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The dynamic and static properties of molecular dynamics simulations using various methods for treating solvent were compared. The SH3 protein domain was chosen as a test case because of its small size and high surface-to-volume ratio. The simulations were analyzed in structural terms by examining crystal packing, distribution of polar residues, and conservation of secondary structure. In addition, the "essential dynamics" method was applied to compare each of the molecular dynamics trajectories with a full solvent simulation. This method proved to be a powerful tool for the comparison of large concerted atomic motions in SH3. It identified methods of simulation that yielded significantly different dynamic properties compared to the full solvent simulation. Simulating SH3 using the stochastic dynamics algorithm with a vacuum (reduced charge) force field produced properties close to those of the full solvent simulation. The application of a recently described solvation term did not improve the dynamic properties. The large concerted atomic motions in the full solvent simulation as revealed by the essential dynamics method were analyzed for possible biological implications. Two loops, which have been shown to be involved in ligand binding, were seen to move in concert to open and close the ligand-binding site.  相似文献   
Pinocytosis was measured in monkey aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC), bovine aortic endothelial cells, and Swiss 3T3 cells in culture as cellular uptake of [U-(14)C]sucrose and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) from the tissue culture medium. Monkey arterial SMC and Swiss 3T3 cells were maintained in a quiescent state of growth at low cells density in medium containing 5 percent monkey plasma-derived serum (PDS). Replacement of PDS with 5 percent monkey whole blood serum (WBS) from the same donor, or addition to PDS of partially purified platelet-derived growth factor(s) (PF), resulted in a marked stimulation of pinocytosis as well as of cellular proliferation. In SMC, enhancement of the rate of pinocytosis occurred 4-6 h after exposure to WBS or PF, and the rate was up to twofold higher than the rate in medium containing PDS. In contrast, [(3)H]thymidine uptake by SMC did not increase until 12-16 h after exposure to PF. In endothelial cells the presence of PF or WBS did not enhance either the rate of pinocytosis or the rate of proliferation over that in PDS. Thus, endothelial cells did not become quiescent at subconfluent densities in PDS but maintained rates of proliferation and pinocytosis that were equivalent to those in WBS. By autoradiography, the fraction of labeled nuclei in SMC cultures 24 h after change of medium increased from 0.061 +/- 0.004 in quiescent cultures to 0.313 +/- 0.028 after exposure to WBS or PF. In contrast, labeling indices of endothelial cells were similar for cultures grown in PDS, WBS, or PF at any single time point after change of medium. These findings suggest that the rate of pinocytosis maybe be coupled in some fashion to growth regulation, which may be mediated in part by specific growth factors, such as that derived from the thrombocyte.  相似文献   
Stem cells are capable of long-term self-renewal and differentiation into specialised cell types, making them an ideal candidate for a cell source for regenerative medicine. The control of stem cell fate has become a major area of interest in the field of regenerative medicine and therapeutic intervention. Conventional methods of chemically inducing stem cells into specific lineages is being challenged by the advances in biomaterial technology, with evidence highlighting that material properties are capable of driving stem cell fate. Materials are being designed to mimic the clues stem cells receive in their in vivo stem cell niche including topographical and chemical instructions. Nanotopographical clues that mimic the extracellular matrix(ECM) in vivo have shown to regulate stem cell differentiation. The delivery of ECM components on biomaterials in the form of short peptides sequences has also proved successful in directing stem cell lineage. Growth factors responsible for controlling stem cell fate in vivo have also been delivered via biomaterials to provide clues to determine stem cell differentiation. An alternative approach to guide stem cells fate is to provide genetic clues including delivering DNA plasmids and small interfering RNAs via scaffolds. This review, aims to provide an overview of the topographical, chemical and molecular clues that biomaterials can provide to guide stem cell fate. The promising features and challenges of such approaches will be highlighted, to provide directions for future advancements in this exciting area of stem cell translation for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   


Condition-dependence is a ubiquitous feature of animal life histories and has important implications for both natural and sexual selection. Mate choice, for instance, is typically based on condition-dependent signals. Theory predicts that one reason why condition-dependent signals may be special is that they allow females to scan for genes that confer high parasite resistance. Such explanations require a genetic link between immunocompetence and body condition, but existing evidence is limited to phenotypic associations. It remains unknown, therefore, whether females selecting males with good body condition simply obtain a healthy mate, or if they acquire genes for their offspring that confer high immunocompetence.  相似文献   
Docking programs can generate subsets of a compound collection with an increased percentage of actives against a target (enrichment) by predicting their binding mode (pose) and affinity (score), and retrieving those with the highest scores. Using the QXP and GOLD programs, we compared the ability of six single scoring functions (PLP, Ligscore, Ludi, Jain, ChemScore, PMF) and four composite scoring models (Mean Rank: MR, Rank-by-Vote: Vt, Bayesian Statistics: BS and PLS Discriminant Analysis: DA) to separate compounds that are active against CDK2 from inactives. We determined the enrichment for the entire set of actives (IC50 < 10 microM) and for three activity subsets. In all cases, the enrichment for each subset was lower than for the entire set of actives. QXP outperformed GOLD at pose prediction, but yielded only moderately better enrichments. Five to six scoring functions yielded good enrichments with GOLD poses, while typically only two worked well with QXP poses. For each program, two scoring functions generally performed better than the others (Ligscore2 and Ludi for GOLD; QXP and Jain for QXP). Composite scoring functions yielded better results than single scoring functions. The consensus approaches MR and Vt worked best when separating micromolar inhibitors from inactives. The statistical approaches BS and DA, which require training data, performed best when distinguishing between low and high nanomolar inhibitors. The key observation that all hit rate profiles for all four activity intervals for all scoring schemes for both programs are significantly better than random, is evidence that docking can be successfully applied to enrich compound collections.  相似文献   
The interaction between beta-catenin and Tcf family members is crucial for the Wnt signal transduction pathway, which is commonly mutated in cancer. This interaction extends over a very large surface area (4800 A(2)), and inhibiting such interactions using low molecular weight inhibitors is a challenge. However, protein surfaces frequently contain "hot spots," small patches that are the main mediators of binding affinity. By making tight interactions with a hot spot, a small molecule can compete with a protein. The Tcf3/Tcf4-binding surface on beta-catenin contains a well-defined hot spot around residues K435 and R469. A 17,700 compounds subset of the Pharmacia corporate collection was docked to this hot spot with the QXP program; 22 of the best scoring compounds were put into a biophysical (NMR and ITC) screening funnel, where specific binding to beta-catenin, competition with Tcf4 and finally binding constants were determined. This process led to the discovery of three druglike, low molecular weight Tcf4-competitive compounds with the tightest binder having a K(D) of 450 nM. Our approach can be used in several situations (e.g., when selecting compounds from external collections, when no biochemical functional assay is available, or when no HTS is envisioned), and it may be generally applicable to the identification of inhibitors of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Despite its ecological importance, essential aspects of microbial N2O reduction—such as the effect of O2 availability on the N2O sink capacity of a community—remain unclear. We studied N2O vs. aerobic respiration in a chemostat culture to explore (i) the extent to which simultaneous respiration of N2O and O2 can occur, (ii) the mechanism governing the competition for N2O and O2, and (iii) how the N2O-reducing capacity of a community is affected by dynamic oxic/anoxic shifts such as those that may occur during nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment systems. Despite its prolonged growth and enrichment with N2O as the sole electron acceptor, the culture readily switched to aerobic respiration upon exposure to O2. When supplied simultaneously, N2O reduction to N2 was only detected when the O2 concentration was limiting the respiration rate. The biomass yields per electron accepted during growth on N2O are in agreement with our current knowledge of electron transport chain biochemistry in model denitrifiers like Paracoccus denitrificans. The culture’s affinity constant (KS) for O2 was found to be two orders of magnitude lower than the value for N2O, explaining the preferential use of O2 over N2O under most environmentally relevant conditions.


Free energy differences between different conformers of D-ribofuranose, L-malic acid and meso-tartaric acid in solution were calculated using Molecular Dynamics simulations. In case of ribose the α → β transition was studied. For the acids attention was focussed on the transitions between the three possible staggered conformers with respect to the central C-C bond. In all cases a thermodynamic integration method was employed to evaluate the free energy difference. The use of an alternative technique, umbrella sampling, for ribose did not give promising results.

It was shown that one needs a fairly accurate picture of the accessible conformational space in case of flexible molecules like the ones considered here before one can determine meaningful free energy differences. Large hysteresis effects between forward and reverse simulated transitions were observed, but contrary to the general belief they are no direct measure of the accuracy of the calculated ΔG values. In all cases the ΔG values resulting from the simulations and from NMR experiments agree within the, considerable, error limits and for the different forms of D-ribose, L-malic acid and L-tartaric acid the relative order of their populations is also correctly reproduced.  相似文献   
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