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In vitro toxicity testing for antibacterials against human keratinocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of cultured human keratinocytes in an in vitro comparison of topical antibacterial toxicity for epithelial cells was examined. The complement of three assessments allows testing of epithelial migration, growth, and survival. The three assessments included (1) flow cytometry for determination of cell survival, (2) a comparison of confluent cell culture growth after antibacterial exposures, and (3) an evaluation of cell migration using a technique of dermal explants to study radial migration. A comparative ranking of the toxicities of the various topical antibacterials was determined with the three assessments. This has confirmed anecdotal reports that many of the topical antibacterials are cell-toxic and may inhibit wound healing. This information can be directly extrapolated to the clinical setting, unlike many of the animal data for wound healing that currently exist.  相似文献   
High voltage-activated (HVA) Cav channels form complexes with KCa1.1 channels, allowing reliable activation of KCa1.1 current through a nanodomain interaction. We recently found that low voltage-activated Cav3 calcium channels also create KCa1.1-Cav3 complexes. While coimmunoprecipitation studies again supported a nanodomain interaction, the sensitivity to calcium chelating agents was instead consistent with a microdomain interaction. A computational model of the KCa1.1-Cav3 complex suggested that multiple Cav3 channels were necessary to activate KCa1.1 channels, potentially causing the KCa1.1-Cav3 complex to be more susceptible to calcium chelators. Here, we expanded the model and compared it to a KCa1.1-Cav2.2 model to examine the role of Cav channel conductance and kinetics on KCa1.1 activation. As found for direct recordings, the voltage-dependent and kinetic properties of Cav3 channels were reflected in the activation of KCa1.1 current, including transient activation from lower voltages than other KCa1.1-Cav complexes. Substantial activation of KCa1.1 channels required the concerted activity of several Cav3.2 channels. Combined with the effect of EGTA, these results suggest that the Ca2+ domains of several KCa1.1-Cav3 complexes need to cooperate to generate sufficient [Ca2+]i, despite the physical association between KCa1.1 and Cav3 channels. By comparison, Cav2.2 channels were twice as effective at activating KCa1.1 channels and a single KCa1.1-Cav2.2 complex would be self-sufficient. However, even though Cav3 channels generate small, transient currents, the regulation of KCa1.1 activity by Cav3 channels is possible if multiple complexes cooperate through microdomain interactions.  相似文献   
Gastrokine 1 (GKN1) plays an important role in the gastric mucosal defense mechanism and also acts as a functional gastric tumor suppressor. In this study, we examined the effect of GKN1 on the expression of inflammatory mediators, including NF‐κB, COX‐2, and cytokines in GKN1‐transfected AGS cells and shGKN1‐transfected HFE‐145 cells. Lymphocyte migration and cell viability were also analyzed after treatment with GKN1 and inflammatory cytokines in AGS cells by transwell chemotaxis and an MTT assay, respectively. In GKN1‐transfected AGS cells, we observed inactivation and reduced expression of NF‐κB and COX‐2, whereas shGKN1‐transfected HFE‐145 cells showed activation and increased expression of NF‐κB and COX‐2. GKN1 expression induced production of inflammatory cytokines including IL‐8 and ‐17A, but decreased expression of IL‐6 and ‐10. We also found IL‐17A expression in 9 (13.6%) out of 166 gastric cancer tissues and its expression was closely associated with GKN1 expression. GKN1 also acted as a chemoattractant for the migration of Jurkat T cells and peripheral B lymphocytes in the transwell assay. In addition, GKN1 significantly reduced cell viability in both AGS and HFE‐145 cells. These data suggest that the GKN1 gene may inhibit progression of gastric epithelial cells to cancer cells by regulating NF‐κB signaling pathway and cytokine expression. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 1800–1809, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The purposes of this study were to evaluate for differences in phenotypic and genotypic characteristics in women who did and did not develop lymphedema (LE) following breast cancer treatment. Breast cancer patients completed a number of self-report questionnaires. LE was evaluated using bioimpedance spectroscopy. Genotyping was done using a custom genotyping array. No differences were found between patients with (n = 155) and without LE (n = 387) for the majority of the demographic and clinical characteristics. Patients with LE had a significantly higher body mass index, more advanced disease and a higher number of lymph nodes removed. Genetic associations were identified for four genes (i.e., lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 (rs315721), neuropilin-2 (rs849530), protein tyrosine kinase (rs158689), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (rs3176861)) and three haplotypes (i.e., Forkhead box protein C2 (haplotype A03), neuropilin-2 (haplotype F03), vascular endothelial growth factor-C (haplotype B03)) involved in lymphangiogensis and angiogenesis. These genetic associations suggest a role for a number of lymphatic and angiogenic genes in the development of LE following breast cancer treatment.  相似文献   
Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytoscape is a free software package for visualizing, modeling and analyzing molecular and genetic interaction networks. This protocol explains how to use Cytoscape to analyze the results of mRNA expression profiling, and other functional genomics and proteomics experiments, in the context of an interaction network obtained for genes of interest. Five major steps are described: (i) obtaining a gene or protein network, (ii) displaying the network using layout algorithms, (iii) integrating with gene expression and other functional attributes, (iv) identifying putative complexes and functional modules and (v) identifying enriched Gene Ontology annotations in the network. These steps provide a broad sample of the types of analyses performed by Cytoscape.  相似文献   
The distribution of amiloride-sensitive sodium channels (ASSCs) in taste buds isolated from the oral cavity of hamsters was assessed by patch clamp recording. In contrast to the case for rats, taste cells from the fungiform, foliate and vallate papillae and from the soft palate all contain functional ASSCs. The differential distribution of ASSCs between the hamster and the rat may be important for understanding the physiology underlying the differing behavioral responses of these species to sodium salts.   相似文献   


Of the animals typically used to study fertilization-induced calcium dynamics, none is as accessible to genetics and molecular biology as the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. Motivated by the experimental possibilities inherent in using such a well-established model organism, we have characterized fertilization-induced calcium dynamics in C. elegans.


Owing to the transparency of the nematode, we have been able to study the calcium signal in C. elegans fertilization in vivo by monitoring the fluorescence of calcium indicator dyes that we introduce into the cytosol of oocytes. In C. elegans, fertilization induces a single calcium transient that is initiated soon after oocyte entry into the spermatheca, the compartment that contains sperm. Therefore, it is likely that the calcium transient is initiated by contact with sperm. This calcium elevation spreads throughout the oocyte, and decays monotonically after which the cytosolic calcium concentration returns to that preceding fertilization. Only this single calcium transient is observed.


Development of a technique to study fertilization induced calcium transients opens several experimental possibilities, e.g., identification of the signaling events intervening sperm binding and calcium elevation, identifying the possible roles of the calcium elevation such as the completion of meiosis, the formation of the eggshell, and the establishing of the embryo's axis of symmetry.  相似文献   
Background and Aim: Our previous study of Helicobacter pylori‐induced apoptosis showed the involvement of Bcl‐2 family proteins and cytochrome c release from mitochondria. Here, we examine the release of other factors from mitochondria, such as apoptosis‐inducing factor (AIF), and upstream events involving caspase‐8 and Bid. Methods: Human gastric adenocarcinoma (AGS) cells were incubated with a cagA‐positive H. pylori strain for 0, 3, 6, and 24 hours and either total protein or cytoplasmic, nuclear, and mitochondrial membrane fractions were collected. Results: Proteins were immunoblotted for AIF, Bid, polyadenosine ribose polymerase (PARP), caspase‐8, and β‐catenin. H. pylori activated caspase‐8, caused PARP cleavage, and attenuated mitochondrial membrane potential. A time‐dependent decrease in β‐catenin protein expression was detected in cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts, coupled with a decrease in β‐actin. An increase in the cytoplasmic pool of AIF was seen as early as 3 hours after H. pylori exposure, and a concomitant increase was seen in nuclear AIF levels up to 6 hours. A band corresponding to full‐length Bid was seen in both the cytoplasmic and the nuclear fractions of controls, but not after H. pylori exposure. Active AIF staining was markedly increased in gastric mucosa from infected persons, compared to uninfected controls. Conclusion: H. pylori might trigger apoptosis in AGS cells via interaction with death receptors in the plasma membrane, leading to the cleavage of procaspase‐8, release of cytochrome c and AIF from mitochondria, and activation of subsequent downstream apoptotic events, as reported previously for chlorophyllin. This is consistent with AIF activation that was found in the gastric mucosa of humans infected with H. pylori. Hence, the balance between apoptosis and proliferation in these cells may be altered in response to injury caused by H. pylori infection, leading to an increased risk of cancer.  相似文献   
Patterns of sequence variation in the mitochondrial D-loop region of shrews   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
Direct sequencing of the mitochondrial displacement loop (D-loop) of shrews (genus Sorex) for the region between the tRNA(Pro) and the conserved sequence block-F revealed variable numbers of 79-bp tandem repeats. These repeats were found in all 19 individuals sequenced, representing three subspecies and one closely related species of the masked shrew group (Sorex cinereus cinereus, S. c. miscix, S. c. acadicus, and S. haydeni) and an outgroup, the pygmy shrew (S. hoyi). Each specimen also possessed an adjacent 76-bp imperfect copy of the tandem repeats. One individual was heteroplasmic for length variants consisting of five and seven copies of the 79-bp tandem repeat. The sequence of the repeats is conducive to the formation of secondary structure. A termination-associated sequence is present in each of the repeats and in a unique sequence region 5' to the tandem array as well. Mean genetic distance between the masked shrew taxa and the pygmy shrew was calculated separately for the unique sequence region, one of the tandem repeats, the imperfect repeat, and these three regions combined. The unique sequence region evolved more rapidly than the tandem repeats or the imperfect repeat. The small genetic distance between pairs of tandem repeats within an individual is consistent with a model of concerted evolution. Repeats are apparently duplicated and lost at a high rate, which tends to homogenize the tandem array. The rate of D- loop sequence divergence between the masked and pygmy shrews is estimated to be 15%-20%/Myr, the highest rate observed in D-loops of mammals. Rapid sequence evolution in shrews may be due either to their high metabolic rate and short generation time or to the presence of variable numbers of tandem repeats.   相似文献   
Several human pathogens (e.g., Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Bordetella pertussis, Plasmodium falciparum, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis) have very restricted unselected allelic variation in structural genes, which hinders study of the genetic relationships among strains and strain-trait correlations. To address this problem in a representative pathogen, 432 M. tuberculosis complex strains from global sources were genotyped on the basis of 230 synonymous (silent) single nucleotide polymorphisms (sSNPs) identified by comparison of four genome sequences. Eight major clusters of related genotypes were identified in M. tuberculosis sensu stricto, including a single cluster representing organisms responsible for several large outbreaks in the United States and Asia. All M. tuberculosis sensu stricto isolates of previously unknown phylogenetic position could be rapidly and unambiguously assigned to one of the eight major clusters, thus providing a facile strategy for identifying organisms that are clonally related by descent. Common clones of M. tuberculosis sensu stricto and M. bovis are distinct, deeply branching genotypic complexes whose extant members did not emerge directly from one another in the recent past. sSNP genotyping rapidly delineates relationships among closely related strains of pathogenic microbes and allows construction of genetic frameworks for examining the distribution of biomedically relevant traits such as virulence, transmissibility, and host range.  相似文献   
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