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Summary The effect of temperatures below 0° C on different stages of the two-spotted spider mite, and in particular on active adult females, has been investigated.Survival of active females at-5° was higher at approximately 100% relative humidity than at a lower degree of humidity. Higher rates of survival were also caused by acclimation of active females and larvae for one day at +5° before storage at-15°. No differences in cold-hardiness were found in active females from an organophosphorous resistant strain and a susceptible strain, and the ability to survive depended on the time-temperature exposures (see Fig. 3).Eggs were killed very rapidly at-15° C, while larvae survived longer exposures than active females. Compared at the LT50 level females in diapause survived three times the exposure endured by acclimated active females.Supercooling points measured at a rate of cooling of 2° C per minute were highest in diapausing females and lowest in eggs. Acclimation had no effect on the supercooling points of active females. All stages were killed by freezing. It seems likely that the difference in survival between acclimated and not acclimated active females at-15° is caused by different ability to live in a supercooled state.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Wirkung von Temperaturen unter 0° auf verschiedene Stadien der Bohnenspinnmilbe, insbesondere auf aktive erwachsene Weibchen untersucht.Die Überlebensrate aktiver Weibchen war bei nahezu hundertprozentiger relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit höher als bei niederer Feuchtigkeit. Höhere Überlebensraten wurden auch durch Akklimatisation aktiver Weibchen und Larven für einen Tag bei 5° vor der Behandlung mit-15° erreicht. Es wurden keine Unterschiede in der Kältewiderstandfähigkeit aktiver Weibchen eines phosphorsäureesterresistenten und eines anfälligen Stammes gefunden. Die Überlebensfähigkeit hängt von Dauer und Temperatur der Einwirkung ab.Eier wurden von-15° sehr schnell abgetötet, während Larven längere Einwirkungszeiten überlebten als aktive Weibchen. Bei einem Vergleich der LT50 überlebten diapausierende Weibchen dreimal längere Einwirkungszeiten, als sie von akklimatisierten aktiven Weibchen ertragen wurden.Unterkühlungspunkte—gemessen bei einer Abkühlungsrate von 2° pro Minute—lagen bei diapausierenden Weibchen am höchsten und bei Eiern am niedrigsten.Akklimatisierung hatte keinen Einfluß auf die Unterkühlungspunkte aktiver Weibchen. Durch Gefrieren wurden alle Stadien getötet. Es erscheint möglich, daß der Unterschied im Überleben akklimatisierter und nichtakklimatisierter Weibchen bei-15° durch die verschiedene Fähigkeit bedingt ist, in einem unterkühlten Zustande zu leben.
C. Stenseth 《BioControl》1979,24(3):311-317
The development ofPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot and the effectiveness of it as a predator ofTetranychus urticae (Koch) were studied at constant temperatures of 15°, 18°, 21°, 24° and 27°C (humidity fluctuations from 60% to 90% R.H.) and at constant humidities of 40% and 80% R.H. at the temperatures 21° and 27°. Optimal temperature for time of development was 27° (at 60%–85% R.H.). A high reduction in egg vitality was recorded at 40% R. H. and 27% At 21° the egg vitality was only slightly lower at 40% R.H. than at 80% R.H. The predator gave control ofT. urticae at temperatures from 15° to 27° (humidity fluctuation from 60%–90% R.H.), and the most rapid and efficient control was obtained at 27° (60%–85% R.H.). The predator did not give sufficient control ofT. urticae at 27° and 40% R.H. At 21° control ofT. urticae was obtained at both 40% and 80% R.H., but the prey population was reduced faster at 80% R.H. than at 40% R.H.  相似文献   
Climatic changes are disrupting otherwise tight trophic interactions between predator and prey. Most of the earlier studies have primarily focused on the temporal dimension of the relationship in the framework of the match–mismatch hypothesis. This hypothesis predicts that predator's recruitment will be high if the peak of the prey availability temporally matches the most energy‐demanding period of the predators breeding phenology. However, the match–mismatch hypothesis ignores the level of food abundance while this can compensate small mismatches. Using a novel time‐series model explicitly quantifying both the timing and the abundance component for trophic relationships, we here show that timing and abundance of food affect recruitment differently in a marine (cod/zooplankton), a marine–terrestrial (puffin/herring) and a terrestrial (sheep/vegetation) ecosystem. The quantification of the combined effect of abundance and timing of prey on predator dynamics enables us to come closer to the mechanisms by which environment variability may affect ecological systems.  相似文献   
Mathematical models are developed in order to analyze whether or not social factors, such as, for example, the “social fence” (J. B. Hestbeck, 1982, Oikos 39, 157–163) will stabilize population density: the dynamic interaction between social factors and (dynamic) trophic factors is analyzed. It is concluded that social factors such as the “social fence” tend to stabilize population density; hence, if density cycles (as, e.g., seen in many microtine rodents) are observed in nature, it seems reasonable to conclude that density cycles are driven by, for example, trophic interactions and not by social factors. It is suggested that the “social fence” may explain why so many populations including several microtine populations have fairly stable densities despite the ever-existing destabilizing trophic interactions. Contrary to what is implied by J. B. Hestbeck (1983, “A Mathematical Model of Population Regulation in Cyclic Mammals,” Lecture notes in biomathematics, Vol. 52, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York), the analysis presented in this paper demonstrates that seasonal environmental changes are not essential for the generation of regular density cycles. Seasonal changes may, however, be necessary for generating a microtine-like density cycle. Empirical information on microtine rodents relating to the “social fence hypothesis” is discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of the abundance of acorns of the oak, Quercus crispula, on the population dynamics of three rodent species (Apodemus speciosus, A. argenteus, and Clethrionomys rufocanus) were analyzed using time series data (1992–2006). The data were obtained in a forest in northern Hokkaido, Japan, by live trapping rodents and directly counting acorns on the ground. Apodemus speciosus generally increased in abundance following acorn masting. However, the clear effect of acorn abundance was not detected for the other two rodent species. Acorns of Q. crispula contain tannins, which potentially have detrimental effects on herbivores. Apodemus speciosus may reduce the damage caused by acorn tannins with tannin-binding salivary proteins and tannase-producing bacteria, whereas such physiological tolerance to tannins is not known in the other two rodent species. The differences in the effects of acorns between the three species may be due to differences in their physiological tolerance to tannins.  相似文献   
Direct effects of climate change on animal physiology, and indirect impacts from disruption of seasonal synchrony and breakdown of trophic interactions are particularly severe in Arctic and Alpine ecosystems. Unravelling biotic from abiotic drivers, however, remains challenging because high‐resolution animal population data are often limited in space and time. Here, we show that variation in annual horn growth (an indirect proxy for individual performance) of 8043 male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) over the past four decades is well synchronised among eight disjunct colonies in the eastern Swiss Alps. Elevated March to May temperatures, causing premature melting of Alpine snowcover, earlier plant phenology and subsequent improvement of ibex food resources, fuelled annual horn growth. These results reveal dependency of local trophic interactions on large‐scale climate dynamics, and provide evidence that declining herbivore performance is not a universal response to global warming even for high‐altitude populations that are also harvested.  相似文献   
Climate change has profound ecological effects, yet our understanding of how trophic interactions among species are affected by climate change is still patchy. The sympatric Atlantic haddock and cod are co‐occurring across the North Atlantic. They compete for food at younger stages and thereafter the former is preyed by the latter. Climate change might affect the interaction and coexistence of these two species. Particularly, the increase in sea temperature (ST) has been shown to affect distribution, population growth and trophic interactions in marine systems. We used 33‐year long time series of haddock and cod abundances estimates from two data sources (acoustic and trawl survey) to analyse the dynamic effect of climate on the coexistence of these two sympatric species in the Arcto‐Boreal Barents Sea. Using a Bayesian state‐space threshold model, we demonstrated that long‐term climate variation, as expressed by changes of ST, affected species demography through different influences on density‐independent processes. The interaction between cod and haddock has shifted in the last two decades due to an increase in ST, altering the equilibrium abundances and the dynamics of the system. During warm years (ST over ca. 4°C), the increase in the cod abundance negatively affected haddock abundance while it did not during cold years. This change in interactions therefore changed the equilibrium population size with a higher population size during warm years. Our analyses show that long‐term climate change in the Arcto‐Boreal system can generate differences in the equilibrium conditions of species assemblages.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation is an increasing threat to wildlife species across the globe and it has been predicted that future biodiversity will decrease rapidly without the intervention of scientifically-based management. In this study we have applied a landscape genetics approach to suggest a network design that will maintain connectivity among populations of the endangered mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) in the fragmented highlands of Ethiopia. DNA was obtained non-invasively from 328 individuals and genetic population structure and gene flow were estimated using 12 microsatellite markers. In addition, a 475-bp segment of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced for 132 individuals. Potential dispersal corridors were determined from least-cost path analysis based on a habitat suitability map. The genetic data indicated limited gene flow between the sampled mountain Nyala populations of the Bale Massif and the Arsi Massif. The genetic differentiation observed among five sampling areas of the Bale Massif followed a pattern of isolation by distance. We detected no impact of habitat resistance on the gene flow. In the future, however, the current expanding human population in the highlands of Ethiopia may reduce the current mountain Nyala habitat and further limit migration. Hence, maintaining habitat connectivity and facilitating survival of stepping-stone populations will be important for the future conservation of the species. The approach used here may also be useful for the study and conservation of other wildlife species inhabiting areas of increasing human encroachment.  相似文献   
Primates inhabiting human-modified landscapes often exploit matrix habitat to supplement their diet with cultivated foods, at times resulting in economic losses and conflict with local people. Understanding human-nonhuman primate interactions and the attitudes and perceptions of local people towards crop feeding species are crucial to designing effective species-based management plans. Over a 12-month period, we used scan sampling to study the consumption of cultivated foods and matrix use patterns by two habituated groups of Bale monkeys (Chlorocebus djamdjamensis), Ethiopian-endemic bamboo specialists, in two forest fragments (Kokosa and Afursa) set amidst human settlements and farmland in the southern Ethiopian Highlands. Further, we conducted interviews with local people to document their attitudes and perceptions towards Bale monkeys at the two sites. We found that Bale monkeys at Kokosa, a more degraded habitat by most measures, consumed significantly more cultivated foods than their counterparts at Afursa. Moreover, Bale monkeys at Kokosa spent significantly more time in the matrix than in the forest habitat, while monkeys at Afursa spent significantly less time in the matrix than in the forest habitat. Not surprisingly, local people displayed a more negative attitude towards monkeys inhabiting Kokosa than those inhabiting Afursa. The differences in Bale monkey cultivated food consumption and matrix use patterns—as well as in local people's attitudes and perceptions towards Bale monkeys—between Kokosa and Afursa are probably associated with differences in habitat structure, degree of habitat alteration, and land-use practices between the sites. We conclude that to ensure long-term coexistence between Bale monkeys and local people in human-modified landscapes, it is vital to incorporate nearby matrix habitats into management plans and to work closely with local communities to develop effective nonlethal crop protection strategies, thereby reducing the likelihood of negative interactions between Bale monkeys and humans.  相似文献   
The concept of "stimulus-secretion coupling" suggested by Douglas and co-workers to explain the events related to monamine discharge by the adrenal medulla (5, 7) may be applied to other endocrine tissues, such as adrenal cortex (36), pancreatic islets (4), and magnocellular hypothalamic neurons (6), which exhibit a similar ion-dependent process of hormone elaboration. In addition, they share another feature, that of joining neighbor cells via membrane junctions (12, 26, and Fletcher, unpublished observation). Given this, and the reports that hormone secretion by the pars distalis also involves a secretagogue-induced decrease in membrane bioelectric potential accompanied by a rise in cellular [Ca++] (27, 34, 41), it was appropriate to test the possibility that cells of the anterior pituitary gland are united by junctions.  相似文献   
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