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The major glycoproteins of horse and swine erythrocyte membranes were isolated and examined chemically and immunologically. The major glycoprotein of horse erythrocyte membranes had a molecular weight of 33 000 and consisted of 46.2% protein and 53.8% carbohydrate, of which 9.4% was hexose, 10.1% hexosamine and 33.7% sialic acid. This glycoprotein was associated with activity for the infectious mononucleosis heterophile antigen.There were two different major glycoproteins in swine erythrocyte membranes. One major glycoprotein had a molecular weight of 46 200 and consisted of 34.2% protein and 65.8% carbohydrate, of which 18% was hexose, 19% hexosamine and 27.2% sialic acid. This glycoprotein had phytohemagglutinin (Phaseolus vulgaris) binding activity. The other glycoprotein had a molecular weight of 29 000 and consisted of 50.4% protein and 49.6% carbohydrate, of which 6.4% was hexose, 7.0% hexosamine and 36.3% sialic acid. This glycoprotein had weak or absent phytohemagglutinin binding activity.  相似文献   
Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a type-II membrane glycoprotein that was initially identified in LNCaP cells. It is expressed at elevated levels in prostate cancer. In view of the correlation between the expression levels of PSMA and disease grade and stage, PSMA is considered to be one of the most promising biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. In LNCaP cells PSMA undergoes internalization via clathrin-coated pits followed by accumulation in the endosomes. PSMA associates with different types of detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) along the secretory pathway. Its mature form is mainly insoluble in Lubrol WX, but does not associate with Triton X-100-DRMs. To understand the mechanism of PSMA internalization we investigated its association during internalization with DRMs. For this purpose, internalization was induced by antibody cross-linking. We demonstrate at the biochemical and cell biological levels that: [i] exclusively homodimers of PSMA are associated with Lubrol WX-DRMs, [ii] antibody-induced cross-linking of PSMA molecules results in a time-dependent partitioning into another DRMs type, namely Triton X-100-DRMs, and [iii] concomitant with its association with Triton-X-100-DRMs internalization of PSMA occurs along tubulin filaments. In a previous work (Colombatti et al. (2009) PLoS One 4: e4608) we demonstrated that the small GTPases RAS and RAC1 and the MAPKs p38 and ERK1/2 are activated during antibody cross-linking. As downstream effects of this activation we observed a strong induction of NF-kB associated with an increased expression of IL-6 and CCL5 genes and that IL-6 and CCL5 enhanced the proliferative potential of LNCaP cells synergistically. These observations together with findings reported here hypothesize a fundamental role of DRMs during activation of PSMA as platforms for trafficking, endocytosis and signalling. Understanding these mechanisms constitutes an essential prerequisite for utilization of PSMA as a therapeutically suitable target in prostate cancer.  相似文献   
Summary A new genetic polymorphism of a human serum glycoprotein, the inter--trypsin-inhibitor (ITI), has been demonstrated by population and family studies. Sera were examined after neuraminidase treatment by isoelectric focusing on agarose gels followed by immunoblotting or by immunfixation with specific ITI-antiserum. Using this method, three common ITI phenotypes 1, 1–2 and 2, as well as two further rare ITI types 1–3 and 2–3 were disclosed. Genetically, these phenotypes are controlled by three allelic genes that determine a total of six phenotypes. These alleles are designated ITI*1, ITI*2 and ITI*3. The homozygous form of the third allele ITI*3 has not been found, as yet. The frequencies of ITI were examined in two population samples from Southern Germany (n=248) and from Tyrol, Austria (n=124). The gene frequencies of the common alleles ITI*1 and ITI*2 were 0.575 and 0.417, respectively, in Southern Germany, and 0.577 and 0.423, respectively, in Tyrol, Austria. The third allele ITI*3 was found only in the sample from Southern Germany, thus far, and was calculated to be 0.008.  相似文献   
Crepis dinarica andC. froelichiana are two closely related species of theC. praemorsa complex. Even though they exhibit the same chromosome number (2n = 8) and similar idiogram shape, they differ widely in quantity and distribution of heterochromatin bands. The hybrids between these two species comprise three morphological types. Parental genomes were distinguished in hybrids by Giemsa differential staining (C-banding). Although meiosis presents only a few abnormalities (about 2.4%), the percentage of aborted pollen grains is very high (90%).  相似文献   
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) releases different flavonoids from seeds and roots. Imbibing seeds discharge 3′,4′,5,7-substituted flavonoids; roots exude 5-deoxy molecules. Many, but not all, of these flavonoids induce nodulation (nod) genes in Rhizobium meliloti. The dominant flavonoid released from alfalfa seeds is identified here as quercetin-3-O-galactoside, a molecule that does not induce nod genes. Low concentrations (1-10 micromolar) of this compound, as well as luteolin-7-O-glucoside, another major flavonoid released from germinating seeds, and the aglycones, quercetin and luteolin, increase growth rate of R. meliloti in a defined minimal medium. Tests show that the 5,7-dihydroxyl substitution pattern on those molecules was primarily responsible for the growth effect, thus explaining how 5-deoxy flavonoids in root exudates fail to enhance growth of R. meliloti. Luteolin increases growth by a mechanism separate from its capacity to induce rhizobial nod genes, because it still enhanced growth rate of R. meliloti lacking functional copies of the three known nodD genes. Quercetin and luteolin also increased growth rate of Pseudomonas putida. They had no effect on growth rate of Bacillus subtilis or Agrobacterium tumefaciens, but they slowed growth of two fungal pathogens of alfalfa. These results suggest that alfalfa can create ecochemical zones for controlling soil microbes by releasing structurally different flavonoids from seeds and roots.  相似文献   
To address the claim that filaments polymerized from highly purified (gel-filtered) F-actin acquire the elastic properties of a solid attributable to chemical cross-linking, we measured the rheologic spectrum of the dynamic storage modulus, G', and loss modulus, G' from 5 x 10(-4) to 0.5 Hz for gel-filtered actin alone and in the presence of the actin shortening protein, gelsolin. We confirmed that gel-filtered filamentous actin is a highly elastic material as evidenced by a relatively frequency-independent G', which is consistent with either topologically constrained filaments or a chemically cross-linked gel. Introduction of gel-filtered actin oligomers, however, caused the behavior of gel-filtered actin to become more frequency-dependent and almost identical to that of non-gel-filtered actin, suggesting that the effect of gel filtration on the mechanical behavior of actin is topologic. This conclusion is further supported by the finding that shortening of the actin filaments by the addition of gelsolin at molar ratios to actin of from 1:8000 to 1:500 causes a gradual decrease in elasticity and increase in the amount of flow.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Verlauf der Sehbahn und die Lokalisation der optischen Zentren wurden bei Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii (nordamerikanischer Ammernfink) nach einseitiger Augenexstirpation mit den Techniken von Nauta-Fink-Heimer, Bodian und Bielschowsky erforscht. Die Untersuchungen erstreckten sich über einen Zeitraum von 3 bis zu 120 Tagen nach der Operation. Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii besitzt ein für Vögel typisches visuelles System. Die Hauptmasse der Optikusfasern endet im Stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale des Tectum opticum. Weitere zentrale Endgebiete sind: Nucleus geniculatus lateralis, Nucleus lateralis anterior, Nucleus superficialis synencephali, Nucleus externus, tectales Grau und Nucleus ectomamillaris als Kern der basalen optischen Wurzel. Alle Fasern werden im Chiasma opticum total gekreuzt, auch der Tractus isthmo-opticus, ein efferentes Bündel, dessen Ursprung im Nucleus isthmo-opticus zu finden ist. Dieses efferente Fasersystem läßt sich im Stumpf des durchtrennten N. opticus noch 120 Tage nach der Operation gut versilbern. Eine direkte Verbindung von Retina und Hypothalamus war lichtmikroskopisch nicht nachweisbar. Neurosekretorisch aktive Zellen des Hypothalamus können zwar einen engen räumlichen Kontakt mit den optischen Fasern haben, Synapsen sind aber an diesen Stellen nicht zu erkennen. Es werden passagere Opticusfasern beschrieben, die auf dem Weg zum Nucleus lateralis anterior und Nucleus superficialis synencephali den Hypothalamus durchsetzen.
Neurohistological and experimental studies of the visual system in Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii
Summary The course of the optic pathways and the positions of the optic centers have been investigated with unilaterally enucleated white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, using the techniques of Nauta-Fink-Heimer, Bodian, and Bielachowsky. The investigation involved birds examined 3–120 days after enucleation. The white-crowned sparrow has a typically avian visual system. The major bundles of optic fibers terminate in the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale of the tectum opticum. Further terminal areas are the nucleus geniculatus lateralis, nucleus lateralis anterior, nucleus superficialis synencephali, nucleus externus, the tectal gray, and the nucleus ectomamillaris of the basal optic root. There is a complete crossing of all fibers in the chiasma, including those of the tractus isthmo-opticus, an efferent bundle with its origin in the nucleus isthmo-opticus. This efferent fiber system can be well impregnated in the stump of the sectioned optic nerve up to 120 days after the operation. No direct connection between the retina and hypothalamus could be demonstrated by light microscopy. Hypothalamic neurosecretory cells can occur in close contact with optic fibers but no synapses have been recognized. Some optic fibers pass through the hypothalamus enroute to the nucleus lateralis anterior and the nucleus superficialis synencephali.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Herrn Prof. Dr. D.S. Farner, Department of Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., danke ich für die Förderung dieser Studien (National Institutes of Health Research Grant No. 5 ROI NB 06187 to Professor D. S. Farner).  相似文献   
The pseudanthia ofHeliopsis scabra andRudbeckia vulgaris (Asteraceae) were examined during the anthesis for differences in their UV patterns. Distinct changes in the reflectance and absorbance properties could be observed. The results suggest a close correlation between different stages of floral development and pollinator attraction.
Herrn Prof. Dr.Lothar Geitler zum 90. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
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