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We discuss the relationship between the dynamically changing tension gradients required to move water rapidly through the xylem conduits of plants and the proportion of conduits lost through embolism as a result of water tension. We consider the implications of this relationship to the water relations of trees. We have compiled quantitative data on the water relations, hydraulic architecture and vulnerability of embolism of four widely different species: Rhizophora mangle, Cassipourea elliptica, Acer saccharum, and Thuja occidentalis. Using these data, we modeled the dynamics of water flow and xylem blockage for these species. The model is specifically focused on the conditions required to generate `runaway embolism,' whereby the blockage of xylem conduits through embolism leads to reduced hydraulic conductance causing increased tension in the remaining vessels and generating more tension in a vicious circle. The model predicted that all species operate near the point of catastrophic xylem failure due to dynamic water stress. The model supports Zimmermann's plant segmentation hypothesis. Zimmermann suggested that plants are designed hydraulically to sacrifice highly vulnerable minor branches and thus improve the water balance of remaining parts. The model results are discussed in terms of the morphology, hydraulic architecture, eco-physiology, and evolution of woody plants.  相似文献   
Current methods for determining the influence of xylem cavitationon hydraulic conductance are limited to unbranched stem or rootsegments with hydraulic conductances above c. 2 mmol s–1MPa–1. Lower conductances and/or highly branched systemsare encountered in seedlings, arid-land shrubs, herbs, and distalportions of shoot and root systems of trees. In order to quantifythe hydraulic impact of cavitation in such systems, existingtechniques have been modified. Branched shoot or root systemswere prepared for measurement by removal of leaves, or roottips, respectively. The shoot or root system was enclosed ina vacuum chamber with the proximal end protruding and suppliedwith perfusing solution. Flow through the xylem was inducedby chamber vacuum. Hydraulic conductance was determined fromthe slope of the flow rate versus pressure relationship. Xylemembolism was quantified from the increase in hydraulic conductancefollowing high pressure (100 kPa) perfusion of solution throughthe plant. Examples are provided of the application of the methodto cavitation studies in the cold desert shrub Artemisia tridentata. Key words: Hydraulic conductance, xylem cavitation, embolism, whole root/shoot system  相似文献   
We investigated the occurrence of freezing-induced cavitation in the evergreen desert shrub Larrea tridentata and compared it to co-occurring, winter-deciduous Prosopis velutina. Field measurements indicated that xylem sap in L. tridentata froze at temperatures below c. –5°C, and that this caused no measurable cavitation for minimum temperatures above –7°C. During the same period P. velutina cavitated almost completely. In the laboratory, we cooled stems of L. tridentata to temperatures ranging from –5 to –20°C, held them at temperature for 1 or 12 h, thawed the stems at a constant rate and measured cavitation by the decrease in hydraulic conductivity of stem segments. As observed in the field, freezing exotherms occurred at temperatures between –6.5 and –9°C and as long as temperatures were held above –11°C there was no change in hydraulic conductivity after thawing. However, when stems were cooled to between –11°C and –20°C, stem hydraulic conductivity decreased linearly with minimum temperature. Minimum temperatures between –16 and –20°C were sufficient to completely eliminate hydraulic conductance. Record (>20 year) minimum isotherms in this same range of temperatures corresponded closely with the northern limit of L. tridentata in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts.  相似文献   
Erythritol catabolism by Brucella abortus.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cell extracts of Brucella abortus (British 19) catabolized erythritol through a series of phosphorylated intermediates to dihydroxyacetonephosphate and CO-2. Cell extracts required adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), Mg2+, inorganic orthophosphate, and reduced glutathione for activity. The first reaction in the pathway was the phosphorylation of mesoerythritol with an ATP-dependent kinase which formed d-erythritol 1-phosphate (d-erythro-tetritol 1-phosphate). d-Erythritol 1-phosphate was oxidized by an NAD-dependent dehydrogenase to d-erythrulose 1-phosphate (d-glycero-2-tetrulose 1-phosphate). B. abortus (US-19) was found to lack the succeeding enzyme in the pathway and was used to prepare substrate amounts of d-erythrulose 1-phosphate. d-Erythritol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase (d-erythro-tetritol 1-phosphage: NAD 2-oxidoreductase) is probably membrane bound. d-Erythrulose 1-phosphate was oxidized by an NAD-dependent dehydrogenase to 3-keto-l-erythrose 4-phosphate (l-glycero-3-tetrosulose 4-phosphate) which was further oxidized at C-1 by a membrane-bound dehydrogenase coupled to the electron transport system. Either oxygen or nitrate had to be present as a terminal electron acceptor for the oxidation of 3-keto-l-erythrose 4-phosphate to 3-keto-l-erythronate 4-phosphate (l-glycero-3-tetrulosonic acid 4-phosphate). The beta-keto acid was decarboxylated by a soluble decarboxylase to dihydroxyacetonephosphate and CO-2. Dihydroxyacetonephosphate was converted to pyruvic acid by the final enzymes of glycolysis. The apparent dependence on the electron transport system of erythritol catabolism appears to be unique in Brucella and may play an important role in coupling metabolism to active transport and generation of ATP.  相似文献   
Cytochrome spectrum of an obligate anaerobe, Eubacterium lentum.   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
An obligately anaerobic bacterium, Eubacterium lentum, was shown to contain cytochromes a, b, and c and a carbon monoxide-binding pigment. Extracts of cells grown with hemin gave a typical absorption spectrum for cytochrome c with maxima at 424, 525, and 553 nm. Extracts from cells grown in the absence of hemin also had an absorption peak corresponding to cytochrome b (562 nm) in their reduced versus oxidized spectrum. Extraction of hemes and formation of pyridine hemochromes allowed quantitation of protoheme IX and heme c. Large amounts of cytochrome c masked the presence of cytochrome b in cells grown in medium containing hemin. When cells were grown in the presence of 50 mM nitrate, cytochrome A (606 nm) was detected. In anaerobic extracts of cells grown either with or without nitrate, cytochromes b and c were reduced by formate and oxidized by NO3. Cytochrome a appeared to be partially oxidized by NO3 and completely oxidized by air.  相似文献   
Plant functional traits provide a link in process‐based vegetation models between plant‐level physiology and ecosystem‐level responses. Recent advances in physiological understanding and computational efficiency have allowed for the incorporation of plant hydraulic processes in large‐scale vegetation models. However, a more mechanistic representation of water limitation that determines ecosystem responses to plant water stress necessitates a re‐evaluation of trait‐based constraints for plant carbon allocation, particularly allocation to leaf area. In this review, we examine model representations of plant allocation to leaves, which is often empirically set by plant functional type‐specific allometric relationships. We analyze the evolution of the representation of leaf allocation in models of different scales and complexities. We show the impacts of leaf allocation strategy on plant carbon uptake in the context of recent advancements in modeling hydraulic processes. Finally, we posit that deriving allometry from first principles using mechanistic hydraulic processes is possible and should become standard practice, rather than using prescribed allometries. The representation of allocation as an emergent property of scarce resource constraints is likely to be critical to representing how global change processes impact future ecosystem dynamics and carbon fluxes and may reduce the number of poorly constrained parameters in vegetation models.  相似文献   
Wood density (Dt), an excellent predictor of mechanical properties, is typically viewed in relation to support against gravity, wind, snow, and other environmental forces. In contrast, we show the surprising extent to which variation in Dt and wood structure is linked to support against implosion by negative pressure in the xylem pipeline. The more drought-tolerant the plant, the more negative the xylem pressure can become without cavitation, and the greater the internal load on the xylem conduit walls. Accordingly, Dt was correlated with cavitation resistance. This trend was consistent with the maintenance of a safety factor from implosion by negative pressure: conduit wall span (b) and thickness (t) scaled so that (t/b)2 was proportional to cavitation resistance as required to avoid wall collapse. Unexpectedly, trends in Dt may be as much or more related to support of the xylem pipeline as to support of the plant.  相似文献   
As soil and plant water status decline, decreases in hydraulic conductance can limit a plant's ability to maintain gas exchange. We investigated hydraulic limitations for Artemisia tridentata during summer drought. Water use was quantified by measurements of soil and plant water potential ( Ψ ), transpiration and leaf area. Hydraulic transport capacity was quantified by vulnerability to water stress-induced cavitation for root and stem xylem, and moisture release characteristics for soil. These data were used to predict the maximum possible steady-state transpiration rate ( E crit) and minimum leaf xylem pressure ( Ψ crit). Transpiration and leaf area declined by ~ 80 and 50%, respectively, as soil Ψ decreased to –2·6 MPa during drought. Leaf-specific hydraulic conductance also decreased by 70%, with most of the decline predicted in the rhizosphere and root system. Root conductance was projected to be the most limiting, decreasing to zero to cause hydraulic failure if E crit was exceeded. The basis for this prediction was that roots were more vulnerable to xylem cavitation than stems (99% cavitation at –4·0 versus –7·8 MPa, respectively). The decline in water use during drought was necessary to maintain E and Ψ within the limits defined by E crit and Ψ crit.  相似文献   


A recent epidemiological study demonstrated a reduced risk of lung cancer mortality in breast cancer patients using antiestrogens. These and other data implicate a role for estrogens in lung cancer, particularly nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Approximately 61% of human NSCLC tumors express nuclear estrogen receptor β (ERβ); however, the role of ERβ and estrogens in NSCLC is likely to be multifactorial. Here we tested the hypothesis that proteins interacting with ERβ in human lung adenocarcinoma cells that respond proliferatively to estradiol (E2) are distinct from those in non-E2-responsive cells.


FLAG affinity purification of FLAG-ERβ-interacting proteins was used to isolate ERβ-interacting proteins in whole cell extracts from E2 proliferative H1793 and non-E2-proliferative A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell lines. Following trypsin digestion, proteins were identified using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Proteomic data were analyzed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Select results were confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation.


LC-MS/MS identified 27 non-redundant ERβ-interacting proteins. ERβ-interacting proteins included hsp70, hsp60, vimentin, histones and calmodulin. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis of the ERβ-interacting proteins revealed differences in molecular and functional networks between H1793 and A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments in these and other lung adenocarcinoma cells confirmed that ERβ and EGFR interact in a gender-dependent manner and in response to E2 or EGF. BRCA1 interacted with ERβ in A549 cell lines and in human lung adenocarcinoma tumors, but not normal lung tissue.


Our results identify specific differences in ERβ-interacting proteins in lung adenocarcinoma cells corresponding to ligand-dependent differences in estrogenic responses.
Water deficits and hydraulic limits to leaf water supply   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:29  
Many aspects of plant water use -- particularly in response to soil drought -- may have as their basis the alteration of hydraulic conductance from soil to canopy. The regulation of plant water potential (Psi) by stomatal control and leaf area adjustment may be necessary to maximize water uptake on the one hand, while avoiding loss of hydraulic contact with the soil water on the other. Modelling the changes in hydraulic conductance with pressure gradients in the continuum allows the prediction of water use as a function of soil environment and plant architectural and xylem traits. Large differences in water use between species can be attributed in part to differences in their 'hydraulic equipment' that is presumably optimized for drawing water from a particular temporal and spatial niche in the soil environment. A number of studies have identified hydraulic limits as the cause of partial or complete foliar dieback in response to drought. The interactions between root:shoot ratio, rooting depth, xylem properties, and soil properties in influencing the limits to canopy water supply can be used to predict which combinations should optimize water use in a given circumstance. The hydraulic approach can improve our understanding of the coupling of canopy processes to soil environment, and the adaptive significance of stomatal behaviour.  相似文献   
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