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We provide molecular data (cox1, 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA) for 17 acanthocephalan species and 20 host-parasite combinations from Australian marine teleosts collected from off Queensland, Australia. Fourteen of these acanthocephalans are characterised with molecular data for the first time and we provide the first molecular data for a species of each of the genera Heterosentis Van Cleave, 1931, Pyriproboscis Amin, Abdullah & Mhaisen, 2003 and Sclerocollum Schmidt & Paperna, 1978. Using 18S and 28S rDNA sequences, the phylogenetic position of each newly sequenced species is assessed with both single-gene and concatenated 18S+28S maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses. Additional phylogenetic analyses focusing on the genus Rhadinorhynchus Lühe, 1912 and related lineages are included. Our phylogenetic results are broadly consistent with previous analyses, recovering previously identified inconsistencies but also providing new insights and necessitating taxonomic action. We do not find sufficient evidence to recognise the Gymnorhadinorhynchidae Braicovich, Lanfranchi, Farber, Marvaldi, Luque & Timi, 2014 as distinct from the Rhadinorhynchidae Lühe, 1912. The family Gymnorhadinorhynchidae and its sole genus, Gymnorhadinorhynchus Braicovich, Lanfranchi, Farber, Marvaldi, Luque & Timi, 2014, are here recognised as junior synonyms of Rhadinorhynchidae and Rhadinorhynchus, respectively. The two species currently assigned to Gymnorhadinorhynchus are recombined as Rhadinorhynchus decapteri (Braicovich, Lanfranchi, Farber, Marvaldi, Luque & Timi, 2014) n. comb. and Rhadinorhynchus mariserpentis (Steinauer, Garcia-Vedrenne, Weinstein & Kuris, 2019) n. comb. In all of our analyses, Rhadinorhynchus biformis Smales, 2014 is found basal to the Rhadinorhynchidae + Transvenidae Pichelin & Cribb, 2001, thus resulting in a paraphyletic Rhadinorhynchidae. It appears that R. biformis may require a new genus and family; however, morphological data for this species are currently insufficient to adequately distinguish it from related lineages, thus we defer the proposal of any new higher-rank names for this species. Species of the genus Sclerocollum, currently assigned to the Cavisomidae Meyer, 1932, are found nested within the family Transvenidae. We transfer the genus Sclerocollum to the Transvenidae and amend the diagnosis of the family accordingly. The genera Gorgorhynchoides Cable & Linderoth, 1963 and Serrasentis Van Cleave, 1923, currently assigned to the Rhadinorhynchidae, are supported as sister taxa and form a clade in the Polymorphida. We transfer these genera and Golvanorhynchus Noronha, Fabio & Pinto, 1978 to an emended concept of the Isthomosacanthidae Smales, 2012 and transfer this family to the Polymorphida. Lastly, Pyriproboscis heronensis (Pichelin, 1997) Amin, Abdullah & Mhaisen, 2003, currently assigned to the Pomphorhynchidae Yamaguti, 1939, falls under the Polymorphida in our analyses with some support for a sister relationship with the Centrorhynchidae Van Cleave, 1916. As this species clearly does not belong in the Pomphorhynchidae and is morphologically and molecularly distinct from the lineages of the Polymorphida, we propose the Pyriprobosicidae n. fam. to accommodate it.

Recombinant protein products such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for use in the clinic must be clear of host cell impurities such as host cell protein (HCP), DNA/RNA, and high molecular weight immunogenic aggregates. Despite the need to remove and monitor HCPs, the nature, and fate of these during downstream processing (DSP) remains poorly characterized. We have applied a proteomic approach to investigate the dynamics and fate of HCPs in the supernatant of a mAb producing cell line during early DSP including centrifugation, depth filtration, and protein A capture chromatography. The primary clarification technique selected was shown to influence the HCP profile that entered subsequent downstream steps. MabSelect protein A chromatography removed the majority of contaminating proteins, however using 2D‐PAGE we could visualize not only the antibody species in the eluate (heavy and light chain) but also contaminant HCPs. These data showed that the choice of secondary clarification impacts upon the HCP profile post‐protein A chromatography as differences arose in both the presence and abundance of specific HCPs when depth filters were compared. A number of intracellularly located HCPs were identified in protein A elution fractions from a Null cell line culture supernatant including the chaperone Bip/GRP78, heat shock proteins, and the enzyme enolase. We demonstrate that the selection of early DSP steps influences the resulting HCP profile and that 2D‐PAGE can be used for monitoring and identification of HCPs post‐protein A chromatography. This approach could be used to screen cell lines or hosts to select those with reduced HCP profiles, or to identify HCPs that are problematic and difficult to remove so that cell‐engineering approaches can be applied to reduced, or eliminate, such HCPs. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 240–251. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
One cestode and 3 species of nematodes are recorded from Pseudohydromys murinus and Pseudohydromys occidentalis (Muridae: Hydromyinae), from Papua New Guinea, for the first time. Heterakis fieldingi (Ascaridida: Heterakidea) has previously been known from Australia. Odilia sp. resembles Odilia praeputialis in the orientation of the synlophe and the number and size of ridges but differs in the length of spicule and lack of a praepuce. Protospirura kaindiensis n. sp. (Spirurida: Spiruridae) is readily distinguished from all other members of the genus by the number and arrangement of caudal papillae and the length of the spicules.  相似文献   
The folding, transport and modification of recombinant proteins in the constitutive secretory pathway of eukaryotic cell expression systems are reported to be a bottleneck in their production. We have utilised a proteomic approach to investigate the processes catalysed by proteins constituting the secretory pathway to further our understanding of those processes involved in high-level antibody secretion. We used GS-NS0 cell populations differing in qmAb to prepare enriched microsome fractions from each cell population at mid-exponential growth phase. These were analysed by 2-D PAGE to characterise the microsome protein component and test the hypothesis that bottlenecks in recombinant protein synthesis exist in these compartments, which are alleviated in high producers by the up-regulation of key secretory pathway proteins. Proteins whose abundance changed in a statistically significant manner with increasing qmAb were involved in a range of cellular functions: energy metabolism, mAb folding/assembly, cytoskeletal organisation and protein turnover. Amongst these were BiP and PDI, chaperones resident in the ER that interact with nascent immunoglobulins during their folding/assembly. However, our results suggest that there are diverse mechanisms by which these cells achieve qmAb. The results imply that cell-engineering strategies for improving qmAb should target proteins associated with altered functional phenotype identified in this study.  相似文献   
The morphological characters used to differentiate species in the genus Labiostrongylus Yorke & Maplestone, 1926, parasitic in macropodid and potoroid marsupials, are discussed. The genus is divided into three subgenera Labiostrongylus (Labiostrongylus), L. (Labiomultiplex) n. subg. and L. (Labiosimplex) n. subg. on the basis of the presence or absence of interlabia and the morphology of the oesophagus. A key to the subgenera is given and a detailed revision of two of the subgenera is presented. Keys to each of the subgenera are given, the species discussed being: L. (L.) labiostrongylus) (type-species) (syn. L. (L.) insularis, L. (L.) grandis, L. (L.) macropodis sp. inq. and L. (L.) nabarlekensis n. sp., in the subgenus Labiostrongylus, and L. (Lm.) eugenii, L. (Lm.) novaeguineae, L. (Lm.) onychogale, L. (Lm.) uncinatus, L. (Lm.) billardierii n. sp., L. (Lm.) constrictis n. sp., L. (Lm.) kimberleyensis n. sp., L. (Lm.) thylogale n. sp., and L. (Lm.) potoroi, n. sp., in the subgenus Labiomultiplex.  相似文献   
The effects of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on cyclic AMP (cAMP) concentrations of chick limb bud cells obtained from limbs at various stages of development were investigated. In addition, endogenous concentrations of PGE2 were examined in whole limbs from comparable stages. Prior to either chondrogenesis or myogenesis (stages 20-23), cells were more responsive to PGE2, in terms of cAMP levels, than those of differentiated phenotypes, obtained at stages 25-28. This greater responsiveness to PGE2 of undifferentiated cells was correlated with endogenous concentrations of PGE2 which were significantly higher in undifferentiated limbs than in limbs containing differentiated cartilage and muscle. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity was detectable in cell homogenates at each stage examined and did not appear to change in cAMP dependency at any stage. The majority (80-85%) of total enzyme activity was localized in soluble fractions of cell homogenates while the residual activity was localized to membrane-enriched, particulate fractions. The results demonstrate that both responsiveness of limb mesenchyme to PGE2 and endogenous concentrations of PGE2 are maximal prior to cytodifferentiation of limb tissues. The presence of cAMP-dependent protein kinase in these undifferentiated cells supports a regulatory role for both PGE2 and a cAMP-protein phosphorylation system in the differentiation of limb tissues.  相似文献   
This study examined the binding of both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP to receptor proteins in particulate and soluble subfractions of renal cortical homogenates from the golden hamster. The binding of both nucleotides was compared to subsequent effects of both nucleotides on the phosphorylation of histone from identical fractions. Cyclic AMP binding and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity predominated in the cytosol, with some binding and enzyme activity also detected in particulate fractions. Cyclic GMP and cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase activity could only be demonstrated in cytosolic fractions and represented only 20-30% of cyclic AMP-dependent activity in this fraction. Binding of both nucleotides was highly specific, however, cyclic AMP showed some interaction with cyclic GMP binding. Evidence suggesting that each nucleotide interacts with a specific protein kinase was as follows: both the binding activity of the cyclic nucleotides and their combined protein kinase activity show additivity; cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP binding activity could be separated on sucrose gradients; cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP protein kinase activity could be separated with Sephadex G-100 chromatography, after preincubation of homogenate supernatants with either cyclic AMP or cyclic GMP. The results demonstrate the presence of both cyclic AMP- and cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase in renal cortex.  相似文献   
In epithelial and endothelial cells, tight junctions limit paracellular flux of ions, proteins and other macromolecules. However, mechanisms regulating tight junction function are not clear. Occludin, a tight junction protein, undergoes phosphorylation changes in several situations but little is known about occludin kinases. A recombinant C-terminal fragment of occludin is a substrate for a kinase in crude extracts of brain. This activity was purified about 10000-fold and identified as CK2 (casein kinase 2) by peptide mass fingerprinting, immunoblotting and mutation of CK2 sites within the occludin sequence. CK2 is therefore a candidate kinase for regulation of occludin phosphorylation in vivo.  相似文献   
Protein A chromatography is a critical and ‘gold‐standard’ step in the purification of monoclonal antibody (mAb) products. Its ability to remove >98% of impurities in a single step alleviates the burden on subsequent process steps and facilitates the implementation of platform processes, with a minimal number of chromatographic steps. Here, we have evaluated four commercially available protein A chromatography matrices in terms of their ability to remove host cell proteins (HCPs), a complex group of process related impurities that must be removed to minimal levels. SELDI‐TOF MS was used as a screening tool to generate an impurity profile fingerprint for each resin and indicated a number of residual impurities present following protein A chromatography, agreeing with HCP ELISA. Although many of these were observed for all matrices there was a significantly elevated level of impurity binding associated with the resin based on controlled pore glass under standard conditions. Use of null cell line supernatant with and without spiked purified mAb demonstrated the interaction of HCPs to be not only with the resin back‐bone but also with the bound mAb. A null cell line column overload and sample enrichment method before 2D‐PAGE was then used to determine individual components associated with resin back‐bone adsorption. The methods shown allow for a critical analysis of HCP removal during protein A chromatography. Taken together they provide the necessary process understanding to allow process engineers to identify rational approaches for the removal of prominent HCPs. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 28: 1037–1044, 2012  相似文献   
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