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Activity of key nitrogen assimilating enzymes was studied in developing grains of high-lysine opaque sorghum P-721 and normal sorghum CSV-5. The higher percentage of protein in opaque sorghum was mainly due to lower starch content since protein per grain was less than in CSV-5. During grain development, albufn and globulin decreased while prolafne and glutelin increased. Prolafne content in CSV-5 was higher than in opaque sorghum. Average nitrate reductase activity in flag and long leaf were similar in both the varieties. The nitrate reductase activity decreased during grain development. Glutamate dehydrogenase activity was higher during early development and lower at later stages in opaque sorghum than in CSV-5. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase activity was higher and glutamine synthetase lower in opaque sorghum than in CSV-5 grains during development. Glutamate synthase activity was higher in opaque sorghum up to day 20 and lower thereafter than in CSV-5. It is suggested that reduced activities of glutamine synthetase as well as glutamate synthase in opaque sorghum as compared to CSV-5 during later stages of development may restrict protein accumulation in the former.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of the fabA gene encoding beta-hydroxydecanoyl thioester dehydrase, a key enzyme of the unsaturated fatty acid synthesis pathway of Escherichia coli, has been determined by the dideoxynucleotide sequencing technique. Most of the sequence was obtained by sequencing intragenic insertions of the transposon, Tn1000, isolated in vivo. A synthetic primer complementary to a portion of the inverted repeat sequences at the ends of the transposon was used to prime DNA synthesis into the flanking fabA sequences. The gene is composed of 516 nucleotides (171 amino acid residues) encoding a protein with a molecular weight of 18,800. Approximately half of the derived amino acid sequence was confirmed by automated Edman sequencing of peptides obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage. The active site histidine residue (His-70) has been identified by analysis of the peptides labeled by reaction with 14C-labeled 3-decynoyl-N-acetylcysteamine, a specific mechanism-activated inhibitor. A cysteine residue (Cys-69) adjacent to the active site histidine may play the role in catalysis previously assigned to a tyrosine residue. We also report a simplified purification process for the dehydrase beginning with extracts of a brain which greatly overproduces the enzyme.  相似文献   
The effects of three tetrachlorobiphenylols [2',3',4',5'-tetrachloro-2-biphenylol (1); 2',3',4',5'-tetrachloro-4- biphenylol (2); and 2',3',4',5'-tetrachloro-3-biphenylol (3)]; three monochlorobiphenylols [5-chloro-2-biphenylol (5), 3-chloro-2-biphenylol (6); and 2-chloro-4-biphenylol (7)] and a tetrachlorobiphenyldiol [3,3',5,5'-tetrachloro-4,4'-biphenyldiol (4) on respiration, adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity, and swelling in isolated mouse liver mitochondria have been investigated. Tetrachlorobiphenylols (1-3) and the tetrachlorobiphenyldiol (4) inhibited state-3 respiration in a concentration-dependent manner with succinate as substrate (flavin adenine dinucleotide [FAD]-linked) and the tetrachlorobiphenyldiol (4) caused a more pronounced inhibitory effect on state-3 respiration than the other congeners. The monochlorobiphenylols 5-7 were less active as inhibitors of state-3 mitochondrial respiration and significant effects were observed only at higher concentration (greater than or equal to 0.4 microM). However, in the presence of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-linked substrates (glutamate plus malate), hydroxylated PCBs (1-7) significantly inhibited mitochondrial state-3 respiration in a concentration-dependent manner. Compounds 5, 6, and 7 uncoupled mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation only in the presence of FAD-linked substrate as evidenced by increased oxygen consumption during state-4 respiratory transition, stimulating ATPase activity, releasing oligomycin-inhibited respiration, and inducing mitochondrial swelling (5, 6, and 7). Tetrachlorobiphenylols 1, 2, and 3 had no effect on mitochondrial ATPase activity while the tetrachlorobiphenyldiol, 4, decreased the enzyme activity. The possible inhibitory site of electron transport by these compounds and their toxicologic significance is discussed.  相似文献   
In order to help determine whether alterations of the profiles of glycosphingolipids occur consistently in human tumours, the neutral glycosphingolipids and gangliosides of nine lung tumours (one adenocarcinoma, four squamous cell, two mixed adeno-squamous cell, one large cell and one oat-cell carcinomata) were analysed. The control tissue consisted of adjacent lung; it contained neutral glycosphingolipids corresponding in properties to glucosyl-, lactosyl-, globotriaosyl- and globotetraosyl-ceramides. All of the tumours also contained these four neutral glycosphingolipids. However, in addition, five of the tumours (two of the squamous, the large cell and the two mixed adeno-squamous cell carcinomata) contained neutral glycosphingolipids corresponding in properties to lactotriaosyl- and neolactotetraosyl-ceramides; these same tumours also exhibited higher amounts of lactosylceramide than the other tumours analysed. Both of the two former neutral glycosphingolipids and very substantial amounts of the latter neutral glycosphingolipid were detected in pneumonic lung and in polymorphonuclear leucocytes; it thus appears possible that these particular compounds were derived from these latter cells rather than from the tumour cells. The ganglioside patterns of the tumours were almost equivalent in complexity to that exhibited by the control lung tissue. This study shows that the profiles of two major classes of glycosphingolipids (neutral glycosphingolipids and gangliosides) occurring in lung tumours are almost as complex as those of the parent tissue, a finding in contrast with the notably simplified patterns of these lipids found in many cancer cells grown in vitro. It also suggests that when lactotriaosyl- and neolactotetraosyl-ceramides and high amounts of lactosylceramide are detected in human tumours, the possibility must be considered that these compounds are derived from polymorphonuclear leucocytes.  相似文献   
A GDP-l-fucose:glycoprotein fucosyltransferase which transfers l-fucose to terminal β-N-acetyl-d-glucosaminyl residues of sialidase-, β-galactosidase-treated α1-acid glycoprotein and a CMP-sialic acid:glycoprotein sialyltransferase acting on sialidase-treated apolipoprotein-Ala1 from human very low density lipoprotein have been shown to be concentrated in rat liver Golgi apparatus preparations at enrichments of 40- and 45-fold, respectively, and in pork liver Golgi-rich fractions at enrichments of 35- and 20-fold, respectively. A second fucosyltransferase acting on sialidase-treated α1-acid glycopretein was absent from rat liver and was enriched only 13-fold in a pork liver Golgi-rich fraction. The smooth-surfaced microsome fraction was the only other rat liver subcellular fraction with appreciable levels of the GDP-l-fucose: β-N-acetyl-d-glucosaminide fucosyltransferase and the lipoprotein sialyltransferase (enrichments of 2.6- and 5.2-fold, respectivley). This enrichment could not be attributed to the plasma membrane content of the smooth microsome fraction since plasma membrane fractions from rat liver were shown to have relatively low concentrations of these two transferases (enrichments of 0.3 or less). Rat liver plasma membrane was also shown to have similarly low relative specific activities for three other glycosyltransferases (sialyl-, galactosyl-, and N-acetylglucosaminyl-). The accurate determination of the glycosyltransferase activities of the plasma membrane fraction required the use of relatively low concentrations of plasma membrane and relatively high concentrations of nucleotide-sugars in order to avoid interference by the high nucleotide-sugar pyrophosphatase and hydrolase activities of this fraction.  相似文献   
The isolation and structure determination of mikanokryptin, a stereoisomer of 11,13-dehydrogeigerin, from what appears to be a previously undescribed Mikania species is reported. Mikania micrantha HBK. yielded mikanolide and dihydromikanolide.  相似文献   
Background:Cytoglobin (Cygb) is a relatively newly identified globin protein that acts as an oxygen transporter in tissues like hemoglobin (Hb) in erythrocytes and myoglobin (Mb) in muscles. The natural oxidation of the Fe2+ ion in its heme group into metglobin (globin-Fe3+) made the loses of oxygen binding functions. It is known metHb and metMb can be reduced enzymatically using diaphorase or cyb5r3. However, metCygb reductase had not been previously identified. This study aims to analyze the reducing activity of bovine diaphorase on metCygb.Methods:Diaphorase was isolated from bovine erythrocyte and purified using gel filtration and cationic-exchanger chromatography. Its purity was verified by SDS-PAGE and western blot (WB). The metCygb was obtained from Cygb oxidation with potassium ferrocyanide and its reducing activity was determined by spectroscopy.Results:The diaphorase (MW=30.09 kDa) was purified 10.77-fold from crude enzyme with specific activity against metHb 8.479 U/mg. The purity was confirmed by WB using primary antibody anti-cyb5r3. The purified enzyme reduced metCygb at 0.785 µgmin-1, which was 13.7 times less than the Vmax of metHb.DiscussionIn conclusion, the purified diaphorase from bovine erythrocytes did not significantly reduce metCygb rather than metHb, a natural substrate in cells.Key Words: Bovine Erythrocyte, Cytochrome B5 Reductase, Diaphorase, Metcytoglobin, Reduction  相似文献   
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