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Summary Sequence changes in mutations induced by ultraviolet light are reported for the chromosomal Escherichia coli gpt gene in almost isogenic E. coli uvr + and excision-deficient uvrA cells. Differences between the mutagenic spectra are ascribed to preferential removal of photoproducts in the transcribed strand by excision repair in uvr + cells. This conclusion is confirmed by analysis of published results for genes in both uvr + and uvr cells, showing a similar selective removal of mutagenic products from the transcribed strand of the E. coli lacI gene and of the lambda phage cl repressor gene. Comparison of these data with published results for ultraviolet mutagenesis of gpt on a chromosome in Chinese hamster ovary cells showed that a mutagenic hot spot in mammalian cells is not present in E. coli; the possibility is suggested that the hot spot might arise from localized lack of excision repair. Otherwise, mutagenesis in hamster cells appeared similar to that in E. coli uvr + cells, except there appears to be a smaller fraction of single-base additions and deletions (frameshifts) in mammalian than in bacterial cells. Phenotypes of 6-thioguanine-resistant E. coli showed there is a gene (or genes) other than gpt involved in the utilization of thioguanine by bacteria.  相似文献   
Clinical characteristics associated with isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from skin have not been fully evaluated. To gain insight into predictors for a positive EM skin culture, we compared basic demographic, epidemiologic, and clinical data in 608 culture-proven and 501 culture-negative adult patients with solitary EM. A positive Borrelia spp. skin culture was associated with older age, a time interval of >2 days between tick bite and onset of the skin lesion, EM ≥5 cm in diameter, and location of the lesion on the extremities, whereas several other characteristics used as clinical case definition criteria for the diagnosis of EM (such as tick bite at the site of later EM, information on expansion of the skin lesion, central clearing) were not. A patient with a 15-cm EM lesion had almost 3-fold greater odds for a positive skin culture than patients with a 5-cm lesion. Patients with a free time interval between the tick bite and onset of EM had the same probability of a positive skin culture as those who did not recall a tick bite (OR=1.02); however, the two groups had >3-fold greater odds for EM positivity than patients who reported a tick bite with no interval between the bite and onset of the lesion. In conclusion, several yet not all clinical characteristics used in EM case definitions were associated with positive Borrelia spp. skin culture. The findings are limited to European patients with solitary EM caused predominantly by B. afzelii but may not be valid for other situations.  相似文献   
The study of protistan functional diversity is crucial to understand the dynamics of oceanic ecological processes. We combined the metabarcoding data of various coastal ecosystems and a newly developed trait-based approach to study the link between taxonomic and functional diversity across marine protistan communities of different size-classes. Environmental DNA was extracted and the V4 18S rDNA genomic region was amplified and sequenced. In parallel, we tried to annotate the operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from our metabarcoding dataset to 30 biological traits using published and accessible information on protists. We then developed a method to study trait correlations across protists (i.e. trade-offs) in order to build the best functional groups. Based on the annotated OTUs and our functional groups, we demonstrated that the functional diversity of marine protist communities varied in parallel with their taxonomic diversity. The coupling between functional and taxonomic diversity was conserved across different protist size classes. However, the smallest size-fraction was characterized by wider taxonomic and functional groups diversity, corroborating the idea that nanoplankton and picoplankton are part of a more stable ecological background on which larger protists and metazoans might develop.  相似文献   
Scorpion venoms are among the most widely known source of peptidyl neurotoxins used for callipering different ion channels, e.g., for Na(+), K(+), Ca(+) or Cl(-). An alpha-toxin (Bs-Tx28) has been purified from the venom of scorpion Buthus sindicus, a common yellow scorpion of Sindh, Pakistan. The primary structure of Bs-Tx28 was established using a combination of MALDI-TOF-MS, LC-ESI-MS, and automated Edman degradation analysis. Bs-Tx28 consists of 65 amino acid residues (7274.3+/-2Da), including eight cysteine residues, and shows very high sequence identity (82-94%) with other long-chain alpha-neurotoxins, active against receptor site-3 of mammalian (e.g., Lqq-IV and Lqh-IV from scorpions Leiurus sp.) and insect (e.g., BJalpha-IT and Od-1 from Buthotus judaicus and Odonthobuthus doriae, respectively) voltage-gated Na(+) channels. Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis of Bs-Tx28 with other known alpha- and alpha-like toxins suggests the presence of a new and separate subfamily of scorpion alpha-toxins. Bs-Tx28 which is weakly active in both, mammals and insects (LD(50) 0.088 and 14.3microg/g, respectively), shows strong induction of the rat afferent nerve discharge in a dose-dependent fashion (EC(50)=0.01microg/mL) which was completely abolished in the presence of tetrodotoxin suggesting the binding of Bs-Tx28 to the TTX-sensitive Na(+)-channel. Three-dimensional structural features of Bs-Tx28, established by homology modeling, were compared with other known classical alpha-mammal (AaH-II), alpha-insect (Lqh-alphaIT), and alpha-like (BmK-M4) toxins and revealed subtle variations in the Nt-, Core-, and RT-CT-domains (functional domains) which constitute a "necklace-like" structure differing significantly in all alpha-toxin subfamilies. On the other hand, a high level of conservation has been observed in the conserved hydrophobic surface with the only substitution of W43 (Y43/42) and an additional hydrophobic character at position F40 (L40/A/V/G39), as compared to the other mentioned alpha-toxins. Despite major differences within the primary structure and activities of Bs-Tx28, it shares a common structural and functional motif (e.g., transRT-farCT) within the RT-CT domain which is characteristic of scorpion alpha-mammal toxins.  相似文献   
The authors studied the influence of the blood sera of 23 patients suffering from rheumatism on blast-transformation of lymphocytes obtained from healthy persons, in mixed cultures: 4 sera stimulated it, 5--depressed, and 14 produced no effect. Among patients whose sera depressed the blast-transformation persons with a more severe cardiovascular insufficiency prevailed. The content of IgG, IgM and alpha2-globulins in these sera was greater.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung des Subcommissuralorgans von Pristella riddlei (Meek), eines Knochenfisches aus der Familie der Characidae, ergab weder sichere Hinweise auf eine Innervation durch den Tractus pinealis, noch konnte ein unmittelbarer Kontakt der sekretorischen Zellen mit dem Blutgefäßsystem festgestellt werden. Das Sekret wird in den 3. Ventrikel abgegeben, wo es den Reissnerschen Faden bildet. An der intracellulären Sekretbereitung sind das rauhe endoplasmatische Reticulum und der Golgi-Apparat beteiligt.
Summary A light and electron microscopic study of the subcommissural organ of Pristella riddlei Meek (Osteichthys, Characidae) furnished neither evidence for an innervation by the pineal tract, nor for the direct contact of secretory cells with the blood vessel system. The secretory material is released into the third ventricle where it forms Reissner's fibre. The rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus take part in the intracellular production of the secretory material.

Ausgeführt mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
The complete primary structure of the A chain of mistletoe lectin III (ML3A), a type II ribosome-inactivating protein, was determined using proteolytic digests of ML3A, HPLC separation of the peptides, Edman degration and MALDI-MS. Based on our results, ML3A consists of 254 amino acid residues, showing a high homology to the A chain of isolectin ML1 with only 24 amino acid residue exchanges. A striking important structural difference compared with ML1A is the lack of the single N-glycosylation site in ML3A due to an amino acid exchange at position 112 (ML1A: NL112GS ==> ML3A: T112GS). The alignment of ML3A with the A chains of ML1, isoabrins, ricin D, Ricinus communis agglutinin and three lectins, identified from the Korean mistletoe Viscum album ssp. coloratum, demonstrates the rigid conservation of all amino acid residues, responsible for the RNA-N-glycosidase activity as reported for ricin D. In addition, the fully determined primary structure of ML3A will give further information about the biological mechanism of mistletoe lectin therapy.  相似文献   
The study of the phylogenetic distribution of the β-thymosin family is important to elucidate its biological function further. A new thymosin, designated as thymosin β14, consisting of 40 amino acid residues and with a molecular weight of 4537 Da as determined by ion spray mass spectrometry, was isolated from the sea urchin. The N-terminus of this polypeptide is blocked by an acetyl group as found by matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometric and amino acid analysis. The primary structure was elucidatd by Edman degradation of the HPLC-purified thymosin β14 fragments produced by digestion with endoproteinase Asp-N and trypsin. Sequence comparison reveals that thymosin β14 is 73% homologous to thymosin β4, obtained from calf thymus. By isolating and characterising the structure of thymosin β14 from the sea urchin, an invertebrate, substantial knowledge about the phylogenetic distribution and evolution of β-thymosins is gained. © 1997 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
The hemocyanin of Rapana thomasiana grosse (marine snail, gastropod) is a glycoprotein with a carbohydrate content of 8.9% (w/w) and monosaccharide constituents xylose, fucose, 3-OOmethylgalactose, mannose, galactose, N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetylglucosamine residues. The two structural subunits of this oxygen carrier, RHSS1 and RHSS2, are unevenly glycosylated. On subtracting the carbohydrate contribution from the Mr values of 250 and 450 kDa attributed to the two subunits, values of 2.18 × 105 daltons and 4.30 × 105 daltons were calculated for the polypeptide part of the “light” and “heavy” subunits, respectively. Comparison of the monosaccharide compositions of gastropodan hemocyanins revealed qualitative similarities, as well as relationships between the quantities, of the individual monosaccharides: Man 3MeGal > GlcNAc GalNAc and Fuc Xyl  相似文献   
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