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Human glutathione synthetase (hGS) catalyzes the second ATP-dependent step in the biosynthesis of glutathione (GSH) and is negatively cooperative to the γ-glutamyl substrate. The hGS active site is composed of three highly conserved catalytic loops, notably the alanine rich A-loop. Experimental and computational investigations of the impact of mutation of Asp458 are reported, and thus the role of this A-loop residue on hGS structure, activity, negativity cooperativity and stability is defined. Several Asp458 hGS mutants (D458A, D458N and D458R) were constructed using site-directed mutagenesis and their activities determined (10%, 15% and 7% of wild-type hGS, respectively). The Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) was determined for all three substrates (glycine, GAB and ATP): glycine Km increased by 30–115-fold, GAB Km decreased by 8–17-fold, and the ATP Km was unchanged. All Asp458 mutants display a change in cooperativity from negative cooperativity to non-cooperative. All mutants show similar stability as compared to wild-type hGS, as determined by differential scanning calorimetry. The findings indicate that Asp458 is essential for hGS catalysis and that it impacts the allostery of hGS.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNAs of six morphologically different Phytophthora species were digested with 15 restriction enzymes. The numbers of restriction fragments obtained differed considerably from those theoretically expected for random base distribution. Enzymes with relatively many G and C in their recognition sequences produced significantly larger numbers of fragments. Moreover, fragments generated by most of these enzymes were more often shared by two or more species than those from enzymes with more A and T in their recognition sequence. It is concluded that base distribution in mitochondrial DNA of Phytophthora is heterogeneous,AT-rich stretches occurring scattered over the mitochondrial genome and GC-rich regions present in conserved sequences, presumably genes. A practical consequence for taxonomic RFLP studies is that optimal enzymes can be selected, depending on the desired level of resolution.  相似文献   
The 18S ribosomal RNAs of 21 tetrapods were sequenced and aligned with five published tetrapod sequences. When the coelacanth was used as an outgroup, Lissamphibia (living amphibians) and Amniota (amniotes) were found to be statistically significant monophyletic groups. Although little resolution was obtained among the lissamphibian taxa, the amniote sequences support a sister-group relationship between birds and mammals. Portions of the 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecule in 11 tetrapods also were sequenced, although the phylogenetic results were inconclusive. In contrast to previous studies, deletion or down- weighting of base-paired sites were found to have little effect on phylogenetic relationships. Molecular evidence for amniote relationships is reviewed, showing that three genes (beta-hemoglobin, myoglobin, and 18S rRNA) unambiguously support a bird-mammal relationship, compared with one gene (histone H2B) that favors a bird- crocodilian clade. Separate analyses of four other genes (alpha- crystallin A, alpha-hemoglobin, insulin, and 28S rRNA) and a combined analysis of all sequence data are inconclusive, in that different groups are defined in different analyses and none are strongly supported. It is suggested that until sequences become available from a broader array of taxa, the molecular evidence is best evaluated at the level of individual genes, with emphasis placed on those studies with the greatest number of taxa and sites. When this is done, a bird-mammal relationship is most strongly supported. When regarded in combination with the morphological evidence for this association, it must be considered at least as plausible as a bird-crocodilian relationship.   相似文献   
The obligate homodimer human glutathione synthetase (hGS) provides an ideal system for exploring the role of protein–protein interactions in the structural stability, activity and allostery of enzymes. The two active sites of hGS, which are 40 Å apart, display allosteric modulation by the substrate γ-glutamylcysteine (γ-GC) during the synthesis of glutathione, a key cellular antioxidant. The two subunits interact at a relatively small dimer interface dominated by electrostatic interactions between S42, R221, and D24. Alanine scans of these sites result in enzymes with decreased activity, altered γ-GC affinity, and decreased thermal stability. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate these mutations disrupt interchain bonding and impact the tertiary structure of hGS. While the ionic hydrogen bonds and salt bridges between S42, R221, and D24 do not mediate allosteric communication in hGS, these interactions have a dramatic impact on the activity and structural stability of the enzyme.  相似文献   
It was hypothesized that residues Val44 and Val45 serve as important residues for human glutathione synthetase (hGS) function and stability given their location at the dimer interface of this enzyme. Computational studies suggest that mutation at Val45 has more impact on the structure and stability of hGS than does mutation at Val44. Experimentally, enzymes with mutations at the 44 and or 45 positions of hGS were prepared, purified and assayed for initial activity. Val45 position mutations (either to alanine or tryptophan) have a greater impact on enzyme activity than do mutations at Val44. Differential scanning calorimetry experiments reveal a loss of stability in all mutant enzymes, with V45 mutations being less stable than the corresponding Val44 mutations. The γ-GluABA substrate affinity remains unaltered in V44A and V45A mutant enzymes, but increases when tryptophan is introduced at either of these positions. Hill coefficients trend towards less negative cooperativity with the exception of V45W mutant hGS. These results imply that residues V44 and V45 are located along the allosteric pathway of this negatively cooperative dimeric enzyme, that their mutation impacts the allosteric pathway more than it does the active site of hGS, and that these residues (and by extension the dimer interface in which they are located) are integral to the stability of human glutathione synthetase.  相似文献   
Current inverse dynamics models of the upper extremity (UE) are limited for the measurement of Lofstrand crutch-assisted gait. The objective of this study is to develop, validate, and demonstrate a three-dimensional (3-D) UE motion assessment system to quantify crutch-assisted gait in children. We propose a novel 3-D dynamic model of the UEs and crutches for quantification of joint motions, forces, and moments during Lofstrand crutch-assisted gait. The model is composed of the upper body (i.e., thorax, upper arms, forearms, and hands) and Lofstrand crutches to determine joint dynamics of the thorax, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and crutches. The model was evaluated and applied to a pediatric subject with myelomeningocele (MM) to demonstrate its effectiveness in the characterization of crutch gait during multiple walking patterns. The model quantified UE dynamics during reciprocal and swing-through crutch-assisted gait patterns. Joint motions and forces were greater during swing-through gait than reciprocal gait. The model is suitable for further application to pediatric crutch-user populations. This study has potential for improving the understanding of the biomechanics of crutch-assisted gait and may impact clinical intervention strategies and therapeutic planning of ambulation.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to develop an instrumented Lofstrand crutch system, which quantifies three-dimensional (3-D) upper extremity (UE) kinematics and kinetics using an inverse dynamics model. The model describes the dynamics of the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and crutches and is compliant with the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) recommended standards. A custom designed Lofstrand crutch system with four, six-degree-of-freedom force transducers was implemented with the inverse dynamics model to obtain triaxial UE joint reaction forces and moments. The crutch system was validated statically and dynamically for accuracy of computing joint reaction forces and moments during gait. The root mean square (RMS) error of the system ranged from 0.84 to 5.20%. The system was demonstrated in children with diplegic cerebral palsy (CP), incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI), and type I osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). The greatest joint reaction forces were observed in the posterior direction of the wrist, while shoulder flexion moments were the greatest joint reaction moments. The subject with CP showed the highest forces and the subject with SCI demonstrated the highest moments. Dynamic quantification may help to elucidate UE joint demands in regard to pain and pathology in long-term assistive device users.  相似文献   
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