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Camouflage strategies are common in insect social parasites. Being accepted into an alien colony as a dominant nestmate favours behavioural and morphological adaptations to mimic a specific odour. In Polistes social parasites, abdominal tegumental glands are involved in this camouflage strategy. These glands secreting cuticular hydrocarbons are connected with a modified cuticular area of the last gastral sternite of female wasps, named Van der Vecht's organ, whose secretion is involved in rank and dominance recognition. The size of this exocrine area has been demonstrated to be under selective pressure in Polistes, as a response to an efficient dominance recognition. Because chemical and behavioural integration differs between parasitic species, we carried out a comparison of Van der Vecht's organ size between the three Polistes social parasites and their respective hosts. The parasites Polistes sulcifer and Polistes semenowi, capable of a rapid chemical mimicry and specialized to exploit a lowland host, also show an enlarged Van der Vecht's organ. Conversely, the parasite Polistes atrimandibularis, specialized on a mountain species and showing a slow chemical integration, has a smaller organ. The time available for the parasite to tune up its chemical mimicry, before the emergence of workers to be accepted as a dominant nestmate, appears to be the most important selective pressure acting on the size of this abdominal organ. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 109 , 313–319.  相似文献   
Abstract— Cladistic analyses of data from allozyme polymorphisms in paper wasp social parasites and their hosts do not support the hypothesis that social parasites are most closely related to their hosts. Electrophoretic data are adduced for nine species of Polistes , including all three known species of social parasites ( Sulcopolistes ) and their hosts. Three different coding methods are investigated; in no case do the social parasites cluster most closely with their hosts. Rather, there is limited evidence that they form a monophyletic group. However, formal taxonomic recognition of Sulcopolistes is not justified, as it renders Polistes sensu stricto paraphyletic. Although the social parasites are not most closely related to their hosts, hosts and parasites belong in the same subgenus and share many characteristics that may have facilitated the exploitation and deception practised by the parasites on the hosts.  相似文献   
Allergic reactions to vespid stings are one of the major causes of IgE-mediated anaphylaxis. Vespa and Vespula venoms are closely related; Polistes venom is more distantly related and its allergens are less well studied. There is limited cross-reactivity between Polistes and the other vespid venoms because of differences in the epitopes on the allergen molecules.In this study, the major allergens of Polistes gallicus are isolated and characterized. P. gallicus venom contains four major allergens: phospholipase, antigen 5 (Ag5), hyaluronidase and protease that were characterized by mass spectrometry and specific binding to IgE. The complete amino acid sequence of Ag5 and the sequence of the N-terminal region of phospholipase were also determined. The alignment of Ag5 from P. gallicus (European species) and Polistes annularis (American species) shows an 85% identity that increases to 98% within the same subgenus. This could suggest the presence of specific epitopes on Ag5 molecule being the variations on the superficial loops. The features of the P. gallicus allergens could explain the partial cross-reactivity found between the American and European Polistes venoms, and suggest that the use of European Polistes venoms would improve the diagnostic specificity and the therapy of European patients and of North American patients sensitized by European Polistes.  相似文献   
Nassonow's gland consists of a number of cells with ducts that open on to the ventral surface of the brood canal in the cephalothoracic region of a neotenic female strepsipteran. The structural organization of the gland is reminiscent of the class 3 of the epidermal gland cells as defined by Noirot and Quennedey [Ann. Rev. Entomol. 19 (1974) 61], which consists of secretory and duct forming cells. The ultrastructure of the Nassonow's gland is described in female Xenos vesparum (Rossi) parasitic in the social wasp Polistes dominulus Christ. The large secretory cells are clustered in groups of three to four, rich in smooth endoplasmic reticulum and produce a secretion made up of lipids. In young females, just before mating, the ultrastructure of the cells and their inclusions indicate that they are active. In old-mated females the Nassonow's gland degenerates. Microvilli line an extracellular cavity and there are pores present in the irregularly thick cuticle of the efferent duct. The small duct forming cells, intermingle with epidermal cells, overlap secretory cells and produce a long efferent duct, the cuticle of which becomes thick close to its opening in the brood canal. Nassonow's gland could be the source of a sex pheromone, which might be capable of attracting the free-living male to a permanently endoparasitic female.  相似文献   
Infection of the paper wasp, Polistes dominulus (Christ), bythe strepsipteran parasite Xenos vesparum Rossi results in adramatic behavioral change, which culminates in colony desertionand the formation of extranidal aggregations, in which up to98% of occupants are parasitized females. Aggregations formedon prominent vegetation, traditional lek-sites of Polistes males,and on buildings, which were later adopted as hibernating sitesby future queens. First discovered by W.D. Hamilton, these aberrantaggregations are an overlooked phenomenon of the behavioralecology of this intensively studied wasp. For 3 months in thesummer of 2000, during the peak of colony development, we sampled91 extranidal aggregations from seven areas, numbering 1322wasps. These wasps were parasitized by both sexes of X. vesparum,but males were more frequent from July until mid-August, duringthe mating season of the parasite. Aggregations were presentfor days at the same sites (in one case a leaf was occupiedfor 36 consecutive days) and were characterized by extreme inactivity.After artificial infection, parasitized "workers" deserted thenest 1 week after emergence from their cell and before the extrusionof the parasite through the host cuticle. Infected individualsdid not work, were more inactive, and did not receive more aggressionthan did controls. We suggest that early nest desertion andsubsequent aggregations by parasitized nominal workers and "futurequeens" is adaptive manipulation of host behavior by the parasiteto promote the completion of its life cycle.  相似文献   
The Stenogastrinae wasps have been proposed as a key group for an understanding of social evolution in insects, but the phylogeny of the group is still under discussion. The use of chemical characters, in particular cuticular hydrocarbons, for insect taxonomy is relatively recent and only a few studies have been conducted on the cuticular polar substances. In this work, we ascertain, by the matrix‐assisted laser desorption ionization‐time of flight mass spectrometry technique, that different species of primitively eusocial hover wasps have different compositions of the epicuticular polar compounds ranging from 900 to 3600 Da. General linear model analysis and discriminant analysis showed that the average spectral profiles of this fraction can be diagnostic for identification of the species. Moreover, for the first time we show population diversification in the medium MW polar cuticular mixtures in insects. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that the chemical characters are consistent with the physical characters and the study support the importance of medium MW polar substances as powerful tools for systematics (chemosystematics) and chemical ecology (fertility signal and population characterization) in a primitively social insect taxon.  相似文献   
Arthropods can produce a wide range of antifungal compounds, including specialist proteins, cuticular products, venoms and haemolymphs. In spite of this, many arthropod taxa, particularly eusocial insects, make use of additional antifungal compounds derived from their mutualistic association with microbes. Because multiple taxa have evolved such mutualisms, it must be assumed that, under certain ecological circumstances, natural selection has favoured them over those relying upon endogenous antifungal compound production. Further, such associations have been shown to persist versus specific pathogenic fungal antagonists for more than 50 million years, suggesting that compounds employed have retained efficacy in spite of the pathogens'' capacity to develop resistance. We provide a brief overview of antifungal compounds in the arthropods’ armoury, proposing a conceptual model to suggest why their use remains so successful. Fundamental concepts embedded within such a model may suggest strategies by which to reduce the rise of antifungal resistance within the clinical milieu.  相似文献   
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