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The length of the Yersinia injectisome needle is determined by the protein YscP, which could act as a molecular ruler. The analysis of the correlation between the size of YscP and the needle length in seven wild-type strains of Yersinia enterocolitica reinforced this hypothesis but hinted that the secondary structure of YscP might influence needle length. Hence, 11 variants of YscP515 were generated by multiple Pro or Gly substitutions. The needle length changed in inverse function of the helical content, indicating that not only the number of residues but also their structure controls length. Taking the secondary motifs into account, Pro/Gly-variants were subjected to in silico modelling to simulate the extension of YscP upon needle growth. The calculated lengths when the helical content is preserved correlated strikingly with the measured needle length, with a constant difference of ∼29 nm, which corresponds approximately to the size of the basal body. These data support the ruler model and show that the functional ruler has a helical structure.  相似文献   
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins - Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and is produced by irreversible decarboxylation of...  相似文献   
The oral bacterium Streptococcus mutans, strain JH1140, produces the antibiotic mutacin 1140. Mutacin 1140 belongs to a group of antibiotics called lanthipeptides. More specifically, mutacin 1140 is related to the epidermin type A(I) lanthipeptides. Mutagenesis experiments of this group of lanthipeptides have been primarily restricted to the posttranslationally modified meso-lanthionine and 3-methyllanthionine residues. Site-directed mutagenesis of the core peptide of mutacin 1140 was performed using the suicide vector pVA891. Substitutions of the N-terminal residue, the charged residue in the hinge region, and residues in ring A and intertwined rings C and D were investigated. A truncation and insertion of residues in ring A and intertwined rings C and D were also performed to determine whether or not they would alter the antimicrobial activity of the producing strain. Bioassays revealed that five of 14 mutants studied had improved antimicrobial activity against the indicator strain Micrococcus luteus ATCC 10240. MICs against Streptococcus mutans UA159, Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC 27336, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Clostridium difficile UK1, and Micrococcus luteus ATCC 10240 were determined for three mutacin 1140 variants that had the most significant increases in bioactivity in the M. luteus bioassay. This mutagenesis study of the epidermin group of lanthipeptides shows that antimicrobial activity can be significantly improved.  相似文献   
As haematopoietic stem cell gene therapy utilizing O(6)-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase has reached the clinical stage, safety-related questions become increasingly important. These issues concern insertional mutagenesis of viral vectors, the acute toxicity of pre-transplant conditioning protocols and in vivo selection regimens as well as potential genotoxic side effects of the alkylating drugs administered in this context. To address these questions, we have investigated toxicity-reduced conditioning regimens combining low-dose alkylator application with sublethal irradiation and have analysed their influence on engraftment and subsequent selectability of transduced haematopoietic stem cells. In addition, a strategy to monitor the acute and long-term genotoxic effects of drugs with high guanine-O(6) alkylating potential, such as chloroethylnitrosoureas or temozolomide is introduced. For this purpose, assays were implemented which allow an assessment of the generation and fate of primary drug-induced adducts as well as their long-term effect on chromosomal integrity at the single cell level.  相似文献   
Secretion by the type III pathway of Gram-negative microbes transports polypeptides into the extracellular medium or into the cytoplasm of host cells during infection. In pathogenic Yersinia spp., type III machines recognize 14 different Yop protein substrates via discrete signals genetically encoded in 7-15 codons at the 5' portion of yop genes. Although the signals necessary and sufficient for substrate recognition of Yop proteins have been mapped, a clear mechanism on how proteins are recognized by the machinery and then initiated into the transport pathway has not yet emerged. As synonymous substitutions, mutations that alter mRNA sequence but not codon specificity, affect the function of some secretion signals, recent work with several different microbes tested the hypothesis of an RNA-encoded secretion signal for polypeptides that travel the type III pathway. This review summarizes experimental observations and mechanistic models for substrate recognition in this field.  相似文献   
BackgroundMouse transgenesis has provided the unique opportunity to investigate mechanisms underlying sodium kidney reabsorption as well as end organ damage. However, understanding mouse background and the experimental conditions effects on phenotypic readouts of engineered mouse lines such as blood pressure presents a challenge. Despite the ability to generate high sodium and chloride plasma levels during high-salt diet, observed changes in blood pressure are not consistent between wild-type background strains and studies.MethodsThe present work was designed in an attempt to determine guidelines in the field of salt-induced hypertension by recording continuously blood pressure by telemetry in mice submitted to different sodium and potassium loaded diets and changing experimental conditions in both C57BL/6N and C57BL/6J mice strain (Normal salt vs. Low salt vs. High-salt/normal potassium vs. High salt/low potassium, standard vs. modified light cycle, Non-invasive tail cuff blood pressure vs. telemetry).ResultsIn this study, we have shown that, despite a strong blood pressure (BP) basal difference between C57BL/6N and C57BL/6J mice, High salt/normal potassium diet increases BP and heart rate during the active phase only (dark period) in the same extent in both strains. On the other hand, while potassium level has no effect on salt-induced hypertension in C57BL/6N mice, high-salt/low potassium diet amplifies the effect of the high-salt challenge only in C57BL/6J mice. Indeed, in this condition, salt-induced hypertension can also be detected during light period even though this BP increase is lower compared to the one occurring during the dark period. Finally, from a methodological perspective, light cycle inversion has no effect on this circadian BP phenotype and tail-cuff method is less sensitive than telemetry to detect BP phenotypes due to salt challenges.ConclusionsTherefore, to carry investigations on salt-induced hypertension in mice, chronic telemetry and studies in the active phase are essential prerequisites.  相似文献   
An under-agarose chemotaxis assay was used to investigate whether unrestricted somatic stem cells (USSC) that were recently characterized in human cord blood are attracted by neuronal injury in vitro. USSC migrated toward extracts of post-ischemic brain tissue of mice in which stroke had been induced. Moreover, apoptotic neurons secrete factors that strongly attracted USSC, whereas necrotic and healthy neurons did not. Investigating the expression of growth factors and chemokines in lesioned brain tissue and neurons and of their respective receptors in USSC revealed expression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in post-ischemic brain and in apoptotic but not in necrotic neurons and of the HGF receptor c-MET in USSC. Neuronal lesion-triggered migration was observed in vitro and in vivo only when c-MET was expressed at a high level in USSC. Neutralization of the bioactivity of HGF with an antibody inhibited migration of USSC toward neuronal injury. This, together with the finding that human recombinant HGF attracts USSC, document that HGF signaling is necessary for the tropism of USSC for neuronal injury. Our data demonstrate that USSC have the capacity to migrate toward apoptotic neurons and injured brain. Together with their neural differentiation potential, this suggests a neuroregenerative potential of USSC. Moreover, we provide evidence for a hitherto unrecognized pivotal role of the HGF/c-MET axis in guiding stem cells toward brain injury, which may partly account for the capability of HGF to improve function in the diseased central nervous system.  相似文献   
The S100A9 (MRP14) protein is abundantly expressed in myeloid cells and has been associated with various inflammatory diseases. The S100A9-deficient mice described here were viable, fertile, and generally of healthy appearance. The myelopoietic potential of the S100A9-null bone marrow was normal. S100A8, the heterodimerization partner of S100A9 was not detectable in peripheral blood cells, suggesting that even a deficiency in both S100A8 and S100A9 proteins was compatible with viable and mature neutrophils. Surprisingly, the invasion of S100A9-deficient leukocytes into the peritoneum and into the skin in vivo was indistinguishable from that in wild-type mice. However, stimulation of S100A9-deficient neutrophils with interleukin-8 in vitro failed to provoke an up-regulation of CD11b. Migration upon a chemotactic stimulus through an endothelial monolayer was markedly diminished in S100A9-deficient neutrophils. Attenuated chemokinesis of the S100A9-deficient neutrophils was observed by using a three-dimensional collagen matrix migration assay. The altered migratory behavior was associated with a microfilament system that was highly polarized in unstimulated S100A9-deficient neutrophils. Our data suggest that loss of the calcium-binding S100A9 protein reduces the responsiveness of the neutrophils upon chemoattractant stimuli at least in vitro. Alternative pathways for neutrophil emigration may be responsible for the lack of any effect in the two in vivo models we have investigated so far.  相似文献   
CD163 is a monocyte/macrophage-specific scavenger receptor that undergoes ectodomain shedding upon an inflammatory stimulus. Soluble CD163 (sCD163) actively inhibits lymphocyte proliferation, but to date exactly how it interacts with these cells has remained elusive. We screened T lymphocytes and endothelial cells for proteins binding to sCD163. In both cell types a high affinity binding protein was detected. Partial sequencing of the protein revealed sequence identity to a non-muscle myosin heavy chain type A. Employing labelled sCD163 we found little specific binding of sCD163 to the extracellular domains of T lymphocytes and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). In activated T lymphocytes we demonstrated specific binding of sCD163 to intracellular structures as well as the presence of the native protein within the cell after co-incubation with purified sCD163. Furthermore, we developed a novel ELISA for highly specific detection of sCD163-myosin complexes. These complexes were present in activated T lymphocytes after incubation with shed sCD163. Co-localization of sCD163 and cellular myosin in T lymphocytes was further confirmed by fluorescence microscopy. Our results suggest that sCD163 associates with cellular myosin, thereby possibly modulating the cells' response to an inflammatory stimulus.  相似文献   
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