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The ability of two strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, CRL 640 and CRL 800, to survive and retain their biological activities under frozen storage was determined. Freezing and thawing, as well as frozen storage, damaged the cell membrane, rendering the microorganisms sensitive to sodium chloride and bile salts. Both lactic acid production and proteolytic activity were depressed after 21 days at -20 degreesC, whereas beta-galactosidase activity per cell unit was increased. Cell injury was partially overcome after repair in a salt-rich medium. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
The extent to which programmed cell death is the fate of proliferative, rather than post-mitotic, cells remains controversial, but a preponderance of evidence suggests that at least some cells within the brain's proliferative zone die during mammalian brain development. One major unresolved question is the extent to which cell death in the proliferative zone is spatiotemporally patterned. In order to answer this question we used the terminal dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) method to stain apoptotic cells in the forebrain of chicken embryos at relatively early stages of brain development (Hamburger-Hamilton stages 19-32). Our principal finding is that most of the TUNEL-positive cells within the brain's proliferative zone are concentrated into distinct clusters, whose location varies with developmental stage. At stage 19, many TUNEL+ cells are found within the basal synencephalon, just below where the forebrain's first neurons are located. At stages 24-26, numerous TUNEL+ cells are located within the preoptic area and along the optic stalk. After stage 26, TUNEL labeling is prominent in two telencephalic areas: the thin dorsomedial telencephalon and the thickest portions of the telencephalon's lateral walls (i.e. the dorsal ventricular ridge). Collectively, the observed pattern of TUNEL staining suggests that cell death in the proliferative zone plays a substantial role in shaping the forebrain. In addition, cell death in the proliferative zone may be related to cell cycle exit.  相似文献   
The budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) is a promising model species for the study of adult vocal learning. To date, several studies have confirmed the existence of vocal plasticity and, more importantly, rapid imitation of contact calls by adult male budgerigars. Vocal learning has not been investigated in female budgerigars, however. Since one likely function of the contact call is to denote group affiliation, we tested the hypothesis that female budgerigars, when placed into groups, would develop a shared contact call. We recorded the contact call repertoires of eight adult female budgerigars that were unfamiliar with one another, then placed them into two groups. Each group was deprived of visual contact with other birds. Recording sessions continued for the subsequent 8 wks, and behavioral observations were also conducted during this time. Within 4–7 wks, females in both groups converged on a common call type. This rate of convergence is slower than that observed in prior experiments limited to male birds, and much slower than vocal imitation by male budgerigars paired with females. Therefore, while our study documents vocal plasticity in adult female budgerigars, it also suggests that female budgerigars learn new vocalizations more slowly than males do.  相似文献   


SRY is the pivotal gene initiating male sex determination in most mammals, but how its expression is regulated is still not understood. In this study we derived novel SRY 5' flanking genomic sequence data from bovine and caprine genomic BAC clones.  相似文献   


Enhancements in sequencing technology have recently yielded assemblies of large genomes including rat, mouse, human, fruit fly, and zebrafish. The availability of large-scale genomic and genic sequence data coupled with advances in microarray technology have made it possible to study the expression of large numbers of sequence products under several different conditions in days where traditional molecular biology techniques might have taken months, or even years. Therefore, to efficiently study a number of gene products associated with a disease, pathway, or other biological process, it is necessary to be able to design primer pairs or oligonucleotides en masse rather than using a time consuming and laborious gene-by-gene method.  相似文献   
Some altricial and some precocial species of birds have evolved enlarged telencephalons compared with other birds. Previous work has shown that finches and parakeets, two species that hatch in an immature (i.e. altricial) state, enlarged their telencephalon by delaying telencephalic neurogenesis. To determine whether species that hatch in a relatively mature (i.e. precocial) state also enlarged their telencephalon by delaying telencephalic neurogenesis, we examined brain development in geese, ducks, turkeys and chickens, which are all precocial. Whereas the telencephalon occupies less than 55 per cent of the brain in chickens and turkeys, it occupies more than 65 per cent in ducks and geese. To determine how these species differences in adult brain region proportions arise during development, we examined brain maturation (i.e. neurogenesis timing) and estimated telencephalon, tectum and medulla volumes from serial Nissl-stained sections in the four species. We found that incubation time predicts the timing of neurogenesis in all major brain regions and that the telencephalon is proportionally larger in ducks and geese before telencephalic neurogenesis begins. These findings demonstrate that the expansion of the telencephalon in ducks and geese is achieved by altering development prior to neurogenesis onset. Thus, precocial and altricial species evolved different developmental strategies to expand their telencephalon.  相似文献   
Budgerigars are well known for their ability to imitate sounds, but little is known about the functional contexts in which they use these imitations. Recently, we have shown that male budgerigars consistently imitate the contact calls of the females with whom they are paired. Here we investigate whether males produce these imitations more frequently when they are with their mates than when they are with other females. In one experiment, we established seven budgerigar pairs and then tested each male with his mate and with an unfamiliar female. In the second experiment, we allowed pairs to form freely in an aviary and then tested the males with their mate and with a familiar mated female. In both experiments, the males produced significantly more imitations of their mate's call (defined as calls that were more than 75% similar to the mate's predominant contact call) when they were with their mate than when they were recorded with another female. Under aviary conditions, this difference was due to both a general increase in the males' rate of calling and to an increase in the percentage of the males' calls that were imitations. These data show that male budgerigars modify their contact call rates and repertoires in an audience-specific manner. This audience effect is unusual because it involves a learned vocalization and is extremely specific to a particular audience, namely the mate. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   
Polymorphism of myosin among skeletal muscle fiber types   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
An immunocytochemical approach was used to localize myosin with respect to individual fibers in rat skeletal muscle. Transverse cryostat sections of rat diaphragm, a fast-twitch muscle, were exposed to fluorescein-labeled immunoglobulin against purified chicken pectoralis myosin. Fluorescence microscopy revealed a differential response among fiber types, identified on the basis of mitochondrial content. All white and intermediate fiber but only about half of the red fiber reacted with his antimyosin. In addition, an alkali-stable ATPase had the same pattern of distribution among fibers, which is consistent with the existence of two categories of red fibers. The positive response of certain red fibers indicates either that their myosin has antigenic determinants in common with "white" myosin, or that the immunogen contained a "red" myosin. Myosin, extracted from a small region of the pectorlis which consists entirely of white fibers, was used to prepare an immunoadsorbent column to isolate antibodies specific for white myosin. This purified anti-white myosin reacted with the same fibers of the rat diaphragm that had reacted with the white, intermediate, and some red fibers are sufficiently homologous to share antigenic determinants. In a slow-twitch muscle, the soleus, only a minority of the fiber reacted with antipectoralis myosin. The majority failed to respond; hence, they are not equivalent to intermediate fibers of the diaphragm; despite their intermediate mitochondrial content. Immunocytochemical analysis of two different musles of the rat has demonstrated that more than one isoenzyme of myosin can exist in a single muscle, and that individual fiber types can be recognized by immunological differences in their myosin. We conclude that, in the rat diaphragm, there are at least two immunochemically distinct types of myosin and four types of muscle fibers: white, intermediate, and two red. We suggest that these fibers correspond to the four types of motor units described by Burke et al. (Burke, R. E., D. N. Levine, P. Tsairis, and F. E. Zajac, III 1973. J. Physiol. (Lond) 234:723-748.)in the cat gastrocnemius.`  相似文献   
A discrete neural circuit mediates the production of learned vocalizations in oscine songbirds. Although this circuit includes some bilateral pathways at midbrain and medullary levels, the forebrain components of the song control network are not directly connected across the midline. There have been no previous reports of bilateral projections from medullary and midbrain vocal control nuclei back to the forebrain song system, but the existence of such bilateral corollary discharge pathways was strongly suggested by the recent observation that unilateral stimulation of a forebrain song nucleus during singing leads to a rapid readjustment of premotor activity in the contralateral forebrain. In the present study, we used neuroanatomical tracers to demonstrate bilateral projections from (a) the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVL), which may control respiratory aspects of vocalization, to nucleus uvaeformis (Uva), and (b) the dorsomedial intercollicular nucleus (DM), a midbrain vocal control region, to Uva. Both RVL and DM receive descending projections from the forebrain song nucleus robustus archistriatalis, and Uva projects directly to the forebrain song nuclei interfacialis and high vocal center. We suggest that the bilateral feedback projections from DM and RVL to Uva function to coordinate the two hemispheres during singing in adult songbirds and to convey internal feedback of premotor signals to the forebrain in young birds that are learning to sing. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 27–40, 1998  相似文献   
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