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Biofuel production from palm oil with supercritical methanol (SCM) and supercritical ethanol (SCE) at 400 °C and 15 MPa were evaluated. At the optimal alcohol to oil molar ratios of 12:1 and 18:1 for the SCM and SCE processes, respectively, the biofuel samples were synthesized in a 1.2-L reactor and the resulting biofuel was analyzed for the key properties including those for the diesel and biodiesel standard specifications. Biofuel samples derived from both the SCM and SCE processes could be used as an alternative fuel after slight improvement in their acid value and free glycerol content. The remarkable advantages of this novel process were: the additional fuel yield of approximately of 5% and 10% for SCM and SCE, respectively; the lower energy consumption for alcohol preheating, pumping and recovering than the biodiesel production with supercritical alcohols that use a high alcohol to oil molar ratio of 42:1.  相似文献   
Efficacy of peritoneal dialysis is determined by solute transport through peritoneal membranes. With the use of the peritoneal equilibration test (PET), peritoneal membranes can be classified as high (H), high average (HA), low average (LA), and low (L) transporters, based on the removal or transport rate of solutes, which are small molecules. Whether there is any difference in macromolecules (i.e., proteins) removed by different types of peritoneal membranes remains unclear. We performed a gel-based differential proteomics study of peritoneal dialysate effluents (PDE) obtained from chronic peritoneal dialysis (CPD) patients with H, HA, LA, and L transport rates (n=5 for each group; total n=20). Quantitative analysis and ANOVA with Tukey's posthoc multiple comparisons revealed five proteins whose abundance in PDE significantly differed among groups. These proteins were successfully identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization quadrupole time-of-flight (MALDI-Q-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analyses, including serum albumin in a complex with myristic acid and triiodobenzoic acid, alpha1-antitrypsin, complement component C4A, immunoglobulin kappa light chain, and apolipoprotein A-I. The differences among groups in PDE levels of C4A and immunoglobulin kappa were clearly confirmed in a validation set of the other 24 patients (n=6 for each group) using ELISA. These data may lead to better understanding of the physiology of peritoneal membrane transport in CPD patients. Extending the study to a larger number of patients with subgroup analyses may yield additional information of the peritoneal dialysate proteins in association with dialysis adequacy, residual renal function, nutritional status, and risk of peritoneal infection.  相似文献   
Chronic pressure overload (PO) and volume overload (VO) result in morphologically and functionally distinct forms of myocardial hypertrophy. However, the molecular mechanism initiating these two types of hypertrophy is not yet understood. Data obtained from different cell types have indicated that the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) comprising c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and p38 play an important role in transmitting signals of stress stimuli to elicit the cellular response. We tested the hypothesis that early induction of MAPKs differs in two types of overload on the heart and associates with distinct expression of hypertrophic marker genes, namely ANF, α-myosin heavy chain (α-MHC), and β-MHC. In rats, VO was induced by aortocaval shunt and PO by constriction of the abdominal aorta. The PO animals were further divided into two groups depending on the severity of the constriction, mild (MPO) and severe pressure overload (SPO), having 35 and 85% aortic constriction, respectively. Early changes in MAPK activity (2–120 min and 1 to 2 d) were analyzed by the in vitro kinase assay using kinase-specific antibodies for p38, JNK, and ERK2. The change in expression of hypertrophy marker genes was examined by Northern blot analysis. In VO hypertrophy, the activity of p38 was markedly increased (10-fold), without changing the activity of ERK and JNK. However, during PO hypertrophy, the activity of JNK was significantly increased (two-to sixfold) and depended on the severity of the load. The activity of p38 was not changed in MPO hypertrophy, whereas it was slightly elevated (50%) in hearts with SPO. Similarly, ERK activity was not changed in hearts with MPO, but a transient rise in activity was observed in hearts with SPO. The expression of ANF and β-MHC genes was elevated in both PO and VO hypertrophy; however, this change was much greater in hearts subjected to PO than VO hypertrophy. α-MHC expression was downregulated in PO but remained unchanged in VO hypertrophy hearts. Thus, these results demonstrate differential activation of MAPKs in two types of cardiac hypertrophy and this, in part, may contribute to differential expression of cardiac muscle gene expression, giving rise to unique cardiac phenotype associated with different hemodynamic overloads.  相似文献   
The seasonal abundance and reproductive cycle of the flyingfish Hirundichthys affinis was studied near Barbados. H. affinis shows large seasonal variation in abundance. They are common between December and June and scarce from July to November. The population size structure of H. affinis was determined by fishing with four different mesh sizes throughout one year. There appear to be two cohorts of H. affinis present in May and June, one of immature fish with a mean size of 19.8cm FL, and one of mature fish with a mean size of 21.7cm FL. From September to April there is only a single cohort of maturing fish with a mean size that increases from 20.4cm FL in September to 22.0cm FL in April. H. affinis spawns throughout the fishing-season (December–June) and shows a peak in spawning activity from March to June. Immature fish are present in Barbados waters from July to November but in very low abundance. Surface water temperature, wind speed and swell height are the only environmental factors with which catch rate of H. affinis showed significant correlation. Catch rate appears to be negatively correlated with temperature, whereas for wind speed and swell height there are optima. Three hypotheses for the seasonal variation in abundance of H. affinis were examined. The hypothesis that this species remains dispersed near Barbados during the off-season was rejected. The other hypotheses were refined. Both post-spawning mortality, resulting in an interval of low abundance between cohorts (non-overlapping generations), and migration of fish away from Barbados at the end of the fishing season, remain possible explanations for the observed seasonal variation in abundance of this species.  相似文献   
The bacterial probiont Bacillus S11 (BS11) was used as a supplement in feed (PF) for black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon in 2 earthen pond field-trials carried out for 100 d during 2 different seasons in Thailand. Growth and survival were compared with those of shrimp receiving an unsupplemented feed (UF). In the hot and cool seasons, respectively, shrimp fed PF grew significantly larger and had significantly higher survival than shrimp fed UF (p < 0.05). Projected yields on an annual basis (two 100 d crops) were 49% greater with PF-fed shrimp. In 8 d challenge tests using the luminescent bacterium Vibrio harveyi 1526, shrimp fed UF all died within 6 d while survival for shrimp fed PF was 5 and 9%.  相似文献   
The Andaman Sea and other macrotidal semi-enclosed tropical seas feature large amplitude internal waves (LAIW). Although LAIW induce strong fluctuations i.e. of temperature, pH, and nutrients, their influence on reef development is so far unknown. A better-known source of disturbance is the monsoon affecting corals due to turbulent mixing and sedimentation. Because in the Andaman Sea both, LAIW and monsoon, act from the same westerly direction their relative contribution to reef development is difficult to discern. Here, we explore the framework development in a number of offshore island locations subjected to differential LAIW- and SW-monsoon impact to address this open question. Cumulative negative temperature anomalies – a proxy for LAIW impact – explained a higher percentage of the variability in coral reef framework height, than sedimentation rates which resulted mainly from the monsoon. Temperature anomalies and sediment grain size provided the best correlation with framework height suggesting that so far neglected subsurface processes (LAIW) play a significant role in shaping coral reefs.  相似文献   
Immunohistochemical study using monoclonal antibodies specific to various shrimp viruses and Vibrio spp. was performed in shrimp samples died from unknown cause with symptoms of black stripes on lateral sides of cephalothorax or smoky body coloration. The positive results in muscular tissue were obtained with MAb VAL57 (specific to Vibrio spp.) and in hepatopancreas tissues with MAbs VVB158 (specific to V. vulnificus) and VPC701 (specific to V. parahaemolyticus). Twelve isolates of Vibrio spp. isolated from shrimp tissues were identified with various MAbs by dot blotting, biochemical tests and 16S rRNA gene. The results revealed three groups of V. vulnificus and one group of V. shilonii. All four groups of isolated Vibrio spp. were immunologically and biochemically different. None of the V. parahaemolyticus-like bacterium was isolated. The results demonstrated that the mortality in shrimp is accompanied by the presence of Vibrio spp.  相似文献   
Coral reefs are facing rapidly changing environments, but implications for reef ecosystem functioning and important services, such as productivity, are difficult to predict. Comparative investigations on coral reefs that are naturally exposed to differing environmental settings can provide essential information in this context. One prevalent phenomenon regularly introducing alterations in water chemistry into coral reefs are internal waves. This study therefore investigates the effect of large amplitude internal waves (LAIW) on primary productivity in coral reefs at the Similan Islands (Andaman Sea, Thailand). The LAIW-exposed west sides of the islands are subjected to sudden drops in water temperature accompanied by enhanced inorganic nutrient concentrations compared to the sheltered east. At the central island, Ko Miang, east and west reefs are only few hundred meters apart, but feature pronounced differences. On the west lower live coral cover (-38 %) coincides with higher turf algae cover (+64 %) and growth (+54 %) compared to the east side. Turf algae and the reef sand-associated microphytobenthos displayed similar chlorophyll a contents on both island sides, but under LAIW exposure, turf algae exhibited higher net photosynthesis (+23 %), whereas the microphytobenthos displayed reduced net and gross photosynthesis (-19 % and -26 %, respectively) accompanied by lower respiration (-42 %). In contrast, the predominant coral Porites lutea showed higher chlorophyll a tissues contents (+42 %) on the LAIW-exposed west in response to lower light availability and higher inorganic nutrient concentrations, but net photosynthesis was comparable for both sides. Turf algae were the major primary producers on the west side, whereas microphytobenthos dominated on the east. The overall primary production rate (comprising all main benthic primary producers) was similar on both island sides, which indicates high primary production variability under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   
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