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Summary Extractable nucleolar proteins from HeLa cells were used as a source of antigen to immunize mice for monoclonal antibody (MAb) production. Ten of the resulting MAbs shown to identify nucleolar phosphoprotein (110 kD/pI 5.5) were purified and used in immunochemical studies to further characterize protein C23. All ten MAbs showed nucleolar localization by indirect immunofluorescence; one antibody (FR2) also showed some nucleoplasmic localization that was attributed to a shared epitope between protein C23 and a 72 kD nuclear/nucleolar antigen. Reciprocal antibody cross blocking studies indicated that the ten MAbs identified nine distinct epitopes on protein C23. Interestingly, seven of the nine epitopes were shown by immunofluorescence and competitive ELISA studies to be species related. Immunostained patterns of exponentially growing HeLa cells suggest that protein C23 exists in vivo solely as a 110 kD peptide. However, protein C23 was subject to rapid degradation into a number of proteolytic fragments upon extraction or storage of isolated nucleoli. The failure to find protein C23 related peptides with molecular sizes less than 110 kD in exponentially growing cells and the lack of cytoplasmic localization of any of the ten MAbs suggests that protein C23 is not a prepro-protein processed in vivo to form ribosomal proteins as previously suggested (1).  相似文献   
Summary Full cytogenetic analysis of 27 different retinoblastoma tumors is presented. Gross aneuploidy of chromosome arms 6p and 1q were very common, being observed in 15/27 and 21/27 tumors, respectively. However, we found that chromosome 13 was rarely missing: only 3/27 had a detectable monosomy affecting 13q14. Monosomy of chromosome 13 by small deletion or rearrangement was also not observed in any of 12 retinoblastoma tumor lines analyzed detail at the 300–400 chromosome band level. A novel observation in retinoblastoma was the discovery of non-random translocations at three specific breakpoints, 14q32 (4/12), 17p12 (5/12), and 10q25 (3/12). Genomic rearrangements similar to those described involving C-myc in Burkitt lymphoma 14q+ cells could not be demonstrated in the four 14q+ retinoblastoma lines using molecular techniques, and a probe mapping to the site implicated to have an activating role in lymphoma. These data suggest that there is a target for rearrangement at 14q32 but it is not the same sequence used in some Burkitt lymphomas. Two other breakpoints (2p24 and 8q24) coincided with the mapped position of cellular oncogenes, but also failed to show a molecular rearrangement with the oncogene probes. The breakpoints, 10q25 and 17p12, are constitutional fragile sites which may predispose these regions to act as acceptors of translocations in malignant cells. One line had double minute chromosomes, and was the only one of 16 (6%) tested with the N-myc probe which had an amplification. Different tumors from single patients with multifocal heritable retinoblastoma showed independent karyotype evolution. Unilateral non-heritable tumors exhibited a high level of karyotype stability throughout both in vivo and in vitro growth. The various common patterns of aneuploidy and translocations probably confer an early selective advantage to malignant cells, rather than induce malignant transformation.  相似文献   
A method is presented for the rapid in vitro propagation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Nodal explants were induced to grow as multiple-shoot cultures on a medium containing 1.0 M 6-benzylamino purine (BAP), supplemented with 0.25 M -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Nodes were removed from the shoots after three weeks of growth and subcultured on fresh culture medium. An average of 7.0 nodes were produced from each explanted node after three weeks in culture. Nodal explants were transferred to a medium containing 2.5 M indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) to improve root initiation on the developing plantlets. Plant establishment was possible upon transfer to soil. In vitro propagation offers enhanced rates of multiplication over more conventional methods of propagation. In addition, in vitro propagation facilitates the storage and international exchange of cassava germplasm.  相似文献   
Abstract A DNA-dependent RNA polymerase was isolated from Spirochaeta aurantia . The M r values of the holoenzyme subunits are 164000, 142000, 84000, and 44500. The RNA polymerase activity was sensitive to heparin, streptolydigin, and actinomycin D, while rifampicin and streptovaricin did not inhibit activity.  相似文献   
1. The production of penicillin N and cephalosporin C by two mutants of a Cephalosporium sp. has been studied with cultures grown in a chemically defined medium and with suspensions of washed mycelium in water or a buffered salt solution. 2. Antibiotic synthesis began at an early stage of growth and its rate per unit weight of mycelium appeared to pass its maximum as morphological changes were occurring in young hyphae. This rate subsequently declined, but rapid production could continue after net growth had ceased. 3. In a series of shake-flask fermentations in the growth medium, increases in the yield of penicillin N above the mean were correlated with much smaller increases in the yield of cephalosporin C and vice versa. 4. In suspensions of washed mycelium, moderate decreases in the efficiency of aeration increased the yield of penicillin N and decreased that of cephalosporin C. A similar result normally followed the addition of methionine to the suspension fluid, and in both cases there was usually an increase in the yield of the two antibiotics combined. 5. The apparent intracellular concentrations of the antibiotics were much lower than those attained extracellularly and also much lower than those of most of the amino acids in the intracellular pool. No detectable amount of [(14)C]penicillin N added to the extracellular fluid was found to enter the mycelium. 6. Very small amounts of peptide material whose behaviour was similar to that of the sulphonic acid of delta-(alpha-amino-adipoyl)cysteinylvaline on paper electrophoresis at pH1.8 were found in extracts of the mycelium that had been oxidized with performic acid. 6-Aminopenicillanic acid and 7-aminocephalosporanic acid were not detected. 7. Ultrasonic treatment of the mycelium resulted in rapid fragmentation of mycelial chains, rupture of many individual cells, and the liberation of amino acids and other substances into the medium. 8. Ultrasonically treated preparations synthesized penicillin N and cephalosporin C rapidly after a lag of 12hr. Antibiotic synthesis was accompanied by the growth of hyphae from swollen mycelial fragments and by the re-establishment of permeability barriers resulting in the uptake of amino acids from the medium.  相似文献   
Summary Production of antibodies against peptides or poorly antigenic proteins by conventional methods often requires either large quantities of the native immunogen or some chemical modification to increase their antigenicity. In this study an in vivo and in vitro immunization protocol has been used to generate monoclonal antibodies against the decapeptide luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH). Two injections of 100 μg of avian LHRH-I into BALB/c mice were given 7 d apart. Dissociated splenocytes were collected under sterile conditions. They were incubated with 100 μg of the immunogen in 75-cm2 tissue culture flasks in thymocyte-conditioned media. After 5 to 8 d exposure to the antigen, splenocytes were fused with SP2/O myeloma cells by polyethylene glycol. The cells were plated into 24 wells and then incubated in hypoxanthine aminopterin and thymidine selective media. After 14 d an initial screening was done by enzyme immunoassay. The positive wells (6/24) were expanded into 96-well plates and rescreened. Selected lines were cloned out 3 times by limiting dilution and the most positive expanded for ascites production. The antibody was affinity purified in a protein A column. The antibody cross-reacted with LHRH-I and II but preferentially to LHRH-I, as shown by competitive assay. A hypothalamic extract from a mature chick showed a higher response than preparations from whole brain explants of 1- to 3-d posthatched chicks, mature quail, and mature mouse. This work was funded by the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station artical no. A4975, contribution no. 8019.  相似文献   
The distribution and abundance of Enchytraeidae and Tubificidae in and around Spartina alterniflora plants in a tidal salt marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA were studied using two different sampling techniques: wet funnel extraction and stem dissection. At least 80% of all worms inhabited leaf sheaths at the bases of S. alterniflora plants, and densities were low in sediment, root and surface debris samples. Oligochaete densities were dependent on the position within the marsh, the height on stems and the stage of sheath decay. Six predominant species were identified and included Marionina appendiculata, Marionina spartinae, Marionina waltersi, Marionina paludis, and Monopylephorus parvus. Individual species were distributed differently on stems and enchytraeids were more common than tubificids on standing-dead and further up S. alterniflora stems. Estimates of oligochaete densities in salt marsh habitats are increased dramatically when the numbers of worms on stems are considered. Possible advantages of the stem microhabitat are discussed in relation to the biology and ecology of oligochaetes.  相似文献   
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