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During recent years, several studies have revealed that human-dog relationships are based on a well-established and complex bond. There is now evidence suggesting that the dog–human affectional bond can be characterized as an “attachment”. The present study investigated possible association between the owners'' attachment profile assessed throughout a new semi-projective test (the 9 Attachment Profile) and the owner-dog attachment bond evaluated using a modified version of those used in studying human infants: Ainsworth''s “strange situation”. The findings represented the first evidence for the presence of a correlation between the owners'' attachment profile and the owner-dog attachment bond throughout procedure and behavioural analyses involving controlled observations.  相似文献   
Blockade of IL-2R with humanized anti-CD25 Abs, such as daclizumab, inhibits Th2 responses in human T cells. Recent murine studies have shown that IL-2 also plays a significant role in regulating Th2 cell differentiation by activated STAT5. To explore the role of activated STAT5 in the Th2 differentiation of primary human T cells, we studied the mechanisms underlying IL-2 regulation of C-MAF expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation studies revealed that IL-2 induced STAT5 binding to specific sites in the C-MAF promoter. These sites corresponded to regions enriched for markers of chromatin architectural features in both resting CD4 and differentiated Th2 cells. Unlike IL-6, IL-2 induced C-MAF expression in CD4 T cells with or without prior TCR stimulation. TCR-induced C-MAF expression was significantly inhibited by treatment with daclizumab or a JAK3 inhibitor, R333. Furthermore, IL-2 and IL-6 synergistically induced C-MAF expression in TCR-activated T cells, suggesting functional cooperation between these cytokines. Finally, both TCR-induced early IL4 mRNA expression and IL-4 cytokine expression in differentiated Th2 cells were significantly inhibited by IL-2R blockade. Thus, our findings demonstrate the importance of IL-2 in Th2 differentiation in human T cells and support the notion that IL-2R-directed therapies may have utility in the treatment of allergic disorders.  相似文献   
Although the underlying mechanisms are not well understood, it is generally believed that antigen recognition by T cells in the absence of costimulation may alter the immune response, leading to anergy or tolerance. Further support for this concept comes from animal models of autoimmunity and transplantation, where treatments based on costimulation blockade, in particular CD40 ligand (CD40L)-specific antibodies, have been highly effective. We investigated the mechanisms of action of an antibody to CD40L and provide evidence that its effects are dependent on the constant (Fc) region. Prolongation of graft survival is dependent on both complement- and Fc receptor-mediated mechanisms in a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-mismatched skin transplant model. These data suggest that antibodies to CD40L act through selective depletion of activated T cells, rather than exerting immune modulation by costimulation blockade as currently postulated. This finding opens new avenues for treatment of immune disorders based on selective targeting of activated T cells.  相似文献   
It is accepted that the urinary excretions of the stable metabolites of prostaglandin (PG)I2 and thromboxane(Tx) A2, 6-keto-PGF1alpha (6KPGF) and TxB2 respectively, provide an accurate estimate of both basal and stimulated renal synthesis of their precursors. The excretory profile of these metabolites has been evaluated in healthy women submitted to a short-term expansion in extracellular fluid volume. Salt retention (SR group, n=6) was induced by physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) i.v. infusions (2 L per day) over a period of 2 days. On the third day the increase in body weight was 0.92 +/- 0.27 kg (P<0.05). The results of the study have been compared to those previously obtained in normal balance of sodium and potassium (N group, n=20) and in induced salt depletion (SD group, n=14). A common study protocol was used. Basal values of plasma renin activity (PRA) and urinary aldosterone excretion were determined. Renal functional exploration [clearance (cl.) method] was performed during hypotonic polyuria (induced by oral water load) and subsequent moderate antidiuresis (induced by low-dose infusion of an antidiuretic hormone analogue). Urinary 6KPGF and TxB2 concentrations were estimated by RIA method and their urinary excretions were determined at both high and low urinary flow rates. The linear regressions of the urinary metabolite excretions vs. urinary flow rate were estimated by using the data obtained in both hypotonic polyuria and antidiuresis. Salt retention (SR vs. N group) was effective in decreasing the basal values of plasma renin activity and urinary aldosterone excretion. Moreover, during hypotonic polyuria it was effective in increasing the absolute and fractional excretions of sodium and chloride, in the absence of significant variations in mean arterial pressure and creatinine cl. Regarding urinary prostanoid excretions the following results were obtained. 1. Comparative data for hypotonic polyuria. In the SR vs. N group, the urinary excretion of 6KPGF was significantly higher, whereas that of TxB2 was not significantly different. In the SR vs. SD group, the urinary excretion of 6KPGF was not significantly different, whereas that of TxB2 was significantly lower. 2. Comparative data for the regression lines of the urinary prostanoid excretions vs. diuresis. In the SR vs. N group, the regression line slope for 6KPGF excretion was significantly higher, whereas that for TxB2 excretion was not significantly different. In the SR vs. SD group, the regression line slope for 6KPGF excretion was not significantly different, whereas that for TxB2 excretion was significantly lower. 3. Correlative data in the SR group during hypotonic polyuria. The plasma chloride concentration was positively correlated with urinary flow rate, absolute and fractional chloride excretions, and 6KPGF excretion but not with TxB2 excretion. In conclusion, functionally effective salt retention in healthy women induces a selective stimulation of renal synthesis of prostacyclin, unlike salt depletion, in which the synthesis of both PGI2 and TxA2 is upregulated.  相似文献   
Blocking the signal that provides co-stimulation to T cells during their encounter with antigen is thought to make T cells anergic or tolerant. Recently, treatments using CD40L-specific antibody, a co-stimulation blocking reagent, in primate transplant models indicated that this elegant concept could finally be turning into reality. In this context, the finding that CD40L-specific antibody acts through depletion of activated T cells rather than through co-stimulation blockade might seem undesirable. However, the selective removal of cells that are key effectors of immunopathology could provide a powerful tool for containing unwanted immune responses such as those that mediate autoimmune diseases and transplant rejection.  相似文献   
Studies were carried out to evaluate the influence of variations in sodium balance on the renal response to low-dose infusion of 1-desamino-8- D -arginine vasopressin (dDAVP), and the functional interaction between dDAVP and renal prostanoids. The studies were performed on healthy women in conditions of extracellular fluid volume expansion (SR group, n =9) and depletion (SD2 group, n=6), respectively. The study protocol included hypotonic polyuria (induced by oral water load) and subsequent antidiuresis (induced by low-dose infusion of dDAVP). Three 60-min clearance (cl.) periods were performed during polyuria (cl. P), early (cl. A1) and late (cl. A2) antidiuresis. The urinary concentrations of prostaglandin (PG) E(2) and the stable metabolites of PGI(2) and thromboxane (Tx) A(2), 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) (6KPGF) and TxB(2), were estimated. Paired renal functional explorations were performed in salt retention and salt depletion both in absence and presence of indomethacin (SR.I and SD2.I groups). In both paired and unpaired studies, the early and late effects of dDAVP on the functional excretory variables and the excretion of prostanoids were assessed as percentage variations, (A1-P)% P and (A2-A1)% A1. (I) dDAVP in salt retention and depletion. During early infusion dDAVP produced in both conditions a significant reduction in urinary flow rate, creatinine cl., absolute and fractional excretions of sodium, chloride and potassium; during late infusion dDAVP was effective in inducing a further significant reduction in urinary flow rate. In salt retention compared to depletion the early reductions in sodium and chloride (absolute and fractional) excretions were significantly lower. (II) Indomethacin pretreatment. During early infusion the dDAVP-induced reductions in the urinary flow rate and 6KPGF excretion were enhanced in both conditions. In salt depletion the dDAVP effects in reduction of creatinine cl. and urinary electrolyte excretions were also enhanced. During late infusion the antidiuretic effect of dDAVP was suppressed in salt retention, while in salt depletion creatinine cl., the urinary excretions of electrolytes and both 6KPGF and TxB(2) showed increases significantly different from the dDAVP effects in the absence of indomethacin. In conclusion, (a) the salt-retaining effect of dDAVP was less effective in salt retention compared to depletion. (b) Indomethacin pretreatment affected the renal action of dDAVP in a time-dependent pattern. The early effects in both conditions were consistent with an inhibited synthesis of modulator PGs. On the contrary, the late effects were consistent with the occurrence, at least in salt depletion, of an escape from dDAVP renal action. This escape phenomenon probably depended on a partial regression of the pharmacological inhibition of the modulating PGs.  相似文献   
In healthy women submitted to a short-term expansion in extracellular fluid volume we have evaluated the urinary excretory profile of the stable metabolites of prostaglandin(PG) I2 and thromboxane(TX) A2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha(6KPGF) and TXB2 respectively, and assessed the physiological role played by the prostanoids in this experimental condition. Salt retention (SR group, n=9) was induced by repeated i.v. infusion of saline solution (0.9% NaCl). At the end of the treatment the body weight had increased by 0.7+/-0.2 kg (mean+/-SEM) (P<0.05). Renal functional exploration [clearance (cl.) method] was performed during hypotonic polyuria (induced by oral water load) and subsequent moderate antidiuresis (induced by low-dose infusion of an antidiuretic hormone analogue). Urinary 6KPGF and TXB2 concentrations were estimated by RIA method during polyuria (P cl. period), early and late antidiuresis (A1 and A2 cl. periods). Paired functional explorations were performed in absence (control study) and presence of indomethacin. Basal values of plasma sodium and potassium concentrations, plasma renin activity (PRA) and urinary aldosterone excretion were determined just before the control study. The results in salt retention were compared to those previously obtained in healthy women submitted to a moderate salt depletion (SD2 group, n=6), in absence and presence of the drug. Women in salt retention received 100 mg i.m. of the drug, whereas salt-depleted women received only a halved dose as in previous studies in salt depletion the full dose produced prolonged anuria. (I) Salt retention vs salt depletion. The basal values of PRA and urinary aldosterone excretion were significantly lower. During polyuria, urinary excretion of 6KPGF, 6KPGF/TXB2 ratio, urinary flow rate, creatinine cl. and absolute and fractional excretions of sodium and chloride were significantly higher. In salt retention during polyuria, significant positive correlations were found between 6KPGF excretion and functional excretory parameters. (II) Indomethacin in salt retention. The following effects were significant: (a) a reduction in prostanoid excretions in P and A1 cl. periods only; (b) during polyuria, an increase in arterial pressure, a reduction in urinary flow rate and creatinine cl. (saluresis showed not significant reduction). During polyuria significant positive correlations occurred between the absolute effects of indomethacin on 6KPGF excretion and those on functional excretory parameters. (III) Comparative effects of indomethacin in salt retention and salt depletion. Despite the double dosage of the drug, the significant reductions in urinary metabolite excretions were not significantly different during P cl. period and significantly lower in A1 cl. period compared to the corresponding significant reductions in salt depletion. During polyuria, the significant increase in arterial pressure was significantly different from the not significant effect in salt depletion; the not significant effect on saluresis was significantly different from the significant reduction in salt depletion. The results suggest the following conclusions: (1) The present model showed the functional pattern of the volume-natriuresis; (2) In salt retention, in contrast with salt depletion, indomethacin induced an increase in arterial pressure consistent with the inhibition of a PG-dependent vasodilator mechanism active at the systemic level; (3) In salt retention, in contrast with salt depletion, indomethacin failed to induce a significant reduction in saluresis. This failure can be attributed to the drug's blunted effectiveness in inhibiting the renal synthesis of saluretic PGs, and probably to the interference of the concurrent increase in arterial pressure in the renal treatment of sodium and chloride.  相似文献   
The acute effects on urinary prostanoid excretion and on renal function induced by pharmacological inhibition of either the angiotensin-converting enzyme or of the cyclooxygenase system, respectively, have been studied in healthy salt-depleted women. Two experimental groups were studied during salt depletion, SD1 (n=8) and SD2 (n=6). Salt depletion was obtained by combining a low sodium chloride dietary intake (< or =60 mmol per day) with natriuretic and potassium sparing treatment. Paired studies were performed in the absence and in the presence of enalapril (SD1 group) or indomethacin (SD2 group). In both paired studies renal function was estimated by the clearance (cl.) method and the urinary concentrations of PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1alpha and TXB2 were estimated by RIA during sustained hypotonic polyuria (induced by oral water load). Enalapril did not influence urinary excretion of prostanoids. Its main significant effects were: (a) a reduction in mean arterial pressure (MAP); (b) an increase in free-water cl. (C(H2O)) and a reduction in osmolar cl. (Cosm); (c) a reduction in the absolute and fractional urinary excretions of sodium and chloride; and (d) a reduction in both the plasma concentration and urinary excretion of potassium. The urinary flow rate and the creatinine cl. were not significantly affected. Indomethacin reduced urinary excretion of prostanoids and in addition it produced the following significant effects: (a) a reduction in urinary flow rate, C(H2O) and Cosm values, and in absolute and fractional urinary excretions of sodium and chloride; and (b) an increase in plasma potassium concentration. MAP, creatinine cl. and urinary potassium excretion were not significantly affected. With regard to the main parameters, both enalapril and indomethacin exerted similar effects on urinary sodium and chloride excretion but opposite effects on C(H2O) and plasma potassium concentration. In conclusion, after enalapril in a salt-depleted state, the functional expression of acute angiotensin II deprivation was partially masked by the activation of a homeostatic system responsible both for improvement in renal salt conservation and for facilitated cellular potassium uptake. After indomethacin in the same setting, the results were consistent with a differential role of prostanoids in modulating or mediating the activities of neuro-hormonal agonists.  相似文献   
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