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The congenitally jaundiced Gunn rat does not conjugate bilirubin but does conjugate bilirubin dimethyl diester. Partial defects in conjugating p-nitrophenol and demethylating aminopyrine are also evident. A proposed mechanism to explain this combination of findings is a defective microsomal membrane. To examine the 'matrix' of Gunn microsomal membranes, hepatic microsomes were isolated from Gunn (jj) and outbred Wistar (JJ) rats and were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of 7-doxylstearic and 12-doxylstearic acid probes, fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, glucose-6-phosphatase activity vs. temperature, and lipid analysis. The data indicate several factors related to lipid bilayer order do not differ in microsomes from jj and JJ.  相似文献   
One- and two-color absorption difference profiles were obtained for BChl a in 1-propanol with approximately 50-fs resolution, using a self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser system. Time evolution in the BChl a absorption difference spectrum produces nonexponential photobleaching/stimulated emission (PB/SE) decay kinetics in 800-nm one-color experiments. Nonexponential PB/SE rise behavior occurs for some combinations of pump and probe wavelengths in two-color experiments. Optimized parameters from triexponential fits to the absorption difference profiles depend markedly on the fitting time window; they typically include a minor component with lifetime in the hundreds of fs. Much of the latter component is due to vibrational relaxation and/or intramolecular vibrational redistribution, rather than solvent dielectric relaxation. Measurements of the pump-probe anisotropy indicate that the electronic transition moment for the broad Qy excited state absorption band that overlaps the Qy steady-state absorption spectrum makes an angle of at most 20 degrees from that of the ground-->Qy state transition. No coherent oscillations are observed at early times. Our results bear directly on the interpretation of fs pump-probe experiments on BChl a-containing pigment-protein complexes.  相似文献   
The kinetics of acetylcholine receptor-mediated flux of 22sodium ions from microsacs has been measured in the presence of activators (carbamylcholine and decamethonium) and an inhibitor (d-tubocurarine) of neural transmission. The dependence of the first-order rate constant, kobs, for 22sodium ion efflux on either decamethonium or carbamylcholine concentration does not exhibit cooperativity. The apparent cooperativity observed by Kasai and Changeux in dose-response curves for 22sodium flux from the same preparation is adequately accounted for by the contribution which efflux from non-excitable microsacs, the main component of the preparation, makes to the measurements. d-Tubocurarine was found to be a non-competitive inhibitor of decamethonium-activated 22sodium efflux. The results of the kinetic measurements are in agreement with equilibrium measurements of the interaction of decamethonium with the same microsac preparation, i.e. adherence to a classic Langmuir binding isotherm and separate binding sites for activators and inhibitors of neural activity. The results indicate a direct relationship between ligand binding and receptor-mediated ion flux. How these two processes contribute to electrophysiological measurements is not apparent.  相似文献   


Genes involved in body weight regulation that were previously investigated in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and in animal models were target-enriched followed by massive parallel next generation sequencing.


We enriched and re-sequenced continuous genomic regions comprising FTO, MC4R, TMEM18, SDCCAG8, TKNS, MSRA and TBC1D1 in a screening sample of 196 extremely obese children and adolescents with age and sex specific body mass index (BMI) ≥ 99th percentile and 176 lean adults (BMI ≤ 15th percentile). 22 variants were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. Genotyping was performed in up to 705 independent obesity trios (extremely obese child and both parents), 243 extremely obese cases and 261 lean adults.

Results and Conclusion

We detected 20 different non-synonymous variants, one frame shift and one nonsense mutation in the 7 continuous genomic regions in study groups of different weight extremes. For SNP Arg695Cys (rs58983546) in TBC1D1 we detected nominal association with obesity (pTDT = 0.03 in 705 trios). Eleven of the variants were rare, thus were only detected heterozygously in up to ten individual(s) of the complete screening sample of 372 individuals. Two of them (in FTO and MSRA) were found in lean individuals, nine in extremely obese. In silico analyses of the 11 variants did not reveal functional implications for the mutations. Concordant with our hypothesis we detected a rare variant that potentially leads to loss of FTO function in a lean individual. For TBC1D1, in contrary to our hypothesis, the loss of function variant (Arg443Stop) was found in an obese individual. Functional in vitro studies are warranted.  相似文献   
Previous studies on flagellar adhesion in chlamydomonas (Snell, W. and S. Roseman. 1979. J. Biol. Chem. 254:10820-10829.) have shown that as gametes adhere to flagella isolated from gametes of the opposite mating type, the adhsiveness of the added flagella but not of the gametes is lost. The studies reported here show that the addition of protein synthesis inhibitors (cycloheximide [CH] or anisomycin) to the medium of such cell- flagella mixtures causes the cells to lose their adhesiveness. This loss, however, occurs only after the cells have interacted with 4-8 flagella/cell and does not occur if the cells are kept in CH (7 h) without aggregating. The availability of an impotent (imp) mating type plus (MT(+)) mutant (provided by U.W. Goodenough), which adheres but is unable to undergo the fusion that normally follows adhesion, made it possible to determine whether a similar loss of adhesiveness occurs in mixtures of matting type minus (mt(-)) and imp mt(+) gametes. In the absence of inhibitor, mt(-) and imp mt(+) gametes adhered to each other (without fusing) for several hours; however, in the presence of CH or anisomycin, the gametes began to de-adhere 35 min after mixing, and, by 90 min, 100 percent of the cells were single again. This effect was reversible, and the rapid turnover of cells were single again. This effect was reversible, and the rapid turnover of molecules involved in adhesion occurred only during adhesion inasmuch as gametes pretreated for 4 h with CH were able to aggregate in CH for the same length of time as nonpretreated cells aggregated in CH. By the addition of CH at various times after the mt(-) and imp mt(+) gametes were mixed, measurements were made of the “pool size” of the molecules involved in adhesion. The pool reached a minimum after 25 min of aggregation, rapidly increased for the next 25 min, and then leveled off at the premixing level. These results suggest that flagellar adhesion in chlamydomonas causes modification of surface molecules (receptors, ligands), which brings about their inactivation and stimulates their replacement.  相似文献   
FimH, the adhesive subunit of type 1 fimbriae expressed by many enterobacteria, mediates mannose-sensitive binding to target host cells. At the same time, fine receptor-structural specificities of FimH from different species can be substantially different, affecting bacterial tissue tropism and, as a result, the role of the particular fimbriae in pathogenesis. In this study, we compared functional properties of the FimH proteins from Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, which are both 279 amino acids in length but differ by some ∼15% of residues. We show that K. pneumoniae FimH is unable to mediate adhesion in a monomannose-specific manner via terminally exposed Manα(1-2) residues in N-linked oligosaccharides, which are the structural basis of the tropism of E. coli FimH for uroepithelial cells. However, K. pneumoniae FimH can bind to the terminally exposed Manα(1-3)Manβ(1-4)GlcNAcβ1 trisaccharide, though only in a shear-dependent manner, wherein the binding is marginal at low shear force but enhanced sevenfold under increased shear. A single mutation in the K. pneumoniae FimH, S62A, converts the mode of binding from shear dependent to shear independent. This mutation has occurred naturally in the course of endemic circulation of a nosocomial uropathogenic clone and is identical to a pathogenicity-adaptive mutation found in highly virulent uropathogenic strains of E. coli, in which it also eliminates the dependence of E. coli binding on shear. The shear-dependent binding properties of the K. pneumoniae and E. coli FimH proteins are mediated via an allosteric catch bond mechanism. Thus, despite differences in FimH structure and fine receptor specificity, the shear-dependent nature of FimH-mediated adhesion is highly conserved between bacterial species, supporting its remarkable physiological significance.The most common type of adhesive organelle in the Enterobacteriaceae is the type 1 fimbria, which has been most extensively studied in Escherichia coli. The corresponding structures of Klebsiella pneumoniae are similar to those of E. coli with regard to genetic composition and regulation (15). Type 1 fimbriae are composed primarily of the structural subunit FimA, with minor amounts of three ancillary subunits, FimF, FimG, and the mannose-specific adhesin FimH. The FimH adhesin is an allosteric protein that mediates the catch bond mechanism of adhesion where the binding is increased under increased shear stress (48).It has been demonstrated in E. coli that FimH has two domains, the mannose-binding lectin domain (from amino acid [aa] 1 through 156) and the fimbria-incorporating pilin domain (from aa 160 through 279), connected via a 3-aa-long linker chain (6). A mannose-binding site is located at the top of the lectin domain, at the opposite end from the interdomain linker (17).Several studies have demonstrated that type 1 fimbriae play an important role in E. coli urinary tract infection (UTI) (7, 21, 23, 35). In addition, in urinary E. coli isolates, the FimH adhesin accumulates amino acid replacements which increase tropism for the uroepithelium and various components of basement membranes (21, 30, 35, 37, 49). Most of the replacements increase the monomannose binding capability of FimH under low shear, by altering allosteric catch bond properties of the protein (48). The mutated FimH variants were shown to provide an advantage in colonization of the urinary tract in the mouse model (35) and correlate with the overall extraintestinal virulence of E. coli (16). Thus, FimH mutations are pathoadaptive in nature.Klebsiella pneumoniae is recognized as an important opportunistic pathogen frequently causing UTIs, septicemia, or pneumonia in immunocompromised individuals (29). It is responsible for up to 10% of all nosocomial bacterial infections (18, 41). K. pneumoniae is ubiquitous in nature, and it has been shown that environmental isolates are phenotypically indistinguishable from clinical isolates (22, 26, 27, 29, 33). Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that environmental isolates of K. pneumoniae are as virulent as clinical isolates (28, 45).K. pneumoniae possesses a number of known virulence factors, including a pronounced capsule, type 3 fimbriae, and type 1 fimbriae (29, 44). Type 1 fimbriae produced by K. pneumoniae are described as functionally and structurally similar to type 1 fimbriae from E. coli (25) and have been shown to play a significant role in K. pneumoniae UTI (32, 43).We have previously shown that mature FimH from 54 isolates of K. pneumoniae (isolated from urine, blood, liver, and the environment) is represented by seven protein variants due to point amino acid replacements. (42) When K. pneumoniae FimH was aligned with the FimH of E. coli, they showed ∼85% similarity at the amino acid level. Furthermore, a majority (14 out of 21 isolates) of the K. pneumoniae strains isolated from patients with UTI grouped into a single clonal group based on multilocus sequence typing, but fimH in one isolate in the group differed from the others by a single nucleotide mutation resulting in an amino acid change, serine to alanine, in position 62 (42). The same mutation has been found in FimH of a highly uropathogenic clone of E. coli and significantly increases the adhesin''s ability to adhere to monomannose under low or no shear (19, 39, 50).In this study, we describe the extent and pattern of structural variability of the FimH protein from K. pneumoniae and perform comparative analyses of the functional properties of FimH from both K. pneumonae and E. coli.  相似文献   
The fluorescent protein Dronpa undergoes reversible photoswitching reactions between the bright “on” and dark “off” states via photoisomerization and proton transfer reactions. We report the room temperature crystal structure of the fast switching Met159Thr mutant of Dronpa at 2.0‐Å resolution in the bright on state. Structural differences with the wild type include shifted backbone positions of strand β8 containing Thr159 as well as an altered A‐C dimer interface involving strands β7, β8, β10, and β11. The Met159Thr mutation increases the cavity volume for the p‐hydroxybenzylidene‐imidazolinone chromophore as a result of both the side chain difference and the backbone positional differences. Proteins 2015; 83:397–402. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


Activation by extracellular ligands of G protein-coupled (GPCRs) and tyrosine kinase receptors (RTKs), results in the generation of second messengers that in turn control specific cell functions. Further, modulation/amplification or inhibition of the initial signalling events, depend on the recruitment onto the plasma membrane of soluble protein effectors. High throughput methodologies to monitor quantitatively second messenger production, have been developed over the last years and are largely used to screen chemical libraries for drug development. On the contrary, no such high throughput methods are yet available for the other aspect of GPCRs regulation, i.e. protein translocation to the plasma membrane, despite the enormous interest of this phenomenon for the modulation of receptor downstream functions. Indeed, to date, the experimental procedures available are either inadequate or complex and expensive.


Here we describe the development of a novel conceptual approach to the study of cytosolic proteins translocation to the inner surface of the plasma membrane. The basis of the technique consists in: i) generating chimeras between the protein of interests and the calcium (Ca2+)-sensitive, luminescent photo-protein, aequorin and ii) taking advantage of the large Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+] difference between bulk cytosolic and the sub-plasma membrane rim.


This approach, that keeps unaffected the translocation properties of the signalling protein, can in principle be applied to any protein that, upon activation, moves from the cytosol to the plasma membrane. Thus, not only the modulation of GPCRs and RTKs can be investigated in this way, but that of all other proteins that can be recruited to the plasma membrane also independently of receptor activation. Moreover, its automated version, which can provide information about the kinetics and concentration-dependence of the process, is also applicable to high throughput screening of drugs affecting the translocation process.  相似文献   
The oxidation of spermidine or homospermidine with bovine serum amine oxidase (BSAO) was monitored in situ, using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in water with 10% D(2)O. NMR assignments were performed by spin decoupling and COSY spectra or by comparison with data from synthetic aminoaldehydes. The results represent the first in situ characterisation of the highly reactive aminoaldehydes and showed oxidation at the N(1) amino group of spermidine and homospermidine. Comparison of homospermidine with a variety of substrates revealed that among straight chain di- and polyamines both an aminopropyl group and two primary amino groups separated by seven (norspermidine) or eight (spermidine) carbon atoms were required for optimal substrate ability. However, highest activity was seen with the substrate N-(4-aminobutyl)hexahydropyrimidine, showing that the substrate channel of BSAO has a dual substrate preference, with moderately bulky substituents at the distal end of a diamine contributing equally well as an alkyl amino group. Cytotoxic investigations of a variety of substrates for BSAO, confirmed previous results, that cytotoxicity is primarily linked to polyamines encompassing the aminopropyl moiety. No acrolein was observed at any time during the oxidation showing that it reacts very fast with available amino groups forming a variety of derivatives.  相似文献   
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