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Five modifications of the preparative procedure for isolating iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) from the molybdenum-iron (MoFe) protein of Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenase have been developed. This variety of isolation methods has established that no single component of the original isolation protocol, i.e. Tris, Cl-, citrate, HPO4(2-), N,N-dimethylformamide, and N-methylformamide, is essential for the effective isolation and/or structural stability of FeMoco, although any of them may act as ligands to FeMoco when present. The acid-bse status (effective pH) of the extracting solvent is a key adjustable parameter in the isolation procedure. The new procedures produced FeMoco with yields, metal analysis, charge, EPR spectrum, and specific activity (after reconstituting crude extracts from A. vinelandii UW45 mutant cells) essentially identical with FeMoco isolated by the original procedure. After purification, FeMoco apparently contains molybdenum, iron, and sulfide in a 1:7:4 ratio with N-methylformamide as a ligand but no amino acid residues, common sugars, coenzyme A, or lipoic acid. Reaction with o-phenanthroline allows quantitation of both adventitious and FeMoco-associated iron. Correlations of total activity after UW45 reconstitution with molybdenum, total iron, and o-phenanthroline-resistant iron contents show that only the last gives a consistent relationship of 35 +/- 5 nmol of C2H4/min/ng atom of Fe. Both o-phenanthroline and EDTA interact with FeMoco to abolish its EPR signal in reactions reversible by additions of Fe2+ or Zn2+, respectively. These and related reactions point against the presence of an endogenous organic component in FeMoco and toward the presence of exogenous ligands and imply a relatively labile coordination sphere whose nature may be determinable by a systematic investigation.  相似文献   
Summary The cytogenetic study of a pair of identical, mentally-retarded twins with the chromosome complement 48,XXXY is reported, along with extensive clinical and endocrinological studies of one twin.The genetic and clinical features of 30 reported 48,XXXY individuals were summarized and compared to those of 47,XXY and 49,XXXXY individuals. For 47,XXY the mean maternal age clearly is increased; for 48,XXXY it appears definitely but only slightly increased; and for 49,XXXXY it may not be increased at all. Developmental defects, similar in type, appear to be progressively more marked when an additional 1, 2, or 3 X chromosomes are added to the normal male chromosome complement. 47,XXY individuals may be either normal in intelligence or mentally retarded, whereas severe mental retardation has been present in all those with the complements 48,XXXY and 49,XXXXY.The interesting suggestion of increased twining associated with poly-X male complements is noted.
Zusammenfassung Die cytogenetische Untersuchung eines Paares eineiiger, geistig zurückgebliebener Zwillinge mit dem Chromosomenstatus 48,XXXY wird dargestellt; bei dem einen Paarling konnten außerdem ausgedehnte klinische und endokrinologische Studien durchgeführt werden.Außerdem wurden die genetischen und klinischen Merkmale der 30 bekannten Fälle mit 48,XXXY dargestellt und mit denen von Patienten mit 47,XXY und mit 49,XXXXY verglichen. Bei Fällen mit 47,XXY ist das mütterliche Alter deutlich erhöht; bei 48,XXXY ist es eindeutig, aber nur leicht erhöht; es sieht so aus, als ob es für 49,XXXXY überhaupt nicht erhöht wäre. Defekte der Entwicklung, die dem Typ nach ähnlich sind, scheinen dem Ausmaß nach desto mehr ausgeprägt zu sein, je mehr X-Chromosomen zusätzlich bei dem normalen männlichen Chromosomensatz vorhanden sind. 47,XXY Individuen können entweder schwachsinnig sein oder eine normale Intelligenz haben; dagegen zeigten alle Fälle mit 48,XXXY und 49,XXXXY einen schweren Schwachsinn.Es wird die interessante Frage aufgeworfen, ob die Zwillingshäufigkeit bei Poly X-Männern erhöht ist.

Research supported by grants HD 04134, HL 09011, RR-47, AM-11105, and TIAM 53950-11 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   


Several cell lines and primary cultures benefit from the use of positively charged extracellular matrix proteins or polymers that enhance their ability to attach to culture plates. Polyethyleneimine is a positively charged polymer that has gained recent attention as a transfection reagent. A less known use of this cationic polymer as an attachment factor was explored with several cell lines.  相似文献   
Erythropoietin therapy for acute stroke is both safe and beneficial   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
BACKGROUND: Erythropoietin (EPO) and its receptor play a major role in embryonic brain, are weakly expressed in normal postnatal/adult brain and up-regulated upon metabolic stress. EPO protects neurons from hypoxic/ ischemic injury. The objective of this trial is to study the safety and efficacy of recombinant human EPO (rhEPO) for treatment of ischemic stroke in man. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The trial consisted of a safety part and an efficacy part. In the safety study, 13 patients received rhEPO intravenously (3.3 X 10(4) IU/50 ml/30 min) once daily for the first 3 days after stroke. In the double-blind randomized proof-of-concept trial, 40 patients received either rhEPO or saline. Inclusion criteria were age <80 years, ischemic stroke within the middle cerebral artery territory confirmed by diffusion-weighted MRI, symptom onset <8 hr before drug administration, and deficits on stroke scales. The study endpoints were functional outcome at day 30 (Barthel Index, modified Rankin scale), NIH and Scandinavian stroke scales, evolution of infarct size (sequential MRI evaluation using diffusion-weighted [DWI] and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences [FLAIR]) and the damage marker S100ss. RESULTS: No safety concerns were identified. Cerebrospinal fluid EPO increased to 60-100 times that of nontreated patients, proving that intravenously administered rhEPO reaches the brain. In the efficacy trial, patients received rhEPO within 5 hr of onset of symptoms (median, range 2:40-7:55). Admission neurologic scores and serum S100beta concentrations were strong predictors ofoutcome. Analysis of covariance controlled for these two variables indicated that rhEPO treatment was associated with an improvement in follow-up and outcome scales. A strong trend for reduction in infarct size in rhEPO patients as compared to controls was observed by MRI. CONCLUSION: Intravenous high-dose rhEPO is well tolerated in acute ischemic stroke and associated with an improvement in clinical outcome at 1 month. A larger scale clinical trial is warranted.  相似文献   
The aims of the present study were to investigate the relationship of aerobic and anaerobic parameters with 400 m performance, and establish which variable better explains long distance performance in swimming. Twenty-two swimmers (19.1±1.5 years, height 173.9±10.0 cm, body mass 71.2±10.2 kg; 76.6±5.3% of 400 m world record) underwent a lactate minimum test to determine lactate minimum speed (LMS) (i.e., aerobic capacity index). Moreover, the swimmers performed a 400 m maximal effort to determine mean speed (S400m), peak oxygen uptake (V.O2PEAK) and total anaerobic contribution (CANA). The CANA was assumed as the sum of alactic and lactic contributions. Physiological parameters of 400 m were determined using the backward extrapolation technique (V.O2PEAK and alactic contributions of CANA) and blood lactate concentration analysis (lactic anaerobic contributions of CANA). The Pearson correlation test and backward multiple regression analysis were used to verify the possible correlations between the physiological indices (predictor factors) and S400m (independent variable) (p < 0.05). Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Significant correlations were observed between S400m (1.4±0.1 m·s-1) and LMS (1.3±0.1 m·s-1; r = 0.80), V.O2PEAK (4.5±3.9 L·min-1; r = 0.72) and CANA (4.7±1.5 L·O2; r= 0.44). The best model constructed using multiple regression analysis demonstrated that LMS and V.O2PEAK explained 85% of the 400 m performance variance. When backward multiple regression analysis was performed, CANA lost significance. Thus, the results demonstrated that both aerobic parameters (capacity and power) can be used to predict 400 m swimming performance.  相似文献   
The e.p.r. spectroscopy of the nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein from Clostridium pasteurianum was re-investigated. The sharpness of the delta Ms = +/- 3 g'z peak from the +/- 3/2 Kramer's doublet enables the observation and quantification of incompletely resolved hyperfine splittings from the stable magnetic nuclei 95Mo and 57Fe in samples enriched in these isotopes. No couplings to 1H or 17O could be discerned by examination of spectra from samples exchanged into 2H2O and H2(17)O respectively. Simulation of the spectrum from 95Mo-enriched samples yields a hyperfine coupling of 2.9 MHz, and indicates that the earlier electron-nuclear-double-resonance-derived estimate of 8.1 +/- 0.2 MHz is substantially in error.  相似文献   


Genetic markers and maps are instrumental in quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in segregating populations. The resolution of QTL localization depends on the number of informative recombinations in the population and how well they are tagged by markers. Larger populations and denser marker maps are better for detecting and locating QTLs. Marker maps that are initially too sparse can be saturated or derived de novo from high-throughput omics data, (e.g. gene expression, protein or metabolite abundance). If these molecular phenotypes are affected by genetic variation due to a major QTL they will show a clear multimodal distribution. Using this information, phenotypes can be converted into genetic markers.


The Pheno2Geno tool uses mixture modeling to select phenotypes and transform them into genetic markers suitable for construction and/or saturation of a genetic map. Pheno2Geno excludes candidate genetic markers that show evidence for multiple possibly epistatically interacting QTL and/or interaction with the environment, in order to provide a set of robust markers for follow-up QTL mapping.We demonstrate the use of Pheno2Geno on gene expression data of 370,000 probes in 148 A. thaliana recombinant inbred lines. Pheno2Geno is able to saturate the existing genetic map, decreasing the average distance between markers from 7.1 cM to 0.89 cM, close to the theoretical limit of 0.68 cM (with 148 individuals we expect a recombination every 100/148=0.68 cM); this pinpointed almost all of the informative recombinations in the population.


The Pheno2Geno package makes use of genome-wide molecular profiling and provides a tool for high-throughput de novo map construction and saturation of existing genetic maps. Processing of the showcase dataset takes less than 30 minutes on an average desktop PC. Pheno2Geno improves QTL mapping results at no additional laboratory cost and with minimum computational effort. Its results are formatted for direct use in R/qtl, the leading R package for QTL studies. Pheno2Geno is freely available on CRAN under “GNU GPL v3”. The Pheno2Geno package as well as the tutorial can also be found at: http://pheno2geno.nl.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0475-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae Annand (Hemiptera: Adelgidae), is causing widespread mortality of eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis L. Carrière, in the eastern United States. In western North America, feeding by A. tsugae results in negligible damage to western hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sargent. Host tolerance and presence of endemic predators may be contributing to the relatively low levels of injury to T. heterophylla caused by A. tsugae. Field surveys of the predator community associated with A. tsugae infestations on 116 T. heterophylla at 16 sites in Oregon and Washington were conducted every 4-6 wk from March 2005 through November 2006. Fourteen uninfested T. heterophylla were also surveyed across 5 of the 16 sites. Each sample tree was assigned an A. tsugae population score ranging from 0 to 3. Predators collected from A. tsugae-infested T. heterophylla represent 55 species in 14 families, listed in order of abundance: Derodontidae, Chamaemyiidae, Hemerobiidae, Coccinellidae, Cantharidae, Reduviidae, Miridae, Syrphidae, Chrysopidae, Coniopterygidae, Staphylinidae, Anthocoridae, Nabidae, and Raphidiidae. Laricobius nigrinus Fender (Coleoptera: Derodontidae), Leucopis argenticollis Zetterstedt (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), and Leucopis atrifacies (Aldrich) (Chamaemyiidae) were the most abundant predators; together comprising 59% of predator specimens recovered. Relationships among predators and A. tsugae were determined through community structure analysis. The abundances of Laricobius spp. larvae, L. nigrinus adults, Leucopis spp. larvae, and L. argenticollis adults were found to be positively correlated to A. tsugae population score. Predators were most abundant when the two generations of A. tsugae eggs were present. L. argenticollis and L. atrifacies were reared on A. tsugae in the laboratory, and host records show them to feed exclusively on Adelgidae.  相似文献   
Spike generation in cortical neurons depends on the interplay between diverse intrinsic conductances. The phase response curve (PRC) is a measure of the spike time shift caused by perturbations of the membrane potential as a function of the phase of the spike cycle of a neuron. Near the rheobase, purely positive (type I) phase-response curves are associated with an onset of repetitive firing through a saddle-node bifurcation, whereas biphasic (type II) phase-response curves point towards a transition based on a Hopf-Andronov bifurcation. In recordings from layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in cortical slices, cholinergic action, consistent with down-regulation of slow voltage-dependent potassium currents such as the M-current, switched the PRC from type II to type I. This is the first report showing that cholinergic neuromodulation may cause a qualitative switch in the PRCs type implying a change in the fundamental dynamical mechanism of spike generation.  相似文献   
An Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA encoding a new RNA-binding protein (RBP37) was cloned from a silique cDNA library. The predicted amino acid sequence corresponds to a RBP containing two RNA recognition motifs (RRM) and a basic domain. An affinity for nucleic acids was confirmed in binding assays using in vitro synthesised AtRBP37 protein. In situ hybridisation experiments on sections of flowers and siliques showed expression only in growing organs: gynoecium, petals, filaments and during early-embryogenesis expression is located in the embryo proper and the suspensor up to late heart stage. Expression is not detected in the embryo during maturation.This results suggests an expression pattern correlated with dividing cells.  相似文献   
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