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Budding yeast Mps1p kinase has been implicated in both the duplication of microtubule-organizing centers and the spindle assembly checkpoint. Here we show that hMps1, the human homolog of yeast Mps1p, is a cell cycle-regulated kinase with maximal activity during M phase. hMps1 localizes to kinetochores and its activity and phosphorylation state increase upon activation of the mitotic checkpoint. By antibody microinjection and siRNA, we demonstrate that hMps1 is required for human cells to undergo checkpoint arrest in response to microtubule depolymerization. In contrast, centrosome (re-)duplication as well as cell division occur in the absence of hMps1. We conclude that hMps1 is required for the spindle assembly checkpoint but not for centrosome duplication.  相似文献   
Three groups of evolutionarily conserved proteins have been implicated in the establishment of epithelial cell polarity: the apically-localized proteins of the Par (Par3-Par6-aPKC-Cdc42) and Crumbs groups (Crb3-PALS1-PATJ) and the basolaterally localized proteins of the Dlg group (Dlg1-Scribble-Lgl). During epithelial morphogenesis, these proteins participate in a complex network of interdependent interactions that define the position and functional organization of adherens junctions and tight junctions. However, the biochemical pathways through which they control polarity are poorly understood. In this study, we identify an interaction between endogenous hDlg1 and MPP7, a previously uncharacterized MAGUK-p55 subfamily member. We find that MPP7 targets to the lateral surface of epithelial cells via its L27N domain, through an interaction with hDlg1. Loss of either hDlg1 or MPP7 from epithelial Caco-2 cells results in a significant defect in the assembly and maintenance of functional tight junctions. We conclude that the formation of a complex between hDlg1 and MPP7 promotes epithelial cell polarity and tight junction formation.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Many signals are transduced from the cell surface to the nucleus through mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascades. Activation of MAP kinase requires phosphorylation by MEK, which in turn is controlled by Raf, Mos or a group of structurally related kinases termed MEKKs. It is not understood how MEKKs are regulated by extracellular signals. In yeast, the MEKK Ste11p functions in multiple MAP kinase cascades activated in response to pheromones, high osmolarity and nutrient starvation. Genetic evidence suggests that the p21-activated protein kinase (PAK) Ste20p functions upstream of Ste11p, and Ste20p has been shown to phosphorylate Ste11p in vitro. RESULTS: Ste20p phosphorylated Ste11p on Ser302 and/or Ser306 and Thr307 in yeast, residues that are conserved in MEKKs of other organisms. Mutating these sites to non-phosphorylatable residues abolished Ste11p function, whereas changing them to aspartic acid to mimic the phosphorylated form constitutively activated Ste11p in vivo in a Ste20p-independent manner. The amino-terminal regulatory domain of Ste11p interacted with its catalytic domain, and overexpression of a small amino-terminal fragment of Ste11p was able to inhibit signaling in response to pheromones. Mutational analysis suggested that this interaction was regulated by phosphorylation and dependent on Thr596, which is located in the substrate cleft of the catalytic domain. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that, in response to multiple extracellular signals, phosphorylation of Ste11p by Ste20p removes an amino-terminal inhibitory domain, leading to activation of the Ste11 protein kinase. This mechanism may serve as a paradigm for the activation of mammalian MEKKs.  相似文献   


Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) belong to a family of endocrine factors that share a highly conserved N-terminal region (amino acids 1-34) and play key roles in calcium homeostasis, bone formation and skeletal development. Recently, PTH-like peptide (PTH-L) was identified in teleost fish raising questions about the evolution of these proteins. Although PTH and PTHrP have been intensively studied in mammals their function in other vertebrates is poorly documented. Amphibians and birds occupy unique phylogenetic positions, the former at the transition of aquatic to terrestrial life and the latter at the transition to homeothermy. Moreover, both organisms have characteristics indicative of a complex system in calcium regulation. This study investigated PTH family evolution in vertebrates with special emphasis on Xenopus and chicken.  相似文献   
Members of the Mps1 protein kinase family have been implicated in the regulation of the kinetochore-mediated spindle assembly checkpoint in species ranging from yeast to man. However, conflicting data have been reported on the subcellular localization of vertebrate Mps1 kinases and their possible roles in centrosome duplication. Moreover, little is presently known about the regulation of Mps1 kinases during the cell cycle. Here, we have used immunofluorescence microscopy, immunoblotting and siRNA-mediated depletion of hMps1 to re-investigate the subcellular localization of this kinase. Our data confirm the kinetochore association of hMps1 but suggest that the centrosome staining produced by some anti-hMps1 antibodies could be due to cross-reactivity with other proteins. We also show that the kinetochore association of hMps1 is mediated by the amino-terminal, non-catalytic domain and specifically requires the presence of the Hec1/Ndc80-Nuf2 complex at the kinetochore. Finally, we have combined in vitro binding studies and kinase assays to explore the influence of microtubules on hMps1 activity. Our data indicate that the catalytic domain of hMps1 displays affinity for microtubules and that microtubule binding could contribute to the regulation of kinase activity.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole - EGFP Enhanced green fluorescent protein - Mab Monoclonal antibody - MBP Myelin basic protein - PBS Phosphate-buffered saline - RT Room temperature  相似文献   


Although direct infiltration of papillary carcinoma of thyroid to larynx, trachea and esophagus is well recognized, lymphatic and vascular metastases to larynx and hypopharynx have rarely been reported.  相似文献   
Clinical trials with Poisson distributed count data as the primary outcome are common in various medical areas such as relapse counts in multiple sclerosis trials or the number of attacks in trials for the treatment of migraine. In this article, we present approximate sample size formulae for testing noninferiority using asymptotic tests which are based on restricted or unrestricted maximum likelihood estimators of the Poisson rates. The Poisson outcomes are allowed to be observed for unequal follow‐up schemes, and both the situations that the noninferiority margin is expressed in terms of the difference and the ratio are considered. The exact type I error rates and powers of these tests are evaluated and the accuracy of the approximate sample size formulae is examined. The test statistic using the restricted maximum likelihood estimators (for the difference test problem) and the test statistic that is based on the logarithmic transformation and employs the maximum likelihood estimators (for the ratio test problem) show favorable type I error control and can be recommended for practical application. The approximate sample size formulae show high accuracy even for small sample sizes and provide power values identical or close to the aspired ones. The methods are illustrated by a clinical trial example from anesthesia.  相似文献   
Comparisons of population genetic diversity between related rare and widespread species provide valuable insights to the consequences of rarity and are critical for conservation planning. Population genetic diversity of A. maritima, a rare species, was compared with its common, widespread congener A. serrulata to evaluate the impacts of small population size and high isolation on genetic diversity in A. maritima and to provide population genetic data to be used in conservation planning for A. maritima. Genetic data were also used to evaluate whether the disjunct distribution of A. maritima was due to range reduction or anthropogenic dispersal. Genetic diversity was lower in A. maritima (H(e) = 0.217) than in A. serrulata (H(e) = 0.268), and there is also higher inbreeding within A. maritima populations (f = 0.483) than A. serrulata populations (f = 0.269). The partitioning of genetic variation was also higher among A. maritima populations (Θ = 0.278), but not significantly different from that of A. serrulata (Θ = 0.197). Significant genetic differences among A. maritima populations support using local populations as seed sources for regional conservation efforts. The results also indicate that the highly disjunct distribution of A. maritima is due to natural range reduction in the past and not anthropogenic establishment of Oklahoma and Georgia populations.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans R2, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (wild-type strain and mutants Delta2 and Delta3 lacking PSII and PSI, respectively), and Synechocystis sp. BO 9201 synthesize the pigment--protein complex CP36 (CPIV-4, CP43') under iron deficiency in the medium. Accumulation of CP36 is accompanied by structural reorganizations in the photosynthetic membranes. Integrating mean times of excitation relaxation (quenching) are 2.2 nsec (CP36), 1 nsec (PSI), and 420 psec (PSII in Fm state). The energy migration between CP36 and the photosystems can be described by a model of a one-layer ring of CP36 around core-complexes. The excitation from CP36 to PSI is transferred within <10 psec. The energy transfer from CP36 to PSII occurs during 170 psec. Cells with low content of CP36 probably contain only a latent fraction of unbound to phycobilisomes PSII which is the analog of PSIIbeta of higher plants. In PSI there are four binding sites for CP36 monomers per RC. PSII can bind up to 32 molecules of CP36 per RC. Cells with a large amount of CP36 contain monomer form of PSII core-complex which can bind eight tetramers of CP36 (8 binding sites). In conditions of iron deficiency only one monomer of a dimer PSII core-complex is destroyed and released chlorophyll is accumulated in CP36. Accumulation of CP36 in A. nidulans cells can be accompanied by membrane stacking which is similar to the stacking in chlorophyll b-containing organisms. The stacking can occur in the region of localization of PSII latent fraction bound to CP36. The membrane stacking shields PSII stromal surfaces from the aqueous phase for activation of electron transfer on the acceptor side of PSII.  相似文献   
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