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R. K. Padhi  E. M. Nanson 《CMAJ》1957,76(10):831-841
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the selective death of motor neurons leading to paralysis and death between 3–5?years of diagnosis. Through whole genome association studies, several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) encoding missense mutations in angiogenin (ANG) protein have been identified as one of the primary factors causing ALS. Structural studies of ANG show that catalytic triad comprising His13, Lys40, and His114 residues imparts ribonucleolytic activity while nuclear localization signal residues 31RRR33 are responsible for nuclear translocation activity. Loss of either ribonucleolytic activity or nuclear translocation activity or both of these functions due to mutations cause ALS. However, the mechanisms of loss-of-functions of ANG mutants are not completely understood. Here, we present a cohesive and comprehensive picture of functional loss mechanisms of all known ALS-associated ANG mutants by extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (Padhi, Kumar, Vasaikar, Jayaram, & Gomes, 2012 Padhi, A. K., Kumar, H., Vasaikar, S. V., Jayaram, B. and Gomes, J. 2012. Mechanisms of loss of functions of human angiogenin variants implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS One, 7(2): e32479[PubMed] [Google Scholar]; AK, 2013 Padhi, A.K., Jayaram, B., & Gomes, J. (accepted for publication). Prediction of functional loss of human angiogenin mutants associated with ALS by molecular dynamics simulations. Scientific Reports (NPG).  [Google Scholar]). Our studies show that conformational switching of catalytic residue His114 is responsible for the loss of ribonucleolytic activity while reduction in solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) of 31RRR33 as a result of local folding is responsible for the loss of nuclear translocation activity (Padhi et al., 2012 Padhi, A. K., Kumar, H., Vasaikar, S. V., Jayaram, B. and Gomes, J. 2012. Mechanisms of loss of functions of human angiogenin variants implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS One, 7(2): e32479[PubMed] [Google Scholar]; AK, 2013 Padhi, A.K., Jayaram, B., & Gomes, J. (accepted for publication). Prediction of functional loss of human angiogenin mutants associated with ALS by molecular dynamics simulations. Scientific Reports (NPG).  [Google Scholar]). Our prediction of loss-of-functions of 17 ANG mutants correlated positively with the reported experimental results. We have subsequently developed a fast molecular dynamics method based on certain global attributes / dynamic markers that can be used to determine whether a mutation is deleterious or benign. To make our method accessible to researchers and clinicians, we created a web server-based tool, ANGDelMut, freely available at http://bioschool.iitd.ernet.in/research.htm, where a user can submit new mutations to ascertain whether they cause ALS. We hope that our method will benefit the community at large and will pave the way for the development of a successful therapy for patients suffering from ALS.  相似文献   
Soil from a pulse cultivated farmers land of Odisha, India, have been subjected to incubation studies for 40 consecutive days, to establish the impact of various nitrogenous fertilizers and water filled pore space (WFPS) on green house gas emission (N2O & CH4). C2H2 inhibition technique was followed to have a comprehensive understanding about the individual contribution of nitrifiers and denitrifiers towards the emission of N2O. Nevertheless, low concentration of C2H2 (5 ml: flow rate 0.1 kg/cm2) is hypothesized to partially impede the metabolic pathways of denitrifying bacterial population, thus reducing the overall N2O emission rate. Different soil parameters of the experimental soil such as moisture, total organic carbon, ammonium content and nitrate–nitrogen contents were measured at regular intervals. Application of external N-sources under different WFPS conditions revealed the diverse role played by the indigenous soil microorganism towards green house gas emission. Isolation of heterotrophic microorganisms (Pseudomonas) from the soil samples, further supported the fact that denitrification might be prevailing during specific conditions thus contributing to N2O emission. Statistical analysis showed that WFPS was the most influential parameter affecting N2O formation in soil in absence of an inhibitor like C2H2.  相似文献   
Despite the unprecedented development in identification and characterization of prophenoloxidase (proPO) in commercially important decapods, little is known about the evolutionary relationship, rate of amino acid replacement and differential selection pressures operating on proPO of different species of decapods. Here we report the evolutionary relationship among these nine decapod species based on proPO gene and types of selective pressures operating on proPO codon sites. Our analyses revealed that all the nine decapod species shared a common ancestor. The mean percentage sequence divergence at proPO gene was 34.4+/-0.6%. Pairwise estimates of nonsynonymous to synonymous ratio (omega) for Homarus americanus-H. gammarus is greater than one, therefore indicating adaptive evolution (functional diversification) of proPO in these two species. In contrast, strong purifying selection (omega<1) was observed in all other species pairs. However, phylogenetically closely related decapods revealed relatively higher omega value (omega=0.15+/-0.3) than the distantly related species pairs (omega=0.0075+/-0.005). These discrepancies could be due to higher fixation probability of beneficial mutation in closely related species. Maximum likelihood-based codon substitution analyses revealed a strong purifying selection operating on most of the codon sites, therefore suggesting proPO is functionally constrained (purifying selection). Codon substitution analyses have also revealed the evidence of strong purifying selection in haemocyanin subunits of decapods.  相似文献   
Understanding the patterns of genetic variations within fertility‐related genes and the evolutionary forces that shape such variations is crucial in predicting the fitness landscapes of subsequent generations. This study reports distinct evolutionary features of two differentially expressed mammalian proteins [CaMKIV (Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase IV) and CaS (calspermin)] that are encoded by a single gene, CAMK4. The multifunctional CaMKIV, which is expressed in multiple tissues including testis and ovary, is evolving at a relatively low rate (0.46–0.64 × 10?9 nucleotide substitutions/site/year), whereas the testis‐specific CaS gene, which is predominantly expressed in post‐meiotic cells, evolves at least three to four times faster (1.48–1.98 × 10?9 substitutions/site/year). Concomitantly, maximum‐likelihood‐based selection analyses revealed that the ubiquitously expressed CaMKIV is constrained by intense purifying selection and, therefore, remained functionally highly conserved throughout the mammalian evolution, whereas the testis‐specific CaS gene is under strong positive selection. The substitution rates of different mammalian lineages within both genes are positively correlated with GC content, indicating the possible influence of GC‐biased gene conversion on the estimated substitution rates. The observation of such unusually high GC content of the CaS gene (≈74%), particularly in the lineage that comprises the bovine species, suggests the possible role of GC‐biased gene conversion in the evolution of CaS that mimics positive selection.  相似文献   
The Indian Major Carps Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala , when spawned together in a 'spawning pool', hybridized at an estimated frequency of about 10%. The F l hybrids of these species lack any improved economic traits but are fertile and can backcross with the parental species causing genetic introgression.  相似文献   
The types of selective pressure operating on the outer membrane protein C (ompC) of Enterobacter aerogenes strains, the causative agent for nosocomial infections, and Salmonella sp., the hazardous pathogen are investigated using the maximum likelihood-based codon substitution models. Although the rate of amino acid replacement to the silent substitution (omega) across the entire codon sites of ompC of E. aerogenes (omega=0.3194) and Salmonella sp. (omega=0.2047) indicate that the gene is subjected to purifying selection (i.e. omega<1), approximately 3.7% of ompC codon sites in E. aerogenes (omega=21.52) are under the influence of positive Darwinian selection (i.e. omega>1). Such contrast in the intensity of selective pressures in both pathogens could be associated with the differential response to the adverse environmental changes. In E. aerogenes, majority of the positively selected sites are located in the hypervariable cell-surface-exposed domains whereas the trans-membrane domains are functionally highly constrained.  相似文献   
Rhizobia have a versatile catabolism that allows them to compete successfully with other microorganisms for nutrients in the soil and in the rhizosphere of their respective host plants. In this study, Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 was found to be able to utilize oxalate as the sole carbon source. A proteome analysis of cells grown in minimal medium containing arabinose suggested that oxalate oxidation extends the arabinose degradation branch via glycolaldehyde. A mutant of the key pathway genes oxc (for oxalyl-coenzyme A decarboxylase) and frc (for formyl-coenzyme A transferase) was constructed and shown to be (i) impaired in growth on arabinose and (ii) unable to grow on oxalate. Oxalate was detected in roots and, at elevated levels, in root nodules of four different B. japonicum host plants. Mixed-inoculation experiments with wild-type and oxc-frc mutant cells revealed that oxalotrophy might be a beneficial trait of B. japonicum at some stage during legume root nodule colonization.  相似文献   
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