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Wetlands Ecology and Management -  相似文献   
The present study, conducted near Newcastle, Australia, used a blocked analysis of variance experimental design to compare initial nutrient concentrations and decomposition rates of Avicennia marina (grey mangrove) grown on sand and rock blast furnace slag. There were no significant differences ( ANOVA ; P > 0.05) in mean initial nutrient concentrations of total C, N and P for plants grown on the sand and slag substrates. A litterbag technique was used to estimate decomposition rates. After 360 days of incubation, repeated measures analysis did not identify significant differences between the substrates for the interaction term ‘substrate × time’ or the term ‘substrate’ for percentage weight loss or for C, N and P remaining. Avicennia marina on both substrates had nutrient characteristics and decomposition rates comparable to those found in the literature. Results suggest that initial nutrient concentration and decomposition rates are not dramatically influenced by the presence of slag.  相似文献   
Changes following culvert removal in the production of the saltmarsh mosquito, Aedes vigilax (Skuse), and the cover and occurrence of halophytes were investigated on Kooragang Island, New South Wales, Australia. Mosquito eggshells were collected from saltmarsh soil and used as an index of mosquito production. Saltmarsh bordering each of four tidal creeks was sampled prior to the removal of culverts from two of these creeks in 1995. All creeks were resampled two years later. In most instances, eggshell densities decreased significantly at saltmarshes affected by culvert removal, with relatively small change at reference saltmarshes. However, oviposition by Ae. vigilax was initiated in upland areas following culvert removal at one site. Sarcocornia quinqueflora cover decreased significantly at sites affected by culvert removal relative to reference sites. The cover of Sporobolus virginicus and frequency of occurrence of Triglochin striata increased significantly at one modified site, while the frequency of occurrence of Avicennia marina seedlings increased significantly at the other modified site. We suggest that culvert removal and other alterations intended to increase tidal flushing will lead to vegetation patterns and mosquito eggshell densities that typically occur in the more frequently inundated saltmarsh–mangrove complex.  相似文献   
Fourteen dredged material marshes andfourteen natural marshes along the Texas, USA, coastare compared on the basis of 1) edge: area ratios, 2)relative exposure index values, 3) elevation profiles,4) elevation of Spartina alterniflora, 5) soilorganic carbon content, 6) soil silt-clay content, and7) belowground plant biomass. Although edge: areacomparisons cannot detect certain types of differencesin geomorphology, comparisons clearly show thatdredged material marshes, on average, have fewer pondsand flooded depressions than natural marshes. Comparisons of relative exposure index values suggestthat wave protection structures associated with somedredged material marshes may be overbuilt. Elevationprofiles illustrate the potential for structures suchas berms to lead to differences between dredgedmaterial marshes and natural marshes, but they alsoshow the high variability in elevation profiles thatexists among both dredged material and naturalmarshes. S. alternifloraelevations in dredgedmaterial marshes are not significantly different fromthose of natural marshes. Soil organic carbon andsilt-clay content of dredged material marshes are notsignificantly different from those of natural marshes. Although belowground biomass of dredged materialmarshes is significantly lower than that of naturalmarshes, regression analysis suggests that belowgroundbiomass will increase over time. Findings reportedhere suggest several points that should be consideredduring planning and design of dredged material marshesin Texas: 1) if an objective of marsh construction isto mimic natural marsh geomorphology, methods toincrease the amount of unconnected edge need to bedeveloped, 2) methods of effectively summarizinggeomorphic characteristics need further development,and 3) there is some evidence suggesting thatprotective structures may be over-built, and the needfor substantial structural protection should bebalanced against the costs of structures and risk ofsite failure during project design. Lastly, a methodfor increasing the amount of unconnected edge thatinvolves excavation of bay bottom before placement ofdredged material is suggested.  相似文献   
Restoration of salt marsh habitat is becoming more common in Australia. However, little is known about restoring salt marshes on substrates contaminated by slag from iron smelting, which could affect microbial activity. This study, conducted near Newcastle, Australia, compares initial C, N, and P mass and decomposition of Sarcocornia quinqueflora (glasswort or samphire) from (1) a restoration site with a slag‐and‐mud substrate, (2) the restoration site's donor marsh, and (3) other nearby sites sampled to provide information on background variability. A litterbag technique with a 180‐day incubation period was used to quantify total, C, N, and P mass losses from decomposition. Although there were significant differences between sites in initial N mass and loss of C and P over the period of our study, the presence of slag did not slow decomposition rates as measured using litterbags. Further work is needed to assess other aspects of wetland structure and function on slag substrates.  相似文献   
Rehabilitation of mangrove habitat has become common practice, but few studies have investigated the growth and survival of mangrove on artificial substrates. Managers attempting to plant mangrove in sites containing artificial substrates must remove substrates or risk poor performance of rehabilitation efforts. This study compared propagule retention, early survival, growth, flowering success, and nutrient concentrations of Avicennia marina (grey mangrove) grown on sand, naturally occurring substrate, and rock blast furnace slag over two growing seasons at an experimental site near Newcastle, Australia. Nutrient concentrations of experimental plants were also compared to those of naturally occurring plants. Experimental results showed significant differences (p < 0.05) in short-term survival, growth over the two growing seasons, and carbon and nitrogen concentrations between plants grown on different substrates. Comparison of plants grown in slag and plants from reference sites suggests, however, that slag does not lead to anomalies in nutrient concentrations of young mangroves. Although the results identified some differences between plants grown on river sand, naturally occurring substrate, and slag substrate, the absence of consistent differences suggests that mangroves planted in slag are under no greater risk of future failure than mangroves planted in naturally occurring substrate.  相似文献   
After three decades ofexperience, environmental managers continue toquestion the use of dredged material for creation andrestoration of Spartina alternifloramarshes. Different uses of the term `success' have led to someconfusion, and poor recognition of the limitations ofresearch design have contributed to confusion instudies comparing dredged material and naturalmarshes. This paper uses data from a number ofsources to compare dredged material and naturalmarshes. Quantitative analyses based on dataavailable in the scientific literature suggest thatmean values for aboveground and belowground biomass,organic carbon in sediments, polychaete densities, andcrustacean densities may differ in dredged materialand natural marshes. There is not sufficient evidenceto conclude that differences are present for othervariables, such as densities of stems, oligochaetes,or fish. Cumulative quantitative data do not supportthe contention that dredged material sites becomeincreasingly similar to nearby natural marshes overtime as a general rule, although some attributes ofindividual dredged material marshes may becomeincreasingly similar to some natural marshes. Although it is clear that dredged material marshesprovide habitat for birds, limited data suggest thatdredged material marshes may provide habitat for adifferent community of birds than natural marshes. Similarly, limited data suggest that geomorphologicalfeatures found in natural marshes are not duplicatedin dredged material marshes. In short, datasummarized from the literature suggest that dredgedmaterial marshes provide some of the functions ofnatural marshes but probably do not replace all of thefunctions of lost natural marshes.  相似文献   
Trends in Australian wetland rehabilitation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper summarizes trends in Australian wetland rehabilitation on the basis of responses to a questionnaire from sixty-nine rehabilitation projects and a literature review. Project sizes ranged from 0.4 to 110,000 ha. Costs ranged from A$6 to 70,000 ha–1 yr–1, with most projects costing less than A$1,000 ha–1 yr–1 and with larger projects generally costing less per area than smaller projects. The oldest project began in 1963, but most projects began between 1990 and 1996. The most commonly cited dominant plant genera in rehabilitation projects were Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Muehlenbeckia, Juncus, Avicennia, and Typha. Filling and draining and altered hydrology were the most commonly cited impacts that led to a need for rehabilitation, while excavation and planting were the most commonly cited rehabilitation methods. About 65% of projects undertake rehabilitation methods that address the causes of impacts. Habitat improvement was the most commonly stated objective in wetland rehabilitation. Of the projects that supported monitoring programs, fewer than 25% appeared to monitor variables that were closely linked to project goals. Thirty-six projects reported involvement in research other than monitoring, with vegetation research most frequently cited. Most projects encouraged some level of community involvement. Wetland rehabilitation in Australia could benefit from a centralized register of projects and a library of rehabilitation literature, including government and in-house reports.  相似文献   
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