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The main goal of this study was to evaluate if specific cytokine expression in the NK/Ly lymphoma cells might be involved in development of intoxication in the tumor-bearing animals. RT-PCR analysis was used to study an expression of mRNA coding for IL-1α, IL-6, TNF-α, TNF-β and VEGF. ELISA was used to evaluate IL-6 and IFN-γ concentration in the ascitic fluid. Cytomorphological investigation of tumor cells was done after standard Romanovsky-Giemsa staining, and chromatin staining was performed with hematoxyline and neutral red. Lactate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase release from tumor cells was estimated. It was revealed that the level of mRNA coding for VEGF and IL-6 was significant in the lymphoma cells. The level of VEGF mRNA was initially high and did not change during tumor progression, while the level of expression of IL6 mRNA was low at the initial stages of tumor growth and markedly increased (up to 5-fold) at the terminal stages. The obtained data on IL-6 mRNA expression were confirmed by ELISA, which showed more than 6-fold increase (from 90 to 570 pg/ml) in the IL-6 concentration in the ascitic fluid at late stages of NK/Ly tumor development. On the contrary to IL-6, concentration of IFN-γ in the ascitic fluid was very high at early stages of tumor development (1,000 pg/ml) and it markedly decreased (up to 30-fold, 30 pg/ml) at the terminal stages of tumor development. The high levels of IL-6 mRNA in tumor cells and IL-6 content in extracellular medium correlated with cell deterioration, as revealed by cytomorphologic study and the release of intracellular enzymes into extracellular medium. We suggest that an enhanced production and release of IL-6 by lymphoma cells can cause intoxication and exhaustion of the organism observed at terminal stages of tumor growth.  相似文献   
The main similarities of embryonic and tumor cells, as well as the mechanisms preventing the malignant transformation of embryonic cells, are presented in this review. Special attention is paid to the role of specific polypeptide growth factors in reciprocally excluding processes: embryogenesis and carcinogenesis. Based on the presented analysis, new potential targets for antitumor drugs are considered.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulins IgG and sIgA actively hydrolyzing histone H1 have been detected on analyzing proteolytic activity of antibodies isolated by chromatography on Protein A-agarose from blood serum of patients with multiple sclerosis and from colostrum of healthy mothers. These antibodies hydrolyze other histones less actively and virtually failed to cleave lysozyme of chicken egg. By gel filtration at acidic pH and subsequent analysis of protease activity of chromatographic fractions, it was shown that IgG and sIgA molecules were responsible for hydrolysis of histone H1. Anti-histone H1 antibodies of IgG and sIgA classes were purified by affinity chromatography on histone H1-Sepharose from catalytically active antibody preparations. The protease activity of anti-histone H1 IgG antibodies was inhibited by serine proteinase inhibitors, whereas anti-histone H1 sIgA antibodies were insensitive to inhibitors of serine, asparagine, and cysteine proteases.  相似文献   
Novel hydrolytic activity of the anti‐histone H1 antibodies (Ab) toward histone H1 and myelin basic protein (MBP) was shown. Blood serum of ten patients with clinically diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and nine healthy donors (control) were screened for the anti‐histone H1 antibody‐ and anti‐MBP antibody‐mediated specific proteolytic activity. IgGs were isolated by chromatography on Protein G‐Sepharose, and four of ten SLE patients appeared to possess IgGs that were capable of cleaving both histone H1 and MBP. Such activity was confirmed to be an intrinsic property of the IgG molecule, since it was preserved at gel filtration at alkaline and acidic pH. At the same time, proteolytic activity was absent in the sera‐derived Ab of all healthy donors under control. Anti‐histone IgGs were purified by the affinity chromatography on histone H1‐Sepharose. Their cross‐reactivity toward cationic proteins (histones, lysozyme, and MBP) and their capability of hydrolyzing histone H1 and MBP were detected. However, these IgGs were not cleaving core histones, lysozyme, or albumin. Capability of cleaving histone H1 and MBP was preserved after additional purification of anti‐histone H1 IgGs by the HPLC gel filtration. The protease activity of anti‐histone H1 IgG Ab was inhibited by serine protease inhibitors. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The effect of anticancer drugs on the expression of p53 protein in tumor cells was studied using the Western Blot analysis. Human lung carcinoma cell line A549 and human breast carcinoma cell line MCF7 sensitive (WT) and resistant (DOX/R) to doxorubicin were used. An increase in p53 protein expression was found in A549 and MCF7 (WT) cells treated with cisplatin, methotrexate, and doxorubicin, whereas the level of p53 was not statistically significantly changed in the MCF7 DOX/R cells. In the untreated MCF7 DOX/R cells the level of p53 protein was markedly higher than in the untreated WT MCF7 cells. A potential role of p53 protein in the development of doxorubicin-resistance in carcinoma cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Epigenetically-determined apogamy in aposporous regenerants of the moss Pottia intermedia persists during vegetative propagation, the capacity of apogamy being inherited by individual aposporous protonemal cells. To test Bauer-Lazarenko's proposal that stable apogamy in mosses may be due to some self-replicating cytoplasmic factor, the effects of different metabolic stress treatments on the expression of apogamy have been tested. Chronic metabolic stress caused by long-term growth of autotrophic aposporous protonema on mineral medium with 0.25% of casamino acids and on Murashiga-Skoog (MS) medium with sucrose and phytohormones, as well as by transitory action of high kinetin concentration, have a much stronger influence on the expression of apogamy, than short-term stress treatments with RNase and Pb(2+). Apogamy has been found to be lost stably, after prolonged growth on MS medium containing kinetin and ABA. The proposal that the capacity for apogamy is related to the release of aposporous protonemal cells from a putative factor for apogamy is discussed.  相似文献   
Acquired drug resistance of tumor cells is frequently observed in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. We studied murine leukemia L1210 cells sensitive and resistant to the cytotoxic action of cisplatin and showed that cisplatin-resistant leukemia cells were also refractory to TGF beta1-dependent growth inhibition and apoptosis. Addressing the question about the mechanisms responsible for the cross-resistance to cisplatin and TGF beta1, we found that cisplatin- and TGF beta1-resistant L1210 cells possessed a decreased expression of type I TGF beta1 receptor, while the expression of type II TGF beta1 receptor was not affected. Western blot analysis of Smad proteins 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7, which participate in signal transduction pathway down-stream of the TGF beta1 receptors, revealed an increased expression of Smad 6, inhibiting TGF beta1 action, only in cisplatin- and TGF beta1-resistant L1210 cells. TGF beta1 and especially the cytotoxic mistletoe agglutinin increased Smad 6 expression in TGF beta1-sensitive but not in TGF beta1-resistant L1210 cells. TGF beta1-resistant L1210 cells also differed from TGF beta1-sensitive cells by the lack of expression of the pro-apoptotic p53 protein and higher level of expression of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein. Thus, the described co-expression of tumor cell refractoriness to an anti-cancer drug and to the inhibitory cytokine TGF beta1 is accompanied by multiple changes in the TGF beta1 signal transduction pathway and in other regulatory systems of the target cells. Besides, we found that various anti-tumor drugs and cytotoxic plant lectins increased the level of TGF beta1 expression in both TGFbeta1-sensitive and -resistant L1210 cells. A hypothesis is proposed that TGFbeta1 can at least partly mediate the effect of cell-stressing agents and, thus, the development of TGF beta1 resistance may be responsible for the appearance of tumor cell refractoriness to the action of some anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   
Macrophages attack and kill pathologically changed, transformed and tumor cells. However, in some cases they may also support tumor growth, modulate the action of anticancer drugs, and even facilitate the development of drug resistance in tumor cells. Here we present data that bystander fibroblasts NIH3T3 were not only resistant to murine macrophages J774.2 but also blocked their killing action towards murine transformed fibroblasts L929. Macrophages were isolated from mixed cultures by means of CD11b specific immunomagnetic beads, and changes induced by their former co-culturing were studied using DNA microarray technology and other tests. An expression of candidate genes coding for cytokines and for signal transduction pathway proteins was estimated in macrophages in different variants of their co-culture with target cells. Changes in expression of mRNA for interleukin 1beta, NFkappaB, IkappaBalpha, gadd45, and CD5 were detected as the most prominent in the macrophages co-cultured with the transformed cells. Bystander NIH3T3 fibroblasts abolished these changes in the macrophages J774.2, and the level of expression of the above mentioned genes was close to the level seen in the macrophages which did not exert cytotoxicity towards the target fibroblasts. Potential implications and research perspectives of using the macrophage-target cell co-cultures with different bystander cellular partners are discussed.  相似文献   
Sanguinarine, chelerythrine and chelidonine are isoquinoline alkaloids derived from the greater celandine. They possess a broad spectrum of pharmacological activities. It has been shown that their anti-tumor activity is mediated via different mechanisms, which can be promising targets for anti-cancer therapy. We focused our study on the differential effects of these alkaloids upon cell viability, DNA damage effect and nucleus integrity in mouse primary spleen cells and mouse lymphocytic leukemic cells, L1210. Sanguinarine and chelerythrine produce a dose-dependent increase in DNA damage and cytotoxicity in both primary mouse spleen cells and L1210 cells. Chelidonine did not show a significant cytotoxicity or damage DNA in both cell types, but completely arrested growth of L1210 cells. Examination of nuclear morphology revealed more cells with apoptotic features upon treatment with chelerythrine and sanguinarine, but not chelidonine. In contrast to primary mouse spleen cells, L1210 cells showed slightly higher sensitivity to sanguinarine and chelerythrine treatment. This suggests that cytotoxic and DNA damaging effects of chelerythrine and sanguinarine are more selective against mouse leukemic cells and primary mouse spleen cells, whereas chelidonine blocks proliferation of L1210 cells. The action of chelidonine on normal and tumor cells requires further investigation.  相似文献   
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