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Summary This study was undertaken to evaluate water stress effects during vegetative, flowering, and podfilling stages of cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata L.) grown under natural field conditions in southern California on seed yield and protein and free amino acid content of the cowpea seeds. The lowest concentration of N was found in the seeds of the control treatment plants while the seed yield from these treatments was the highest as compared with the N concentration and yield of seeds from plants subjected to water stress during flowering and podfilling stages. The concentration of N in the seeds was inversely related to the seed dry weight yield. Protein arginine,-threonine,-serine,-cystine,-valine,-methionine, and-isoleucine were significantly affected by water stress at the three growth stages. There was no consistent pattern in the effect of water stress on the individual amino acids. The sum of protein amino acids in the cowpea seeds was not significantly influenced by the various treatments since some of the protein amino acids increased and others decreased producing an averaging effect on the figures comprising the sums of the amino acids. Water stress during the flowering and pod-filling stages increased the free amino acid pool, and at the same time, inhibited incorporation of the amino acids into the protein chain-thus lowering the protein amino acid fraction simultaneously. With the exception of methionine plus cystine, the essential amino acids in the seeds were present at concentrations equal to or greater than recommended by the World Health Organization and FAO. It is of particular importance to note that the concentration of lysine in the cowpeas was substantially higher than that found in wheat grain. It is also important to note that the amount of essential amino acids per gram of protein was not measurably affected by the water stress treatments during any of the growth stages.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of four lysimeter soil series under three salinity levels were evaluated for grain yield, wt/1000 seeds, protein, and amino acids in Mexican dwarf wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var. Cajeme 71). The soil series consisted of: Holtville clay loam, Greenfield sandy loam, San Emigdio sandy loam, and Altamont clay loam. The irrigation water salinity levels were designated: low –2.2 mmho, medium –4.2 mmho, and high –7.1 mmho.No significant differences were found in the amount of grain harvested or wt/1000 seeds in the 1976 crop produced on the differential soil series. The yield of the 1977 crop was significantly affected by the soil types.Effects of soil type on the protein amino acids in the grain in both years were similar. Significantly higher protein amino acid levels of histidine, arginine, aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, cystine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine were found in the grain grown on Altamont clay loam soil than the other types.The free amino acids in grain from the 1976 and 1977 crops were similarly affected by the soil types, except that the quantitative values of the free amino acids were substantially lower in 1977 than in 1976. The free amino acids significantly influenced by soil types were tryptophane, lysine, arginine, aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine. In both years' crops, the sum of the free amino acid fractions was significantly higher in the grain produced on the Altamont soil than on the other soils.Salinity level in the irrigation water did not affect the 1976 crop yield or wt/1000 seeds. Although yields of the 1977 crop were significantly reduced by salinity, the wt/1000 seeds was not. The sum of protein amino acids was significantly higher in the 1976 and 1977 grain crops irrigated with high salinity water than in low salinity irrigated crops.An increased salinity irrigation water significantly reduced the sum of free amino acid fractions in the 1976 grain crop. Since some of the free amino acids in the 1977 grain crop increased while the others decreased due to the salinity level in the irrigation water, the sum of the free amino acid fractions was not significantly influenced.Significant interactions were found between soil types and salinity levels on free arginine, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, and alanine, and also on the sum of the free amino acids in the 1976 wheat grain. In the 1977 wheat grain, there were significant interactions between soil types and salinity levels on the free glutamic acid, valine, leucine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine, and on protein serine, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, and the sum of the protein amino acids.The amounts of essential amino acids expressed as mg of amino acid/g of protein were not affected by the soil types or salinity levels. With the exception of lysine, and possibly threonine and methionine plus cystine, the essential amino acids were present in the grain at concentrations equal to or greater than recommended by WHO and FAO.  相似文献   
Summary A field study utilizing a modified line-source sprinkler system was used to investigate the hydrologic balance of a sorghum crop subjected to water deficit stress. An additional objective was to evaluate the evapotranspiration-yield relationship and to determine if the water use efficiency could be improved through the addition of increased amounts of potassium. Sixteen lysimeters packed with a Greenfield sandy loam and planted to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) were placed under a moisture gradient irrigation system. Four levels of potassium were used in the experiment (0, 100, 200 or 300 Kg/ha). The results indicated that when the leaching fraction was set at 0.15 near the source, the predicted leaching fraction would go to zero at 10 meters from the source. Although yield was related to evapotranspiration, a better fit to the yield data was obtained when a parameter that included an availability and deficit term was used. The relationship was not linear but instead was described by an exponential fit. This parameter was also highly sensitive to leaf water potential and diffusion resistance. Finally, water use efficiency increased with yield but showed no correlation with potassium application.  相似文献   
The lesion nematode, Pratylenchus thornei, was clearly demonstrated as a parasite of wheat. It reduced plant stands and stunted plants in the field under the environmental conditions found in Sonora, Mexico. Other soil organisms also may have contributed to the problem. The nematode is widely distributed throughout the wheat-growing region, and may be a problem each growing season. Nematicides controlled the nematode and increased yields, but they were not economical. No resistance was found in existing commercial wheat cultivars. A pest management approach using variety selection, nitrogen fertilizer, planting in cool soil (15 C) and a crop rotation avoiding wheat after wheat was the most practical solution to this problem on a commercial scale.  相似文献   
Summary An oxygen diffusion rate of 20×10–8 g cm–2 min–1 is required for root growth of Newport bluegrass. The optimum O.D.R. is in a range above 40.During the first growth period, the vegetative growth was not greatly affected by oxygen treatment except during the <1% treatment which did not permit root growth. After clipping, the growth increased with increasing oxygen to a maximum at the 10% treatment and then exhibited a lower growth under the 21% treatment. The plants survived through all oxygen treatments.The concentration of N, P, and K in the leaves generally increased with increased oxygen supply. Na accumulated to a high concentration under the lowest oxygen treatment.Paper No. 1489, Citrus Research Center, Agricultural Experiment Station, Riverside, California.  相似文献   
Summary This experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to study the influence of 2 soil-oxygen levels and 4 irrigation levels on the plant response, root decay, concentrations of 12 nutrients, as well as on total amounts of nutrients per avocado seedling (Persea americana Mill.).Reduced soil-oxygen supply to the roots significantly reduced the amount of dry weight per seedling, increased percentage of root decay, and reduced the concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and B in the tops, while Na and Fe were increased. Concentrations of K, Mg, Na, and Cl in the roots were decreased, while N and Ca were increased with decreased soil oxygen supply to the roots. Total amounts of N, P, Ca, Mg, Na, and Cl per seedling were decreased with the low soil-oxygen supply to the roots.Only slight differences in dry weight of the tops of seedlings were found. The highest degree of root decay was caused by the irrigation treatment where a water table was present. In the tops, concentrations of N, P, K, Mg, Na, Zn, Cu, Mn, B, and Fe were significantly influenced by differential irrigation treatments; in the roots, concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, and Cl were also significantly influenced; and total amounts of N, P, Mg, and Cl the whole seedling were likewise significantly influenced.Significant interactions were noted between the soil-oxygen and irrigation treatments on the dry weight of tops, roots, and total amounts of dry weight produced per seedling. The lowest amount of dry weight of roots and the highest degree of root decay were found in the avocado seedlings grown under low soil-oxygen supply and the irrigation treatment where a water table was present. Several significant interactions between soil oxygen and irrigation on the concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Zn, and Mn are discussed.University of California, Citrus Research Center and Agricultural Experiment Station, Riverside, California. The research reported in this paper was supported in part by NSF Grant GB-5753x.  相似文献   
Summary Experiments were conducted under which rice plants were grown under three energy input levels (temperature and light) and two solution-oxygen concentrations. The rice variety was Colusa. Increasing the energy input increased total top growth. There was no significant effect of solution-oxygen concentration on top growth. The highest number of tillers developed under medium energy input followed by high energy input and the least under low energy input. There was a trend towards more tiller production under low oxygen conditions as compared to high oxygen. Decreasing the oxygen supply increased the dry weight production of roots under the two higher energy input levels, but had no significant effect under the low energy input. The highest amount of root growth occurred under high and medium energy input and least under lower energy input. Increasing the energy input increased the percent root porosity, but the oxygen level had no significant effect on root porosity. None of the treatments had a significant effect on nitrogen concentration in the tops. The amount of water necessary per unit dry matter production had a trend towards increase with increased energy input level and also significantly higher under low oxygen as compared to high oxygen conditions. Contribution of the Department of Soils and Plant Nutrition, University of California, Riverside. Supported in part by NSF Grant No. GB-5733X1.  相似文献   
A lysimeter study was conducted on Cajeme wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to investigate the impact of salinity on protein and free amino acid content of the grain. Cross correlations were obtained between 16 different soil-plant-water based parameters and the concentration and total accumulation of amino acids. The results indicated that after 3 years of irrigation, the majority of protein bound and free amino acids increased in concentration in the grain. However, both free tryptophan and free proline revealed decreasing concentrations with increasing salinity. Free tryptophan showed a synergism between total accumulation, yield and concentration. Free proline concentrations decreased in association with increasing protein concentrations. Cross correlations of the 16 soil-plant-water based parameters with free and protein bound amino acids revealed significant correlations for free aspartic acid and glycine with total accumulation but not with concentrations. Only methionine plus cystine was lower than suggested FAO levels for essential amino acids and was lower in the third year than in the first year.  相似文献   
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