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Résumé L'ultrastructure des éléments cytoplasmiques de deux Dinoflagellés a révélé des différences fondamentales directement liées à leur mode de vie.Chez Noctiluca (Dinoflagellé libre, incolore), les corps de Golgi jouent un rôle important dans la formation des sphères archoplasmiques au moment des divisions et lors de l'élaboration de l'endoglée. Les mitochondries de grande taille, parfois géantes, ont des crêtes nombreuses et une matrice réduite. Elles offrent souvent des relations de contiguïté avec les granulations lipidiques et l'enveloppe nucléaire; elles sont très abondantes dans le tentacule du trophozoïte. Il n'existe pas de plastes. Les inclusions lipidiques abondent ainsi que les trichocystes fibreux et les poches mucifères dont le contenu est polysaccharidique.Chez Blastodinium (Dinoflagellé parasite, coloré sauf une espèce), les corps de Golgi sont très réduits dans le trophocyte, assez rares mais de structure classique dans les sporocytes. Les mitochondries sont de petite taille, pauvres en crêtes et ont une matrice importante chez le trophocyte; elles sont plus grandes dans les sporocytes. Les plastes bien développés, périphériques, possèdent des lamelles stromatiques formées de trois thylakoïdes chez les sporocytes; par contre, chez l'individu végétatif, le plus souvent incolore et relativement protégé de la lumière par plusieurs rangées de sporocytes, les plastes, de grande taille ont un aspect dégénéré: lamelles stromatiques rares, thylakoïdes tassés et stroma important; ce sont des étioplastes. Le cas de Blastodinium contortum hyalinum toujours incolore, est particulier: les plastes existent encore mais sont totalement dégénérés. Il y a très peu de lipides dans le trophocyte, mais ils sont par contre abondants dans les sporocytes. Il existe des trichocystes fibreux et chez l'individu végétatif, des figures myéliniques.Ces importantes variations structurales illustrent parfaitement, dans l'échelle évolutive des Dinoflagellés, l'exemple de deux modes de vie très différents.
Fine structure of endoplasm and vacuoles in two types of dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca and Blastodinium
Summary The fine structure of cytoplasmic elements of two Dinoflagellates reveals fundamental differences directly linked to their way of life.In Noctiluca, free-living, colourless dinoflagellate, the Golgi bodies play an important role in the formation of archoplasmic spheres at the moment of division and when the endoglea is elaborated. The mitochondria of great size, sometimes giant, have very abundant cristae and a reduced matrix. They often show relations of contiguity with the lipid granules and the nuclear envelope; they are very abundant in the tentacle of the trophozoïd. There are no plastids. The lipid inclusions are very abundant and so are fibrous trichocysts and muciferous bags whose content is polysaccharidic.In Blastodinium, parasitic dinoflagellate, coloured except for one species, the Golgi bodies are much reduced in the trophocyte, rather rare but of classical structure in the sporocytes. The mitochondria are of small size, with rare cristae and have an enlarged matrix in the trophocyte; they are bigger in the sporocytes. The plastids are well developed, peripheral, and have stromatic lamellae formed of three thylakoïds in the sporocytes. On the other hand, in the vegetative individual, usually colourless since it is protected from the light by many rows of sporocytes, the large plastids have a degenerated aspect, rare stromatic lamellae, packed thylakoïds and enlarged stroma; they are etioplastids. The case of Blastodinium contortum hyalinum, always colourless, is special: the plastids still exist but are completely degenerated. There are very few lipids in the trophocyte but abundant ones in the sporocytes. Some fibrous trichocysts occur, and in the vegetative individual, some myelinic vacuoles.These important structural variations illustrate very well the example of two very different ways of life, in the evolutionary tree of dinoflagellates.
Cet article fait partie d'un travail d'ensemble constituant une Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat intitulée: La cytologie et la division de deux types de Dinoflagellés: Noctiluca Suriray (genre libre) et Blastodinium Chatton (genre parasite).  相似文献   
Summary Samples were taken weekly for one year at an intertidal mudflat at the Halage des Swains, Morbihan Sound, Kerguelen Islands, for meiofauna, their suspected microbial food (bacteria and diatoms) and associated chemical and physical factors. Organic carbon and nitrogen content, bacterial abundance and biomass, pigment content and daily primary production, were significantly correlated (Spearman rank) to the temperature. Meiofauna exhibited very high abundances (up to 14 000 ind./10 cm–2) without seasonal trend but with distinct short term oscillations of population densities. No direct correlation occurred between meiofauna (85.9% nematodes and 10.8% copepods) and temperature. Total meiofauna abundance was positively correlated to bacterial biomass in the oxidized layer, to organic content below redox potential discontinuity layer, and negatively correlated to the hourly primary production. The data suggest that nematodes are correlated to bacterial biomass and organic content in the sediment. Effect of ambient temperature on development time of nematofauna could be described by a Belehradek function. Even though some correlations existed, this study shows that peaks of meiofaunal abundance are not correlated to potential food abundance variability. Thus, the limitation of meiofauna community and its annual pattern is reasonably governed by the development time and reproductive strategy of the few co-dominant species of the main taxa.  相似文献   
A common way to think about scientific practice involves classifying it as hypothesis- or data-driven. We argue that although such distinctions might illuminate scientific practice very generally, they are not sufficient to understand the day-to-day dynamics of scientific activity and the development of programmes of research. One aspect of everyday scientific practice that is beginning to gain more attention is integration. This paper outlines what is meant by this term and how it has been discussed from scientific and philosophical points of view. We focus on methodological, data and explanatory integration, and show how they are connected. Then, using some examples from molecular systems biology, we will show how integration works in a range of inquiries to generate surprising insights and even new fields of research. From these examples we try to gain a broader perspective on integration in relation to the contexts of inquiry in which it is implemented. In today's environment of data-intensive large-scale science, integration has become both a practical and normative requirement with corresponding implications for meta-methodological accounts of scientific practice. We conclude with a discussion of why an understanding of integration and its dynamics is useful for philosophy of science and scientific practice in general.  相似文献   
Congenital nevi develop before birth and sometimes cover large areas of the body. They are presumed to arise from the acquisition of a gene mutation in an embryonic melanocyte that becomes trapped in the dermis during development. Mice bearing the Cdk4R24C::Tyr‐NRASQ61K transgenes develop congenital nevus‐like lesions by post‐natal day 10, from melanocytes escaping the confines of hair follicles. We interbred these mice with the collaborative cross (CC), a resource that enables identification of modifier genes for complex diseases (those where multiple genes are involved). We examined variation in nevus cell density in 66 CC strains and mapped a large‐effect quantitative trait locus (QTL) controlling nevus cell density to murine chromosome 9. The best candidate for a gene that exacerbates congenital nevus development in the context of an NRAS mutation is Cdon, a positive regulator of sonic hedgehog (Shh) that is expressed mainly in keratinocytes.  相似文献   
International Microbiology - The emerging situation of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Infantis (S. Infantis) in Turkey was investigated in terms of virulence genes and mobile genetic...  相似文献   


We tested the relevance of clinical information in the histopathologic evaluation of melanocytic skin neoplasm (MSN).


Histopathologic specimens from 99 clinically atypical MSN were circulated among ten histopathologists; each case had clinical information available in a database with a five-step procedure (no information; age/sex/location; clinical diagnosis; clinical image; dermoscopic image); each step had a histopathologic diagnosis (D1 through D5); each diagnostic step had a level of diagnostic confidence (LDC) ranging from 1 (no diagnostic certainty) to 5 (absolute diagnostic certainty). The comparison of the LDC was employed with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures.


In D1 (no information), 36/99 cases (36.3%) had unanimous diagnosis; in D5 (full information available), 51/99 cases (51.5%) had unanimous diagnosis (p for difference between proportions <0.001). The observer agreement expressed as kappa increased significantly from D1 to D5. The mean LDC linearly increased for each observer from D1 through D5 (p for linear trend <0.001). On average, each histopathologist changed his initial diagnosis in 7 cases (range: 2–23). Most diagnostic changes were in D2 (age/sex/location).


The histopathologic criteria for the diagnosis of MSN can work as such, but the final histopathologic diagnosis is a clinically-aided interpretation. Clinical data sometimes reverse the initial histopathologic evaluation.  相似文献   
Related proteins with similar biological functions generally share common features, allowing us to extract the common sequence features. These common features enable us to build statistical models that can be used to classify proteins, to predict new members, and to study the sequence-function relationship of this protein function group. Although evolution underlies the basis of multiple sequence analysis methods, most methods ignore phylogenetic relationships and the evolutionary process in building these statistical models. Previously we have shown that a phylogenetic tree-based profile hidden Markov model (T-HMM) is superior in generating a profile for a group of similar proteins. In this study we used the method to generate common features of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The profile generated by T-HMM gives high accuracy in GPCR function classification, both by ligand and by coupled G protein.  相似文献   
Systems biologists aim to decipher the structure and dynamics of signaling and regulatory networks underpinning cellular responses; synthetic biologists can use this insight to alter existing networks or engineer de novo ones. Both tasks will benefit from an understanding of which structural and dynamic features of networks can emerge from evolutionary processes, through which intermediary steps these arise, and whether they embody general design principles. As natural evolution at the level of network dynamics is difficult to study, in silico evolution of network models can provide important insights. However, current tools used for in silico evolution of network dynamics are limited to ad hoc computer simulations and models. Here we introduce BioJazz, an extendable, user-friendly tool for simulating the evolution of dynamic biochemical networks. Unlike previous tools for in silico evolution, BioJazz allows for the evolution of cellular networks with unbounded complexity by combining rule-based modeling with an encoding of networks that is akin to a genome. We show that BioJazz can be used to implement biologically realistic selective pressures and allows exploration of the space of network architectures and dynamics that implement prescribed physiological functions. BioJazz is provided as an open-source tool to facilitate its further development and use. Source code and user manuals are available at: http://oss-lab.github.io/biojazz and http://osslab.lifesci.warwick.ac.uk/BioJazz.aspx.  相似文献   
During bacterial infections a sequence of interactions occur between the pathogen and its host. Bacterial adhesion to the host cell surface is often the initial and determining step of the pathogenesis. Although experimentally adhesion is mostly studied in static conditions adhesion actually takes place in the presence of flowing liquid. First encounters between bacteria and their host often occur at the mucosal level, mouth, lung, gut, eye, etc. where mucus flows along the surface of epithelial cells. Later in infection, pathogens occasionally access the blood circulation causing life-threatening illnesses such as septicemia, sepsis and meningitis. A defining feature of these infections is the ability of these pathogens to interact with endothelial cells in presence of circulating blood. The presence of flowing liquid, mucus or blood for instance, determines adhesion because it generates a mechanical force on the pathogen. To characterize the effect of flowing liquid one usually refers to the notion of shear stress, which is the tangential force exerted per unit area by a fluid moving near a stationary wall, expressed in dynes/cm(2). Intensities of shear stress vary widely according to the different vessels type, size, organ, location etc. (0-100 dynes/cm(2)). Circulation in capillaries can reach very low shear stress values and even temporarily stop during periods ranging between a few seconds to several minutes (1). On the other end of the spectrum shear stress in arterioles can reach 100 dynes/cm(2)(2). The impact of shear stress on different biological processes has been clearly demonstrated as for instance during the interaction of leukocytes with the endothelium (3). To take into account this mechanical parameter in the process of bacterial adhesion we took advantage of an experimental procedure based on the use of a disposable flow chamber (4). Host cells are grown in the flow chamber and fluorescent bacteria are introduced in the flow controlled by a syringe pump. We initially focused our investigations on the bacterial pathogen Neisseria meningitidis, a Gram-negative bacterium responsible for septicemia and meningitis. The procedure described here allowed us to study the impact of shear stress on the ability of the bacteria to: adhere to cells (1), to proliferate on the cell surface (5)and to detach to colonize new sites (6) (Figure 1). Complementary technical information can be found in reference 7. Shear stress values presented here were chosen based on our previous experience(1) and to represent values found in the literature. The protocol should be applicable to a wide range of pathogens with specific adjustments depending on the objectives of the study.  相似文献   
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