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The fluence-response curves for the effect of two red pulses separated by 24 hours on the germination of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln. cv Vesuv seeds, incubated on gibberellic acid (GA3) are biphasic for suboptimal concentrations. The response in the low fluence range corresponds with a classical red/far-red reversible phytochrome mediated reaction. GA3 induces an additional response in the very low fluence range, which is also phytochrome mediated. The sensitivity to phytochrome-far-red absorbing form (Pfr), however, is increased about 20,000-fold, so that even far-red fluences become saturating. Both in the very low and low fluence response range, the maximal responses induced by saturating fluences are modulated by the GA3 concentration. GA3 having no direct influence on the phytochrome phototransformations, alters the Pfr requirement and determines the responding seed population fraction in the very low and low fluence range. The effet of GA3 appears to be on the transduction chain of the phytochrome signal.  相似文献   
To investigate early intermediates of β2‐microglobulin (β2m) amyloidogenesis, we solved the structure of β2m containing the amyloidogenic Pro32Gly mutation by X‐ray crystallography. One nanobody (Nb24) that efficiently blocks fibril elongation was used as a chaperone to co‐crystallize the Pro32Gly β2m monomer under physiological conditions. The complex of P32G β2m with Nb24 reveals a trans peptide bond at position 32 of this amyloidogenic variant, whereas Pro32 adopts the cis conformation in the wild‐type monomer, indicating that the cis to trans isomerization at Pro32 plays a critical role in the early onset of β2m amyloid formation.  相似文献   
HIV-1 Rev is the key protein in the nucleocytoplasmic export and expression of the late viral mRNAs. An important aspect for its function is its ability to multimerize on these mRNAs. We have recently identified a llama single-domain antibody (Nb190) as the first inhibitor targeting the Rev multimerization function in cells. This nanobody is a potent intracellular antibody that efficiently inhibits HIV-1 viral production. In order to gain insight into the Nb190-Rev interaction interface, we performed mutational and docking studies to map the interface between the nanobody paratope and the Rev epitope. Alanine mutants of the hyper-variable domains of Nb190 and the Rev multimerization domains were evaluated in different assays measuring Nb190-Rev interaction or viral production. Seven residues within Nb190 and five Rev residues are demonstrated to be crucial for epitope recognition. These experimental data were used to perform docking experiments and map the Nb190-Rev structural interface. This Nb190-Rev interaction model can guide further studies of the Nb190 effect on HIV-1 Rev function and could serve as starting point for the rational development of smaller entities binding to the Nb190 epitope, aimed at interfering with protein-protein interactions of the Rev N-terminal domain.  相似文献   
Type IV secretion (T4S) systems are able to transport DNAs and/or proteins through the membranes of bacteria. They form large multiprotein complexes consisting of 12 proteins termed VirB1‐11 and VirD4. VirB7, 9 and 10 assemble into a 1.07 MegaDalton membrane‐spanning core complex (CC), around which all other components assemble. This complex is made of two parts, the O‐layer inserted in the outer membrane and the I‐layer inserted in the inner membrane. While the structure of the O‐layer has been solved by X‐ray crystallography, there is no detailed structural information on the I‐layer. Using high‐resolution cryo‐electron microscopy and molecular modelling combined with biochemical approaches, we determined the I‐layer structure and located its various components in the electron density. Our results provide new structural insights on the CC, from which the essential features of T4S system mechanisms can be derived.  相似文献   
Cys-loop receptors are membrane spanning ligand-gated ion channels involved in fast excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission. Three-dimensional structures of these ion channels, determined by X-ray crystallography or electron microscopy, have revealed valuable information regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying ligand recognition, channel gating and ion conductance. To extend and validate the current insights, we here present promising candidates for further structural studies. We report the biochemical and functional characterization of Cys-loop receptor homologues identified in the proteome of Alvinella pompejana, an extremophilic, polychaete annelid found in hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Seven homologues were selected, named Alpo1-7. Five of them, Alpo2-6, were unidentified prior to this study. Two-electrode voltage clamp experiments revealed that wild type Alpo5 and Alpo6, both sharing remarkably high sequence identity with human glycine receptor α subunits, are anion-selective channels that can be activated by glycine, GABA and taurine. Furthermore, upon expression in insect cells fluorescence size-exclusion chromatography experiments indicated that four homologues, Alpo1, Alpo4, Alpo6 and Alpo7, can be extracted out of the membrane by a wide variety of detergents while maintaining their oligomeric state. Finally, large-scale purification efforts of Alpo1, Alpo4 and Alpo6 resulted in milligram amounts of biochemically stable and monodisperse protein. Overall, our results establish the evolutionary conservation of glycine receptors in annelids and pave the way for future structural studies.  相似文献   
De Vos S  Backmann J  Prévost M  Steyaert J  Loris R 《Biochemistry》2001,40(34):10140-10149
Differential scanning calorimetry, urea denaturation, and X-ray crystallography were combined to study the structural and energetic consequences of refilling an engineered cavity in the hydrophobic core of RNase T1 with CH(3), SH, and OH groups. Three valines that cluster together in the major hydrophobic core of T1 were each replaced with Ala, Ser, Thr, and Cys. Compared to the wild-type protein, all these mutants reduce the thermodynamic stability of the enzyme considerably. The relative order of stability at all three positions is as follows: Val > Ala approximately equal to Thr > Ser. The effect of introducing a sulfhydryl group is more variable. Surprisingly, a Val --> Cys mutation in a hydrophobic environment can be as or even more destabilizing than a Val --> Ser mutation. Furthermore, our results reveal that the penalty for introducing an OH group into a hydrophobic cavity is roughly the same as the gain obtained from filling the cavity with a CH(3) group. The inverse equivalence of the behavior of hydroxyl and methyl groups seems to be crucial for the unique three-dimensional structure of the proteins. The importance of negative design elements in this context is highlighted.  相似文献   
The purine salvage pathway of parasitic protozoa is currently considered as a target for drug development because these organisms cannot synthesize purines de novo. Insight into the structure and mechanism of the involved enzymes can aid in the development of potent inhibitors, leading to new curative drugs. Nucleoside hydrolases are key enzymes in the purine salvage pathway of Trypanosomatidae, and they are especially attractive because they have no equivalent in mammalian cells. We cloned, expressed and purified a nucleoside hydrolase from Trypanosoma vivax. The substrate activity profile establishes the enzyme to be a member of the inosine-adenosine-guanosine-preferring nucleoside hydrolases (IAG-NH). We solved the crystal structure of the enzyme at 1.6 A resolution using MAD techniques. The complex of the enzyme with the substrate analogue 3-deaza-adenosine is presented. These are the first structures of an IAG-NH reported in the literature. The T. vivax IAG-NH is a homodimer, with each subunit consisting of ten beta-strands, 12 alpha-helices and three small 3(10)-helices. Six of the eight strands of the central beta-sheet form a motif resembling the Rossmann fold. Superposition of the active sites of this IAG-NH and the inosine-uridine-preferring nucleoside hydrolase (IU-NH) of Crithidia fasciculata shows the molecular basis of the different substrate specificity distinguishing these two classes of nucleoside hydrolases. An "aromatic stacking network" in the active site of the IAG-NH, absent from the IU-NH, imposes the purine specificity. Asp10 is the proposed general base in the reaction mechanism, abstracting a proton from a nucleophilic water molecule. Asp40 (replaced by Asn39 in the IU-NH) is positioned appropriately to act as a general acid and to protonate the purine leaving group. The second general acid, needed for full enzymatic activity, is probably part of a flexible loop located in the vicinity of the active site.  相似文献   
Buried and well-ordered solvent molecules are an integral part of each folded protein. For a few individual water molecules, the exchange kinetics with solvent have been described in great detail. So far, little is known about the energetics of this exchange process. Here, we present an experimental approach to investigate water-mediated intramolecular protein-protein interactions by use of double mutant cycles. As a first example, we analyzed the interdependence of the contribution of two side chains (Asn9 and Thr93) to the conformational stability of RNase T1. In the folded state, both side chains are involved in the "solvation of the same water molecule WAT1. The coupling of the contributions of Asn9 and Thr93 to the conformational stability of RNase T1 was measured by urea unfolding and differential scanning calorimetry. The structural integrity of each mutant was analyzed by X-ray crystallography. We find that the effects of the Asn9Ala and the Thr93Ala mutations on the conformational stability are additive in the corresponding double mutant. We conclude that the free energy of the WAT1 mediated intramolecular protein-protein interaction in the folded state is very similar to solvent mediated protein-protein interaction in the unfolded state.  相似文献   
Stable transfected human p53 (mt/mt) B lymphoma Namalwa variant lines showing differential expression of the Bax-alpha protein were derived under hygromycin selection. Overexpression of Bax-alpha in these variant cells accelerates cell death induced by short or continuous treatments with various concentrations of camptothecin, etoposide, vinblastine and shows no accelerating cell death activity in cis-platinum and paclitaxel-treated cells. Activation of apoptosis and oligonucleosome-sized DNA fragmentation was observed in the variant lines with more pronounced effect in cells containing high level of Bax-alpha protein. These results suggest that increased cell death mediated by anticancer drugs correlates with Bax-alpha level of expression and that Bax-alpha sensitizes Namalwa cells treated at low drug concentrations. The extent of DNA synthesis inhibition following DNA topoisomerase inhibitor treatments was similar in control and all transfected Namalwa cells suggesting that Bax-alpha acts downstream of DNA topoisomerase-mediated DNA strand breaks. To define further the relation between Bax-alpha expression and apoptosis activation, kinetics of caspase activation was measured in drug-treated cells. Caspase activities were measured using specific fluorogenic peptide derivatives DABCYL-YVADAPV-EDANS and Ac-DEVD-AMC, substrates of the caspase 1-like and caspase 3-like families, respectively. In control and Bax-alpha transfected Namalwa cells no increase in caspase 1-like activity was detected following camptothecin and etoposide treatments. In contrast, a significant difference in Ac-DEVD-AMC hydrolysis activity was observed in Bax-alpha transfected Namalwa cells compared to that of control Namalwa cells after camptothecin and etoposide treatment. Increased caspase 3-like activity correlated also with poly(ADPribosyl) polymerase cleavage. Taken together, these results suggest that Bax-alpha sensitize B lymphoma cells to series of anticancer drugs and accelerates the activation of apoptotic protease cascade.  相似文献   
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