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Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations of the G101 phage were isolated after mutagenesis with hydroxylamine. A complementation analysis of 61ts mutants showed that these mutants may be divided into at least 12 complementation groups. Twots mutants probably originated in genes which control lytic functions of the G101 phage. It was shown by three factor crosses that all of the 12ts mutations tested are localized on that side of the “c” region where the probablecI repressor gene is positioned. Sevents mutations is closely linked to thecI 26 clear marker, three exhibit a closer linkage and two do not exhibit any linkage withcI. All mutations isolated until now can be arrange linearly. According to the present knowledge the preliminary genetic map of the G101 phage is linear.  相似文献   
DNA complexes with polypeptides (Lys-Ala-Ala)1)] and (Lys-Ala-Ala)34 have been studied using the methods of thermal melting and circular dichroism. Derivative melting curves of (Lys-Ala-Ala)10 DNA differed substantially from those of (Lys-Ala-Ala)34 prepared either by salt gradient dialysis or by direct mixing. Melting curves of the former complex were unimodal or bimodal with Tm increasing continuously withn input lysin-to-DNA phosphate ratio (r); those of the latter complex consisted of three separate transitions with Tm values almost independent of r. Complete reversibility of binding in the (Lys-Ala-Ala)10-DNA system but a slow redistribution of (Lys-Ala-Ala)34 on DNA at low temperature were found in the redistribution experiments Much faster redistribution from denatured to native DNA occurs at the temperature of melting, contributing to the unusual trimodal melting pattern. Circular dichroism curves are very similar for both complexes and indicate little change of DNA conformation upon polypeptide binding.  相似文献   
Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a type-II membrane glycoprotein that was initially identified in LNCaP cells. It is expressed at elevated levels in prostate cancer. In view of the correlation between the expression levels of PSMA and disease grade and stage, PSMA is considered to be one of the most promising biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. In LNCaP cells PSMA undergoes internalization via clathrin-coated pits followed by accumulation in the endosomes. PSMA associates with different types of detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) along the secretory pathway. Its mature form is mainly insoluble in Lubrol WX, but does not associate with Triton X-100-DRMs. To understand the mechanism of PSMA internalization we investigated its association during internalization with DRMs. For this purpose, internalization was induced by antibody cross-linking. We demonstrate at the biochemical and cell biological levels that: [i] exclusively homodimers of PSMA are associated with Lubrol WX-DRMs, [ii] antibody-induced cross-linking of PSMA molecules results in a time-dependent partitioning into another DRMs type, namely Triton X-100-DRMs, and [iii] concomitant with its association with Triton-X-100-DRMs internalization of PSMA occurs along tubulin filaments. In a previous work (Colombatti et al. (2009) PLoS One 4: e4608) we demonstrated that the small GTPases RAS and RAC1 and the MAPKs p38 and ERK1/2 are activated during antibody cross-linking. As downstream effects of this activation we observed a strong induction of NF-kB associated with an increased expression of IL-6 and CCL5 genes and that IL-6 and CCL5 enhanced the proliferative potential of LNCaP cells synergistically. These observations together with findings reported here hypothesize a fundamental role of DRMs during activation of PSMA as platforms for trafficking, endocytosis and signalling. Understanding these mechanisms constitutes an essential prerequisite for utilization of PSMA as a therapeutically suitable target in prostate cancer.  相似文献   
Pregnancy is characterized by a complexity of metabolic processes that may impact fetal development and ultimately, infant health outcomes. However, our understanding of whole body maternal and fetal metabolism during this critical life stage remains incomplete. The objective of this study is to utilize metabolomics to profile longitudinal patterns of fasting maternal metabolites among a cohort of non-diabetic, healthy pregnant women in order to advance our understanding of changes in protein and lipid concentrations across gestation, the biochemical pathways by which they are metabolized and to describe variation in maternal metabolites between ethnic groups. Among 160 pregnant women, amino acids, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates, keto-bodies and non-esterified fatty acids were detected by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, while polar lipids were detected through flow-injected mass spectrometry. The maternal plasma concentration of several essential and non-essential amino acids, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, free carnitine, acetylcarnitine, phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins significantly decreased across pregnancy. Concentrations of several TCA intermediates increase as pregnancy progresses, as well as the keto-body β-hydroxybutyrate. Ratios of specific acylcarnitines used as indicators of metabolic pathways suggest a decreased beta-oxidation rate and increased carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 enzyme activity with advancing gestation. Decreasing amino acid concentrations likely reflects placental uptake and tissue biosynthesis. The absence of any increase in plasma non-esterified fatty acids is unexpected in the catabolic phase of later pregnancy and may reflect enhanced placental fatty acid uptake and utilization for fetal tissue growth. While it appears that energy production through the TCA cycle increases as pregnancy progresses, decreasing patterns of free carnitine and acetylcarnitine as well as increased carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 rate and β-hydroxybutyrate levels suggest a concomitant upregulation of ketogenesis to ensure sufficient energy supply in the fasting state. Several differences in metabolomic profiles between Hispanic and non-Hispanic women demonstrate phenotypic variations in prenatal metabolism which should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   
High-performance liquid chromatography was used to estimate 3-ketolactose and 3-ketosucrose in cultures of agrobacteria. The activities of enzymes that convert the disaccharide substrate were evaluated during batch cultivation ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens on sucrose, maltose, and lactose. The highest activity of glucoside 3-dehydrogenase and a slight activity of disaccharide-hydrolyzing enzymes were found in cells grown on lactose. Nongrowing cells converted lactose to 3-ketolactose faster than immobilized cells did. Immobilization of cells into polysaccharide gels did not stabilize the activity of glucoside 3-dehydrogenase. Glutaraldehyde cross-linking of the cell content led to an inactivation of the respiratory chain but Fe3+ could be used as an electron acceptor. Cells treated with glutaraldehyde converted lactose faster than nongrowing ones but the activity of glucoside 3-dehydrogenase was not stable.  相似文献   
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