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LT/Sv strain mice ovulate both primary and secondary oocytes. These are fertilizable and give rise to digynic triploid and normal diploid conceptuses, respectively. A previous study [Kaufman and Speirs, 1987] had indicated that just over 20% of embryos recovered on the 10th day of gestation from spontaneously ovulating females had a triploid chromosome constitution. This value was considerably lower than might have been expected by extrapolation from earlier studies in which LT/Sv mice had been given exogenous gonadotrophins. In the present study, therefore, cytogenetic analysis of fertilized eggs was performed at the first cleavage mitosis in (1) spontaneously ovulating females mated to F1 hybrid males, and (2) superovulated females mated to similar males. Additional females from group (1) were autopsied on the 10th day of gestation, and the ploidy of embryos isolated at this stage of gestation was determined. Exposure to exogenous gonadotrophins significantly increased the proportion of eggs that were ovulated as primary oocytes (34.4%), compared to the situation observed following spontaneous ovulation (24.4%). All the triploids encountered in both series were of the digynic type and characteristically (for LT/Sv mice) had an oocyte-derived set with 40 chromosomes present, and a sperm-derived set containing 20 chromosomes. Similar numbers of eggs were recovered from spontaneously ovulating females on the 1st and 10th days of gestation, and the incidence of triploidy observed on the 10th day was 22.1%. The influence of exogenous hormones in increasing the “spontaneous” level of triploidy in LT/Sv and in other strains of mice is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   
A commercial competitive enzyme immunoassay kit, Escherichia coli ST EIA, was compared with the conventional infant mouse assay for sensitivity and specificity in detecting E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin. Thirty-one of 46 strains of E. coli tested were positive by both assays, while 15 strains were negative. The sensitivity of the ST EIA kit was up to 64-fold lower than the infant mouse assay.  相似文献   
A variety of apple beverages were tested for antiviral activity against poliovirus 1 or coxsackievirus B5. Freshly prepared apple juice was particularly antiviral, but its activity declined more readily than that of commercial juice in response to heat and storage. The component responsible for activity was located both in the pulp and skin; after ultrafiltration, activity was present in fractions greater and less than molecular weight 10,000. Virus infectivity was not restored from virus-apple juice complexes with gelatin, serum, Tween 80, or polyethylene glycol.  相似文献   
Spontaneously cycling LT/Sv strain female mice were mated to hemizygous Rb(X.2)2Ad males in order to facilitate the distinction of the paternal X chromosome, and the pregnant females were autopsied at about midday on the tenth day of gestation. Out of a total of 222 analysable embryos recovered, 165 (74.3%) were diploid and 57 (25.7%) were triploid. Of the triploids, 26 had an XXY and 31 an XXX sex chromosome constitution. Both embryonic and extra-embryonic tissue samples from the triploids were analysed cytogenetically by G-banding and by the Kanda technique to investigate their X-inactivation pattern. The yolk sac samples were separated enzymatically into their endodermally-derived and mesodermally-derived components, and these were similarly analysed, as were similar samples from a selection of control XmXp diploid embryos. In the case of the XmXmY digynic triploid embryos, a single darkly-staining Xm chromosome was observed in 485 (82.9%) out of 585, 304 (73.3%) out of 415, and 165 (44.7%) out of 369 metaphases from the embryonic, yolk sac mesodermally-derived and yolk sac endodermally-derived tissues, respectively. The absence of a darkly staining X-chromosome in the other metaphase spreads could either indicate that both X-chromosomes present were active, or that the Kanda technique had failed to differentially stain the inactive X-chromosome(s) present. In the case of the XmXmXp digynic triploid embryos, virtually all of the tissues analysed comprised two distinct cell lineages, namely those with two darkly-staining X-chromosomes, and those with a single darkly staining X-chromosome.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A variety of apple beverages were tested for antiviral activity against poliovirus 1 or coxsackievirus B5. Freshly prepared apple juice was particularly antiviral, but its activity declined more readily than that of commercial juice in response to heat and storage. The component responsible for activity was located both in the pulp and skin; after ultrafiltration, activity was present in fractions greater and less than molecular weight 10,000. Virus infectivity was not restored from virus-apple juice complexes with gelatin, serum, Tween 80, or polyethylene glycol.  相似文献   
Eucalyptin and 8-desmethyleucalyptin have been isolated from the leaf wax coatings of several species of Eucalyptus, from Syncarpia glomulifera, Lophostemon confertus and an Angophora hybrid indicating that C-methylated flavones may be fairly distinctive of the family Myrtaceae. Ursolic acid has been isolated from the leaf waxes of E. youmanii, S. glomulifera, Leptospermum petersonii and Melaleuca quinquenervia, friedelin from Lophostemon confertus and 4,6-dimethoxy-2-hydroxyacetophenone from E. michaeliana.  相似文献   
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants were transformed with gene constructs containing a tomato alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) cDNA (ADH 2) coupled in a sense orientation with either the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter or the fruit-specific tomato polygalacturonase promoter. Ripening fruit from plants transformed with the constitutively expressed transgene(s) had a range of ADH activities; some plants had no detectable activity, whereas others had significantly higher ADH activity, up to twice that of controls. Transformed plants with fruit-specific expression of the transgene(s) also displayed a range of enhanced ADH activities in the ripening fruit, but no suppression was observed. Modified ADH levels in the ripening fruit influenced the balance between some of the aldehydes and the corresponding alcohols associated with flavor production. Hexanol and Z-3-hexenol levels were increased in fruit with increased ADH activity and reduced in fruit with low ADH activity. Concentrations of the respective aldehydes were generally unaltered. The phenotypes of modified fruit ADH activity and volatile abundance were transmitted to second-generation plants in accordance with the patterns of inheritance of the transgenes. In a preliminary taste trial, fruit with elevated ADH activity and higher levels of alcohols were identified as having a more intense “ripe fruit” flavor.  相似文献   
In vertebrates, genome size has been shown to correlate with nuclear and cell sizes, and influences phenotypic features, such as brain complexity. In three different anuran families, advertisement calls of polyploids exhibit longer notes and intervals than diploids, and difference in cellular dimensions have been hypothesized to cause these modifications. We investigated this phenomenon in green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup) of three ploidy levels, in a different call type (release calls) that may evolve independently from advertisement calls, examining 1205 calls, from ten species, subspecies, and hybrid forms. Significant differences between pulse rates of six diploid and four polyploid (3n, 4n) green toad forms across a range of temperatures from 7 to 27 °C were found. Laboratory data supported differences in pulse rates of triploids vs. tetraploids, but failed to reach significance when including field recordings. This study supports the idea that genome size, irrespective of call type, phylogenetic context, and geographical background, might affect call properties in anurans and suggests a common principle governing this relationship. The nuclear‐cell size ratio, affected by genome size, seems the most plausible explanation. However, we cannot rule out hypotheses under which call‐influencing genes from an unexamined diploid ancestral species might also affect call properties in the hybrid‐origin polyploids. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 584–590.  相似文献   
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