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Distribution of the subtypes and gene frequencies of phosphoglucomutase-1 among some populations of Buryats, Kirghizes of the Pamir and Russians of Moscow district was analysed. The frequencies of PGM1 genes vary in Buryats being PGM1+(1) 0.647-0.743, PGM1-(1)-0.100-0.132, PGM2+(1)-0.122-0.199 and PGM2-(1)-0.007-0.037. Following frequencies of PGM1 genes were established for Kirghizes: PGM1+(1) = 0.614, PGM1-(1) = 0.114, PGM2+(1) = 0.217 and PGM2-(1) = 0.054; in Russian populations the frequencies were: PGM1+(1) = 0.578, PGM1-(1) = 0.110, PGM2+(1) = 0.253 and PGM2-(1) = 0.059. Peculiarities of PGM1 polymorphism in the USSR and all over the world were analysed. Parallel biodemographic investigations in Buryat population demonstrated differences in intensities of selection, related to concrete PGM genotypes.  相似文献   
The paper describes the phenomenon of disorganization of completely formed subcellular structures: division spindle, phragmoplast and chromosome telophase groups. These structures disintegrate into their elements (cytoskeletal fibers, chromosomes) that transform into chaotic system. Chaotization of cytoskeleton structures such as prophase spindle in mitosis or perinuclear ring in meiosis is a normal step of wild type plant cell division. Disintegration of division spindle and phragmoplast presumably indicate the abnormality of temporal regulation of cytoskeleton cycle during meiosis. Disintegration of telophase chromosome groups and the migration of the chromosomes backward to the equatorial area might mean the abnormal start of some prometaphase mechanisms, in particular, chromokinesins activation.  相似文献   
Population genetic data on Gagauzes from Moldova are reported for the first time. Blood groups AB0 and Rh and biochemical markers of genes HP, TF, GC, and PGM1 were determined in 190 Gagauzes. The following allelic frequencies were determined: AB0*0, 0.5241; AB0*A, 0.3279; RH*d, 0.4571; HP*1, 0.3544; TF*C1, 0.7472; TF*C2, 0.1770; TFC3, 0.0730; TF*B, 0.0028; GC*1F, 0.1025; GC*1S, 0.5932; GC*2, 0.3043; PGM1*1+, 0.5286; PGM*1-, 0.1000; PGM1*2+, 0.2607; and PGM1*2-, 0.1107. The data obtained indicate that the gene pool of Gagauzes is similar to those of neighboring southeastern European populations.  相似文献   
Questionnaire data of 704 women of postreproductive age were used in this study. Questionnaire involved 462 Kalmyks, 119 Russians, 43 Kazakhs, 52 representatives of Northern Caucasus ethnic groups and, 28 other ethnic groups. The average number of pregnancies in Kalmyks was 5.49; the average number of live births was 3.21. The Crow index for Kalmyks was I m = 0.038, I f = 0.300, I tot = 0.350; and for Russians in Kalmykia, I m = 0.030, I f = 0.264, I tot = 0.302.  相似文献   
Comprehensive analysis of the contribution of genetic factors into predisposition to alcoholic toxic cirrhosis (TC) was performed. The ABO, RH, HP, TF, GC, PI, ACP1, PGM1, ESD, GLO1, and GST1 genetic polymorphisms were compared in 34- to 59-year-old male TC patients and control donors of the same sex and age. The phenotypic frequencies in the TC group deviated from the theoretically expected values; the main difference was the excess of rare homozygotes for the loci GC, ACP1, ESD, and GLO1. In the TC patients, the observed heterozygosity (Ho) was considerably lower than the theoretically expected value (H(e)). Wright's fixation index (F) in the TC patients was 30 times higher than in the control group (0.0888 and 0.0027, respectively). The frequencies of PI*Z and PI*S, the PI alleles that are responsible for lower concentrations of proteinase inhibitor, were 12 and 6 times higher in the TC than in the control group. The TC patients exhibited a significantly higher frequency of the liver glutathione-S-transferase GST1*0 allele, whereas the GST1*2 frequency was two times higher in the control subjects than in the TC patients (0.2522 and 0.0953, respectively). The TC and control groups showed statistically significant differences in the frequencies of the following alleles of six independent loci: ABO*0, TF*C1, TF*C2, PI*M1, PI*Z, ACP1*C, PGM1*1+, PGM1*1-, PGM1*2-, GST1*0, and GST1*2. The haptoglobin level was significantly higher and the serum transferrin level was drastically lower in all phenotypic groups of TC patients than in control subjects. The concentrations of IgM and IgG depended on the HP, GC, and PI phenotypes. The total and direct reacting bilirubin concentrations depended on the erythrocytic-enzyme phenotypes (ACP1, PGM1, and GLO1) in both TC and control groups.  相似文献   
The pharmacokinetics of bleomycetin, a new antitumor antibiotic prepared in the USSR, was studied microbiologically. The less the extent of the main tumor in the patients, the higher the antibiotic blood levels in them. This might be associated with the adsorption capacity of the tumor tissue. The dependence of the bleomycetin kinetics on the intensity of renal clearance was shown. The characteristics of the drug distribution in the blood after intravenous, intramuscular and intrapleural administration are presented.  相似文献   
Cephalosporin antibiotics such as cephaloridine, cephazolin and cephalothin++ were used during operations for rectum cancer. The antibiotics were administered intravenously and immediately into the superior rectal artery. It provided high levels of the antibiotics in blood and discharge of the small pelvis cavity and prevented development of infectious complications during the postoperative period.  相似文献   
Comprehensive analysis of the contribution of genetic factors into predisposition to alcoholic toxic cirrhosis (TC) was performed. The AB0, RH, HP, TF, GC, PI, ACP1, PGM1, ESD, GLO1, and GST1 genetic polymorphisms were compared in 34- to 59-year-old male TC patients and control donors of the same sex and age. The phenotypic frequencies in the TC group deviated from the theoretically expected values; the main difference was the excess of rare homozygotes for the lociGC, ACP1, ESD, and GLO1.In the TC patients, the observed heterozygosity (H o) was considerably lower than the theoretically expected value (H e). Wright's fixation index (F) in the TC patients was 30 times higher than in the control group (0.0888 and 0.0027, respectively). A considerable decrease in the ABO*0allele frequency at the expense of an increase in the ABO*Aallele frequencywas observed in the TC patients as compared to the control sample. The TF*C2allele frequencywas two times higher in the patients than in the control group (0.2571 and 0.1308, respectively). The frequencies ofPI*Zand PI*S, the PIalleles that are responsible for lower concentrations of proteinase inhibitor, were 12 and 6 times higher in the TC than in the control group. The TC patients exhibited a significantly higher frequency of the liver glutathione-S-transferase GST1*0allele, whereas the GST1*2frequency was two times higher in the control subjects than in the TC patients (0.2522 and 0.0953, respectively). The TC and control groups showed statistically significant differences in the frequencies of the following alleles of six independent loci: ABO*0, TF*C1, TF*C2, PI*M1, PI*Z, ACP1*C, PGM1*1+, PGM1*1–, PGM1*2–, GST1*0, andGST1*2. The haptoglobin level was significantly higher and the serum transferrin level was drastically lower in all phenotypic groups of TC patients than in control subjects. The concentrations of IgM and IgG depended on the HP, GC, and PI phenotypes. The total and direct reacting bilirubin concentrations depended on the red cell-enzyme phenotypes (ACP1, PGM1, and GLO1) in both TC and control groups.  相似文献   
The phenomenon of the disorientation of completely formed systemic cytoskeleton structures, i.e., the division spindle and phragmoplast, into the constituent elements and their transformation into a network of disoriented fibers in the course of cell division is described. The phenomenon of the disintegration and dispersion in the cytoplasm of completely formed telophase chromosome groups, which is not associated with the chaotization of the cytoskeleton structures, is also described. These abnormalities are revealed in the meiosis of pollen mother cells of the first generation of wheat-wheatgrass hybrids. The chaotization of cytoskeleton structures is a only normal phenomenon in plant-cell division in late prophase-early prometaphase, whereas, at stages of metaphase and telophase, it can indicate a disturbance in the time regulation of the cytoskeleton cycle in the course of meiotic division. The disintegration of the chromosome telophase groups and their movement backwards to the spindle equator can indicate the untimely involvement of processes of prometaphase, specifically the activation of chromokinesins. The significance of the process of cytoskeleton chaotization in the biology of a plant cell is discussed.  相似文献   
A complex anthropological survey based on population-genetic methods and a study of a wide spectrum of genetic systems (43 alleles from 17 independent loci) was undertaken among 450 Buryat women of post-reproductive age. The results obtained showed the influence of particular genetic markers and their complex on the formation of peculiarities in the reproduction structure of the Buryat population.A sharp increase in phenotype GC 2-2 frequency and the corresponding GC*2 allele of the group-specific component (GC) was established for women groups with burdened obstetric records. These groups are characterized also by a considerable decrease in the observed geterozygosity (Ho) as compared to its expected value (He). Samples including women with multiple pregnancies in the recorded obstetric anamnesis are characterized by a significant increase in the frequency of the rare alleles TF*C3 of the transferrin system and those of PI*Z belonging to the proteinase inhibitor system (a1-antitrypsin) as compared to the control group.The results obtained widened current knowledge about the influence of genetic and environmental components on reproduction processes in human populations.  相似文献   
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