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Species with elaborate parental care often also show intense sibling competition over resources provided by parents, suggesting joint evolution of these two traits. Despite this, the evolution of elaborate parental care and the evolution of intense sibling competition are often studied separately. Here, we examine the interaction between parental food provisioning and sibling competition for resources through the joint manipulation of the presence or absence of parents and brood size in a species with facultative parental care: the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. The effect of the interaction between the presence or absence of parents and brood size was strong; brood size had a strong effect on growth when parents provided care, but no effect when parents were absent. As in previous studies, offspring grew faster when parents were present than when parents were absent, and offspring grew faster in smaller broods than in larger broods. Our behavioral observations showed that brood size had a negative effect on both the amount of time parents spent providing resources to individual offspring and the offspring's effectiveness of begging, confirming that the level of sibling competition increased with brood size. Furthermore, offspring in larger broods shifted more from begging toward self-feeding as they grew older compared to offspring in small broods. Our study provides novel insights into the joint evolution of parental care and sibling competition, and the evolution of offspring begging signals. We discuss the implications of our results in light of recent theoretical work on the evolution of parental care, sibling competition, and offspring begging signals.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA evolution in the genus Equus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Employing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-endonuclease maps as the basis of comparison, we have investigated the evolutionary affinities of the seven species generally recognized as the genus Equus. Individual species' cleavage maps contained an average of 60 cleavage sites for 16 enzymes, of which 29 were invariant for all species. Based on an average divergence rate of 2%/Myr, the variation between species supports a divergence of extant lineages from a common ancestor approximately 3.9 Myr before the present. Comparisons of cleavage maps between Equus przewalskii (Mongolian wild horse) and E. caballus (domestic horse) yielded estimates of nucleotide sequence divergence ranging from 0.27% to 0.41%. This range was due to intraspecific variation, which was noted only for E. caballus. For pairwise comparisons within this family, estimates of sequence divergence ranged from 0% (E. hemionus onager vs. E. h. kulan) to 7.8% (E. przewalskii vs. E. h. onager). Trees constructed according to the parsimony principle, on the basis of 31 phylogenetically informative restriction sites, indicate that the three extant zebra species represent a monophyletic group with E. grevyi and E. burchelli antiquorum diverging most recently. The phylogenetic relationships of E. africanus and E. hemionus remain enigmatic on the basis of the mtDNA analysis, although a recent divergence is unsupported.   相似文献   
There is a need for better methods to quantify regional myocardial function. In the present study, we investigated the feasibility of quantifying regional function in terms of a segmental myocardial work index as derived from strain Doppler echocardiography (SDE) and invasive pressure. In 10 anesthetized dogs, we measured left ventricular (LV) pressure by micromanometer and myocardial longitudinal strains by SDE and sonomicrometry. The regional myocardial work index (RMWI) was calculated as the area of the pressure-strain loop. As a reference method for strain, we used sonomicrometry. By convention, the loop area was assigned a positive sign when the pressure-strain coordinates rotated counterclockwise. Measurements were done at baseline and during volume loading and left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) occlusion, respectively. There was a good correlation between RMWI calculated from strain by SDE and strain by sonomicrometry (y = 0.73x + 0.21, r = 0.82, P < 0.01). Volume loading caused an increase in RMWI from 1.3 +/- 0.2 to 2.2 +/- 0.1 kJ/m3 (P < 0.05) by SDE and from 1.5 +/- 0.3 to 2.7 +/- 0.3 kJ/m3 (P = 0.066) by sonomicrometry. Short-term ischemia (1 min) caused a decrease in RMWI from 1.3 +/- 0.2 to 0.3 +/- 0.04 kJ/m3 (P < 0.05) and from 1.3 +/- 0.3 to 0.5 +/- 0.2 kJ/m3 (P < 0.05) by SDE and sonomicrometry, respectively. In the nonischemic ventricle and during short-term ischemia, the pressure-strain loops rotated counterclockwise, consistent with actively contracting segments. Long-term ischemia (3 h), however, caused the pressure-strain loop to rotate clockwise, consistent with entirely passive segments, and the loop areas became negative, -0.2 +/- 0.1 and -0.1 +/- 0.03 kJ/m3 (P < 0.05) by SDE and sonomicrometry, respectively. A RMWI can be estimated by SDE in combination with LV pressure. Furthermore, the orientation of the loop can be used to assess whether the segment is active or passive.  相似文献   
The curvilinearity of the atrial pressure-volume curve implies that atrial compliance decreases progressively with increasing left atrial (LA) pressure (LAP). We predicted that reduced LA compliance leads to more rapid deceleration of systolic pulmonary venous (PV) flow. With this rationale, we investigated whether the deceleration time (t dec) of PV systolic flow velocity reflects mean LAP. In eight patients during coronary surgery, before extracorporeal circulation, PV flow by ultrasonic transit time and invasive LAP were recorded during stepwise volume loading. The t dec was calculated using two methods: by drawing a tangent through peak deceleration and by drawing a line from peak systolic flow through the nadir between the systolic and early diastolic flow waves. LA compliance was calculated as the systolic PV flow integral divided by LAP increment. Volume loading increased mean LAP from 11 +/- 3 to 20 +/- 5 mmHg (P < 0.001) (n = 40), reduced LA compliance from 1.16 +/- 0.42 to 0.72 +/- 0.40 ml/mmHg (P < 0.004) (n = 40), and reduced t dec from 320 +/- 50 to 170 +/- 40 ms (P < 0.0005) (n = 40). Mean LAP correlated well with t dec (r = 0.84, P < 0.0005) (n = 40) and LA compliance (r = 0.79, P < 0.0005) (n = 40). Elevated LAP caused a decrease in LA compliance and therefore more rapid deceleration of systolic PV flow. The t dec has potential to become a semiquantitative marker of LAP and an index of LA passive elastic properties.  相似文献   
Physiological, biochemical and histological indices in Clarias gariepinus broodstock, and teratogenic indices in embryos exposed to sublethal concentrations of naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene were investigated in 2014 using a static-renewal bioassay protocol. Phenanthrene (1.41 mg l?1) was the most toxic, followed by pyrene (1.53 mg l?1) and naphthalene (7.21 mg l?1), based on 96 h LC50 values. Hepatosomatic indices were significantly higher in naphthalene- and pyrene-treated males compared with solvent controls, whereas fecundity in females was significantly lower by factors of 2.4 (naphthalene), 2.8 (phenanthrene) and 2.4 (pyrene), compared with controls. Catalase levels were lower in female phenanthrene-treated fish compared with controls. Histological alterations observed in PAH-treated fish include oedema, inflammatory cells, epithelial lifting and hyperplasia in the gills, vacuolation, haemosiderin pigments and sinusoidal congestion in the liver, and degenerated zona radiata in the ovary. Teratogenic effects were not observed, as evidenced by the lack of histological alterations in embryos spawned from pre-exposed broodstock. Sex-specific responses and the utility of biomarkers at cellular and individual levels of organisation are therefore demonstrated for holistic evaluations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   
When estimating heritability in free‐living populations, it is common practice to account for common environment effects, because of their potential to generate phenotypic covariance among relatives thereby biasing heritability estimates. In quantitative genetic studies of natural populations, however, philopatry, which results in relatives being clustered in space, is rarely accounted for. The two studies that have been carried out so far suggest absolute declines in heritability estimates of up to 43% when accounting for space sharing by relatives. However, due to methodological limitations these estimates may not be representative. We used data from the St. Kilda Soay sheep population to estimate heritabilities with and without accounting for space sharing for five traits for which there is evidence for additive genetic variance (birthweight, birth date, lamb August weight, and female post‐mortem jaw and metacarpal length). We accounted for space sharing by related females by separately incorporating spatial autocorrelation, and a home range similarity matrix. Although these terms accounted for up to 18% of the variance in these traits, heritability estimates were only reduced by up to 7%. Our results suggest that the bias caused by not accounting for space sharing may be lower than previously thought. This suggests that philopatry does not inevitably lead to a large bias if space sharing by relatives is not accounted for. We hope our work stimulates researchers to model shared space when relatives in their study population share space, as doing so will enable us to better understand when bias may be of particular concern.  相似文献   
Inbreeding depression is the reduction in fitness caused by mating between related individuals. Inbreeding is expected to cause a reduction in offspring fitness when the offspring themselves are inbred, but outbred individuals may also suffer a reduction in fitness when they depend on care from inbred parents. At present, little is known about the significance of such intergenerational effects of inbreeding. Here, we report two experiments on the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, an insect with elaborate parental care, in which we investigated inbreeding depression in offspring when either the offspring themselves or their parents were inbred. We found substantial inbreeding depression when offspring were inbred, including reductions in hatching success of inbred eggs and survival of inbred offspring. We also found substantial inbreeding depression when parents were inbred, including reductions in hatching success of eggs produced by inbred parents and survival of outbred offspring that received care from inbred parents. Our results suggest that intergenerational effects of inbreeding can have substantial fitness costs to offspring, and that future studies need to incorporate such costs to obtain accurate estimates of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   
The consequence of harvesting young leaves of cassava as vegetable on the vulnerability of the crop to cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and on storage root yield was investigated using 30 cassava genotypes planted in IITA fields located in the humid forest (Port Harcourt?:?Onne), forest-savannah transition (Ibadan), southern guinea savannah (Mokwa) and northern guinea savannah (Zaria) agroecologies in Nigeria. Tender apical leaves and shoots of the cassava genotypes were removed from forty plants per cassava genotype with the same number of plants considered as control. Whitefly infestation, disease incidence (DI) and symptom severity (ISS) of the disease were assessed at monthly interval for six months and also at the ninth month after planting (MAP). Yield reduction due to this treatment was calculated as percentage harvest index (HI). Whitefly population fluctuated throughout the period of observation at all locations with higher population obtained generally for treated plants compared to control plants. Sprouting leaves of some treated genotypes were observed with severe mosaic symptoms, while corresponding control showed no mosaic symptoms. Contrarily, no remarkable difference was observed in Zaria between the mean ISS of treated and control cassava genotypes. There was a highly significant difference (P?<?0.01) in DI and ISS among cassava genotypes across all locations. Also, there was a highly significant interaction (P?<?0.01) in symptom severity between location (loc) and genotype, genotype and treatment (trt), loc and trt. Interaction between loc, genotypes and trt with regard to DI was highly significant at 2, 3 and 4 MAP, while with ISS, the interaction was highly significant all through the counting period. There was a positive relationship between DI and ISS on plants of genotypes 96/1039 and ISU. The percentage HI (27.4) of treated plants of genotype 95/0166 in Ibadan was remarkably lower than the value obtained for corresponding control (41.9) plants. Also, sharp distinction in% HI of treated (39.5) and control (43.8) ISU was observed in Onne with their respective ISS values as 3.7 and 3.2. Therefore, harvesting tender apical leaves and shoots of cassava as vegetables should be discouraged as it increases the severity of CMD infection in the regenerating shoots of cassava with attendant storage root yield reduction.  相似文献   
In species with biparental care, sexual conflict occurs because the benefit of care depends on the total amount of care provided by the two parents while the cost of care depends on each parent's own contribution. Asynchronous hatching may play a role in mediating the resolution of this conflict over parental care. The sexual conflict hypothesis for the evolution of asynchronous hatching suggests that females adjust hatching patterns in order to increase male parental effort relative to female effort. We tested this hypothesis in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides by setting up experimental broods with three different hatching patterns: synchronous, asynchronous and highly asynchronous broods. As predicted, we found that males provided care for longer in asynchronous broods whereas the opposite was true of females. However, we did not find any benefit to females of reducing their duration of care in terms of increased lifespan or reduced mass loss during breeding. We found substantial negative effects of hatching asynchrony on offspring fitness as larval mass was lower and fewer larvae survived to dispersal in highly asynchronous broods compared to synchronous or asynchronous broods. Our results suggest that, even though females can increase male parental effort by hatching their broods more asynchronously, females pay a substantial cost from doing so in terms of reducing offspring growth and survival. Thus, females should be under selection to produce a hatching pattern that provides the best possible trade‐off between the benefits of increased male parental effort and the costs due to reduced offspring fitness.  相似文献   
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