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Summary This study examined whether nonconfluent endothelial cell cultures reacted differently than confluent ones toward thrombin-stimulated platelets or a heparinized salt solution. The adherence to the endothelial cell cultures of51Cr-labeled human platelets stimulated at different thrombin concentrations was studied. There was significantly higher adherence of stimulated platelets to nonconfluent cultures compared with confluent ones. This was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, which also revealed a tendency for the platelets to adhere at the cell periphery. Electron microscopy also showed that thrombin-stimulated platelets induced endothelial cell contraction. Part of the peripheral endothelial cell surface toward the bottom of the culture dish was inverted, facing the lumen of the dish. This phenomenon was particularly seen in nonconfluent cultures. When51Cr-labeled endothelial cultures were incubated with a mildly injurious fluid as heparinized sodium acetate and 20% serum, at 20° C for 30 min, the nonconfluent cultures showed significantly more cell detachment and release of51Cr than the confluent ones. We conclude that under the conditions of the present experiments there are differences in the reactivity of confluent and nonconfluent endothelial cell cultures. These differences probably reflect biological dissimilarities. In experiments where properties of cultured endothelium are studied, care should be taken that the degree of confluency is standardized.  相似文献   
In September 1987 the shallow, eutrophic, Lake Mosvatn was treated with rotenone to eliminate planktivorous fish (mainly whitefish,Coregonus lavaretus, L.), and the effects were studied. The first summer after treatment the zooplankton community changed markedly from rotifer dominance and few grazers, to a community with few rotifers and many grazers. Accordingly there was a fivefold increase in the biomass ofDaphnia galeata. Adult females ofD. galeata approximately doubled in weight. The decrease in rotifer biomass was probably mainly due to a loss of food by competition with the daphnids. The phytoplankton community was also markedly affected. Prior to treatment Secchi depth was 1.7 m and Chl-a 23μg l−1 in the summer. After treatment there was an increase in the proportion of small and gelatinous algae and the mean chlorophyll concentration fell to 7μg Chl-a l−1. Secchi depth increased to>2.3 m (bottom-sight most of the season). After the treatment there were also fewer cyanobacterial blooms. This seems to be related to oligotrophication caused indirectly by increased grazing by the zooplankton. Total nutrient concentrations were affected. Prior to treatment the mean summer concentration of total phosphate was 44μg P l−1. This decreased to 29μg P l−1 in the first summer and 23μg P l−1 the second summer after the treatment. Total nitrogen decreased from 0.68 mg N l−1 before treatment to 0.32 mg N l−1 the first summer after the treatment. The phosphate loading was not reduced, therefor it can be concluded that the fish removal provided a biomanipulation which caused the more oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   
RNA reprogramming represents a new concept in correcting genetic defects at the RNA level. However, for the technique to be useful for therapy, the level of reprogramming must be appropriate. To improve the efficiency of group I ribozyme-mediated RNA reprogramming, when using the Tetrahymena ribozyme, regions complementary to the target RNA have previously been extended in length and accessible sites in the target RNAs have been identified. As an alternative to the Tetrahymena model ribozyme, the DiGIR2 group I ribozyme, derived from a mobile group I intron in rDNA of the myxomycete Didymium iridis, represents a new and attractive tool in RNA reprogramming. We reported recently that the deletion of a structural element within the P9 domain of DiGIR2 turns off hydrolysis at the 3' splice site (side reaction) without affecting self-splicing [Haugen, P., Andreassen, M., Birgisdottir, A.B. & Johansen, S.D. (2004) Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 1015-1024]. Here we analyze the potential of the modified ribozyme, deficient in hydrolysis at the 3' splice site, for application in group I ribozyme-mediated trans-splicing of RNA. The improved ribozyme catalyses both cis-splicing and trans-splicing in vitro of a human glycosylasparaginase mRNA sequence with the same efficiency as the original DiGIR2 ribozyme, but without detectable levels of the unwanted hydrolysis.  相似文献   
Abstract We examined whether differences in life-history characteristics can explain interspecific variation in stochastic population dynamics in nine marine fish species living in the Barents Sea system. After observation errors in population estimates were accounted for, temporal variability in natural mortality rate, annual recruitment, and population growth rate was negatively related to generation time. Mean natural mortality rate, annual recruitment, and population growth rate were lower in long-lived species than in short-lived species. Thus, important species-specific characteristics of the population dynamics were related to the species position along the slow-fast continuum of life-history variation. These relationships were further associated with interspecific differences in ecology: species at the fast end were mainly pelagic, with short generation times and high natural mortality, annual recruitment, and population growth rates, and also showed high temporal variability in those demographic traits. In contrast, species at the slow end were long-lived, deepwater species with low rates and reduced temporal variability in the same demographic traits. These interspecific relationships show that the life-history characteristics of a species can predict basic features of interspecific variation in population dynamical characteristics of marine fish, which should have implications for the choice of harvest strategy to facilitate sustainable yields.  相似文献   
Summary We have examined DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) of the Ha-ras-1 gene in DNA from 118 lung cancer patients and 123 unaffected controls. When DNA samples were digested with MspI/ HpaII restriction endonucleases. Southern blot analysis demonstrated 4 common, 4 intermediate and 7 different rare alleles in the combined population after hybridization to the pGDa1 probe. Six of the rare alleles were unique for the lung cancer group and 1 rare allele for the control group. The frequency of rare alleles in lung cancer patients (10/236) was significantly different (P<0.01) from the control group (1/246). The lung cancer group also had a significantly lower frequency of the common 2.57 kb fragment than the controls (P<0.02). The results thus indicate that Ha-ras genotyping may be of value in lung cancer risk assessment.  相似文献   


The growth and recurrence of several cancers appear to be driven by a population of cancer stem cells (CSCs). Glioblastoma, the most common primary brain tumor, is invariably fatal, with a median survival of approximately 1 year. Although experimental data have suggested the importance of CSCs, few data exist regarding the potential relevance and importance of these cells in a clinical setting.


We here present the first seven patients treated with a dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccine targeting CSCs in a solid tumor. Brain tumor biopsies were dissociated into single-cell suspensions, and autologous CSCs were expanded in vitro as tumorspheres. From these, CSC-mRNA was amplified and transfected into monocyte-derived autologous DCs. The DCs were aliquoted to 9–18 vaccines containing 107 cells each. These vaccines were injected intradermally at specified intervals after the patients had received a standard 6-week course of post-operative radio-chemotherapy. The study was registered with the ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT00846456.


Autologous CSC cultures were established from ten out of eleven tumors. High-quality RNA was isolated, and mRNA was amplified in all cases. Seven patients were able to be weaned from corticosteroids to receive DC immunotherapy. An immune response induced by vaccination was identified in all seven patients. No patients developed adverse autoimmune events or other side effects. Compared to matched controls, progression-free survival was 2.9 times longer in vaccinated patients (median 694 vs. 236 days, p = 0.0018, log-rank test).


These findings suggest that vaccination against glioblastoma stem cells is safe, well-tolerated, and may prolong progression-free survival.  相似文献   
Synopsis Diet, habitat use, diel and seasonal activity and a number of population parameters were studied on ruffe,Gymnocephalus cernuus, introduced to Mildevatn, western Norway. This lake is sited outside the natural range of the ruffe and has a lower fish diversity and a different fish species composition than within its native range. From June through September the ruffe was planktivorous and mainly caught at 4 to 6 m depth in the benthic zone. At other times of year ruffe was feeding on zoobenthos and caught deeper in the benthic zone. Ruffe was mainly day active. Zooplankton feeding during summer is the clearest difference compared to ruffe populations living within its natural range. Presence of large zooplankton organisms available for ruffe is suggested as the main reason for the difference found in food choice. The availability of large zooplankton is probably due to community structure caused by a predator and lack of interspecific competition for zooplankton in the deeper parts of the lake. Piscivorous brown trout.Salmo trutta, restrict the habitat of threespined stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus, to the zone of littoral vegetation, allowing high densities of larger zooplankton species likeBythotrephes longimanus to be present in the lake. Brown trout is present only in the upper light and well oxygenated parts of the lake, leaving a refuge for the ruffe, where they can feed on the rich zooplankton community.  相似文献   


TP53 mutations have been associated with resistance to anthracyclines but not to taxanes in breast cancer patients. The MDM2 promoter single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) T309G increases MDM2 activity and may reduce wild-type p53 protein activity. Here, we explored the predictive and prognostic value of TP53 and CHEK2 mutation status together with MDM2 SNP309 genotype in stage III breast cancer patients receiving paclitaxel or epirubicin monotherapy.

Experimental Design

Each patient was randomly assigned to treatment with epirubicin 90 mg/m2 (n = 109) or paclitaxel 200 mg/m2 (n = 114) every 3rd week as monotherapy for 4–6 cycles. Patients obtaining a suboptimal response on first-line treatment requiring further chemotherapy received the opposite regimen. Time from last patient inclusion to follow-up censoring was 69 months. Each patient had snap-frozen tumor tissue specimens collected prior to commencing chemotherapy.

Principal Findings

While TP53 and CHEK2 mutations predicted resistance to epirubicin, MDM2 status did not. Neither TP53/CHEK2 mutations nor MDM2 status was associated with paclitaxel response. Remarkably, TP53 mutations (p = 0.007) but also MDM2 309TG/GG genotype status (p = 0.012) were associated with a poor disease-specific survival among patients having paclitaxel but not patients having epirubicin first-line. The effect of MDM2 status was observed among individuals harbouring wild-type TP53 (p = 0.039) but not among individuals with TP53 mutated tumors (p>0.5).


TP53 and CHEK2 mutations were associated with lack of response to epirubicin monotherapy. In contrast, TP53 mutations and MDM2 309G allele status conferred poor disease-specific survival among patients treated with primary paclitaxel but not epirubicin monotherapy.  相似文献   
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