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We assessed how consequences of future land-use change may affect size and spatial shifts of C stocks under three potential trends in policy—(a) business-as-usual: continuation of land-use trends observed during the past 15 years; (b) extensification: full extensification of open-land; and (c) liberalization: full reforestation potential. The build-up times for the three scenarios are estimated at 30, 80 and 100 years, respectively. Potential C-stock change rates are derived from the literature. Whereas the business-as-usual scenario would cause marginal changes of 0.5%, liberalization would provoke a 13% increase in C stocks (+62 MtC). Gains of 24% would be expected for forests (+95 MtC), whereas open-land C stock would decrease 27% (−33 MtC). Extensification would lead to a C stock decrease of 3% (−12 MtC). Whereas forest C is expected to increase 12% (+36.5 MtC) at high elevations, stocks of open-land C would decline 38.5% (−48.5 MtC). Most affected are unfavorable grasslands, which increase in area (+59%) but contribute only 14.5% to the C stocks. C sinks would amount to 0.6 MtC y−1 assuming a build-up time of 100 years for the liberalization scenario. C stocks on the current forest area are increasing by 1 MtC y−1. The maximal total C sink of 1.6 MtC might thus suffice to compensate for agricultural greenhouse gases (2004: 1.4 Mt CO2–C equivalents), but corresponds only to 11–13% of the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission in Switzerland. Thus, even the largest of the expected terrestrial C stocks under liberalization will be small in comparison with current emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis, or neovascularization, is known to play an important role in the neoplastic progression leading to metastasis. CD31 or Factor VIII-related antigen (F VIII RAg) immunohistochemistry is widely used in experimental studies for quantifying tumor neovascularization in immunocompromised animal models implanted with transformed human cell lines. Quantification, however, can be affected by variations in the methodology used to measure vascularization including antibody selection, antigen retrieval (AR) pretreatment, and evaluation techniques. To examine this further, we investigated the microvessel density (MVD) and the intensity of microvascular staining among five different human tumor xenografts and a mouse syngeneic tumor using anti-CD31 and F VIII RAg immunohistochemical staining. Different AR methods also were evaluated. Maximal retrieval of CD31 was achieved using 0.5 M Tris (pH 10) buffer, while maximum retrieval of F VIII RAg was achieved using 0.05% pepsin treatment of tissue sections. For each optimized retrieval condition, anti-CD31 highlighted small vessels better than F VIII RAg. Furthermore, the MVD of CD31 was significantly greater than that of F VIII RAg decorated vessels (p<0.001). The choice of antibody and AR method has a significant affect on immunohistochemical findings when studying angiogenesis. One also must use caution when comparing studies in the literature that use different techniques and reagents.  相似文献   
To explain differences in gut microbial communities we must determine how processes regulating microbial community assembly (colonization, persistence) differ among hosts and affect microbiota composition. We surveyed the gut microbiota of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from 10 geographically clustered populations and sequenced environmental samples to track potential colonizing microbes and quantify the effects of host environment and genotype. Gut microbiota composition and diversity varied among populations. These among-population differences were associated with multiple covarying ecological variables: habitat type (lake, stream, estuary), lake geomorphology and food- (but not water-) associated microbiota. Fish genotype also covaried with gut microbiota composition; more genetically divergent populations exhibited more divergent gut microbiota. Our results suggest that population level differences in stickleback gut microbiota may depend more on internal sorting processes (host genotype) than on colonization processes (transient environmental effects).  相似文献   
We isolated 12 microsatellite loci for the epiphytic lichen-forming ascomycete Lobaria pulmonaria and studied their patterns of variation within and among populations from Canada and Switzerland. Even though several microsatellites exhibited high levels of variability at different spatial scales, we did not find any evidence for intrathalline variation. Most of the genetic variation was attributed to differences among individuals within populations. High genetic variation was also detected among L. pulmonaria samples taken from individual trees, suggesting that either multiple colonization events had occurred or that local recombination is frequent. The geographically structured distribution of alleles from several microsatellites indicated that L. pulmonaria from Canada and Switzerland represent two distinct evolutionary lineages. The potential to identify multiple alleles, and their transferability to closely related species, make microsatellites an ideal tool to study dispersal, population differentiation, and microevolution in lichens.  相似文献   
AIMS: To identify the most effective mixture of non-esterified lauric (C12) and myristic (C14) acid in suppressing ruminal methanogenesis, and to investigate their effects on the methanogenic population. METHODS AND RESULTS: C12/C14 mixtures were incubated with rumen fluid using the Hohenheim gas test apparatus. Methane production and the numbers of Archaea declined with an increasing proportion of C12. With a 2 : 1 proportion of C12/C14, the maximum methane-suppressing effect (96%) was achieved similar to that with C12 alone. The proportions of the individual methanogenic orders of total methanogens were altered by varying the C12/C14 ratio. CONCLUSIONS: Although C14 alone had no effect on methanogenesis, C14 enhanced the methane-suppressing effect of C12 in certain mixtures. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results support strategies for an environment-friendly ruminant nutrition as it was demonstrated that part of the less palatable C12 could be replaced by C14 without losing its methane-suppressing potential.  相似文献   
Recent studies have implicated the dying cell as a potential reservoir of modified autoantigens that might initiate and drive systemic autoimmunity in susceptible hosts. A number of subunits of the exosome, a complex of 3'→5' exoribonucleases that functions in a variety of cellular processes, are recognized by the so-called anti-PM/Scl autoantibodies, found predominantly in patients suffering from an overlap syndrome of myositis and scleroderma. Here we show that one of these subunits, PM/Scl-75, is cleaved during apoptosis. PM/Scl-75 cleavage is inhibited by several different caspase inhibitors. The analysis of PM/Scl-75 cleavage by recombinant caspase proteins shows that PM/Scl-75 is efficiently cleaved by caspase-1, to a smaller extent by caspase-8, and relatively inefficiently by caspase-3 and caspase-7. Cleavage of the PM/Scl-75 protein occurs in the C-terminal part of the protein at Asp369 (IILD369↓G), and at least a fraction of the resulting N-terminal fragments of PM/Scl-75 remains associated with the exosome. Finally, the implications of PM/Scl-75 cleavage for exosome function and the generation of anti-PM/Scl-75 autoantibodies are discussed.  相似文献   
It is assumed that small herbivores produce negligible amounts of methane, but it is unclear whether this is a physiological peculiarity or simply a scaling effect. A respiratory chamber experiment was conducted with six rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus, 1.57 ± 0.31 kg body mass) and six guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus, 0.79 ± 0.07 kg) offered grass hay ad libitum. Daily dry matter (DM) intake and DM digestibility were 50 ± 6 g kg? 0.75 d? 1 and 55 ± 6% in rabbits and 59 ± 11 g kg? 0.75 d? 1 and 61 ± 3% in guinea pigs, respectively. Methane production was similar for both species (0.20 ± 0.10 L d? 1 and 0.22 ± 0.08 L d? 1) and represented 0.69 ± 0.32 and 1.03 ± 0.29% of gross energy intake in rabbits and guinea pigs, respectively. In relation to body mass (BM) guinea pigs produced significantly more methane. The data on methane per unit of BM obtained in this study and from the literature on the methane output of elephant, wallabies and hyraxes all lay close to a regression line derived from roughage-fed horses, showing an increase in methane output with BM. The regression, including all data, was nearly identical to that based on the horse data only (methane production in horses [L d? 1] = 0.18 BM [kg]0.97 (95%CI 0.92–1.02)) and indicates linear scaling. Because feed intake typically scales to BM0.75, linear scaling of methane output translates into increasing energetic losses at increasing BM. Accordingly, the data collection indicates that an increasing proportion of ingested gross energy is lost because relative methane production increases with BM. Different from ruminants, such losses (1%–2% of gross energy) appear too small in non-ruminant herbivores to represent a physiologic constraint on body size. Nevertheless, this relationship may represent a physiological disadvantage with increasing herbivore body size.  相似文献   
The traditional microscope, together with the “routine” hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) stain, remains the “gold standard” for diagnosis of cancer and other diseases; remarkably, it and the majority of associated biological stains are more than 150 years old. Immunohistochemistry has added to the repertoire of “stains” available. Because of the need for specific identification and even measurement of “biomarkers,” immunohistochemistry has increased the demand for consistency of performance and interpretation of staining results. Rapid advances in the capabilities of digital imaging hardware and software now offer a realistic route to improved reproducibility, accuracy and quantification by utilizing whole slide digital images for diagnosis, education and research. There also are potential efficiencies in work flow and the promise of powerful new analytical methods; however, there also are challenges with respect to validation of the quality and fidelity of digital images, including the standard H & E stain, so that diagnostic performance by pathologists is not compromised when they rely on whole slide images instead of traditional stained tissues on glass slides.  相似文献   


Campylobacter jejuni is the predominant cause of antecedent infection in post-infectious neuropathies such as the Guillain-Barré (GBS) and Miller Fisher syndromes (MFS). GBS and MFS are probably induced by molecular mimicry between human gangliosides and bacterial lipo-oligosaccharides (LOS). This study describes a new C. jejuni-specific high-throughput AFLP (htAFLP) approach for detection and identification of DNA polymorphism, in general, and of putative GBS/MFS-markers, in particular.  相似文献   
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