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Permanently anoxic regions in the ocean are widespread and exhibit unique microbial metabolic activity exerting substantial influence on global elemental cycles and climate. Reconstructing microbial metabolic activity rates in these regions has been challenging, due to the technical difficulty of direct rate measurements. In Cariaco Basin, which is the largest permanently anoxic marine basin and an important model system for geobiology, long‐term monitoring has yielded time series for the concentrations of biologically important compounds; however, the underlying metabolite fluxes remain poorly quantified. Here, we present a computational approach for reconstructing vertical fluxes and in situ net production/consumption rates from chemical concentration data, based on a 1‐dimensional time‐dependent diffusive transport model that includes adaptive penalization of overfitting. We use this approach to estimate spatiotemporally resolved fluxes of oxygen, nitrate, hydrogen sulfide, ammonium, methane, and phosphate within the sub‐euphotic Cariaco Basin water column (depths 150–900 m, years 2001–2014) and to identify hotspots of microbial chemolithotrophic activity. Predictions of the fitted models are in excellent agreement with the data and substantially expand our knowledge of the geobiology in Cariaco Basin. In particular, we find that the diffusivity, and consequently fluxes of major reductants such as hydrogen sulfide, and methane, is about two orders of magnitude greater than previously estimated, thus resolving a long‐standing apparent conundrum between electron donor fluxes and measured dark carbon assimilation rates.  相似文献   
Microbiome engineering is increasingly being employed as a solution to challenges in health, agriculture, and climate. Often manipulation involves inoculation of new microbes designed to improve function into a preexisting microbial community. Despite, increased efforts in microbiome engineering inoculants frequently fail to establish and/or confer long-lasting modifications on ecosystem function. We posit that one underlying cause of these shortfalls is the failure to consider barriers to organism establishment. This is a key challenge and focus of macroecology research, specifically invasion biology and restoration ecology. We adopt a framework from invasion biology that summarizes establishment barriers in three categories: (1) propagule pressure, (2) environmental filtering, and (3) biotic interactions factors. We suggest that biotic interactions is the most neglected factor in microbiome engineering research, and we recommend a number of actions to accelerate engineering solutions.Subject terms: Community ecology, Microbial ecology

Microbiome engineering is a rapidly evolving frontier for solutions to improve human health, agricultural productivity, and climate management. Microbiome engineering seeks to improve the function of an ecosystem by manipulating the composition of microbes. Two major challenges for successful microbiome engineering are (1) the design of a microbiome with improved function and (2) the establishment of an improved microbiome in a recipient system of interest. While multiple articles and reviews have addressed functional design [13], microbiome establishment has received less attention. Here, we propose a strategy to improve microbiome engineering by focusing on microbial establishment and leveraging insights from macrobial ecology.Two general engineering strategies are to manipulate indigenous microbes [4] or to introduce new members [5]. The latter involves the design and delivery of inoculants (a.k.a., probiotics in medical and agricultural arenas) and is a rapidly growing biotechnology sector. In their most general form, both strategies have been practiced crudely for thousands of years in human health [6] and agriculture [7]. However, despite current technical advances, inoculants frequently still fail to establish or confer long-lasting (months to years) modifications to ecosystem function [8]. We argue that this repeated failure is in part driven by lack of emphasis on establishment of inoculants.The problem of organism establishment in recipient ecosystems is not unique to microbiome engineering; it has roots in macrobiology, particularly invasion biology and restoration ecology. We propose that adopting a cross-disciplinary conceptual framework to identify barriers to organism establishment, and then prioritizing these barriers through targeted research will accelerate successful microbiome engineering. In addition, recognizing differences in terminology and experimental design within and across disciplines will facilitate research integration across diverse ecosystems and scales. The components of a more holistic strategy are discussed below.  相似文献   
This Formal Comment provides clarifications on the authors’ recent estimates of global bacterial diversity and the current status of the field, and responds to a Formal Comment from John Wiens regarding their prior work.

We welcome Wiens’ efforts to estimate global animal-associated bacterial richness and thank him for highlighting points of confusion and potential caveats in our previous work on the topic [1]. We find Wiens’ ideas worthy of consideration, as most of them represent a step in the right direction, and we encourage lively scientific discourse for the advancement of knowledge. Time will ultimately reveal which estimates, and underlying assumptions, came closest to the true bacterial richness; we are excited and confident that this will happen in the near future thanks to rapidly increasing sequencing capabilities. Here, we provide some clarifications on our work, its relation to Wiens’ estimates, and the current status of the field.First, Wiens states that we excluded animal-associated bacterial species in our global estimates. However, thousands of animal-associated samples were included in our analysis, and this was clearly stated in our main text (second paragraph on page 3).Second, Wiens’ commentary focuses on “S1 Text” of our paper [1], which was rather peripheral, and, hence, in the Supporting information. S1 Text [1] critically evaluated the rationale underlying previous estimates of global bacterial operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness by Larsen and colleagues [2], but the results of S1 Text [1] did not in any way flow into the analyses presented in our main article. Indeed, our estimates of global bacterial (and archaeal) richness, discussed in our main article, are based on 7 alternative well-established estimation methods founded on concrete statistical models, each developed specifically for richness estimates from multiple survey data. We applied these methods to >34,000 samples from >490 studies including from, but not restricted to, animal microbiomes, to arrive at our global estimates, independently of the discussion in S1 Text [1].Third, Wiens’ commentary can yield the impression that we proposed that there are only 40,100 animal-associated bacterial OTUs and that Cephalotes in particular only have 40 associated bacterial OTUs. However, these numbers, mentioned in our S1 Text [1], were not meant to be taken as proposed point estimates for animal-associated OTU richness, and we believe that this was clear from our text. Instead, these numbers were meant as examples to demonstrate how strongly the estimates of animal-associated bacterial richness by Larsen and colleagues [2] would decrease simply by (a) using better justified mathematical formulas, i.e., with the same input data as used by Larsen and colleagues [2] but founded on an actual statistical model; (b) accounting for even minor overlaps in the OTUs associated with different animal genera; and/or (c) using alternative animal diversity estimates published by others [3], rather than those proposed by Larsen and colleagues [2]. Specifically, regarding (b), Larsen and colleagues [2] (pages 233 and 259) performed pairwise host species comparisons within various insect genera (for example, within the Cephalotes) to estimate on average how many bacterial OTUs were unique to each host species, then multiplied that estimate with their estimated number of animal species to determine the global animal-associated bacterial richness. However, since their pairwise host species comparisons were restricted to congeneric species, their estimated number of unique OTUs per host species does not account for potential overlaps between different host genera. Indeed, even if an OTU is only found “in one” Cephalotes species, it might not be truly unique to that host species if it is also present in members of other host genera. To clarify, we did not claim that all animal genera can share bacterial OTUs, but instead considered the implications of some average microbiome overlap (some animal genera might share no bacteria, and other genera might share a lot). The average microbiome overlap of 0.1% (when clustering bacterial 16S sequences into OTUs at 97% similarity) between animal genera used in our illustrative example in S1 Text [1] is of course speculative, but it is not unreasonable (see our next point). A zero overlap (implicitly assumed by Larsen and colleagues [2]) is almost certainly wrong. One goal of our S1 Text [1] was to point out the dramatic effects of such overlaps on animal-associated bacterial richness estimates using “basic” mathematical arguments.Fourth, Wiens’ commentary could yield the impression that existing data are able to tell us with sufficient certainty when a bacterial OTU is “unique” to a specific animal taxon. However, so far, the microbiomes of only a minuscule fraction of animal species have been surveyed. One can thus certainly not exclude the possibility that many bacterial OTUs currently thought to be “unique” to a certain animal taxon are eventually also found in other (potentially distantly related) animal taxa, for example, due to similar host diets and or environmental conditions [47]. As a case in point, many bacteria in herbivorous fish guts were found to be closely related to bacteria in mammals [8], and Song and colleagues [6] report that bat microbiomes closely resemble those of birds. The gut microbiome of caterpillars consists mostly of dietary and environmental bacteria and is not species specific [4]. Even in animal taxa with characteristic microbiota, there is a documented overlap across host species and genera. For example, there are a small number of bacteria consistently and specifically associated with bees, but these are found across bee genera at the level of the 99.5% similar 16S rRNA OTUs [5]. To further illustrate that an average microbiome overlap between animal taxa at least as large as the one considered in our S1 Text (0.1%) [1] is not unreasonable, we analyzed 16S rRNA sequences from the Earth Microbiome Project [6,9] and measured the overlap of microbiota originating from individuals of different animal taxa. We found that, on average, 2 individuals from different host classes (e.g., 1 mammalian and 1 avian sample) share 1.26% of their OTUs (16S clustered at 100% similarity), and 2 individuals from different host genera belonging to the same class (e.g., 2 mammalian samples) share 2.84% of their OTUs (methods in S1 Text of this response). A coarser OTU threshold (e.g., 97% similarity, considered in our original paper [1]) would further increase these average overlaps. While less is known about insect microbiomes, there is currently little reason to expect a drastically different picture there, and, as explained in our S1 Text [1], even a small average microbiome overlap of 0.1% between host genera would strongly limit total bacterial richness estimates. The fact that the accumulation curve of detected bacterial OTUs over sampled insect species does not yet strongly level off says little about where the accumulation curve would asymptotically converge; rigorous statistical methods, such as the ones used for our global estimates [1], would be needed to estimate this asymptote.Lastly, we stress that while the present conversation (including previous estimates by Louca and colleagues [1], Larsen and colleagues [2], Locey and colleagues [10], Wiens’ commentary, and this response) focuses on 16S rRNA OTUs, it may well be that at finer phylogenetic resolutions, e.g., at bacterial strain level, host specificity and bacterial richness are substantially higher. In particular, future whole-genome sequencing surveys may well reveal the existence of far more genomic clusters and ecotypes than 16S-based OTUs.  相似文献   


Wnt5 genes belong to the large Wnt family, encoding proteins implicated into several tumorigenic and developmental processes. Phylogenetic analyses showed that Wnt5 gene has been duplicated at the divergence time of gnathostomata from agnatha. Interestingly, experimental data for some species indicated that only one of the two Wnt5 paralogs participates in the development of the endocrine pancreas. The purpose of this paper is to reexamine the phylogenetic history of the Wnt5 developmental regulators and investigate the functional shift between paralogs through comparative genomics.  相似文献   
Wildlife diseases are increasingly recognized as a major threat to biodiversity. Chytridiomycosis is an emerging infectious disease of amphibians caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Using a mathematical model and simulations, we study its effects on a generic riparian host population with a tadpole and adult life stage. An analytical expression for the basic reproduction quotient, Qo, of the pathogen is derived. By sampling the entire relevant parameter space, we perform a statistical assessment of the importance of all considered parameters in determining the risk of host extinction, upon exposure to Bd. We find that Qo not only gives a condition for the initial invasion of the fungus, but is in fact the best predictor for host extinction. We also show that the role of tadpoles, which in some species tolerate infections, is ambivalent. While tolerant tadpoles may provide a reservoir for the fungus, thus facilitating its persistence or even amplifying its outbreaks, they can also act as a rescue buffer for a stressed host population. Our results have important implications for amphibian conservation efforts.  相似文献   
Several groups have addressed the issue of the influence of GC on expression levels in mammalian genes. In general, GC-rich genes appeared to be more expressed than GC-poor ones. Recently, expression levels of GC3-rich and GC3-poor versions of genes (GC3 is the third codon position GC), inserted in vector plasmids, were compared in order to eliminate differences associated with their genomic context. Transfection experiments showed that GC3-rich genes were expressed more efficiently than their GC3-poor counterparts, indicating that GC3 dramatically and intrinsically boosts expression efficiency. Here we show that, while the protocols used eliminated the original genomic context, they replaced it with the plasmid contexts whose compositional properties affected the results.  相似文献   
Population cycling is a widespread phenomenon, observed across a multitude of taxa in both laboratory and natural conditions. Historically, the theory associated with population cycles was tightly linked to pairwise consumer–resource interactions and studied via deterministic models, but current empirical and theoretical research reveals a much richer basis for ecological cycles. Stochasticity and seasonality can modulate or create cyclic behaviour in non‐intuitive ways, the high‐dimensionality in ecological systems can profoundly influence cycling, and so can demographic structure and eco‐evolutionary dynamics. An inclusive theory for population cycles, ranging from ecosystem‐level to demographic modelling, grounded in observational or experimental data, is therefore necessary to better understand observed cyclical patterns. In turn, by gaining better insight into the drivers of population cycles, we can begin to understand the causes of cycle gain and loss, how biodiversity interacts with population cycling, and how to effectively manage wildly fluctuating populations, all of which are growing domains of ecological research.  相似文献   
A common source of disturbance for coastal aquatic habitats is nutrient enrichment through anthropogenic activities. Although the water column bacterioplankton communities in these environments have been characterized in some cases, changes in α-diversity and/or the abundances of specific taxonomic groups across enriched habitats remain unclear. Here, we investigated the bacterial community changes at three different nutrient-enriched and adjacent undisturbed habitats along the north coast of Crete, Greece: a fish farm, a closed bay within a town with low water renewal rates, and a city port where the level of nutrient enrichment and the trophic status of the habitat were different. Even though changes in α-diversity were different at each site, we observed across the sites a common change pattern accounting for most of the community variation for five of the most abundant bacterial groups: a decrease in the abundance of the Pelagibacteraceae and SAR86 and an increase in the abundance of the Alteromonadaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, and Cryomorphaceae in the impacted sites. The abundances of the groups that increased and decreased in the impacted sites were significantly correlated (positively and negatively, respectively) with the total heterotrophic bacterial counts and the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and/or dissolved nitrogen and chlorophyll α, indicating that the common change pattern was associated with nutrient enrichment. Our results provide an in situ indication concerning the association of specific bacterioplankton groups with nutrient enrichment. These groups could potentially be used as indicators for nutrient enrichment if the pattern is confirmed over a broader spatial and temporal scale by future studies.  相似文献   
Arhondakis S  Clay O  Bernardi G 《FEBS letters》2006,580(24):5772-5778
The strikingly wide and bimodal gene distribution exhibited by the human genome has prompted us to study the correlations between EST-counts (expression levels) and base composition of genes, especially since existing data are contradictory. Here we investigate how cDNA library preparation affects the GC distributions of ESTs and/or genes found in the library, and address consequences for expression studies. We observe that strongly anomalous GC distributions often indicate experimental biases or deficits during their preparation. We propose the use of compositional distributions of raw ESTs from a cDNA library, and/or of the genes they represent, as a simple and effective tool for quality control.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA is transmitted maternally in metazoan species. This rule does not hold in several species of bivalves that have two mtDNA types, one that is transmitted maternally and the other paternally. This system of mitochondrial DNA transmission is known as doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI). Here we present evidence of DUI in the clam Donax trunculus making Donacidae the sixth bivalve family in which the phenomenon has been found. In addition, we present the taxonomic affiliation of all species in which DUI is currently known to occur and construct a phylogeny of the maternal and paternal genomes of these species. We use this information to address the question of a single or multiple origins of DUI and to discuss whether failed attempts to demonstrate the presence of DUI in several bivalve species might be due to problems of detection or to genuine absence of the phenomenon.  相似文献   
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