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Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a type-II membrane glycoprotein that was initially identified in LNCaP cells. It is expressed at elevated levels in prostate cancer. In view of the correlation between the expression levels of PSMA and disease grade and stage, PSMA is considered to be one of the most promising biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. In LNCaP cells PSMA undergoes internalization via clathrin-coated pits followed by accumulation in the endosomes. PSMA associates with different types of detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) along the secretory pathway. Its mature form is mainly insoluble in Lubrol WX, but does not associate with Triton X-100-DRMs. To understand the mechanism of PSMA internalization we investigated its association during internalization with DRMs. For this purpose, internalization was induced by antibody cross-linking. We demonstrate at the biochemical and cell biological levels that: [i] exclusively homodimers of PSMA are associated with Lubrol WX-DRMs, [ii] antibody-induced cross-linking of PSMA molecules results in a time-dependent partitioning into another DRMs type, namely Triton X-100-DRMs, and [iii] concomitant with its association with Triton-X-100-DRMs internalization of PSMA occurs along tubulin filaments. In a previous work (Colombatti et al. (2009) PLoS One 4: e4608) we demonstrated that the small GTPases RAS and RAC1 and the MAPKs p38 and ERK1/2 are activated during antibody cross-linking. As downstream effects of this activation we observed a strong induction of NF-kB associated with an increased expression of IL-6 and CCL5 genes and that IL-6 and CCL5 enhanced the proliferative potential of LNCaP cells synergistically. These observations together with findings reported here hypothesize a fundamental role of DRMs during activation of PSMA as platforms for trafficking, endocytosis and signalling. Understanding these mechanisms constitutes an essential prerequisite for utilization of PSMA as a therapeutically suitable target in prostate cancer.  相似文献   
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of the "sandwich-type" for sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) has been developed. A rabbit anti-SHBG antibody (RAb) is immobilized to the microtitre plate. After incubation with standards and samples a second monospecific rabbit anti-SHBG antibody, labelled with alkaline phosphatase is added (RAb). Following further washing substrate is added, colour developed and the plate read at 405 nm wavelength on a standard ELISA plate reader. The assay is not influenced by the presence of steroids at the binding site, and shows good agreement to SHBG binding capacity assay and commercially available IRMA. Its sensitivity, specificity and precision allows its use in the routine laboratory. The SHBG ELISA has been used to measure SHBG concentrations in sera of normal men, women, pregnant women, and women receiving high-dose medroxyprogesterone acetate as a treatment of metastatic breast cancer.  相似文献   
Summary A linear mitochondrial plasmid reported to be associated with cytoplasmic male sterility in the genus Brassica was analyzed. A protein was found to be associated with the 5 ends of the plasmid. The entire plasmid was cloned by the homopolymer tailing technique via free hydroxyl groups present at its 3 ends. DNA sequence analysis of the cloned plasmid revealed a perfect terminal inverted repeat of 325 base pairs. Southern hybridization and restriction enzyme mapping analysis confirmed colinearity of the native plasmid and the clone, which showed significant homology with organelle DNA but not with nuclear DNA. Under high-stringency hybridization conditions, an internal 4.6 kb fragment of the 11.5 kb plasmid hybridized to the main mitochondrial genome in several species. Although the hybridization signal was weaker, the chloroplast genome also showed homology to the mitochondrial plasmid. The plasmid was undetectable at a molar ratio of less than 1/10 000 of the main mitochondrial genome in some lines of Brassica and Raphanus that contain the Ogura male sterile cytoplasm (cms). The absence of the plasmid in these sterile lines demonstrates that the plasmid is not required for the expression and maternal inheritance of male sterility.  相似文献   
Crepis dinarica andC. froelichiana are two closely related species of theC. praemorsa complex. Even though they exhibit the same chromosome number (2n = 8) and similar idiogram shape, they differ widely in quantity and distribution of heterochromatin bands. The hybrids between these two species comprise three morphological types. Parental genomes were distinguished in hybrids by Giemsa differential staining (C-banding). Although meiosis presents only a few abnormalities (about 2.4%), the percentage of aborted pollen grains is very high (90%).  相似文献   
We used the simple method of direct cytofluorescence to detect the presence of the aminoglycoside, streptomycin, in the inner ear after its systemic administration. In the cochlea, fluorescence was observed in the organ of Corti, the spiral ganglion, the nerve fibres, the vascular stria and Reissner's membrane; in the vestibulum, fluorescence was seen in the crista ampullaris and the planum semilunatum. The localization of the drug was related to the distribution of its specific receptor, triphosphoinositide (TPI); therefore, it is reasonable to assume that aminoglycosides exert their toxic effects by binding to TPI.  相似文献   
The metabolism of 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine (DHPG), one of the most promising new anti-herpes virus compounds, in HeLa cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 was compared with that in the uninfected HeLa cells. In the virus-infected cells, the uptake of DHPG was enhanced and the major metabolites were found to be the mono-, di-, and triphosphate derivatives. The formation of these metabolites was dependent on the extracellular concentration of DHPG (0.5 to 5.0 microM). Virus-induced thymidine kinase was capable of phosphorylating DHPG to its monophosphate which could be further phosphorylated to the di- and triphosphate derivatives by the host cellular enzymes. Incorporation of the DHPG into DNA was observed in virus-infected cells. In contrast with 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine, DHPG seemed not to serve as a chain terminator, but to be incorporated internally into DNA strands.  相似文献   
Hemidesmosome formation in vitro   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Intact, viable sheets of adult rabbit corneal epithelium, 9 mm in diameter, were prepared by the Dispase II method (Gipson, I. K., and S. M. Grill, 1982, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 23:269-273). The sheets, freed of the basal lamina, retained their desmosomes and stratified epithelial characteristics, but lacked hemidesmosomes (HD). Epithelial sheets were placed on fresh segments of corneal stroma with denuded basal laminae and incubated in serum-free media for 1, 3, 6, 18, or 24 h. Tissue was processed for electron microscopy, and the number of HD/micron membrane, the number of HDs with anchoring fibrils directly across the lamina densa from them, and the number of anchoring fibrils not associated with HDs were counted. After 6 h in culture, the number of newly formed HD was 82% of controls (normal rabbit corneas), and by 24 h the number had reached 95% of controls. At all time periods studied, 80-86% of HDs had anchoring fibrils directly across the lamina densa from them. Anchoring fibrils not associated with HDs decreased with culture time. These data indicate that the sites where anchoring fibrils insert into the lamina densa may be nucleation sites for new HD formation. Corneal epithelial sheets placed on two other ocular basal laminae, Descemet's membrane and lens capsule, had not formed HDs after 24 h in culture. These two laminae do not have anchoring fibrils associated with them. Rabbit epithelial sheets placed on the denuded epithelial basal lamina of rat and human corneas formed new HDs. Thus, at least in these mammalian species, HD formation may involve some of the same molecular components.  相似文献   
Polystoma marmorati n. sp. is described as a new polystomatid species parasitic in the urinary bladder of the painted reed frog Hyperolius marmoratus marmoratus collected in southern Natal, South Africa. Parasite prevalence varied from 14.5 to 47.4% and the mean intensity from 1.0 to 1.1. The hamuli of the new species have a characteristic, partly fragmented appearance, a feature also seen in Polystoma batchvarivi, the only other polystome described from a species of the genus Hyperolius. The similarity between the two species, in spite of their geographical separation, is commented upon.  相似文献   
For many years, the high prevalence of the fragile X syndrome was thought to be caused by a high mutation frequency. The recent isolation of the FMR1 gene and identification of the most prevalent mutation enable a more precise study of the fragile X mutation. As the vast majority of fragile X patients show amplification of an unstable trinucleotide repeat, DNA studies can now trace back the origin of the fragile X mutation. To date, de novo mutations leading to amplification of the CGG repeat have not yet been detected. Recently, linkage disequilibrium was found in the Australian and US populations between the fragile X mutation and adjacent polymorphic markers, suggesting a founder effect of the fragile X mutation. We present here a molecular study of Belgian and Dutch fragile X families. No de novo mutations could be found in 54 of these families. Moreover, we found significant (P < 0.0001) linkage disequilibrium in 68 unrelated fragile X patients between the fragile X mutation and an adjacent polymorphic microsatellite at DXS548. This suggests that a founder effect of the fragile X mutation also exists in the Belgian and Dutch populations. Both the absence of new mutations and the presence of linkage disequilibrium suggest that a few ancestral mutations are responsible for most of the patients with fragile X syndrome.  相似文献   
Previous reports from this laboratory (1–4) described the perbenzoylation of neutral glycosphingolipids (GSL)1 with benzoyl chloride in pyridine and analysis of the perbenzoylated derivatives by high performance liquid chromatography (hplc). A disadvantage of this procedure is that N-benzoylation occurs as well as the desired O-benzoylation. This does not permit recovery of the parent GSL after mild alkaline hydrolysis due to formation of a mixture of N-acylated and N-benzoylated GSLs(1). It has also been demonstrated that the benzoylation with benzoic anhydride in pyridine does not lead to the formation of N-benzoylated products. However, the anhydride reaction is sluggish and the benzoyl chloride method has been the preferred procedure.Gupta et al. (5) used N,N-dimethyl-4 amino pyridine (DMAP) as a catalyst in the acylation of phospholipids by the anhydrides of fatty acids. F. B. Jungalwala (private communication) has shown that this catalyst greatly accelerates the reaction of benzoic anhydride with sulfatides.In this communication we report the preparation and hplc analysis of per-O-benzoyl derivatives of GSLs by reaction with benzoic acid anhydride in the presence of DMAP as a catalyst. Reaction with these reagents avoids amide acylation, forms single products with satisfactory chromatographic properties and parent GSLs can be regenerated by mild alkaline hydrolysis.  相似文献   
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