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Poliovirus 1 isolants were recovered from finished drinking water produced by a modern, well-operated water treatment plant. These waters contained free chlorine residuals in excess of 1 mg/liter. The chlorine inactivation of purified high-titer preparations of two such isolants was compared with the inactivation behavior of two stock strains of poliovirus 1, LSc and Mahoney. The surviving fraction of virus derived from the two natural isolants was shown to be orders of magnitude greater than that of the standard strains. These results raise the question whether indirect drinking water standards based on free chlorine residuals are adequate public health measures, or whether direct standards based on virus determinations might be necessary.  相似文献   
Inactivation of Naegleria gruberi cysts by chlorinated cyanurates.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The resistance of Naegleria gruberi cysts to chlorine in the presence of cyanuric acid was compared at pH 5 and 7. An amperometric membrane electrode was used to measure HOCl concentrations independently of the chlorinated cyanurate species, thus permitting an analysis of the role of free chlorine versus chlorinated cyanurates in cyst inactivation. In the presence of cyanuric acid, the products of the HOCl residual and the contact time required for 99% cyst inactivation were 8.5 mg . min/liter and 13.9 mg . min/liter at pH 5 and 7, respectively. The Watson's Law coefficients of dilution (n) were 1.3 and 1.6 at pH 5 and 7, respectively. The results strongly suggest that HOCl is the predominant cysticide with no measurable cysticidal effect of the chlorinated cyanurate species.  相似文献   
• Figures on professional registered nurses recently made available indicate that the ratio of active nurses to population in California in 1962 was 327 per 100,000 persons. The comparable figure nationally was 298/100,000. California ranked twentieth out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia.The percentage of all nurses actively engaged in nursing is considerably lower in California than in the total United States: 60.4 per cent compared with 65.3 per cent. This indicates that the shortage of nurses in California is more attributable to underutilization of potential manpower than to its absence.There are some identifiable categories of nurses in California in which the utilization of personnel is particularly low, as compared with other states. In terms of rates of utilization, the group of nurses over 60 years of age are most noticeably under-utilized, while in terms of numbers, married nurses could provide the greatest supply of extra nurses were their employment rate in the state equal to the national rate.The recruiting potential is a very great one, however, as this report indicates.  相似文献   
Presenilin 1 (PSEN1) encodes the catalytic subunit of γ-secretase, and PSEN1 mutations are the most common cause of early onset familial Alzheimer''s disease (FAD). In order to elucidate pathways downstream of PSEN1, we characterized neural progenitor cells (NPCs) derived from FAD mutant PSEN1 subjects. Thus, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from affected and unaffected individuals from two families carrying PSEN1 mutations. PSEN1 mutant fibroblasts, and NPCs produced greater ratios of Aβ42 to Aβ40 relative to their control counterparts, with the elevated ratio even more apparent in PSEN1 NPCs than in fibroblasts. Molecular profiling identified 14 genes differentially-regulated in PSEN1 NPCs relative to control NPCs. Five of these targets showed differential expression in late onset AD/Intermediate AD pathology brains. Therefore, in our PSEN1 iPSC model, we have reconstituted an essential feature in the molecular pathogenesis of FAD, increased generation of Aβ42/40, and have characterized novel expression changes.  相似文献   
The potential acute toxicity of a ribozyme (ANGIOZYME) targeting the flt-1 vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor mRNA was evaluated in cynomolgus monkeys following i.v. infusion or s.c. injection. ANGIOZYME was administered as a 4-hour i.v. infusion at doses of 10, 30, or 100 mg/kg or a s.c. bolus at 100 mg/kg. End points included blood pressure, electrocardiogram (ECG), clinical chemistry, hematology, complement factors, coagulation parameters, and ribozyme plasma concentrations. ANGIOZYME was well tolerated, with no drug-associated morbidity or mortality. There was no clear evidence of ANGIOZYME-related adverse effects in this study. Slight increases in spleen weight and lymphoid hyperplasia were observed in several animals. However, these changes were not dose dependent. Steady-state concentrations of ANGIOZYME were achieved during the 4-hour infusion of 10, 30, or 100 mg/kg. Dose-dependent elimination of ANGIOZYME was observed, with faster clearance at the two highest doses. ANGIOZYME was slowly absorbed after s.c. administration, resulting in steady-state concentrations for the 9-hour sampling period. Monkeys in this toxicology study received significant plasma ANGIOZYME exposure by both the s.c. and i.v. routes.  相似文献   
Bone tissue has an exceptional quality to regenerate to native tissue in response to injury. However, the fracture repair process requires mechanical stability or a viable biological microenvironment or both to ensure successful healing to native tissue. An improved understanding of the molecular and cellular events that occur during bone repair and remodeling has led to the development of biologic agents that can augment the biological microenvironment and enhance bone repair. Orthobiologics, including stem cells, osteoinductive growth factors, osteoconductive matrices, and anabolic agents, are available clinically for accelerating fracture repair and treatment of compromised bone repair situations like delayed unions and nonunions. Preclinical and clinical studies using biologic agents like recombinant bone morphogenetic proteins have demonstrated an efficacy similar or better than that of autologous bone graft in acute fracture healing. A lack of standardized outcome measures for comparison of biologic agents in clinical fracture repair trials, frequent off-label use, and a limited understanding of the biological activity of these agents at the bone repair site have limited their efficacy in clinical applications.  相似文献   
Poliovirus 1 isolants were recovered from finished drinking water produced by a modern, well-operated water treatment plant. These waters contained free chlorine residuals in excess of 1 mg/liter. The chlorine inactivation of purified high-titer preparations of two such isolants was compared with the inactivation behavior of two stock strains of poliovirus 1, LSc and Mahoney. The surviving fraction of virus derived from the two natural isolants was shown to be orders of magnitude greater than that of the standard strains. These results raise the question whether indirect drinking water standards based on free chlorine residuals are adequate public health measures, or whether direct standards based on virus determinations might be necessary.  相似文献   
Mechanism of Ozone Inactivation of Bacteriophage f2   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The inactivation kinetics of bacteriophage f2 were studied by using ozone under controlled laboratory conditions. The phage were rapidly inactivated during the first 5 s of the reaction by 5 and 7 logs at ozone concentrations of 0.09 and 0.8 mg/liter, respectively. During the next 10 min, the phage were further inactivated at a slower rate in both treatments. The [3H]uridine-labeled f2 phage and its ribonucleic acid (RNA) were examined to elucidate the mechanism of ozone inactivation, utilizing adsorption to host bacteria, sucrose density gradient analysis, and electron microscopy. The specific adsorption of the phage was reduced by ozonation in the same pattern as plaque-forming unit reduction. RNA was released from the phage particles during ozonation, although it had reduced infectivity for spheroplasts. Electron microscopic examination showed that the phage coat was broken by ozonation into many protein subunit pieces and that the specific adsorption of the phage to host pili was inversely related to the extent of phage breakage. The RNA enclosed in the phage coat was inactivated less by ozonation than were whole phage, but inactivated more than naked RNA. These findings suggest that ozone breaks the protein capsid into subunits, liberating RNA and disrupting adsorption to the host pili, and that the RNA may be secondarily sheared by a reduction with and/or without the coat protein molecules, which have been modified by ozonation.  相似文献   
Nod, a nonmotile kinesin-like protein, plays a critical role in segregating achiasmate chromosomes during female meiosis. In addition to localizing to oocyte chromosomes, we show that functional full-length Nod-GFP (Nod(FL)-GFP) localizes to the posterior pole of the oocyte at stages 9-10A, as does kinesin heavy chain (KHC), a plus end-directed motor. This posterior localization is abolished in grk mutants that no longer maintain the microtubule (MT) gradient in the oocyte. To test the hypothesis that Nod binds to the plus ends of MTs, we expressed and purified both full-length Nod (Nod(FL)) and a truncated form of Nod containing only the motor-like domain (Nod318) from Escherichia coli and assessed their interactions with MTs in vitro. Both Nod(FL) and Nod318 demonstrate preferential binding to the ends of the MTs, displaying a strong preference for binding to the plus ends. When Nod318-GFP:MT collision complexes were trapped by glutaraldehyde fixation, the preference for binding to plus ends versus minus ends was 17:1. Nod(FL) and Nod318 also promote MT polymerization in vitro in a time-dependent manner. The observation that Nod is preferentially localized to the plus ends of MTs and stimulates MT polymerization suggests a mechanism for its function.  相似文献   
Giardia lamblia cysts were inactivated in water with ozone at pH 7.0 and 5 and 25 degrees C. The concentration-time products for 99% inactivation were 0.53 and 0.17 mg-min/liter at 5 and 25 degrees C, respectively. These products were significantly lower than those reported for chlorine.  相似文献   
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