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Entamoeba histolytica is a protist parasite that is the causative agent of amoebiasis, and is a highly motile organism. The motility is essential for its survival and pathogenesis, and a dynamic actin cytoskeleton is required for this process. EhCoactosin, an actin-binding protein of the ADF/cofilin family, participates in actin dynamics, and here we report our studies of this protein using both structural and functional approaches. The X-ray crystal structure of EhCoactosin resembles that of human coactosin-like protein, with major differences in the distribution of surface charges and the orientation of terminal regions. According to in vitro binding assays, full-length EhCoactosin binds both F- and G-actin. Instead of acting to depolymerize or severe F-actin, EhCoactosin directly stabilizes the polymer. When EhCoactosin was visualized in E. histolytica cells using either confocal imaging or total internal reflectance microscopy, it was found to colocalize with F-actin at phagocytic cups. Over-expression of this protein stabilized F-actin and inhibited the phagocytic process. EhCoactosin appears to be an unusual type of coactosin involved in E. histolytica actin dynamics.  相似文献   
Bacillus anthracis MoxXT is a Type II proteic Toxin–Antitoxin (TA) module wherein MoxT is a ribonuclease that cleaves RNA specifically while MoxX interacts with MoxT and inhibits its activity. Disruption of the TA interaction has been proposed as a novel antibacterial strategy. Peptides, either based on antitoxin sequence or rationally designed, have previously been reported to disrupt the MoxXT interaction but cause a decrease in MoxT ribonuclease activity. In the present study, we report the crystal structure of MoxT, and the effect of several peptides in disrupting the MoxXT interaction as well as augmentation of MoxT ribonuclease activity by binding to MoxT in vitro. Docking studies on the peptides were carried out in order to explain the observed structure activity relationships. The peptides with ribonuclease augmentation activity possess a distinct structure and are proposed to bind to a distinct site on MoxT. The docking of the active peptides with MoxT showed that they possess an aromatic group that occupies a conserved hydrophobic pocket. Additionally, the peptides inducing high ribonuclease activity were anchored by a negatively charged group near a cluster of positively charged residues present near the pocket. Our study provides a structural basis and rationale for the observed properties of the peptides and may aid the development of small molecules to disrupt the TA interaction.  相似文献   
Eurosta solidaginis Fitch (Diptera: Tephritidae) induces galls on two species of goldenrod, Solidago (Compositae), in the northern regions of the United States. Recent studies have demonstrated that E. solidaginis is comprised of two host races that differ in adult emergence times, mate preference, and host preference. However, it is not known how much genetic variation, if any, exists among E. solidaginis host-associated populations west of Minnesota where the two host races occur in sympatry. Sequencing analysis was used to characterize two mitochondrial gene fragments: (1) NADH1 dehydrogenase (ND1: 539 bp) and (2) cytochrome oxidase II + tRNA(Lys) + tRNA(Asp) (CO2KD: 396 bp) from sympatric, host-associated populations of E. solidaginis in North Dakota. Our results indicated that two genetically distinct lineages exist among E. solidaginis in North Dakota that correspond with host-plant association.  相似文献   
In order to identify target antigens of anti-endothelial cell (anti-EC) antibodies (AECA) in healthy individuals, we have used a proteomic approach combining 2-DE and immunoblotting. Whole cell protein extracts obtained from human umbilical vein EC (HUVEC) cultures were used as a source of antigens. Serum IgG from 12 healthy blood donors were tested at a concentration of 200 microg/mL. Targeted spots were identified by MS. The HUVEC proteome was composed of 884 protein spots. Among these, 61 +/- 25.8 (mean +/- SD) spots were recognized by serum IgG from healthy individuals, with marked differences from one individual to another. Among these spots, 11 were recognized by serum IgG from all healthy individuals tested. These spots corresponded to six different proteins with several spots corresponding to different isoforms of the same protein. Target antigens were: cytoskeletal proteins (beta-actin, alpha-tubulin, and vimentin); glycolytic enzymes (glucose-3-phosphate-deshydrogenase and alpha-enolase); and prolyl-4-hydroxylase beta subunit, a member of the disulfide isomerase family. This study shows that the repertoire of IgG AECA is heterogeneous among healthy individuals. IgG from all of the healthy individuals tested recognized a restricted set of highly conserved ubiquitous proteins playing key roles in cell biology and maintenance of homeostasis.  相似文献   
We use replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) to interrogate molecular structures and properties of four engineered dodecapeptides (in solution, in the absence of a surface) that have been shown to bind to quartz with different propensities. We find that all of the strong-binding peptides feature some polyproline type II secondary structure, have less conformational freedom, and feature fewer intrapeptide hydrogen bonds compared with the weak binder. The regions of contiguous proline content in a given sequence appear to play a role in fostering some of these properties of the strong binders. For preliminary insights into quartz binding, we perform lattice-matching studies between a grid corresponding with the quartz (100) surface and the strong-binding peptide REMD structures. Our findings indicate a commonality among the putative contact residues, even for peptide structures with very different backbone conformations. Furthermore, interpeptide interactions in solution are studied. Our preliminary findings indicate that the strong-binder interpeptide contacts are dominated by weak, nonspecific hydrophobic interactions, while the weak-binding peptide shows more variable behavior due to the distribution of charged residues. In summary, the solution structures of peptides appear to be significant. We propose that these differences in their intra- and interpeptide interactions can influence their propensity to bind onto a solid substrate.  相似文献   
Sepsis is a major cause for death worldwide. Numerous interventional trials with agents neutralizing single proinflammatory mediators have failed to improve survival in sepsis and aseptic systemic inflammatory response syndromes. This failure could be explained by the widespread gene expression dysregulation known as “genomic storm” in these patients. A multifunctional polyspecific therapeutic agent might be needed to thwart the effects of this storm. Licensed pooled intravenous immunoglobulin preparations seemed to be a promising candidate, but they have also failed in their present form to prevent sepsis-related death. We report here the protective effect of a single dose of intravenous immunoglobulin preparations with additionally enhanced polyspecificity in three models of sepsis and aseptic systemic inflammation. The modification of the pooled immunoglobulin G molecules by exposure to ferrous ions resulted in their newly acquired ability to bind some proinflammatory molecules, complement components and endogenous “danger” signals. The improved survival in endotoxemia was associated with serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines, diminished complement consumption and normalization of the coagulation time. We suggest that intravenous immunoglobulin preparations with additionally enhanced polyspecificity have a clinical potential in sepsis and related systemic inflammatory syndromes.  相似文献   
Species rich benthic communities have been reported from some seamounts, predominantly from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, but the fauna and habitats on Indian Ocean seamounts are still poorly known. This study focuses on two seamounts, a submarine volcano (cratered seamount--CSM) and a non-volcano (SM2) in the Andaman Back-arc Basin (ABB), and the basin itself. The main purpose was to explore and generate regional biodiversity data from summit and flank (upper slope) of the Andaman seamounts for comparison with other seamounts worldwide. We also investigated how substratum types affect the megafaunal community structure along the ABB. Underwater video recordings from TeleVision guided Gripper (TVG) lowerings were used to describe the benthic community structure along the ABB and both seamounts. We found 13 varieties of substratum in the study area. The CSM has hard substratum, such as boulders and cobbles, whereas the SM2 was dominated by cobbles and fine sediment. The highest abundance of megabenthic communities was recorded on the flank of the CSM. Species richness and diversity were higher at the flank of the CSM than other are of ABB. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis of substratum types showed 50% similarity between the flanks of both seamounts, because both sites have a component of cobbles mixed with fine sediments in their substratum. Further, nMDS of faunal abundance revealed two groups, each restricted to one of the seamounts, suggesting faunal distinctness between them. The sessile fauna corals and poriferans showed a significant positive relation with cobbles and fine sediments substratum, while the mobile categories echinoderms and arthropods showed a significant positive relation with fine sediments only.  相似文献   
Viscum album (VA) preparations are extensively used as complementary therapy in cancer and are shown to exert anti-tumor activities which involve the cytotoxic properties, induction of apoptosis, inhibition of angiogenesis and several other immunomodulatory mechanisms. In addition to their application in cancer therapy, VA preparations have also been successfully utilized in the treatment of several inflammatory pathologies. Owing to the intricate association of inflammation and cancer and in view of the fact that several anti-tumor phytotherapeutics also exert a potent anti-inflammatory effect, we hypothesized that VA exerts an anti-inflammatory effect that is responsible for its therapeutic benefit. Since, inflammatory cytokine-induced cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) play a critical role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases, we investigated the anti-inflammatory effect of VA on regulation of cyclo-oxygenase expression and PGE2 biosynthesis by using human lung adenocarcinoma cells (A549 cells) as a model. A549 cells were stimulated with IL-1β and treated with VA preparation (VA Qu Spez) for 18 hours. PGE2 was analysed in the culture supernatants by enzyme immunoassay. Expression of COX-2 and COX-1 proteins was analyzed by immunoblotting and the expression of COX-2 mRNA was assessed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. We found that VA Qu Spez inhibit the secretion of IL-1β-induced PGE2 in a dose-dependent manner. Further, we also show that this inhibitory action was associated with a reduced expression of COX-2 without modulating the COX-1 expression. Together these results demonstrate a novel anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of VA preparations wherein VA exerts an anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting cytokine-induced PGE2 via selective inhibition of COX-2.  相似文献   


Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) play a key role in host defences against invading microorganisms but can also potentiate detrimental inflammatory reactions in case of excessive or misdirected responses. Intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) are used to treat patients with immune deficiencies and, at higher doses, in autoimmune, allergic and systemic inflammatory disorders.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used flow cytometry to examine the effects of IVIg on PMN functions and survival, using whole-blood conditions in order to avoid artifacts due to isolation procedures. IVIg at low concentrations induced PMN activation, as reflected by decreased L-selectin and increased CD11b expression at the PMN surface, oxidative burst enhancement, and prolonged cell survival. In contrast, IVIg at higher concentrations inhibited LPS-induced CD11b degranulation and oxidative burst priming, and counteracted LPS-induced PMN lifespan prolongation.


IVIg appears to have differential, concentration-dependent effects on PMN, possibly supporting the use of IVIg as either an anti-microbial or an anti-inflammatory agent.  相似文献   
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