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Transparent gels containing about 2% protein were obtained by mixing alkaline dope solution of 7S or 11S soybean proteins with alcohol. The 7S component showed the ability to form a stronger gel than the 11S. This phenomenon depended on pH and alcohol concentration. In 66 % ethanol, the viscosity of the 7S and 11S reached maxima at pH 11.4 and 11.2, respectively. Above these pH levels where further unfolding and dissociation into subunits of the protein molecules occur, the viscosity decreased rather. The effectiveness of alcohol to increase viscosity increased in the order; n-butanol < tert-butanol < n-propanol < iso-propanol < ethanol < methanol. Alcohols having minor hydrophobicity were more effective for increasing viscosity, but ethylene glycol was ineffective. The addition of NaCl or 2-mercaptoethanol to ethanol-mixed alkaline dope solutions resulted in the remarkable increment of the viscosity, especially for the 7S.  相似文献   
Three new mutants of Escherichia coli showing thermosensitive cell growth and division were isolated, and the mutations were mapped to the mra region at 2 min on the E. coli chromosome map distal to leuA. Two mutations were mapped closely upstream of ftsI (also called pbpB), in a region of 600 bases; the fts-36 mutant showed thermosensitive growth and formed filamentous cells at 42 degrees C, whereas the lts-33 mutant lysed at 42 degrees C without forming filamentous cells. The mutation in the third new thermosensitive, filament-forming mutant, named ftsW, was mapped between murF and murG. By isolation of these three mutants, about 90% of the 17-kilobase region from fts-36-lts-33 to envA could be filled with genes for cell division and growth, and the genes could be aligned.  相似文献   
Penicillin-binding protein (PBP)-2 and the RodA protein are known to function in determining the rod shape of Escherichia coli cells. Peptidoglycan biosynthetic reactions that required these two proteins were demonstrated in the membrane fraction prepared from an E. coli strain that overproduced both of these two proteins and which lacked PBP-1B activity (the major peptidoglycan synthetase activity in the normal E. coli membranes). The cross-linked peptidoglycan was synthesized from UDP-N-acetylmuramylpentapeptide and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine in the presence of a high concentration of cefmetazole that inhibited all of PBPs except PBP-2. The peptidoglycan was synthesized via a lipid intermediate and showed up to 30% cross-linking. The cross-linking reaction was strongly inhibited by the amidinopenicillin, mecillinam, and by other beta-lactam antibiotics that have a high affinity for PBP-2, but not by beta-lactams that had very low affinity for PBP-2. The formation of peptidoglycan required the presence of high levels of both PBP-2 and the RodA protein in the membranes, but it is unclear which of the two proteins was primarily responsible for the extension of the glycan chains (transglycosylation). However, the sensitivity of the cross-linking reaction to specific beta-lactam antibiotics strongly suggested that it was catalyzed by PBP-2. The transglycosylase activity of the membranes was sensitive to enramycin and vancomycin and was unusual in being stimulated greatly by a high concentration of a chelating agent.  相似文献   
The localization of the active site of penicillin-binding protein 5 from the dacA mutant of Escherichia coli strain TMRL 1222 has been determined. The protein was purified to homogeneity and labeled with [14C] penicillin G. The labeled protein was digested with trypsin, and the active site tryptic peptide was purified by a combination of gel filtration and high-pressure liquid chromatography. Sequencing of the purified [14C]penicilloyl peptide yielded the sequence Arg-Asp-Pro-Ala-Ser-Leu-Thr-Lys, which corresponds to residues 40-47 of the gene sequence (Broome-Smith, J., Edelman, A., and Spratt, B. G. (1983) in The Target of Penicillin (Hakenbeck, R., Holtje, J.-V., and Labischinski, H., eds) pp. 403-408, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin). The catalytic amino acid residue that forms a covalent bond with penicillin was identified by treating the purified [14C]penicilloyl peptide with a mixture of proteases and then separating the radioactive products using high-pressure liquid chromatography. Analysis of the radioactive peaks by amino acid analysis confirmed that it is the serine residue that reacts with the beta-lactam ring of penicillin.  相似文献   
Pathological and microbiological studies were conducted on lesions in the lungs of 194 calves from mass rearing facilities. Macroscopically, the lesions were classified into six forms: nonlesion, atelectasis, mild pneumonia, moderate pneumonia, advanced pneumonia, and advanced pneumonia accompanied with abscess. Histopathological examination revealed bronchopneumonia in most of the calves. Lesions more advanced than moderate pneumonia were complicated with desquamation, severe exudation, and necrosis. Bacteriologically, Pasteurella sp. was isolated often in combination with Staphylococcus sp. from about a half of the atelectatic cases. With the development of pneumonic lesions, Pasteurella sp. was isolated at a high frequency in combination with Haemophilus sp., Streptococcus sp., and Corynebacterium sp. Prominent necrosis was more often seen in cases with Pasteurella haemolytica isolated than in cases with only Pasteurella multocida isolated. Mycoplasma sp. and Ureaplasma sp. were isolated from distinctly pneumonic lesions. Advanced pneumonic lesions were observed in many calves over 30 days of age. The importance of environmental and managerial improvement was also emphasized, since calf pneumonia tended to break out in facilities under unsatisfactory conditions in the present work.  相似文献   
The nursing records of the 242 patients who used the domiciliary night nursing care service in Newham Health District showed that three distinct groups of patients were nursed during 1979 at a cost of 8.8 pounds a day. Forty-three elderly chronically sick and five disabled patients aged under 50 received care for more than 28 days, 63 patients had terminal cancer, and 131 needed short-term care or observation. Data were also collected from a one-day survey of patients receiving care. This domiciliary care enabled the chronically sick and disabled to retain their independence and remain at home. Referrals from casualty departments and general practitioners avoided admission to acute beds. On account of the lack of continual surveillance the service is unsuitable for the elderly mentally ill.  相似文献   
T cells involved in the generation of suppressor activity bear an I-J-subregion controlled determinant (e. g., J1) which is distinct from that (e. g., J1) found on non-T: non-13 accessory cells. T-cell subsets examined include Ly-1 inducer and Ly-1,2 acceptor cells which collaborate to generate suppressor activity in the in vitro sheep red blood cell antibody system. Non-T:non-B accessory cells examined include accessory cells involved in concanavalin-A induced, T-cell proliferative responses and in in vitro antibody responses to sheep red blood cells. These results provide evidence for serologic and genetic complexity of the I-J subregion of the murine H-2 gene complex.  相似文献   
A non-T:non-B accessory cell in peritoneal washout or spleen-cell suspensions facilitates T-cell proliferative responses to the mitogen, concanavalin A. Utilizing monoclonal antibody, we show that this accessory cell bears the same I-A- and I-E-subregion controlled determinants as found on B cells. In addition, the same accessory cell bears a Tla (Qa-1?)-region and an I-J-subregion controlled determinant. This I-J determinant is also present on splenic accessory cells involved in in vitro antibody responses to sheep red blood cells. Data in a companion paper show that not all anti-I-J sera contain antibody reactive with the accessory cell, and suggest that T cells involved in the generation of suppressor activity and accessory cells bear different I-J-subregion controlled determinants.  相似文献   
The developmental capability of haploid parthenogenetic cells was investigated by studies on haploid parthenogenetic in equilibrium fertilized mouse chimeras. Two chimeras were born. One female chimera was smaller at birth and grew slower than its littermates. The distribution of haploid-derived cells in the chimeras was analyzed 11 months after their birth. Cells derived from haploid embryos were found only in the brain, eyes, pigment cells in hair follicles, and spleen, in which they constituted 30%, 20%, 10%, and less than 5%, respectively, of the cells. The correlation between the parthenogenetic contribution to the brain and growth retardation is discussed. All of the cells examined in these chimeric organs (brain and eyes) contained a diploid amount of DNA, suggesting that diploidization of the haploid parthenogenetic cells occurred during development. Possibly, the haploid state is not sufficient for cell growth, even in chimeras with fertilized embryos.  相似文献   
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