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Embryonic mouse submandibular salivary gland rudiments undergo morphogenesis in organ culture, characterized by extensive epithelial growth and expansion and repetitive branching activity. Tunicamycin, at a concentration of 25 ng/ml culture medium, decreases the degree of net protein accumulation by 83% and the degree of epithelial expansion by 70% compared to controls, over a 48-hr culture tenure. These decreases correlate with reduced incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA. Nevertheless, epithelial branching activity is uncompromised, undergoing an approximately 10-fold increase in lobe numbers, in both controls and tunicamycin-treated rudiments, during the same 48-hr period. The effect is most striking during the 24- to 48-hr culture interval, when controls and tunicamycin-treated rudiments each triple their lobe numbers and controls approximately double epithelial area, while tunicamycin virtually stops all epithelial expansion.  相似文献   
A reproducible, fairly narrow-sized population of rat lymph chylomicrons, approximately 100 nm, was isolated by centrifugation and combined with low levels of [1-13C]oleic acid for NMR studies. The carboxyl chemical shift was monitored as a function of aqueous pH to characterize the ionization behavior of the fatty acid in these particles. The titration curves were very similar to those for oleic acid in equivalent-sized emulsion particles composed of egg phosphatidylcholine and triolein. A simple partition-ionization model was fitted to the data to derive values for apparent ionization constant, expressed as pKapp, of 7.4-7.5 and the "true" surface to core partition coefficient of approximately 7 for oleic acid in chylomicrons. The fatty acid in chylomicrons thus appeared to be largely associated with the surface regions of these particles. Addition of bovine serum albumin to the samples showed that near physiologic pH much of the fatty acid was bound to the albumin at fatty acid to albumin-binding stoichiometries as high as 5.1 and with mass ratios of greater than 2 in favor of the lipid or lipoprotein particles. Lowering the pH of the medium shifted the distribution of fatty acid away from albumin so that at pH 5 with the emulsion, virtually all the fatty acid was associated with the lipid. The behavior observed under physiologic conditions is consistent with the rapid clearance and redistribution of fatty acid generated in these particles by lipolytic processes. However, under conditions of severe acidosis, hyperlipidemia, and hypoalbuminemia a significant portion of fatty acids might be retained in triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and their remnants and affect subsequent metabolism.  相似文献   
We evaluated chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), isozymes, single to low-copy nuclear DNA (RFLPs), and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) in terms of concordance for genetic distance of 15 accessions each of Solanum etuberosum and S. palustre, and 4 accessions of S. fernandezianum. These self-compatible, diploid (2n=24), and morphologically very similar taxa constitute all species in Solanum sect. Etuberosum, a group of non-tuber-bearing species closely related to Solanum sect. Petota (the potato and its wild relatives). Genetic distance and multidimentional scaling results show general concordance of isozymes, RFLPs and RAPDs between all three taxa; cpDNA shows S. etuberosum and S. palustre to be more similar to each other than to S. fernandezianum. Interspecific sampling variance shows a gradation of resolution from allozyme (low) to RAPD to RFLP (high); while intraspecific comparisons graded from RFLPs (low) to RAPDs (high; lack of sufficient allozyme variability within species precluded comparisons for allozymes). Experimental error was low in RFLPs and RAPDs.Names are necessary to report factually and available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable  相似文献   
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers designed to amplify the octapeptide repeat region of the bovine prion gene were used to test the association of genotypes with bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE) in 56 BSE-affected and 177 unaffected animals. Three alleles (A, B, C) were detected as single-strand conformation polymorphisms (SSCPs) and two alleles (1,2 representing six or five copies of the octapeptide repeat respectively) were detected as amplified double-strand fragment length polymorphisms (AMFLPs). Observed genotypes of SSCPs and AMFLPs were analysed by x-square. The SSCP genotypes of nuclear family members of animals with BSE and BSE-affected animals were different (P < 0.001, P < 0.01) from unrelated animals of the same breed without BSE. No genotypic differences were found between the BSE-affected animals and their relatives (P > 0.469). No AMFLP genotypic differences were detected between BSE-affected animals, their relatives, unrelated animals of the same breed or animals of different breeds (P > 0.05). These data suggest that BSE-affected animals and their relatives are more likely to have the AA SSCP genotype than unrelated animals of the same breed or animals of different breeds.  相似文献   
The second annual meeting of the NSCORT in Gravitational Biology was held at Kansas State University on September 29-October 1, 1992. Symposium presentations at the meeting included ones on basic gravitational cellular and developmental biology, spaceflight hardware for biological studies, studies on Space Shuttle, and special talks on Space Station Freedom and on life support systems.  相似文献   
We used chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis to test hypotheses of relationships of Solarium subgenus Potatoe (including potatoes and pepinos), two other Solanum, Cyphomandra (the tree tomatoes), and Lycopersicon (the tomatoes). Capsicum and Datura were used as outgroups. The results support two main clades among the taxa we studied: 1) Solanum subgenus Potatoe and Lycopersicon; and 2) other Solanum and Cyphomandra. Within the first clade, the following groups were supported: a) sect. Basarthrum and sect. Anarrhichomenum; b) sect. Etuberosum; c) sect. Petota; d) sect. Juglandifolium, including subsect. Lycopersicoides; and e) the genus Lycopersicon. These results, in combination with an analysis of morphological data, advocate the controversial, but previously suggested, treatment of Lycopersicon as congeneric with Solanum in subgenus Potatoe. Thus, the cultivated tomato will be recognized as Solanum lycopersicum L. Solanum chmielewskii and Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme are proposed as new combinations; Solanum neorickii is proposed as a new name for Lycopersicon parviflorum. Our data also suggest that Cyphomandra should be included within Solanum.  相似文献   
The Life Sciences Division of NASA has initiated a NASA Specialized Centers of Research and Training (NSCORT) program. Three Centers were designated in late 1990, as the culmination of an in-depth peer review analysis of proposals from universities across the nation and around the world. Kansas State University was selected as the NSCORT in Gravitational Biology. This Center is headquartered in the KSU Division of Biology and has a research, training, and outreach function that focuses on cellular and developmental biology.  相似文献   
1. After 24h of incubation, the blastoderm may be dissected from the early developing chick embryo and successfully maintained under conditions of organ culture in vitro. 2. Low concentrations of steroids related to 5beta-androstane stimulate the synthesis of foetal haemoglobins, types E and P, in a highly steroid- and tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   
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