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Sesquiterpene lactones are characteristic natural products in Asteraceae, which constitutes ∼8% of all plant species. Despite their physiological and pharmaceutical importance, the biochemistry and evolution of sesquiterpene lactones remain unexplored. Here we show that germacrene A oxidase (GAO), evolutionarily conserved in all major subfamilies of Asteraceae, catalyzes three consecutive oxidations of germacrene A to yield germacrene A acid. Furthermore, it is also capable of oxidizing non-natural substrate amorphadiene. Co-expression of lettuce GAO with germacrene synthase in engineered yeast synthesized aberrant products, costic acids and ilicic acid, in an acidic condition. However, cultivation in a neutral condition allowed the de novo synthesis of a single novel compound that was identified as germacrene A acid by gas and liquid chromatography and NMR analyses. To trace the evolutionary lineage of GAO in Asteraceae, homologous genes were further isolated from the representative species of three major subfamilies of Asteraceae (sunflower, chicory, and costus from Asteroideae, Cichorioideae, and Carduoideae, respectively) and also from the phylogenetically basal species, Barnadesia spinosa, from Barnadesioideae. The recombinant GAOs from these genes clearly showed germacrene A oxidase activities, suggesting that GAO activity is widely conserved in Asteraceae including the basal lineage. All GAOs could catalyze the three-step oxidation of non-natural substrate amorphadiene to artemisinic acid, whereas amorphadiene oxidase diverged from GAO displayed negligible activity for germacrene A oxidation. The observed amorphadiene oxidase activity in GAOs suggests that the catalytic plasticity is embedded in ancestral GAO enzymes that may contribute to the chemical and catalytic diversity in nature.  相似文献   
A simple and rapid method is described for the purification of supercoiled PM2 DNA by affinity chromatography on columns of H1 histone covalently coupled to agarose. The method does not require the use of intercalating agents or ultracentrifugation procedures. Under the conditions most appropriate for purification, elution is carried out in a single step with buffered 0.7 M NaCl after the sample has been loaded onto the column in buffered 0.2 M NaCl. The DNA eluted at the higher salt concentration consists of supercoiled closed circular DNA at greater than 90% purity independently of the ratio of supercoiled to nicked circular DNA in the input mixture.  相似文献   
In temperate climates, Pustula tragopogonis is rarely found on cultivated sunflower. In Europe, it was so far of little economic impact on other Asteraceae, except for some regions in the Mediterranean. In 2003, P. tragopogonis was found for the first time in sunflower fields in southern Germany. The pathogen has a widespread occurrence there, especially in the region around Stuttgart, BW. Fatty acid profiling, ultrastructural investigation and ITS sequencing revealed a high similarity to an 2002 isolate from southern Africa and an 2005 isolate from Australia, but revealed significant differences to P. tragopogonis s.l. on Cirsium arvense, a common weed, growing on or in the vicinity of sunflower fields in Germany. P. tragopogonis from this host can therefore be excluded from being the source of the reported infection.  相似文献   
Determinants of epithelial cell volume   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epithelial cell volume is determined by the concentration of intracellular, osmotically active solutes. The high water permeability of the cell membrane of most epithelia prevents the establishment of large osmotic gradients between the cell and the bathing solutions. Steady-state cell volume is determined by the relative rates of solute entry and exit across the cell membranes. Inhibition of solute exit leads to cell swelling because solute entry continues; inhibition of solute entry leads to cell shrinkage because solute exit continues. Cell volume is then a measure of the rate and direction of net solute movements. Epithelial cells are also capable of regulation of the rate of solute entry and exit to maintain intracellular composition. Feedback control of NaCl entry into Necturus gallbladder epithelial cells is demonstrable after inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase or reduction in the NaCl concentration of the serosal bath. Necturus gallbladder cells respond to a change in the osmolality of the perfusion solution by rapidly regulating their volume to control values. This regulatory behavior depends on the transient activation of quiescent transport systems. These transport systems are responsible for the rapid readjustments of cell volume that follow osmotic perturbation. These powerful transporters may also play a role in steady-state volume regulation as well as in the control of cell pH.  相似文献   
Localization of cathepsin B in two human lung cancer cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We demonstrated the cysteine proteinase cathepsin B in two human lung tumor cell lines by cytochemical and immunocytochemical methods. The cell lines were derived from a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (HS-24) and a metastasis to the adrenal gland from an adenocarcinoma of the lung (SB-3). For comparison and control, normal human lung fibroblasts cells (Wi-38) were also investigated. Intracellular cathepsin B activity was detected in all three cell lines. SB-3 and the normal fibroblast cells showed almost equal cathepsin B activity, which was considerably stronger than that in the HS-24 cells. Specific inhibitors for cathepsin B (E64, leupeptin, antipain) suppressed its activity completely. Stefin A, the physiological cathepsin B inhibitor, was less effective; this might depend on its limited penetrability into living cells. Localization of the cathepsin B was performed by conventional immunofluorescence microscopy and laser scanning microscopy. With specific anti-cathepsin B antibodies, the enzyme was localized in HS-24, SB-3, and Wi-38 fibroblast cells within perinuclear granules representing the lysosomal compartment. In the SB-3 cells, we additionally localized a minor fraction of the enzyme bound to the plasma membrane in a speckled distribution, accessible to the antibodies from the outside. This direct demonstration of cathepsin B distribution supports biochemical data about the dual localization of the enzyme in tumor cells. It also supports the possibility of a direct involvement of cathepsin B in the degradation of the extracellular matrix, and thus a contribution of the enzyme in invasion and metastasis.  相似文献   
Plasmopara halstedii, the causal agent of downy mildew of cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus), was documented in Germany for the first time in commercial fields. The pathogen was first observed in the Württemberg area, where races 1 and 4 were identified using a set of differential lines. Later, commercial fields near Baden were found to be infected by race 5, which is the first occurrence of that race outside of North America. With the discovery of race 5, there are now eight races of the sunflower downy mildew fungus that have been found in Europe. The sunflower cultivars most frequently grown in Germany were investigated for resistance to race 1, 4 and 5; while all were resistant to race 1, none were resistant to either race 4 or 5.  相似文献   
MDCK cell monolayers grown on glass coverslips were used to examine the Na+ concentration in individual lateral intercellular spaces (LIS) by video fluorescence microscopy. The LIS was filled with the Na+-sensitive fluorescent dye SBFO by incubation of the monolayers for 75–90 min with 250 m of the membrane impermeant form of the dye. After dye loading, the monolayers were perfused at 37°C with solutions buffered with HEPES or bicarbonate/CO2 containing 142 mm Na+. Ratios of the fluorescence images after sequential excitation with 340 nm and 380 nm light were performed and in situ calibration of LIS Na+ was accomplished after blocking the Na+ pump with 5 × 10–4 m ouabain. Measurements of Na+ along the basolateral-to-apical axis of the LIS at 1.0 or 1.5 m intervals did not reveal a Na+ gradient when the perfusate was either HEPES or bicarbonate/CO2 solutions. In bicarbonate solutions, the mean Na+ concentration (mm) was 157.2 ± 2.3, 15 mm higher than the bath Na+ concentration. In HEPES solutions, however, the Na+ concentration was not different from the bath concentration (142.7 ± 3.1 mm). The time course of Na+ changes in LIS was investigated by rapidly switching the perfusate from 142 to 80 mm Na+ and measuring the Na+ changes at one focal plane.We would like to thank P.H. Tran and C. Gibson for their technical and computational assistance as well as Dr. B.-E. Persson (University of Uppsala, Sweden) for his contribution in the early phases of the study.  相似文献   
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