloropropanol-utilizing bacterium, we constructed an organism that is capable of growth on 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP). This highly toxic and recalcitrant compound is a waste product generated from the manufacture of the industrial chemical epichlorohydrin. Attempts to select and enrich bacterial cultures that can degrade TCP from environmental samples have repeatedly been unsuccessful, prohibiting the development of a biological process for groundwater treatment. The critical step in the aerobic degradation of TCP is the initial dehalogenation to 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol. We used random mutagenesis and screening on eosin-methylene blue agar plates to improve the activity on TCP of the haloalkane dehalogenase from Rhodococcus sp. m15-3 (DhaA). A second-generation mutant containing two amino acid substitutions, Cys176Tyr and Tyr273Phe, was nearly eight times more efficient in dehalogenating TCP than wild-type dehalogenase. Molecular modeling of the mutant dehalogenase indicated that the Cys176Tyr mutation has a global effect on the active-site structure, allowing a more productive binding of TCP within the active site, which was further fine tuned by Tyr273Phe. The evolved haloalkane dehalogenase was expressed under control of a constitutive promoter in the 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol-utilizing bacterium Agrobacterium radiobacter AD1, and the resulting strain was able to utilize TCP as the sole carbon and energy source. These results demonstrated that directed evolution of a key catabolic enzyme and its subsequent recruitment by a suitable host organism can be used for the construction of bacteria for the degradation of a toxic and environmentally recalcitrant chemical.  相似文献   
The concept of "stimulus-secretion coupling" suggested by Douglas and co-workers to explain the events related to monamine discharge by the adrenal medulla (5, 7) may be applied to other endocrine tissues, such as adrenal cortex (36), pancreatic islets (4), and magnocellular hypothalamic neurons (6), which exhibit a similar ion-dependent process of hormone elaboration. In addition, they share another feature, that of joining neighbor cells via membrane junctions (12, 26, and Fletcher, unpublished observation). Given this, and the reports that hormone secretion by the pars distalis also involves a secretagogue-induced decrease in membrane bioelectric potential accompanied by a rise in cellular [Ca++] (27, 34, 41), it was appropriate to test the possibility that cells of the anterior pituitary gland are united by junctions.  相似文献   
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