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Haptoglobin groups and rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Haptoglobin types were determined in 200 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) subdivided according to sex and familial occurrence of polyarthritis. A highly significant excess of the Hp2 gene was found among patients with a family history of polyarthritis, more pronounced among males. The possible association between Hp2 and predisposition for increased immune reactivity is discussed.  相似文献   
1. A method was developed for determination of the uronic acid composition of heparin-like glycosaminoglycans. Polymers or oligosaccharides are degraded to monosaccharides by a combination of acid hydrolysis and deamination with HNO2. The resulting uronic acid monosaccharides (accounting for about 70% of the uronic acid contents of the starting materials) are isolated and converted into the corresponding aldono-1,4-lactones, which are separated by g.l.c. The calculated ratios of glucuronic acid/iduronic acid are reproducible within 5%. 2. Samples of heparin from pig intestinal mucosa (molar ratio of sulphate/disaccharide unit, 2.40) and heparan sulphate from human aorta (sulphate/disaccharide ratio, 0.46) were subjected to uronic acid analysis. l-Iduronic acid constituted 77% and 19% respectively of the total uronic acid contents. 3. The correlation between the contents of sulphate and iduronic acid indicated by this finding also applied to the fractionated deamination products of the two polymers. The sulphated fragments varied in size from disaccharide to octasaccharide (or larger) and showed sulphate/disaccharide molar ratios in the range of 0.05–2.0. The proportion of iduronic acid increased with increasing ester sulphate contents of the oligosaccharides. 4. Previous studies on the biosynthesis of heparin in a cell-free system have shown that l-iduronic acid residues are formed by C-5 epimerization of d-glucuronic acid units at the polymer level; the process requires concomitant sulphation of the polymer. The results obtained in the present structural study conform to these findings, and suggest further that similar mechanisms may operate in the biosynthesis of heparan sulphate. The epimerization reaction appears to be linked to the sulphation of hydroxyl groups but does not seem to require sulphation of the target uronic acid residues. The significance of sulphamino groups in relation to the formation of iduronic acid is unknown.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To determine whether the participants in a clinical trial had perceived adequate information about the trial according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki. DESIGN--About 18 months after the end of a gynaecological clinical trial the participants received a questionnaire by post, which focused on the quality of the information given to them before entering the trial. Neither researchers nor participants were aware in advance that the trial would become the subject of this follow up investigation. SETTING--Eight different centres in Sweden. SUBJECTS--43 women out of the 53 who completed the trial (mean (range) age 23 (16 to 35) years) returned the questionnaire. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Adequacy of the information (based on requirements of the Declaration of Helsinki) to enable the following: understanding of the aims of the study; awareness of what participation meant; and awareness of the possibility of withdrawing from participation at any time. Motives for agreeing to participate, and a subjective evaluation of the given information were also recorded. RESULTS--All but one of the participants had been aware that they were taking part in a research project. Five women stated that they had not been aware that a second laparoscopy was performed only for research reasons. Seven women reported that they had not been aware of the meaning of participating in the project and 17 that they had had no information about the possibility of withdrawing from the study whenever they wanted. In the subjective rating 22 women considered the information given as good or very good. There was a systematic variation in the quality of the given information among the eight centres. CONCLUSION--Although all but one of the participants had been aware that they were taking part in a clinical trial, the quality of the information understood and recalled by participants varied, and in many cases clearly did not meet the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki. Variations among centres in participants'' perception of information suggest that deficiencies in perception may be caused by informers rather than the participants.  相似文献   
One dominating peptic phosphopeptide, Asx-Thr-Lys-Gly-Pro-Glx-Ile-Glx-Thr-Gly-Val-Leu-Arg-Arg-Ala-(32P)SerP-Val-Ala-Glx-Leu, was obtained from rat liver pyruvate kinase (type L) phosphorylated by cyclic 3′,5′-AMP-stimulated protein kinase from the same tissue. The sequence around the phosphorylated serine residue is similar to that of a corresponding but smaller peptic phosphopeptide previously isolated from pig liver (type L) pyruvate kinase, Leu-Arg-Arg-Ala-(32P)SerP-Leu.  相似文献   
It is widely agreed that complex diseases are typically caused by the joint effects of multiple instead of a single genetic variation. These genetic variations may show stronger effects when considered together than when considered individually, a phenomenon known as epistasis or multilocus interaction. In this work, we explore the applicability of information interaction to discover pairwise epistatic effects related with complex diseases. We start by showing that traditional approaches such as classification methods or greedy feature selection methods (such as the Fleuret method) do not perform well on this problem. We then compare our information interaction method with BEAM and SNPHarvester in artificial datasets simulating epistatic interactions and show that our method is more powerful to detect pairwise epistatic interactions than its competitors. We show results of the application of information interaction method to the WTCCC breast cancer dataset. Our results are validated using permutation tests. We were able to find 89 statistically significant pairwise interactions with a p-value lower than . Even though many recent algorithms have been designed to find epistasis with low marginals, we observed that all (except one) of the SNPs involved in statistically significant interactions have moderate or high marginals. We also report that the interactions found in this work were not present in gene-gene interaction network STRING.  相似文献   
The oculomotor role of the basal ganglia has been supported by extensive evidence, although their role in scanning eye movements is poorly understood. Nineteen Parkinsońs disease patients, which underwent implantation of deep brain stimulation electrodes, were investigated with simultaneous intraoperative microelectrode recordings and single channel electrooculography in a scanning eye movement task by viewing a series of colored pictures selected from the International Affective Picture System. Four patients additionally underwent a visually guided saccade task. Microelectrode recordings were analyzed selectively from the subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra pars reticulata and from the globus pallidus by the WaveClus program which allowed for detection and sorting of individual neurons. The relationship between neuronal firing rate and eye movements was studied by crosscorrelation analysis. Out of 183 neurons that were detected, 130 were found in the subthalamic nucleus, 30 in the substantia nigra and 23 in the globus pallidus. Twenty percent of the neurons in each of these structures showed eye movement-related activity. Neurons related to scanning eye movements were mostly unrelated to the visually guided saccades. We conclude that a relatively large number of basal ganglia neurons are involved in eye motion control. Surprisingly, neurons related to scanning eye movements differed from neurons activated during saccades suggesting functional specialization and segregation of both systems for eye movement control.  相似文献   
Despite its century-old use, the interpretation of local field potentials (LFPs), the low-frequency part of electrical signals recorded in the brain, is still debated. In cortex the LFP appears to mainly stem from transmembrane neuronal currents following synaptic input, and obvious questions regarding the ‘locality’ of the LFP are: What is the size of the signal-generating region, i.e., the spatial reach, around a recording contact? How far does the LFP signal extend outside a synaptically activated neuronal population? And how do the answers depend on the temporal frequency of the LFP signal? Experimental inquiries have given conflicting results, and we here pursue a modeling approach based on a well-established biophysical forward-modeling scheme incorporating detailed reconstructed neuronal morphologies in precise calculations of population LFPs including thousands of neurons. The two key factors determining the frequency dependence of LFP are the spatial decay of the single-neuron LFP contribution and the conversion of synaptic input correlations into correlations between single-neuron LFP contributions. Both factors are seen to give low-pass filtering of the LFP signal power. For uncorrelated input only the first factor is relevant, and here a modest reduction (<50%) in the spatial reach is observed for higher frequencies (>100 Hz) compared to the near-DC () value of about . Much larger frequency-dependent effects are seen when populations of pyramidal neurons receive correlated and spatially asymmetric inputs: the low-frequency () LFP power can here be an order of magnitude or more larger than at 60 Hz. Moreover, the low-frequency LFP components have larger spatial reach and extend further outside the active population than high-frequency components. Further, the spatial LFP profiles for such populations typically span the full vertical extent of the dendrites of neurons in the population. Our numerical findings are backed up by an intuitive simplified model for the generation of population LFP.  相似文献   
Upon contact with human plasma, bacteria are rapidly recognized by the complement system that labels their surface for uptake and clearance by phagocytic cells. Staphylococcus aureus secretes the 16 kD Extracellular fibrinogen binding protein (Efb) that binds two different plasma proteins using separate domains: the Efb N-terminus binds to fibrinogen, while the C-terminus binds complement C3. In this study, we show that Efb blocks phagocytosis of S. aureus by human neutrophils. In vitro, we demonstrate that Efb blocks phagocytosis in plasma and in human whole blood. Using a mouse peritonitis model we show that Efb effectively blocks phagocytosis in vivo, either as a purified protein or when produced endogenously by S. aureus. Mutational analysis revealed that Efb requires both its fibrinogen and complement binding residues for phagocytic escape. Using confocal and transmission electron microscopy we show that Efb attracts fibrinogen to the surface of complement-labeled S. aureus generating a ‘capsule’-like shield. This thick layer of fibrinogen shields both surface-bound C3b and antibodies from recognition by phagocytic receptors. This information is critical for future vaccination attempts, since opsonizing antibodies may not function in the presence of Efb. Altogether we discover that Efb from S. aureus uniquely escapes phagocytosis by forming a bridge between a complement and coagulation protein.  相似文献   
We revisit the framework for brain-coupled image search, where the Electroencephalography (EEG) channel under rapid serial visual presentation protocol is used to detect user preferences. Extending previous works on the synergy between content-based image labeling and EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI), we propose a different perspective on iterative coupling. Previously, the iterations were used to improve the set of EEG-based image labels before propagating them to the unseen images for the final retrieval. In our approach we accumulate the evidence of the true labels for each image in the database through iterations. This is done by propagating the EEG-based labels of the presented images at each iteration to the rest of images in the database. Our results demonstrate a continuous improvement of the labeling performance across iterations despite the moderate EEG-based labeling (AUC <75%). The overall analysis is done in terms of the single-trial EEG decoding performance and the image database reorganization quality. Furthermore, we discuss the EEG-based labeling performance with respect to a search task given the same image database.  相似文献   
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