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Adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) binds the coxsackie B virus Ad receptor and is endocytosed upon activation of the alphav integrin coreceptors. Here, we demonstrate that expression of dominant negative clathrin hub, eps15, or K44A-dynamin (dyn) inhibited Ad2 uptake into epithelial cells, indicating clathrin-dependent viral endocytosis. Surprisingly, Ad strongly stimulated the endocytic uptake of fluid phase tracers, coincident with virus internalization but without affecting receptor-mediated transferrin uptake. A large amount of the stimulated endocytic activity was macropinocytosis. Macropinocytosis depended on alphav integrins, PKC, F-actin, and the amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchanger, which are all required for Ad escape from endosomes and infection. Macropinocytosis stimulation was not a consequence of viral escape, since it occurred in K44A-dyn-expressing cells. Surprisingly, 30-50% of the endosomal contents were released into the cytosol of control and also K44A-dyn-expressing cells, and the number of fluid phase-positive endosomes dropped below the levels of noninfected cells, indicating macropinosomal lysis. The release of macropinosomal contents was Ad dose dependent, but the presence of Ad particles on macropinosomal membranes was not sufficient for contents release. We conclude that Ad signaling from the cell surface controls the induction of macropinosome formation and leakage, and this correlates with viral exit to the cytosol and infection.  相似文献   
Oocyte control of granulosa and theca cell function may be mediated by several growth factors via a local feedback loop(s) between these cell types. This study examined both the role of oocyte-secreted factors on granulosa and thecal cells, cultured independently and in co-culture, and the effect of stem cell factor (SCF); a granulosa cell derived peptide that appears to have multiple roles in follicle development. Granulosa and theca cells were isolated from 2–6 mm healthy follicles of mature porcine ovaries and cultured under serum-free conditions, supplemented with: 100 ng/ml LR3 IGF-1, 10 ng/ml insulin, 100 ng/ml testosterone, 0–10 ng/ml SCF, 1 ng/ml FSH (granulosa), 0.01 ng/ml LH (theca) or 1 ng/ml FSH and 0.01 ng/ml LH (co-culture) and with/without oocyte conditioned medium (OCM) or 5 oocytes. Cells were cultured in 96 well plates for 144 h, after which viable cell numbers were determined. Medium was replaced every 48 h and spent medium analysed for steroids.  相似文献   


Tenascins are a family of glycoproteins found primarily in the extracellular matrix of embryos where they help to regulate cell proliferation, adhesion and migration. In order to learn more about their origins and relationships to each other, as well as to clarify the nomenclature used to describe them, the tenascin genes of the urochordate Ciona intestinalis, the pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis and Takifugu rubripes and the frog Xenopus tropicalis were identified and their gene organization and predicted protein products compared with the previously characterized tenascins of amniotes.  相似文献   
We compared nitric oxide production and nitrosyl hemoglobin steady state concentrations during the early phases of endotoxemic and hemorrhagic shock of equivalent severity. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to (1) sham-operated control, (2) hemorrhage, and (3) intravenous endotoxin. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to measure NO in the vasculature (binding to hemoglobin) and in the liver (binding to cytochrome P450). Despite similar changes in cardiorespiratory variables and identical microvascular pO(2), nitrosyl hemoglobin concentrations were significantly higher in endotoxemic rats than in rats in hemorrhagic shock, suggesting increased rates of NO production. A substantial venous minus arterial concentration gradient was observed for nitrosyl hemoglobin. This increased in line with the plasma total nitrite + nitrate concentration. Nitrosyl hemoglobin formation is likely to occur predominantly in the venous pool, suggesting that removal of NO from hemoglobin in the presence of oxygen may be faster than previously thought. In the liver, an increase in intracellular heme-NO complexes was detected in endotoxemic rats compared with rats in hemorrhagic shock; this was associated with increased reduction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and is suggestive of NO inhibition of mitochondrial respiration.  相似文献   
The relationship between intracellular lysosomal rupture and cell death caused by silica was studied in P388d(1) macrophages. After 3 h of exposure to 150 μg silica in medium containing 1.8 mM Ca(2+), 60 percent of the cells were unable to exclude trypan blue. In the absence of extracellular Ca(2+), however, all of the cells remained viable. Phagocytosis of silica particles occurred to the same extent in the presence or absence of Ca(2+). The percentage of P388D(1) cells killed by silica depended on the dose and the concentration of Ca(2+) in the medium. Intracellular lyosomal rupture after exposure to silica was measured by acridine orange fluorescence or histochemical assay of horseradish peroxidase. With either assay, 60 percent of the cells exposed to 150 μg silica for 3 h in the presence of Ca(2+) showed intracellular lysosomal rupture, was not associated with measureable degradation of total DNA, RNA, protein, or phospholipids or accelerated turnover of exogenous horseradish peroxidase. Pretreatment with promethazine (20 μg/ml) protected 80 percent of P388D(1) macrophages against silica toxicity although lysosomal rupture occurred in 60-70 percent of the cells. Intracellular lysosomal rupture was prevented in 80 percent of the cells by pretreatment with indomethacin (5 x 10(-5)M), yet 40-50 percent of the cells died after 3 h of exposure to 150 μg silica in 1.8 mM extracellular Ca(2+). The calcium ionophore A23187 also caused intracellular lysosomal rupture in 90-98 percent of the cells treated for 1 h in either the presence or absence of extracellular Ca(2+). With the addition of 1.8 mM Ca(2+), 80 percent of the cells was killed after 3 h, whereas all of the cells remained viable in the absence of Ca(2+). These experiments suggest that intracellular lysosomal rupture is not causally related to the cell death cause by silica or A23187. Cell death is dependent on extracellular Ca(2+) and may be mediated by an influx of these ions across the plasma membrane permeability barrier damaged directly by exposure to these toxins.  相似文献   
We examined ultrastructural changes in developing chicken intestinal microvilli and correlated these with changes in the G- to F-actin ratio and the amount of actin per milligram cell protein. Three discrete morphological and temporal changes occur during late microvillus morphogenesis: an increase in microvillus number associated with microvilli becoming hexagonally packed on the cell surface; an increase in core actin filament number; and an increase in the length of microvilli. Dramatic rises in the amount of cell actin occur at the time of the first two morphological changes. Changes in the G- to F-actin ratio suggest that increases in the level of monomeric actin drive the elongation phase of microvillus growth since immediately prior to growth the G- to F-actin ratio shifts from its embryonic and adult 3:7 ratio to a 1:1. Our results also indicate, but do not prove, that an increase in the amount of G-actin precedes the rise in level of F-actin and growth of microvilli by 1 day, implying that an increase in the content of G-actin stimulates actin polymerization. Our findings also suggest that the G- to F-actin ratio and their absolute amounts, perhaps in combination with cytoskeletal protein turnover and/or the pool size of actin binding proteins, plays a role in restricting the mature constant length of microvilli.  相似文献   
Disassembly is a key event of virus entry into cells. Here, we have investigated cellular requirements for the first step of adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) disassembly, the release of the fibers. Although fiber release coincides temporally with virus uptake, fiber release is not required for Ad2 endocytosis. It is, however, inhibited by actin-disrupting agents or soluble RGD peptides, which interfere with integrin-dependent endocytosis of Ad2. Fiber release occurs at the cell surface. Actin stabilization with jasplakinolide blocks Ad2 entry at extended cell surface invaginations and efficiently promotes fiber release, indicating that fiber release and virus endocytosis are independent events. Fiber release is not sufficient for Ad2 escape from endosomes, since inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) prevents Ad2 escape from endosomes but does not affect virus internalization or fiber release. PKC-inhibited cells accumulate Ad2 in small vesicles near the cell periphery, indicating that PKC is also required for membrane trafficking of virus. Taken together, our data show that fiber release from incoming Ad2 requires integrins and filamentous actin. Together with correct subcellular transport of Ad2-containing endosomes, fiber release is essential for efficient delivery of virus to the cytosol. We speculate that fiber release at the surface might extend the host range of Ad2 since it is associated with the separation of a small fraction of incoming virus from the target cells.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to estimate the incidence and describe the pattern and severity of training injuries in taekwondo, and to compare pattern and severity of training injuries with competition injuries. One hundred and fifty-two active Australian amateur taekwondo athletes, aged 12 years or over, completed an online survey comprising questions on training exposure and injury history over the preceding 12 months. The main outcome measures were: overall injury incidence rate per athlete-year; training injury incidence rate per athlete-year, per 1000 athlete-training-sessions, and per 1000 athlete-hours of training; injury severity; and injury proportions by anatomical region and by type of injury. Injury incidence rates were calculated with 95% confidence intervals using standard methods, while injury proportions were compared using Fisher''s exact test. The vast majority (81.5%) of taekwondo injuries in an average athlete-year occurred during training. The training injury incidence rate was estimated to be 1.6 (95% CI: 1.4, 1.9) per athlete-year, 11.8 (95% CI: 10.4, 13.4) per 1000 athlete-training-sessions, and 7.0 (95% CI: 6.1, 7.9) per 1000 athlete-hours of training. Among athletes with five or fewer injuries, the severity and injury pattern of training injuries were, by and large, the same as for competition injuries. Approximately sixty percent (60.3%) of training injuries required treatment by a health professional. Considering the burden of training injuries exceeds that of competition injuries, taekwondo governing bodies and stakeholders are encouraged to devote more efforts towards the identification of risk factors for, and prevention of, training injuries in the sport of taekwondo.  相似文献   


A complete, bidirectional conduction block in the cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) represents the end-point of the typical atrial flutter ablation. We investigated the correlation between two criteria for successful ablation, one based on the atrial bipolar electrogram morphology before and after complete CTI conduction block, compared to the standard criteria of differential pacing and reversal in the right atrial depolarization sequence during coronary sinus (CS) pacing.


We conducted a retrospective study in 111 patients (81 males, average age 62±10 years) who underwent an atrial flutter ablation during September 2007 - July 2009 in the Cardiology - Rehabilitation Hospital, UMF Cluj-Napoca. We assessed the presence of a bidirectional block at the end of the procedure using the standard criteria. We then analyzed the morphology of the bipolar atrial electrograms adjacent to the ablation line, before and after CTI conduction block.


A change from a qRs morphology to a rSr'' morphology when pacing from the coronary sinus and from a rsr'' morphology to a QRS morphology when pacing from the low-lateral right atrium was associated with a CTI conduction block. Sensitivity (Se), specificity(Sp), positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) were 96%, 89%, 99% and 67% respectively.


Our study suggests that the analysis of the atrial bipolar electrogram next to the ablation line before and after CTI ablation may be used as a reliable criterion to validate CTI conduction block due to its high sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value.  相似文献   
高等植物中的磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了近年来有关高等植物中磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶(PEPCK)的研究进展,并讨论了此酶的结构、功能和调节等方面的问题。  相似文献   
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