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Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST) is a membrane-associated enzyme of the trans Golgi network that catalyzes the posttranslational sulfation of a variety of secretory and membrane proteins. We have analyzed the membrane association of TPST in Golgi-enriched fractions from bovine adrenal medulla using carbonate treatment (pH 11) and Triton X-114 phase partitioning. TPST was not extracted by carbonate. Triton X-114 phase partitioning revealed that, unexpectedly, TPST from non-carbonate-treated membranes was present in both, a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic form with apparent sedimentation coefficients of approximately 13 and approximately 6, respectively. Extraction of membranes with carbonate converted the hydrophilic form TPST to the hydrophobic form. Addition of the carbonate extract to TPST solubilized from carbonate-treated membranes converted the hydrophobic form of the enzyme to the hydrophilic form. This conversion of TPST was specific in that it was not observed for the bulk of the proteins present in the carbonate-treated membranes. The factor in the carbonate extract responsible for this conversion, referred to as "phase-transfer factor", (i) was precipitable with ammonium sulfate and polyethylene glycol, (ii) was non-dialyzable, (iii) was not extracted from membranes by 0.5 M NaCl, and (iv) appeared to be more abundant than TPST itself. These results show that TPST is an integral membrane protein and suggested that the enzyme may exist in a complex with a peripheral membrane protein. Moreover, a phase-transfer factor was also observed in another system, PC12 cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The effects of brefeldin A (BFA) on membrane traffic between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and the plasma membrane were investigated in intact PC12 cells and in a cell-free system derived from PC12 cells. In intact cells, BFA caused a virtually complete block of constitutive secretion, as indicated by the lack of release from, and accumulation in, the cells of a [35S]sulfate-labeled heparan sulfate proteoglycan (hsPG). Pulse-chase experiments with [35S]sulfate followed by subcellular fractionation showed that this block was due to the inhibition of formation of constitutive secretory vesicles (CSVs) from the TGN. BFA did not block the depolarization-induced release of [35S]sulfate-labeled chromogranin B (CgB) and secretogranin II (SgII) from secretory granules formed prior to the addition of the drug, showing that BFA does not block secretory granule fusion with the plasma membrane. The presence of BFA did, however, prevent the appearance of [35S]sulfate-labeled CgB and SgII in secretory granules, indicating that the drug inhibits the formation of secretory granules from the TGN. Evidence for a direct block of vesicle formation by BFA was obtained using a cell-free system derived from [35S]sulfate-labeled PC12 cells. In this system, low concentrations of BFA (5 micrograms/ml) inhibited the formation of the hsPG-containing CSVs and that of the SgII-containing secretory granules from the TGN to the same extent (50-60%) as, and in a non-additive manner with, the nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue GTP gamma S. Consistent with the inhibitory effects of BFA on vesicle formation from the TGN, BFA treatment of intact PC12 cells led to the hypersialylation of CgB, which presumably was due to the increased residence time of the protein in the TGN. In conclusion, our data are consistent with, and allow the generalization of, the concept that the BFA-induced block of anterograde membrane traffic results from the inhibition of vesicle formation from a donor compartment.  相似文献   
Epoxiconazole (CAS‐No. 133855‐98‐8) was recently shown to cause both a marked depletion of maternal estradiol blood levels and a significantly increased incidence of late fetal mortality when administered to pregnant rats throughout gestation (GD 7–18 or 21); estradiol supplementation prevented this epoxiconazole effect in rats (Stinchcombe et al., 2013), indicating that epoxiconazole‐mediated estradiol depletion is a critical key event for induction of late fetal resorptions in rats. For further elucidation of the mode of action, the placentas from these modified prenatal developmental toxicity experiments with 23 and 50 mg/kg bw/d epoxiconazole were subjected to a detailed histopathological examination. This revealed dose‐dependent placental degeneration characterized by cystic dilation of maternal sinuses in the labyrinth, leading to rupture of the interhemal membrane. Concomitant degeneration occurred in the trophospongium. Both placentas supporting live fetuses and late fetal resorptions were affected; the highest degree of severity was observed in placentas with late resorptions. Placental degeneration correlated with a severe decline in maternal serum estradiol concentration. Supplementation with 0.5 and 1.0 μg of the synthetic estrogen estradiol cyclopentylpropionate per day reduced the severity of the degeneration in placentas with live fetuses. The present study demonstrates that both the placental degeneration and the increased incidence of late fetal resorptions are due to decreased levels of estrogen, since estrogen supplementation ameliorates the former and abolishes the latter. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 98:208–221, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Cold tolerance in plants is an ecologically important trait that has been under intensive study for basic and applied reasons. Determining the fitness benefits and costs of cold tolerance has previously been difficult because cold tolerance is normally an induced trait that is not expressed in warm environments. The recent creation of transgenic plants constitutively expressing cold tolerance genes enables the investigation of the fitness consequences of cold tolerance in multiple temperature environments. We studied three genes from the CBF (C-repeat/dehydration responsive element binding factor) cold tolerance pathway, CBF1, 2 and 3, in Arabidopsis thaliana to test for benefits and costs of constitutive cold tolerance. We used multiple insertion lines for each transgene and grew the lines in cold and control conditions. Costs of cold tolerance, as determined by fruit number, varied by individual transgene. CBF2 and 3 overexpressers showed costs of cold tolerance, and no fitness benefits, in both environments. CBF1 overexpressing plants showed no fitness cost of cold tolerance in the control environment and showed a marginal fitness benefit in the cold environment. These results suggest that constitutive expression of traits that are normally induced in response to environmental stress will not always lead to costs in the absence of that stress, and that the ecological risks of CBF transgene escape should be assessed prior to their use in commercial agriculture.  相似文献   
Measuring natural selection has been a fundamental goal of evolutionary biology for more than a century, and techniques developed in the last 20 yr have provided relatively simple means for biologists to do so. Many of these techniques, however, share a common limitation: when applied to phenotypic data, environmentally induced covariances between traits and fitness can lead to biased estimates of selection and misleading predictions about evolutionary change. Utilizing estimates of breeding values instead of phenotypic data with these methods can eliminate environmentally induced bias, although this approach is more difficult to implement. Despite this potential limitation to phenotypic methods and the availability of a potential solution, little empirical evidence exists on the extent of environmentally induced bias in phenotypic estimates of selection. In this article, we present a method for detecting bias in phenotypic estimates of selection and demonstrate its use with three independent data sets. Nearly 25% of the phenotypic selection gradients estimated from our data are biased by environmental covariances. We find that bias caused by environmental covariances appears mainly to affect quantitative estimates of the strength of selection based on phenotypic data and that the magnitude of these biases is large. As our estimates of selection are based on data from spatially replicated field experiments, we suggest that our findings on the prevalence of bias caused by environmental covariances are likely to be conservative.  相似文献   
Epoxiconazole, a triazole‐based fungicide, was tested in toxicokinetic, prenatal and pre‐postnatal toxicity studies in guinea pigs, following oral (gavage) administration at several dose levels (high dose: 90 mg/kg body weight per day). Maternal toxicity was evidenced by slightly increased abortion rates and by histopathological changes in adrenal glands, suggesting maternal stress. No compound‐related increase in the incidence of malformations or variations was observed in the prenatal study. In the pre‐postnatal study, epoxiconazole did not adversely affect gestation length, parturition, or postnatal growth and development. Administration of epoxiconazole did not alter circulating estradiol levels. Histopathological examination of the placentas did not reveal compound‐related effects. The results in guinea pigs are strikingly different to those observed in pregnant rats, in which maternal estrogen depletion, pathological alteration of placentas, increased gestation length, late fetal death, and dystocia were observed after administration of epoxiconazole. In the studies reported here, analysis of maternal plasma concentrations and metabolism after administration of radiolabeled epoxiconazole demonstrated that the different results in rats and guinea pigs were not due to different exposures of the animals. A comprehensive comparison of hormonal regulation of pregnancy and birth in murid rodents and primates indicates that the effects on pregnancy and parturition observed in rats are not applicable to humans. In contrast, the pregnant guinea pig shares many similarities to pregnant humans regarding hormonal regulation and is therefore considered to be a suitable species for extrapolation of related effects to humans. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 98:230–246, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
By physically modifying the abiotic environment, ecosystem engineers can have dramatic effects on the distribution and abundance of species in a community. However, ecosystem engineering can also change the selective environment and evolutionary dynamics of affected species, although this remains relatively understudied. Here, we examine the potential for an ecosystem engineer – oak trees – to affect the evolutionary dynamics of the herbaceous, understory annual, Impatiens capensis , through leaf litter deposition. Using a quantitative genetic experimental approach, we found that: (i) the presence of leaf litter significantly affected a suite of germination, growth and phenological traits in I. capensis ; (ii) I. capensis does not exhibit performance trade-offs across litter and bare soil environments in the form of negative across-environment genetic correlations; (iii) the presence or absence of leaf litter significantly alters the pattern of natural selection germination timing and hypocotyl length; and (iv) the frequency of leaf litter environments can dramatically change which combinations of hypocotyl length lead to highest mean fitness across both bare soil and leaf litter environments. More generally, our results demonstrate the potential for ecosystem engineers to alter both the ecological and the evolutionary dynamics of the species they affect.  相似文献   
Adaptation to latitudinal patterns of environmental variation is predicted to result in clinal variation in leaf traits. Therefore, this study tested for geographic differentiation and plastic responses to vernalization in leaf angle and leaf morphology in Arabidopsis thaliana. Twenty-one European ecotypes were grown in a common growth chamber environment. Replicates of each ecotype were exposed to one of four treatments: 0, 10, 20 or 30 d of vernalization. Ecotypes from lower latitudes had more erect leaves, as predicted from functional arguments about selection to maximize photosynthesis. Lower-latitude ecotypes also had more elongated petioles as predicted by a biomechanical constraint hypothesis. In addition, extended vernalization resulted in shorter and more erect leaves. As predicted by functional and adaptive hypotheses, our results show genetically based clinal variation as well as environmentally induced variation in leaf traits.  相似文献   
The effect of leaf shape variation on plant-herbivore interactions has primarily been studied from the perspective of host seeking behavior. Yet for leaf shape to affect plant-herbivore coevolution, there must be reciprocal effects of leaf shape variation on herbivore consumption and performance. We investigated whether alternative leaf morphs affected the performance of three generalist insect herbivores by taking advantage of a genetic polymorphism and developmental plasticity in leaf shape in the Ivyleaf morning glory, Ipomoea hederacea. Across four experiments, we found variable support for an effect of leaf shape genotype on insects. For cabbage loopers (Trichoplusia ni) and corn earworms (Helicoverpa zea) we found opposing, non-significant trends: T. ni gained more biomass on lobed genotypes, while H. zea gained more biomass on heart-shaped genotypes. For army beetworms (Spodoptera exigua), the effects of leaf shape genotype differed depending on the age of the plants and photoperiod of growing conditions. Caterpillars feeding on tissue from older plants (95 days) grown under long day photoperiods had significantly greater consumption, dry biomass, and digestive efficiency on lobed genotypes. In contrast, there were no significant differences between heart-shaped and lobed genotypes for caterpillars feeding on tissue from younger plants (50 days) grown under short day photoperiods. For plants grown under short days, we found that S. exigua consumed significantly less leaf area when feeding on mature leaves than juvenile leaves, regardless of leaf shape genotype. Taken together, our results suggest that the effects of leaf shape variation on insect performance are likely to vary between insect species, growth conditions of the plant, and the developmental stage and age of leaves sampled. Handling editor: May Berenbaum.  相似文献   
Using seasonal cues to time reproduction appropriately is crucial for many organisms. Plants in particular often use photoperiod to signal the time to transition to flowering. Because seasonality varies latitudinally, adaptation to local climate is expected to result in corresponding clines in photoperiod-related traits. By experimentally manipulating photoperiod cues and measuring the flowering responses and photoperiod plasticity of 138 Eurasian accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, we detected strong longitudinal but not latitudinal clines in flowering responses. The presence of longitudinal clines suggests that critical photoperiod cues vary among populations occurring at similar latitudes. Haplotypes at PHYC, a locus hypothesized to play a role in adaptation to light cues, were also longitudinally differentiated. Controlling for neutral population structure revealed that PHYC haplotype influenced flowering time; however, the distribution of PHYC haplotypes occurred in the opposite direction to the phenotypic cline, suggesting that loci other than PHYC are responsible for the longitudinal pattern in photoperiod response. Our results provide previously missing empirical support for the importance of PHYC in mediating photoperiod sensitivity in natural populations of A. thaliana. However, they also suggest that other loci and epistatic interactions likely play a role in the determination of flowering time and that the environmental factors influencing photoperiod in plants vary longitudinally as well as latitudinally.  相似文献   
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